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^/^        '<    \j 



Works  by  the  same  Author. 


With  70  Illustrations. 

THE  WILD  GARDEN,  or  our  Groves  and  Shrubberies 
made  beautiful  by  the  naturalisation  of  hardy  exotic 
plants.  With  Frontispiece. 

MUSHROOM  CULTURE :  its  Extension  and  Improve- 
ment. With  Illustrations. 

Nearly  Heady. 

BOUS, AND  ALPINE  PLANTS.  This  will  be  the  most 
comprehensive  and  practically  instructive  book  ever  pub- 
lished on  these  plants.  With  Frontispiece. 

ENNIALS, BULBS,  ANNUALS,  etc.,  including  also  all 
British  Plants.  Prepared  for  the  purpose  of  facilitating 
exchanges,  &c.,  and  enumerating  nearly  10,000  hardy 
exotic  and  Britsh  plants. 





BEAUTY    OF    FORM    IN    THE 








THIS  book  is  written  with  a  view  to  assist  the  newly- 
awakened  taste  for  something  more  than  mere  colour  in 
the  flower-garden,  by  enumerating,  describing,  indicating 
the  best  positions  for,  and  giving  the  culture  of,  all  our 
materials  for  what  is  called  "  subtropical  gardening." 
This  not  very  happy,  not  very  descriptive  name,  is 
adopted  from  its  popularity  only;  fortunately  for  our 
gardens  numbers  of  subjects  not  from  subtropical  climes 
may  be  employed  with  great  advantage.  Subtropical 
gardening  means  the  culture  of  plants  with  large  and 
graceful  or  remarkable  foliage  or  habit,  and  the  associa- 
tion of  them  with  the  usually  low-growing  and  brilliant 
flowering-plants  now  so  common  in  our  gardens,  and 
which  frequently  eradicate  every  trace  of  beauty  of  form 
therein,  making  the  flower-garden  a  thing  of  large  masses 
of  colour  only. 

The  guiding  aim  in  this  book  has  been  the  selection  of 
really  suitable  subjects,  and  the  rejection  of  many  that 
have  been  recommended  and  tried  for  this  purpose. 
This  point  is  more  important  than  at  first  sight  would 


vi  Preface. 

appear,  for  in  most  of  the  literature  hitherto  devoted  to 
the  subject  plants  entirely  unsuitable  are  named.  Thus 
we  find  such  things  as  Alnus  glandulosa  aurea  and  Ulmus 
campestris  aurea  (a  form  of  the  common  elm)  enumerated 
among  subtropical  plants  by  one  author.  Manifestly 
if  these  are  admissible  almost  every  species  of  plant  is 
equally  so.  These  belong  to  a  class  of  variegated  hardy 
subjects  that  have  been  in  our  gardens  for  ages,  and  have 
nothing  whatever  to  do  with  subtropical  gardening.  Two 
other  classes  have  also  purposely  been  omitted :  very 
tender  stove-plants,  many  of  which  have  been  tried  in 
vain  in  the  Paris  and  London  Parks,  and  such  things 
as  Echeveria  secunda,  which  though  belonging  to  a  type 
frequently  enumerated  among  subtropical  plants,  are, 
more  properly,  subjects  of  the  bedding  class.  But  if  I  have 
excluded  many  that  I  know  to  be  unsuitable,  every  type 
of  the  vegetation  of  northern  and  temperate  countries  has 
been  searched  for  valuable  kinds ;  and  as  no  tropical  or 
subtropical  subject  that  is  really  effective  has  been 
omitted,  the  result  is  the  most  complete  selection  that  is 
possible  from  the  plants  now  in  cultivation. 

No  pains  have  been  spared  to  show  by  the  aid  of  illus- 
trations the  beauty  of  form  displayed  by  the  various  types 
of  plants  herein  enumerated.  For  some  of  the  illustra- 
tions I  have  to  thank  MM.  Vilmorin  and  Andrieux,  the 
well-known  Parisian  firm ;  for  others,  the  proprietors  of 
the  *  Field ; '  while  the  rest  are  from  the  graceful  pencil  of 
Mr.  Alfred  Dawson,  and  engraved  by  Mr.  Whymper  and 

Preface.  vii 

Mr.  W.  Hooper.  I  felt  that  engravings  would  be  of  more 
than  their  usual  value  in  this  book,  inasmuch  as  they  place 
the  best  attainable  result  before  the  reader's  eye,  thus  en- 
abling him  to  arrange  his  materials  more  efficiently.  A 
small  portion  of  the  matter  of  this  book  originally  ap- 
peared in  my  book  on  the  gardens  of  Paris,  in  which  it  will 
not  again  be  printed.  For  the  extensive  list  of  the  varie- 
ties of  Canna  I  am  indebted  to  M.  Chate's  " JLe  Canna" 
Most  of  the  subjects  have  been  described  from  personal 
knowledge  of  them,  both  in  London  and  Paris  gardens. 

W.  R. 

Aprils,  1871. 




PART   I. 




BETICALLY ARRANGED  .  .  .  ...  .  -43 




Separate  plates  to  face  the  pages  given. 


Frontispiece — Hardy  and 
tender  Plants  in  the  Sub- 
tropical Garden. 

C  annas  in  a  London  park  13 

Anemone  japonica  alba  ...  17 
Group  and  single  specimens 
of  plants  isolated  on  the 

grass      23 

Portion   of  plan   showing 

Yuccas,  etc 25 

Formal    arrangements    in 

London  parks       26 

Tree  Ferns  and  other  Stove 

Plants    ...     ...     28 

Ailantus  and  C  annas      ...  30 

Young  Conifers,  etc.       ...  32 

Gourds      34 

Section   of  raised   bed  at 

Battersea       ...     ...  -    ...  40 

Acanthus  latifolius 47 

Aralia  canescens      58 

Aralia  japonica        60 

Aralia  papyrifera     ......  61 

Asplenium  Nidus-avis     ...  70 

Bambusa  aurea        ...     ...  72 

Bambusa  falcata      74 

Berberis  nepalensis 79 

Blechnum  brasiliense      ...  80 

Bocconia  cordata     81 

Buphthalmum  speciosum  83 

Caladium  esculentum      ...  84 

Colocasia  odorata    85 

Canna       86 

Carlina  acaulis         no 

Caryota  sobolifera    in 



1 20 

Centaurea  babylonica 


Chamaerops  excelsa 


Tree  Fern         

Dimorphanthus  mandschu- 

ricus       124 

Erianthus  Ravennae         ...  132 

Ferula  communis     136 

Ficus  elastica 139 

Gynerium  argenteum      ...  142 

Gunnera  scabra        144 

Heracleum        147 

Malva  crispa    153 

Melianthus  major    155 

Monstera  deliciosa 156 

Montagnaea  heracleifolia  157 

Morina  longifolia     158 

Mulgedium  alpinum        ...  159 

Musa  Ensete    160 

Nicotiana  Tabacum        ...  163 

.  Onopordum  Acanthium...  164 

Poa  fertilis        174 

Rheum  Emodi         178 

Rhus  glabra  laciniata      ...  180 

Seaforthia  elegans    185 

Solanum  robustum 190 

Solanum  Warscewiczii    ...  195 

Uhdea  bipinnatifida        ...  205 

Wigandia  macrophylla    ...  208 

Yucca  filamentosa    212 

Yucca  pendula         214 

Yucca    filamentosa    varie- 

gata       217 

PART   I. 




THE  system  of  garden-decoration  popularly  known 
as  "  Subtropical,"  and  which  simply  means  the 
use  in  gardens  of  plants  having  large  and  hand- 
some leaves,  noble  habit,  or  graceful  port,  has 
taught  us  the  value  of  grace  and  verdure  amid 
masses  of  low,  brilliant,  and  unrelieved  flowers, 
and  has  reminded  us  how  far  we  have  diverged 
from  Nature's  ways  of  displaying  the  beauty  of 
vegetation,  our  love  for  rude  colour  having  led  us 
to  ignore  the  exquisite  and  inexhaustible  way  in 
which  plants  are  naturally  arranged.  In  a  wild 
state  brilliant  blossoms  are  usually  relieved  by 
a  setting  of  abundant  green  ;  and  even  where 
mountain  and  meadow  plants  of  one  kind  pro- 
duce a  wide  blaze  of  colour  at  one  season,  there 
is  intermingled  a  spray  of  pointed  grass  and  other 
leaves,  which  tone  down  the  mass  and  quite 
separate  it  from  anything >sjiown  £>y  what^s  called 

Subtropical  Gardening. 

the  "  bedding  system "  in  gardens.  When  we 
come  to  examine  the  most  charming  examples  of 
our  own  indigenous  or  any  other  wild  vegetation, 
we  find  that  their  attraction  mainly  depends  on 
flower  and  fern,  trailer,  shrub,  and  tree,  shelter- 
ing, supporting,  relieving  and  beautifying  each 
other,  so  that  the  whole  array  has  an  indefinite 
tone,  and  the  mind  is  satisfied  with  the  refreshing 
mystery  of  the  arrangement. 

We  may  be  pleased  by  the  wide  spread  of  purple 
on  a  heath  or  mountain,  but  when  we  go  near  and 
examine  it  in  detail,  we  find  that  its  most  exquisite 
aspect  is  seen  in  places  where  the  long  moss 
cushions  itself  beside  the  ling,  and  the  fronds  of 
the  Polypody  peer  forth  around  little  masses  of 
heather.  Everywhere  we  see  Nature  judicious  in 
the  arrangement  of  her  highest  effects,  setting  them 
in  clouds  of  verdant  leafage,  so  that  monotony  is 
rarely  produced — a  state  of  things  which  it  is 
highly  desirable  to  attain  as  far  as  possible  in  the 

We  cannot  attempt  to  reproduce  this  literally — 
nor  would  it  be  wise  or  convenient  to  do  so — but 
assuredly  herein  will  be  found  the  chief  source 
of  true  beauty  and  interest  in  our  gardens  as  well 
as  in  those  of  Nature  ;  and  the  more  we  keep  this 

Introduction^  etc. 

fact  before  our  eyes,  the  nearer  will  be  our 
approach  to  truth  and  success. 

Nature  in  puris  naturalibus  we  cannot  have  in 
our  gardens,  but  Nature's  laws  should  not  be 
violated ;  and  few  human  beings  have  contravened 
them  more  than  our  flower-gardeners  during  the 
past  twenty  years.  We  should  compose  from 
Nature,  as  landscape  artists  do.  We  may  have 
in  our  gardens — and  without  making  wildernesses 
of  them  either — all  the  shade,  the  relief,  the  grace, 
the  beauty,  and  nearly  all  the  irregularity  of 

Subtropical  gardening  has  shown  us  that  one  of 
the  greatest  mistakes  ever  made  in  the  flower- 
garden  was  the  adoption  of  a  few  varieties  of 
plants  for  culture  on  a  vast  scale,  to  the  exclusion 
of  interest  and  variety,  and,  too  often,  of  beauty 
or  taste.  We  have  seen  how  well  the  pointed, 

tapering  leaves  of  the  Cannas  carry  the  eye  up- 

wards ;  how  refreshing  it  is  to  cool  the  eyes  in  the 

deep  green  of  those  thoroughly  tropical  Castor-oil 
plants,  with  their  gigantic  leaves  ;  how  grand  the 
Wigandia,  Iwith  its  wrought  -  iron  texture  and 
massive  outline,  looks,  after  we  have  surveyed 
brilliant  hues  and  richly  -  painted  leaves  ;  how 
greatly  the  sweeping  palm-leaves  beautify  the 

Subtropical  Gardening. 

British  flower-garden  ;  and,  in  a  word,  the  system 
has  shown  us  the  difference  between  the  gardening 
that  interests  and  delights  all  beholders,  as  well 
as  the  mere  horticulturist,  and  that  which  is  too 
often  offensive  to  the  eye  of  taste,  and  pernicious 
to  every  true  interest  of  what  Bacon  calls  the 
u  purest  of  humane  pleasures." 

But  are  we  to  adopt  this  system  in  its  purity  ? 
as  shown,  for  example,  by  Mr.  Gibson  when  super- 
intendent of  Battersea  Park.  Certainly  not.  It  is 
evident,  that  to  accommodate  it  to  private  gardens 
an  expense  and  a  revolution  of  appliances  would 
be  necessary,  which  are  in  nearly  all  cases  quite 
impossible,  and  if  possible,  hardly  desirable.  We 
can,  however,  introduce  into  our  gardens  most  of 
its  better  features  ;  we  can  vary  their  contents, 
and  render  them  more  interesting  by  a  better 
and  nobler  system.  The  use  of  all  plants  without 
any  particular  and  striking  habit,  or  foliage,  or 
other  desirable  peculiarity,  merely  because  they 
are  natives  of  very  hot  countries,  should  be 
tabooed  at  once,  as  tending  to  make  much  work, 
and  to  return — a  lot  of  weeds  ;  for  "  weediness  " 
is  all  that  I  can  ascribe  to  many  Solanums  and 
stove  plants,  of  no  real  merit,  which  have  been 
employed  under  this  name.  Selection  of  the  most 

Introduction^  etc. 

beautiful  and  useful  from  the  great  mass  of  plants 
known  to  science  is  one  of  the  most  important  of 
the  horticulturist's  duties,  and  in  no  branch  must 
he  exercise  it  more  thoroughly  than  in  this.  Some 
of  the  plants  used  are  indispensable — the  different 
kinds  of  Ricinus,  Cannas  in  great  variety,  Polymnia, 
Colocasia,  Uhdea,  Wigandia,  Ferdinanda,  Palms, 
Yuccas,  Dracaenas,  and  fine-leaved  plants  of  cori- 
aceous texture  generally.  A  few  specimens  of 
these  may  be  accommodated  in  many  gardens  ; 
they  will  embellish  the  houses  in  winter,  and, 
transferred  to  the  open  garden  in  summer,  will 
lend  interest  to  it  when  we  are  tired  of  the  houses. 
Some  Palms,  like  Seaforthia,  may  be  used  with 
the  best  effect  for  the  winter  decoration  of  the 
conservatory,  and  be  placed  out  with  a  good 
result,  and  without  danger,  in  summer.  Many 
fine  kinds  of  Dracaenas,  Yuccas,  Agaves,  etc.,  which 
have  been  seen  to  some  perfection  at  our  shows  of 
late,  are  eminently  adapted  for  standing  out  in 
summer,  and  are  in  fact  benefited  by  it.  Among 
the  noblest  ornaments  of  a  good  conservatory  are 
the  Norfolk  Island  and  other  tender  Araucarias  ; 
and  these  may  be  placed  out  for  the  summer, 
much  to  their  advantage,  because  the  rains  will 
thoroughly  clean  and  freshen  them  for  winter 

Subtropical  Gardening. 

storing.  So  with  some  Cycads  and  other  plants 
of  distinct  habit — the  very  things  best  fitted  to 
add  to  the  attractions  of  the  flower-garden.  Thus 
we  may,  in  all  but  the  smallest  gardens,  enjoy  all 
the  benefits  of  what  is  called  Subtropical  Garden- 
ing, without  creating  any  special  arrangements 
for  it. 

But  what  of  those  who  have  no  conservatory,  no 
hothouses,  no  means  for  preserving  large  tender 
plants  in  winter  ?  They  too  may  enjoy  the  beauty 
which  plants  of  fine  form  afford.  A  better  effect 
than  any  yet  seen  in  an  English  garden  from 
tender  plants  may  be  obtained  by  planting  hardy 
ones  only !  There  is  the  Pampas  grass,  which 
when  well  grown  is  unsurpassed  by  anything  that 
requires  protection.  There  are  the  Yuccas,  noble 
and  graceful  in  outline,  and  thoroughly  hardy, 
and  which,  if  planted  well,  are  not  to  be  surpassed, 
if  equalled,  by  anything  of  like  habit  we  can  pre- 
serve indoors.  There  are  the  Arundos,  conspicua 
and  Donax,  things  that  well  repay  for  liberal 
planting  ;  and  there  are  fine  hardy  herbaceous 
plants  like  Crambe  cordifolia,  Rheum  Emodi, 
Ferulas,  and  various  graceful  umbelliferous  plants 
that  will  furnish  effects  equal  to  any  we  can 
produce  by  using  the  tenderest  exotics.  The 

Introduction,  etc. 

Acanthuses  too,  when  well  grown,  are  very  suitable 
for  this  use.  Then  we  have  a  hardy  Palm,  that 
has  preserved  its  health  and  greenness  in  sheltered 
positions,  where  its  leaves  could  not  be  torn  to 
shreds  by  storms,  through  all  our  recent  hard 

And  when  we  have  obtained  these,  and  many 
like  subjects,  we  may  associate  them  with  not  a 
few  things  of  much  beauty  among  trees  and 
shrubs — with  elegant  tapering  young  pines,  many 
of  which,  like  Cupressus  nutkaensis  and  the  true 
Thuja  gigantea,  have  branchlets  as  graceful  as  a 
Selaginella ;  not  of  necessity  bringing  the  larger 
things  into  close  or  awkward  association  with  the 
humbler  and  dwarfer  subjects,  but  sufficiently  so 
to  carry  the  eye  from  the  minute  and  pretty  to 
the  higher  and  more  dignified  forms  of  vegetation. 
By  a  judicious  selection  from  the  vast  number 
of  hardy  plants  now  obtainable  in  this  country, 
and  by  associating  with  them,  where  it  is  con- 
venient, house  plants  that  may  be  placed  out  for 
the  summer,  we  may  arrange  and  enjoy  charms 
in  the  flower-garden  to  which  we  are  as  yet 
strangers,  simply  because  we  have  not  sufficiently 
selected  from  and  utilized  the  vast  amount  of 
vegetable  beauty  at  our  disposal. 

io  Subtropical  Gardening. 

In  dealing  with  the  tenderer  subjects,  we  must 
choose  such  as  will  make  a  healthy  growth  in 
sheltered  places  in  the  warmer  parts  of  England 
and  Ireland  at  all  events.  There  is  some  reason 
to  believe  that  not  a  few  of  the  best  will  be  found 
to  flourish  much  further  north  than  is  generally 
supposed.  In  all  parts  the  kinds  with  permanent 
foliage,  such  as  the  New  Zealand  flax  and  the 
hardier  Dracaenas,  will  be  found  as  effective  as 
around  London  and  Paris  ;  and  to  such  the  northern 
gardener  should  turn  his  attention  as  much  as 
possible.  Even  if  it  were  possible  to  cultivate  the 
softer-growing  kinds,  like  the  Ferdinandas,  to  the 
same  perfection  in  all  parts  as  in  the  south  of 
England,  it  would  by  no  means  be  everywhere 
desirable,  and  especially  where  expense  is  a  con- 
sideration, as  these  kinds  are  not  capable  of  being 
used  indoors  in  winter.  The  many  fine  permanent- 
leaved  subjects  that  stand  out  in  summer  without 
the  least  injury,  and  may  be  transferred  to  the 
conservatory  in  autumn,  there  to  produce  as  fine 
an  effect  all  through  the  cold  months  as  they  do 
in  the  flower-garden  in  summer,  are  the  best  for 
those  with  limited  means. 

But  of  infinitely  greater  importance  are  the 
hardy  plants ;  for  however  few  can  indulge  in  the 

Introduction^  etc.  1 1 

luxury  of  rich  displays  of  tender  plants,  or  however 
rare  the  spots  in  which  they  may  be  ventured  out 
with  confidence,  all  may  enjoy  those  that  are  hardy, 
and  that  too  with  infinitely  less  trouble  than  is 
required  by  the  tender  ones.  Those  noble  masses 
of  fine  foliage  displayed  to  us  by  tender  plants  have 
done  much  towards  correcting  a  false  taste.  What 
I  wish  to  impress  upon  the  reader  is,  that  in  what- 
ever part  of  these  islands  he  may  live,  he  need  not 
despair  of  producing  sufficient  similar  effect  to  vary 
his  flower-garden  or  pleasure-ground  beautifully  by 
the  use  of  hardy  plants  alone  ;  and  that  the  noble 
lines  of  a  well-grown  Yucca  recurva,  or  the  finely 
chiselled  yet  fern-like  spray  of  a  graceful  young 
conifer,  will  aid  him  as  much  in  this  direction  as 
anything  that  requires  either  tropical  or  subtropical 

Since  writing  the  preceding  remarks  I  have 
visited  America,  and  when  on  my  way  home 
landed  at  Queenstown  with  a  view  of  seeing  a 
few  places  in  the  south  of  Ireland,  and  among 
others  Fota  Island,  the  residence  of  Mr.  Smith 
Barry,  where  I  found  a  capital  illustration  of 
what  may  be  easily  effected  with  hardy  plants 
alone.  Here  an  island  is  planted  with  a  hardy 
bamboo  (Bambusa  falcata),  which  thrives  so  freely 

1 2  Subtropical  Gardening. 

as  to  form  great  tufts  from  16  ft.  to  20  ft.  high. 
The  result  is  that  the  scene  reminds  one  of  a 
bit  of  the  vegetation  of  the  uplands  of  Java, 
or  that  of  the  bamboo  country  in  China.  The 
thermometer  fell  last  December  (1870)  seventeen 
degrees  below  freezing  point,  so  that  they  suffered 
somewhat,  but  their  general  effect  was  not  much 
marred.  Accompanying  these,  and  also  on  the 
margins  of  the  water,  were  huge  masses  of  Pampas 
grass  yet  in  their  beauty  of  bloom,  and  many 
great  tufts  of  the  tropical-looking  New  Zealand 
flax,  with  here  and  there  a  group  of  Yuccas.  The 
vegetation  of  the  islands  and  of  the  margins  of  the 
water  was  composed  almost  solely  of  these,  and 
the  effect  quite  unlike  anything  usually  seen  in 
the  open  air  in  this  country.  Nothing  in  such 
arrangements  as  those  at  Battersea  Park  equals 
it,  because  all  the  subjects  were  quite  hardy,  and 
as  much  at  home  as  if  in  their  native  wilds.  Re- 
member, in  addition,  that  no  trouble  was  required 
after  they  were  planted,  and  that  the  beauty  of 
the  scene  was  very  striking  a  few  days  before 
Christmas,  long  after  the  ornaments  of  the  ordinary 
flower-garden  had  perished.  The  whole  neigh- 
bourhood of  the  island  was  quite  tropical  in  aspect ; 
and,  as  behind  the  silvery  plumes  of  the  Pampas 

Introduction,  etc.  13 

grass  and  the  slender  wands  of  the  bamboo  the  ex- 
quisitely graceful  heads  of  the  Monterey  and  other 
cypresses  and  various  pines  towered  high  in  the 
air,  it  was  one  of  the  most  charming  scenes  I  have 
yet  enjoyed  in  the  pleasure-grounds  of  the  British 
Isles.  And  this,  which  was  simply  the  result  of 
judiciously  planting  three  or  four  kinds  of  hardy 
plants,  will  serve  to  suggest  how  many  other 
beautiful  aspects  of  vegetation  we  may  create  by 
utilising  the  rich  stores  within  our  reach. 

We  will  next  speak  of  arrangement  and  sundry 
other  matters  of  some   importance  in  connection 

Clumsy  mass  of  Cannas  in  a  London  park. 

with  this  subject.  The  radical  fault  of  the  "  Sub- 
tropical Garden,"  as  hitherto  seen,  is  its  lumpish 
monotony  and  the  almost  total  neglect  of  graceful 
combinations.  It  is  fully  shown  in  the  London 
parks  every  year,  so  that  many  people  will  have 
seen  it  for  themselves.  The  subjects  are  not  used 
to  contrast  with  or  relieve  others  of  less  attractive 
port  and  brilliant  colour,  but  are  generally  set 
down  in  large  masses.  Here  you  meet  a  troop  of 

14  Subtropical  Gardening. 

Cannas,  numbering  500,  in  one  long  formal  bed — 
next  you  arrive  at  a  circle  of  Aralias,  or  an  oval 
of  Ficus,  in  which  a  couple  of  hundred  plants  are 
so  densely  packed  that  their  tops  form  a  dead 
level.  Isolated  from  everything  else  as  a  rule 
these  masses  fail  to  throw  any  natural  grace  into 
the  garden,  but,  on  the  other  hand,  go  a  long  way 
towards  spoiling  the  character  of  the  subjects  of 
which  they  are  composed.  For  it  is  manifest  that 
you  get  a  far  superior  effect  from  a  group  of  such 
a  plant  as  the  Gunnera,  the  Polymnia,  or  the 
Castor-oil  plant,  properly  associated  with  other 
subjects  of  entirely  diverse  character,  than  you 
can  when  the  lines  or  masses  of  such  as  these 
become  so  large  and  so  estranged  from  their  sur- 
roundings that  there  is  no  relieving  point  within 
reach  of  the  eye.  A  single  specimen  or  small 
group  of  a  fine  Canna  forms  one  of  the  most 
graceful  objects  the  eye  can  see.  Plant  a  rood  of 
it,  and  it  soon  becomes  as  attractive  as  so  much 
maize  or  wheat.  No  doubt  an  occasional  mass  of 
Cannas,  etc.,  might  prove  effective — in  a  distant 
prospect  especially — but  the  thing  is  repeated  ad 

The  fact  is,  we  do  not  want  purely  "  Subtropical 
gardens,"  or  "  Leaf  gardens,"  or  "  Colour  gardens," 

Introduction^  etc.  15 

but  such  gardens  as,  by  happy  combinations  of  the 
materials  at  our  disposal,  shall  go  far  to  satisfy 
those  in  whom  true  taste  has  been  awakened — 
and,  indeed,  all  classes.  For  it  is  quite  a  mistake 
to  assume  that  because  people,  ignorant  of  the 
inexhaustible  stores  of  the  vegetable  kingdom, 
admire  the  showy  glares  of  colour  now  so  often 
seen  in  our  gardens,  they  are  incapable  of  enjoying 
scenes  displaying  some  traces  of  natural  beauty 
and  variety. 

The  fine-leaved  plants  have  not  yet  been  asso- 
ciated immediately  with  the  flowers ;  hence  the 
chief  fault.  Till  they  are  so  treated  we  can  hardly 
see  the  great  use  of  such  in  ornamental  gardening. 
Why  not  take  some  of  the  handsomest  plants  of 
the  medium-sized  kinds,  place  them  in  the  centre 
of  a  bed,  and  then  surround  them  with  the  gaily- 
flowering  subjects  ?  The  Castor-oil  plants  would 
not  do  so  well  for  this,  because  they  are  rampant 
growers  in  fair  seasons,  but  the  Yuccas,  Cannas, 
Wigandias,  and  small  neat  Palms  and  Cycads  would 
suit  exactly.  Avoid  huge,  unmeaning  masses,  and 
associate  more  intimately  the  fine-leaved  plants 
with  the  brilliant  flowers.  A  quiet  mass  of  green 
might  be  desirable  in  some  positions,  but  even  that 
could  be  varied  most  effectively  as  regards  form. 

1 6  Subtropical  Gardening. 

The  combinations  of  this  kind  that  may  be  made 
are  innumerable,  and  there  is  no  reason  why  our 
beds  should  not  be  as  graceful  as  bouquets  well 
and  simply  made. 

However,  it  is  not  only  by  making  combinations 
of  the  subtropical  plants  with  the  gay-flowering 
ones  now  seen  in  our  flower-gardens  that  a  beau- 
tiful effect  may  be  obtained,  but  also  with  those 
of  a  somewhat  different  type.  Take,  for  instance, 
the  stately  hollyhock,  sometimes  grown  in  such 
formal  plantations  as  to  lose  some  of  its  charms, 
and  usually  stiff  and  poor  below  the  flowers.  It  is 
easy  to  imagine  how  much  better  a  group  of  these 
would  appear  if  seen  surrounded  by  a  graceful  ring 
of  Cannas,  or  any  other  tall  and  vigorous  subjects, 
than  they  have  ever  yet  appeared  in  our  gardens. 

Consider,  again,  the  Lilies,  from  the  superb,  tall, 
and  double  varieties  of  the  brilliant  Tiger  lily  to  the 
fair  White  lily  or  the  popular  L.  auratum.  Why, 
a  few  isolated  heads  of  Fortune's  Tiger  lily,  rising 
like  candelabra  above  a  group  of  Cannas,  would 
form  one  of  the  most  brilliant  pictures  ever  seen  in 
a  garden.  Then,  to  descend  from  a  very  tall  to  a 
very  dwarf  lily,  the  large  and  white  trumpet-like 
flowers  of  L.  longiflorum  would  look  superb, 
emerging  from  the  outer  margin  of  a  mass  of  sub- 

Introduction^  etc. 

tropical  plants,  relieved  by  the  rich  green  within  ; 
and  anybody,  with  even  a  slight  knowledge  of  tlie 
lily  family,  may  imagine  many  other  combinations 
equally  beautiful  and  new.  The  bulbs  would  of 

Anemone  japonica  alba.     Type  of  fine-flowered  herbaceous  plant  for  associating 
with  foliage-plants. 

course  require  planting  in  the  autumn,  and  might 
be  left  in  their  places  for  several  years  at  a  time, 
whereas  the  subtropical  plants  might  be  those  that 
require  planting  every  year  ;  but  as  the  effect  is 
obtained  by  using  comparatively  few  lilies,  the 

1 8  Subtropical  Gardening. 

spaces  between  them  would  be  so  large,  as  to  leave 
plenty  of  room  to  plant  the  others.  However,  it 
is  worth  bearing  in  mind,  that  most  of  the  Cannas, 
by  far  the  finest  group  of  "  Subtropical  "  plants  for 
the  British  Isles,  remain  through  the  winter  in  beds 
in  the  open  air  protected  by  litter :  hence,  perma- 
nent combinations  of  Lilies  and  Cannas  are  perfectly 

Then,  again,  we  have  those  brilliant  and  graceful 
hosts  of  Gladioli,  that  do  not  show  their  full  beauty 
in  the  florist's  stand  or  in  his  formal  bed,  but  when 
*they  spring  here  and  there,  in  an  isolated  manner, 
from  rich  foliage,  entirely  unlike  their  own  pointed 
sword-like  blades.  Next  may  be  named  the  flame- 
flowered  Tritoma,  itself  almost  subtropical  in 
foliage  when  well  grown.  Any  of  the  Tritomas 
furnish  a  splendid  effect  grouped  near  or  closely 
associated  with  subtropical  plants.  The  lavishly 
blooming  and  tropical-looking  Dahlia  is  a  host  in 
itself,  varying  so  much  as  it  does  from  the  most 
gorgeous  to  the  most  delicate  hues,  and  differing 
greatly  too  in  the  size  of  the  flowers,  from  those  of 
the  pretty  fancy  Dahlias  to  the  largest  exhibition 
kinds.  Combinations  of  Dahlias  with  Cannas  and 
other  free-growing  subtropical  plants  have  a  most 
satisfactory  effect ;  and  where  beds  or  groups  are 

Introduction,  etc.  19 

formed  of  hardy  subjects  (Acanthuses  and  the 
like),  in  quiet  half-shady  spots,  some  of  the  more 
beautiful  spotted  and  white  varieties  of  our  own 
stately  and  graceful  Foxglove  would  be  charmingly 
effective.  In  similar  positions  a  great  Mullein 
(Verbascum)  here  and  there  would  also  suit  ;  while 
such  bold  herbaceous  genera  as  Iris,  Aster  (the  tall 
perennial  kinds),  the  perennial  Lupin,  Baptisias, 
Thermopsis,  Delphiniums,  tall  Veronicas,  Aconites, 
tall  Campanulas,  Papaver  bracteatum,  Achillea 
filipendula,  Eupatoriums,  tall  Phloxes,  Vernonias, 
Leptandra,  etc.,  might  be  used  effectively  in  various 
positions,  associated  with  groups  of  hardy  subjects. 
For  those  put  out  in  early  summer,  summer  and 
autumn- flowering  things  should  be  chosen. 

The  tall  and  graceful  Sparaxis  pulcherrima 
would  look  exquisite  leaning  forth  from  masses  of 
rich  foliage  about  a  yard  high  ;  the  common  and 
the  double  perennial  Sunflower  (Helianthus  multi- 
florus^fl.  pi.)  would  serve  in  rougher  parts,  where 
admired;  in  sheltered  dells  the  large  and  hardy 
varieties  of  Crinum  capense  would  look  very 
tropical  and  beautiful  if  planted  in  rich  moist 
ground  ;  and  the  Fuchsia  would  afford  very 
efficient  aid  in  mild  districts,  where  it  is  little 
injured  in  winter,  and  where,  consequently,  tall 

c  2 

2o  Subtropical  Gardening. 

specimens  flower  throughout  the  summer  months  ; 
and  lastly,  the  many  varied  and  magnificent 
varieties  of  herbaceous  Peony,  raised  during  recent 
years,  would  prove  admirable  as  isolated  specimens 
on  the  grass  near  groups  of  fine-foliaged  plants. 
Then  again  we  have  the  fine  Japan  Anemones, 
white  and  rose,  the  showy  and  vigorous  Rud- 
beckias,  the  sweet  and  large  annual  Datura 
ceratocaula,  the  profusely-flowering  Statice  lati- 
folia,  the  Gaillardias,  the  Peas  (everlasting  and 
otherwise),  the  ever- welcome  African  Lily  (Calla), 
the  handsome  Loosestrife  (Ly  thrum  roseutn  sn- 
perbum\  and  the  still  handsomer  French  Willow, 
and  not  a  few  other  things  which  need  not  be 
enumerated  here,  inasmuch  as  it  is  hoped  enough 
has  been  said  to  show  our  great  and  unused  re- 
sources for  adding  real  grace  and  interest  to  our 
gardens.  This  phase  of  the  subject — the  associa- 
tion of  tall  or  bold  flowers  with  foliage-plants — 
is  so  important,  that  I  have  bestowed  some  pains 
in  selecting  the  many  and  various  subjects  useful 
for  it  from  almost  every  class  of  plants ;  and 
they  will  be  found  in  a  list  at  the  end  of  the 
alphabetical  arrangement. 

Many   charming   results   may   be    obtained    by 
carpeting  the   ground   beneath   masses   of  tender 

Introduction,  etc.  2,1 

subtropical  plants  with  quick-growing  ornamental 
annuals  and  bedding  plants,  which  will  bloom 
before  the  larger  subjects  have  put  forth  their 
strength  and  beauty  of  leaf.  If  all  interested  in 
flower-gardening  had  an  opportunity  of  seeing  the 
charming  effects  produced  by  judiciously  inter- 
mingling fine-leaved  plants  with  brilliant  flowers, 
there  would  be  an  immediate  revolution  in  our 
flower-gardening,  and  verdant  grace  and  beauty  of 
form  would  be  introduced,  and  all  the  brilliancy  of 
colour  that  could  be  desired  might  be  seen  at  the 
same  time.  Here  is  a  bed  of  Erythrinas  not  yet  in 
flower  :  but  what  affords  that  brilliant  and  singular 
mass  of  colour  beneath  them  ?  Simply  a  mixture 
of  the  lighter  varieties  of  Lobelia  speciosa  with 
variously  coloured  and  brilliant  Portulacas.  The 
beautiful  surfacings  that  may  thus  be  made  with 
annual,  biennial,  or  ordinary  bedding  plants,  from 
Mignonette  to  Petunias  and  Nierembergias,  are 
almost  innumerable. 

Reflect  for  a  moment  how  consistent  is  all  this 
with  the  best  gardening  and  the  purest  taste. 
The  bare  earth  is  covered  quickly  with  these  free- 
growing  dwarfs ;  there  is  an  immediate  and  a 
charming  contrast  between  the  dwarf-flowering 
and  the  fine-foliaged  plants  ;  and  should  the  last 

22  Subtropical  Gardening. 

at  any  time  put  their  heads  too  high  for  the  more 
valuable  things  above  them,  they  can  be  cut  in  for  a 
second  bloom.  In  the  case  of  using  foliage-plants 
that  are  eventually  to  cover  the  bed  completely, 
annuals  may  be  sown,  and  they  in  many  cases  will 
pass  out  of  bloom  and  may  be  cleared  away  just 
as  the  large  leaves  begin  to  cover  the  ground. 
Where  this  is  not  the  case,  but  the  larger  plants 
are  placed  thin  enough  to  always  allow  of  the 
lower  ones  being  seen,  two  or  even  more  kinds  of 
dwarf  plants  may  be  employed,  so  that  the  one 
may  succeed  the  other,  and  that  there  may  be  a 
mingling  of  bloom.  It  may  be  thought  that  this 
kind  of  mixture  would  interfere  with  what  is  called 
the  unity  of  effect  that  we  attempt  to  attain  in 
our  flower-gardens.  This  need  not  be  so  by  any 
means ;  the  system  could  be  used  effectively  in  the 
most  formal  of  gardens. 

One  of  the  most  useful  and  natural  ways  of 
diversifying  a  garden,  and  one  that  we  rarely  or 
never  take  advantage  of,  consists  in  placing  really 
distinct  and  handsome  plants  alone  upon  the  grass, 
to  break  the  monotony  of  clump  margins  and  of 
everything  else.  To  follow  this  plan  is  necessary 
wherever  great  variety  and  the  highest  beauty  are 
desired  in  the  ornamental  garden.  Plants  may  be 

Introduction,  etc. 

placed  singly  or  in  open  groups  near  the  margins 
of  a  bold  clump  of  shrubs  or  in  the  open  grass  ; 
and  the  system  is  applicable  to  all  kinds  of  hardy 
ornamental  subjects,  from  trees  downwards,  though 
in  our  case  the  want  is  for  the  fine-leaved  plants 
and  the  more  distinct  hardy  subjects.  Nothing, 
for  instance,  can  look  better  than  a  well-developed 
tuft  of  the  broad-leaved  Acanthus  latifolius,  spring- 
ing from  the  turf  not  far  from  the  margin  of  a 
pleasure-ground  walk  ;  and  the  same  is  true  of 
the  Yuccas,  Tritomas,  and  other  things  of  like 
character  and  hardiness. 
We  may  make  attractive 
groups  of  one  family,  as 
the  hardiest  Yuccas ;  or 
splendid  groups  of  one  spe- 
cies like  the  Pampas  graSS  Group  and  single  specimens  of 

plants  isolated  on  the  grass. 

— not  by  any  means  re- 
peating the  individual,  for  there  are  about  twenty 
varieties  of  this  plant  known  on  the  Continent,  and 
from  these  half  a  dozen  really  distinct  and  charm- 
ing kinds  might  be  selected  to  form  a  group.  The 
same  applies  to  the  Tritomas,  which  we  usually 
manage  to  drill  into  straight  lines ;  in  an  isolated 
group  in  a  verdant  glade  they  are  seen  for  the  first 
time  to  best  advantage:  and  what  might  not  be 

24  Subtropical  Gardening. 

done  with  these  and  the  like  by  making  mixed 
groups,  or  letting  each  plant  stand  distinct  upon 
the  grass,  perfectly  isolated  in  its  beauty ! 

Let  us  again  try  to  illustrate  the  idea  simply. 
Take  an  important  spot  in  a  pleasure-ground — a 
sweep  of  grass  in  face  of  a  shrubbery — and  see 
what  can  be  done  with  it  by  means  of  these  isolated 
plants.  If,  instead  of  leaving  it  in  the  bald  state 
in  which  it  is  often  found,  we  place  distinct  things 
isolated  here  and  there  upon  the  grass,  the 
margin  of  shrubbery  will  be  quite  softened,  and  a 
new  and  charming  feature  added  to  the  garden. 
If  one  who  knew  many  plants  were  arranging 
them  in  this  way,  and  had  a  large  stock  to  select 
from,  he  might  produce  numberless  fine  effects.  In 
the  case  of  the  smaller  things,  such  as  the  Yucca 
and  variegated  Arundo,  groups  of  four  or  five  good 
plants  should  be  used  to  form  one  mass,  and 
everything  should  be  perfectly  distinct  and  isolated, 
so  that  a  person  could  freely  move  about  amongst 
the  plants  without  touching  them.  In  addition  to 
such  arrangements,  two  or  three  individuals  of  a 
species  might  be  placed  here  and  there  upon  the 
grass  with  the  best  effect.  For  example,  there 
is  at  present  in  our  nurseries  a  great  Japanese 
Polygonum  (P.  Sieboldi],  which  has  never  as  yet 

Introduction^  etc. 

been  used  with  much  effect  in  the  garden.  If 
anybody  will  select  some  open  grassy  spot  in  a 
pleasure-garden,  or  grassy  glade  near  a  wood- 
some  spot  considered  unworthy  of  attention  as 
regards  ornamenting  it — and  plant  a  group  of 
three  plants  of  this 
Polygonum,  leaving 
fifteen  feet  or  so  be- 
tween the  stools,  a 
distinct  aspect  of  ve- 
getation will  be  the 
result.  The  plant  is 
herbaceous,  and  will 
spring  up  every  year 
to  a  height  of  from 
six  feet  to  eight  feet  if  planted  well  ;  it  has  a 
graceful  arching  habit  in  the  upper  branches,  and  is 
covered  with  a  profusion  of  small  bunches  of  pale 
flowers  in  autumn.  It  is  needless  to  multiply 
examples  ;  the  plan  is  capable  of  infinite  variation, 
and  on  that  account  alone  should  be  welcome  to  all 
true  gardeners. 

One  kind  of  arrangement  needs  to  be  particularly 
guarded  against  —  the  geometro-picturesque  one, 
seen  in  some  parts  of  the  London  parks  devoted  to 
subtropical  gardening.  The  plants  are  very  often 

Portion  of  plan  showing  Yuccas,  Pampas 
grass,  Tritomas,  Retinospora,  Acanthus 
latifolius,  Arundo  Donax  variegata,  etc., 
irregularly  isolated  on  the  grass. 


Subtropical  Gardening. 

of  the  finest  kinds  and  in  the  most  robust  health, 
all  the  materials  for  the  best  results  are  abundant, 
and  yet  the  scene  fails  to  satisfy  the  eye,  from  the 
needless  formality  of  many  of  the  beds,  produced 
by  the  heaping  together  of  a  great  number  of 
species  of  one  kind  in  long  straight  or  twisting 
masses  with  high  raised  edges  frequently  of  hard- 
beaten  soil.  Many  people  will  not  see  their  way 
to  obliterate  the  formality  of  the  beds,  but  as- 
suredly we  need  not  do  so  to  get  rid  of  such 
effective  formality  as  that  shown  in  the  accom- 
panying figure  ! 

Formal  arrangements  in  London  parks. 

The  formality  of  the  true  geometrical  garden 
is  charming  to  many  to  whom  this  style  is  offen- 
sive ;  and  there  is  not  the  slightest  reason  why 
the  most  beautiful  combinations  of  fine-leaved 
and  fine-flowered  plants  should  not  be  made  in 
any  kind  of  geometrical  garden. 

But  in  the   purely  picturesque   garden  it  is  as 

Introduction^  etc.  27 

needless,  as  it  is  in  false  taste,  to  follow  the  course 
here  pointed  out.  Hardy  plants  may  be  isolated 
on  the  turf,  and  may  be  arranged  in  beautiful 
irregular  groups,  with  the  turf  also  for  a  carpet, 
or  some  graceful  spray  of  hardy  trailing  plants. 
Beds  may  be  readily  placed  so  that  no  such  objec- 
tionable stage-like  results  will  be  seen  as  those 
shown  in  the  preceding  figure  :  tender  plants 
may  be  grouped  as  freely  as  may  be  desired — 
a  formal  edge  avoided  by  the  turf  being  allowed 
to  play  irregularly  under  and  along  tjie  margins, 
while  the  remaining  bare  ground  beneath  the  tall 
plants  may  be  quickly  covered  with  some  fast- 
growing  annuals  like  Mignonette  or  Nolanas,  some 
soft-spreading  bedding  plants  like  Lobelias  or 
Petunias,  or  subjects  still  more  peculiarly  suited 
for  this  purpose,  such  as  the  common  Lycopodium 
denticulatum  and  Tradescantia  discolor.  Choice 
tender  specimens  of  Tree  ferns,  etc.,  placed  in  dark 
shady  dells,  may  be  plunged  to  the  rims  of  the 
pots  in  the  turf  or  earth,  and  some  graceful  or 
bold  trailing  herb  placed  round  the  cavity  so  as  to 
conceal  it ;  and  in  this  way  such  results  may  be 
attained  as  those  indicated  in  the  first  plate,  in 
those  showing  the  Dimorphanthus,  Musa  Ensete, 
and  in  the  frontispiece.  The  day  will  come  when 

28  S^{,b  tropical  Gardening. 

we  shall  be  as  anxious  to  avoid  all  formal  twirlings 
in  our  gardens  as  we  now  are  to  have  them  per- 
petrated in  them  by  landscape-gardeners  of  great 
repute  for  applying  wall-paper  or  fire-shovel  pat- 
terns to  the  surface  of  the  reluctant  earth,  and 
when  we  shall  no  more  think  of  tolerating  in  a 
garden  such  a  scene  as  that  shown  in  the  pre- 
ceding figure,  than  a  landscape  artist  would  tole- 
rate it  in  a  picture. 

The  old  landscape-gardening  dogma,  which  tells 
us  we  cannot  have  all  the  wild  beauty  of  nature  in 
our  gardens,  and  may  as  well  resigr  ourselves  to 
the  compass,  and  the  level,  and  the  defined  daub 
of  colour  and  pudding-like  heaps  of  shrubs,  had 
some  faint  force  when  our  materials  for  gardening 
were  few,*  but  considering  our  present  rich  and,  to 
a  great  extent,  unused  stores  from  every  clime,  and 
from  almost  every  important  section  of  the  vege- 
table kingdom,  it  is  demonstrably  false  and  foolish. 

To  these  observations  on  arrangement,  etc.,  one 
good  rule  may  be  added  : — Make  your  garden  as 
distinct  as  possible  from  those  of  your  neighbours — 

*  "In  gardening,  the  materials  of  the  scene  are  few,  and  those 
few  unwieldy,  and  the  artist  must  often  content  himself  with  the 
reflection  that  he  has  given  the  best  disposition  in  his  power  to  the 
scanty  and  intractable  materials  of  nature." — ALLISON. 

Shady  and  sheltered  Dell,  with  Tree  Ferns  and  other  Stove  Plants  placed 
out  for  the  summer. 

Introduction,  etc.  29 

which  by  no  means  necessitates  a  departure  from 
the  rules  of  good  taste. 

I  wish  particularly  to  call  attention  to  the  fine 
effects  which  may  be  secured,  from  the  simplest 
and  most  easily  obtained  materials,  by  using  some 
of  our  hardy  trees  and  shrubs  in  the  subtropical 
garden.  Our  object  generally  is  to  secure  large 
and  handsome  types  of  leaves  ;  and  for  this  pur- 
pose we  usually  place  in  the  open  air  young  plants 
of  exotic  trees,  taking  them  in  again  in  autumn ; 
and,  perhaps,  as  we  never  see  them  but  in  a 
diminutive  state,  we  often  forget  that,  when 
branched  into  a  large  head  in  their  native  countries, 
they  are  not  a  whit  more  remarkable  in  foliage  than 
many  of  the  trees  of  our  pleasure-grounds.  Thus, 
if  the  well-known  Paulownia  imperialis  were  too 
tender  to  stand  our  winters,  and  if  we  were  accus- 
tomed to  see  it  only  in  a  young  and  simple- 
stemmed  condition  and  with  large  leaves,  we 
should  doubtless  plant  it  out  every  summer  as  we 
do  the  Ferdinanda.  There  is  no  occasion  whatever 
to  resort  to  exotic  subjects,  while  we  can  so  easily 
obtain  fine  hardy  subjects — which,  moreover,  may 
be  grown  by  everybody  and  everywhere.  By  an- 
nually cutting  down  young  plants  of  various  hardy 
trees  and  shrubs,  and  letting  them  make  a  clean, 

30  Subtropical  Gardening. 

simple-stemmed  growth  every  year,  we  will,  as  a 
rule,  obtain  finer  effects  than  can  be  got  from 
tender  ones.  The  Ailantus,  for  example,  treated 
in  this  way,  gives  us  as  fine  a  type  of  pinnate  leaf 
as  can  be  desired.  Nobody  need  place  Astrapaea 
Wallichii  in  the  open  air,  as  I  have  seen  done,  so 
long  as  a  simple-stemmed  young  plant  of  the 
Paulownia  makes  such  a  column  of  magnificent 
leaves.  The  delicately-cut  leaves  of  the  Gle- 
ditschias,  borne  on  strong  young  stems,  would  be 
as  pretty  as  those  of  any  fern ;  and  so  in  the  case 
of  various  other  hardy  trees  and  shrubs.  Persons 
in  the  coldest  and  least  favourable  parts  of  the 
country  need  not  doubt  of  being  able  to  obtain  as 
fine  types  of  foliage  as  they  can  desire,  by  selecting 
a  dozen  kinds  of  hardy  trees  and  treating  them  in 
this  way.  What  may  be  done  in  this  way,  in  one 
case,  is  shown  in  the  accompanying  plate,  repre- 
senting a  young  plant  of  Ailantus,  with  its  current 
year's  shoot  and  leaves,  standing  gracefully  in  the 
midst  of  a  bed  of  Cannas. 

A  few  words  may  now  be  added  about  some 
types  of  vegetation  which,  though  not  included 
among  what  are  commonly  termed  subtropical 
plants,  may  yet  be  judiciously  used  in  combina- 
tion with  them,  and  go  far  to  produce  very  charm- 
ing effects. 


Suggesting  the  effects  to  be  obtained  from  young  and  vigorous  specimens 
of  hardy  fine-leaved  trees. 

Introduction^  etc.  31 

Among  conifers  we  find  many  subjects  of  the 
most  exquisite  grace,  and  of  a  beautiful  free  and 
pointed  habit,  which  it  is  most  desirable  we  should 
have  associated  with  vegetation  more  distinguished 
for  brilliancy  than  grace.  They  are  in  many  cases 
as  elegantly  chiselled  and  'dissected  as  the  finest 
fern,  and  it  is  difficult  to  find  more  beautiful  masses 
of  verdure  than  such  plants  as  Retinospora  plumosa 
and  R.  obtusa  display  when  well  developed  ;  they 
are  simply  invaluable  for  those  who  use  them  with 
taste.  Apart  altogether  from  our  want  of  a  more 
elegantly  diversified  surface  in  the  flower-garden — 
the  best  and  most  practical  way  to  meet  which  is 
by  the  use  of  such  plants  as  these  and  neat  and 
elegant  young  specimens  of  such  things  as  Thu- 
jopsis  borealis — there  is,  in  many  British  gardens, 
a  great  gulf  between  the  larger  tree  and  shrub 
vegetation  and  the  humbler  colouring  material, 
which  most  will  admit  should  be  filled  up,  and 
there  is  nothing  more  suitable  for  it  than  the  many 
graceful  conifers  we  now  possess.  Much  as  conifers 
are  grown  with  us,  how  few  people  have  any  idea  of 
their  great  value  as  ornamental  plants  for  the  very 
choicest  position  in  a  garden  !  We  are  sometimes 
too  apt  to  put  them  in  what  is  called  their  "  proper 
place," — or,  at  all  events,  too  far  from  the  seat  of 

3  2  Subtropical  Gardening. 

interest  to  thoroughly  enjoy  them  in  winter,  when 
the  beauty  of  their  form  and  their  exquisite  verdure 
are  best  seen.  If  the  dwarfer  and  choicer  conifers 
were  tastefully  disposed  in  and  immediately  around 
a  flower-garden  not  altogether  spoiled  by  a  pro- 
fusion of  beds  for  masses  of  colour,  that  flower- 
garden  could  hardly  fail  to  look  as  well  in  winter 
as  in  summer ;  in  fact  I  have  seen  places  where, 
from  rather  close  association  of  the  more  elegant 
types,  the  best  kind  of  winter  garden  was  made. 
Our  efforts  must  tend  to  prevent  a  'desert-like 
aspect  at  any  time  of  the  year  ;  and  to  this  end 
nothing  can  help  us  more  than  a  judicious  selection 
of  conifers.  Almost  every  beauty  of  form  is  theirs. 
They  possess  a  permanent  dignity  and  interest, 
always  occupying  the  ground  and  embellishing  it, 
displaying  distinct  tints  of  ever-grateful  green 
in  spring  and  summer,  waving  majestically  before 
the  gusts  of  autumn,  and  beautiful  when  bearing 
on  their  deepest  green  the  snows  of  winter.  Some 
of  the  more  suitable  kinds  are  named  in  a  list  at 
the  end  of  this  book,  but  the  graceful  pines  are  so 
commonly  grown  that  few  will  have  any  difficulty 
in  securing  proper. sorts. 

The  Gourd  tribe  is  capable,  if  properly  used,  of 
adding  much  remarkable  beauty  and  character  to 

Young  Conifers  and  hardy  fine-leaved  Plants. 

Introduction,  etc.  33 

the  garden  ;  yet,  as  a  rule,  it  is  seldom  used. 
There  is  no  natural  order  more  wonderful  in  the 
variety  and  singular  shapes  of  its  fruit  than  that 
to  which  the  melon,  cucumber,  and  vegetable 
marrow  belong.  From  the  writhing  Snake-cucum- 
ber, which  hangs  down  four  or  five  feet  long  from 
its  stem,  to  the  round  enormous  giant  pumpkin 
or  gourd,  the  grotesque  variation,  both  in  colour 
and  shape  and  size,  is  marvellous.  There  are 
some  pretty  little  gourds  which  do  not  weigh 
more  than  half  an  ounce  when  ripe ;  while,  on 
the  other  hand,  there  are  kinds  with  fruit  almost 
large  enough  to  make  a  sponge  bath.  Eggs, 
bottles,  gooseberries,  clubs,  caskets,  folded  um- 
brellas, balls,  vases,  urns,  small  balloons, — all  have 
their  likenesses  in  the  gourd  family.  Those  who 
have  seen  a  good  collection  of  them  will  be  able 
to  understand  Nathaniel  Hawthorne's  enthusiasm 
about  these  quaint  and  graceful  vegetable  forms 
when  he  says  :  "  A  hundred  gourds  in  my  gar- 
den were  worthy,  in  my  eyes  at  least,  of  being 
rendered  indestructible  in  marble.  If  ever  Provi- 
dence (but  I  know  it  never  will)  should  assign  me 
a  superfluity  of  gold,  part  of  it  shall  be  expended 
for  a  service  of  plate,  or  most  delicate  porcelain, 
to  be  wrought  into  the  shape  of  gourds  gathered 


Subtropical  Gardening. 

from  vines  which  I  will  plant  with  my  own  hands. 
As  dishes  for  containing  vegetables  they  would  be 
peculiarly  appropriate.  Gazing  at  them,  I  felt  that 
by  my  agency  something  worth  living  for  had  been 
done.  A  new  substance  was  born  into  the  world. 
They  were  real  and  tangible  existences,  which  the 

mind  could  seize  hold  of 
and  rejoice  in."  Of  course 
the  climate  of  New  Eng- 
land is  much  better  suited 
for  fully  developing  the 
gourd  tribe  than  ours,  but 
it  is  satisfactory  to  know 
that  they  may  be  readily 
and  beautifully  grown  in 
this  country. 

There  are  many  posi- 
tions in  gardens  in  which 
they  might  be  grown  with  great  advantage;  on 
low  trellises,  depending  from  the  edges  of  raised 
beds,  the  smaller  and  medium-sized  kinds  trained 
over  arches  or  arched  trellis-work,  covering  banks, 
or  on  the  ordinary  level  earth  of  the  garden.  Iso- 
lated, too,  some  kinds  would  look  very  effective, 
and  in  fact  there  is  hardly  any  limit  to  the  uses  to 
which  they  might  be  applied.  In  the  Royal  Botanic 

Introduction^  etc.  35 

Gardens  at  Dublin,  there  is  a  singular  wigwam 
made  by  placing  a  number  of  dead  branches  so  as 
to  form  the  framework,  and  then  planting  Aristo- 
lochia  Sipho  all  round  these.  It  runs  over  them, 
and  the  large  leaves  make  a  perfect  summer  roof. 
A  similar  tent  might  be  made  with  the  free-growing 
gourds,  and  it  would  have  the  additional  merit  of 
suspending  some  of  the  most  singular,  graceful,  and 
gigantic  of  all  known  fruits  from  the  roof.  A  few 
words  on  their  culture,  and  a  selection  of  kinds, 
occur  at  the  end  of  the  book. 

Although  some  Ferns  are  named  in  the  descrip- 
tive part  of  this  book,  it  is  desirable  to  allude  to 
the  family  here.  Why  do  we  always  put  ferns  in 
the  shade,  when  many  of  the  best  and  hardiest 
kinds  grow  freely  in  the  full  sun  if  sufficiently 
moist  at  the  root  ?  Why  do  we  always  confine 
them  to  the  fernery  proper,  when  there  are  so 
many  other  places  that  could  be  graced  by  their 
presence  ?  The  very  highest  beauty  of  form  might 
be  added  to  beds  of  low  flowers,  by  the  introduc- 
tion of  such  ferns  as  the  Struthiopteris,  Pteris, 
Lastrea,  etc.,  while  they  should  also  be  freely 
planted  in  various  parts  of  the  pleasure-ground, 
either  alone,  or  grouped  with  the  Acanthuses  and 
other  hardy  fine-leaved  plants.  Not  a  few  of  the 

D    2 

36  Siib  tropical  Gardening. 

Umbelliferous  plants  recommended  have  foliage  as 
finely  cut  as  any  of  the  Ferns,  and  would  associate 
very  well  with  them.  Even  in  cases  where  the 
soil  might  not  be  suitable  for  ferns,  it  would,  instead 
of  confining  them  to  the  fernery  proper,  be  much 
better  to  arrange  for  having  small  groups  or  beds 
of  them  in  places  alongside  of  shady  wood-walks 
or  similar  positions.  By  reference  to  the  Osmunda 
article,  it  will  be  seen  how  these  have  been  grown 
to  magnificent  proportions.  It  may  be  easily  ima- 
gined that  groups  of  fine  ferns,  grown  to  the  luxu- 
riance there  described,  would  contrast  with  and 
relieve  groups  of  the  brilliant  flowers  in  a  superb 

As  the  culture  of  most  of  the  subjects  has  been 
sufficiently  spoken  of  in  the  descriptive  part,  it  is 
needless  to  say  much  of  it  here,  but  a  few  general 
remarks  may  help  to  make  the  matter  clearer  to 
the  amateur.  It  is  hoped  that  the  greater  number 
of  the  hardy  subjects  enumerated  will  sufficiently 
prove  that  it  is  not  only  those  persons  who  have 
streets  of  glass-houses  to  whom  the  luxury  of 
"subtropical  gardening"  is  accessible.  Once  placed 
in  suitable  soil  and  position,  these  hardy  kinds  may, 
as  a  rule,  be  left  to  take  care  of  themselves. 

A  great  number  of  subjects,  like  the    Ricinus 

Introduction,  etc.  37 

and  the  Annuals,  may  be  considered  practically 
hardy,  inasmuch  as  they  only  require  to  be  raised 
in  warm  or  cool  frames,  or  even  (some  of  them)  in 
the  open  air.  When  once  planted  out  for  the 
summer,  they  give  but  little  further  trouble. 

In  the  next  group  may  be  placed  the  tender 
greenhouse  kinds  ;  long-lived  subjects,  like  the 
Dracaenas,  American  Aloe,  etc.,  which  thrive  in 
greenhouses  or  conservatories  in  winter,  and  are 
great  ornaments  there,  and  which  may  be  placed 
in  the  open  air  in  summer  without  the  least  injury. 
Next  to  the  hardy  group,  this  is  the  most  im- 
portant, from  the  fact  that  the  subjects  are  effective 
at  all  seasons  of  the  year,  and  useful  indoors  as 
well  as  without.  They  also,  unlike  the  following, 
may  be  enjoyed  by  every  one  who  possesses  any 
kind  of  a  cool  glazed  structure  ;  and  even,  in  some 
cases,  this  is  not  needed,  for  I  have  seen  some  very 
fine  specimens  of  Agave  americana  kept  in  a  large 
entrance  hall  in  winter,  and  put  out  of  doors  in 
May  to  be  taken  in  again  in  October. 

Lastly,  we  have  the  least  important  group  of  all, 
and  happily  also  the  most  costly,  viz.,  those  plants 
which  must  be  kept  through  the  winter  and  spring 
in  warm  stoves,  such  as  Ferdinanda,  Solanum,  etc. 
Considering  the  vast  number  of  hardy  and  half- 

38  Subtropical  Gardening. 

hardy  plants  from  which  we  may  select,  this  type 
is  not  worthy  of  encouragement  in  gardens  gener- 
ally, with  the  exception  of  a  few  fine  things,  such  as 
Polymnia  grandis.  They  may,  for  the  sake  of  con- 
venience, be  considered  in  two  sections  :  those,  like 
the  Polymnia,  that  should  be  put  out  in  a  young 
state,  and  which  make  a  fresh  and  handsome  growth 
during  the  summer  months  ;  and  those  which,  like 
the  Monstera  and  Anthurium  acaule,  make  no 
growth  whatever  during  that  season.  It  need  not 
be  said  that  the  first  section  is  by  far  the  most 
important :  it  comprises  the  Wigandia,  and  some 
of  the  noblest  things  used  in  this  way.  Plants  of 
the  other  section  can,  in  the  nature  of  things,  be 
tried  in  but  few  places  in  this  country  ;  they  are 
too  expensive,  and  they  are  not  the  most  effective : 
but  some  persons  no  doubt  may  take  a  pleasure  in 
showing  what  will  endure  the  open  air,  even  if  use- 
less for  any  other  purpose.  One  general  rule  may 
be  applied  to  these  last-named  subjects— they 
should  be  allowed  to  make  a  strong  growth  in  the 
hothouse  in  spring  or  early  summer,  and  to  mature, 
and,  so  to  speak,  harden  off  that  growth  before 
being  placed  in  the  open  air  early  in  June,  or  even 
later  if  the  season  be  unfavourable. 

Speaking   generally  of  all  the   tender  subjects 

Introduction,  etc.  39 

used,  it  is  necessary  to  discriminate  between  kinds 
that  should  be  planted  out  in  a  young  state  every 
year,  and  those  which  are  valuable  in  propor- 
tion to  their  age  and  size.  Some  plants  are  all 
the  better  the  higher  and  larger  they  are  grown  ; 
others  must  be  started  in  a  dwarf  fresh  state  every 
year,  or,  if  not,  their  foliage  will  not  possess  that 
pristine  freshness  which  charms  us  when  they  are 
properly  treated.  A  large  plant  of  Polymnia 
grandis,  for  example,  would,  if  placed  in  the  open 
air  in  early  summer,  speedily  become  a  far  from 
attractive  object,  while  a  young  plant  of  the  same 
kind,  put  out  on  the  same  day,  would  soon  produce 
and  carry  to  the  end  of  the  season  a  mass  of  fresh 
and  noble  leaves.  But  of  course  this  only  applies 
to  kinds  that  grow  rapidly  during  the  summer 
months  in  our  climate. 

With  respect  to  the  preparation  of  the  beds  for 
the  finer  subtropical  plants,  a  peculiar  mode  is 
practised  in  Battersea  Park.  Here  many  of  the 
beds  are  raised  above  the  level  of  the  ground,  and 
underneath  and  around  the  mass  of  light  rich  soil 
is  a  good  layer  of  brick-rubbish,  as  shown  in  the 
accompanying  engraving.  The  soil  is  first  ex- 
cavated and  thrown  round  the  margin  of  the  bed  ; 
then  the  brick-rubbish  is  put  in  on  the  bottom  and 

40  Subtropical  Gardening. 

around  the  sides  also,  raising  the  bed  somewhat 
above  the  level  of  the  ground  ;  the  cavity  in  the 
centre  is  then  rilled  up,  generally  with  fine  light 
rich  soil,  using  as  much  of  the  soil  that  was  dug 
out  as  is  fit  to  be  used,  and  arranging  the  remainder 
round  the  edge  of  the  raised  bed,  covering  it  neatly 
with  turf.  The  soil  may  vary  in  depth  from  three 

Brick  rublish. 

Section  of  raised  bed  at  Battersea,  with  brick-rubbish  beneath  and  around  the  soil. 

feet  to  eighteen  inches,  according  to  the  kinds  of 
plants  to  be  grown  in  it.  In  this  way,  by  present- 
ing a  larger  surface  to  the  sun,  it  is  considered  that 
a  greater  amount  of  heat  is  obtained ;  but  I  cer- 
tainly think  the  advantages  of  the  method  are  not 
so  great  in  this  way  as  is  generally  supposed,  and 
that  it  is  quite  needless  to  adopt  it  in  the  case  of 
the  great  majority  of  subjects.  Its  chief  merit 
probably  is  that  it  secures  a  better  drainage. 
Good  drainage  is  undoubtedly  indispensable,  and, 

Introduction,  etc.  41 

still  more  so,  a  thoroughly  rich  and  light  mass  of 
deep  soil,  with  abundance  of  water ;  without  these 
two  last  conditions  it  is  hopeless  to  expect  a  free 
rich  growth,  which  is  the  great  charm  of  these 
plants.  Ricinus,  Cannas,  Ferdinanda,  and  some 
of  the  freer-growing  kinds  certainly  succeed  per- 
fectly without  any  such  arrangement  as  that  above 
described.  The  more  delicate  kinds,  such  as  the 
Solanums  and  Wigandia  macrophylla,  would  be 
those  most  likely  to  be  benefited  by  it.  It  is 
needless  to  say,  that  the  numerous  fine  and  hardy 
subjects  enumerated  in  Part  II.  do  not  require 
anything  of  the  kind,  although  they  too  will,  as  a 
rule,  be  fine  in  proportion  to  the  care  bestowed  in 
securing  for  them  a  deep  and  rich  body  of  soil. 

One  most  essential  matter  is  the  securing  of  as 
perfect  shelter  as  is  possible.  Warm,  sunny,  and 
thoroughly  sheltered  dells  should  be  chosen  where 
convenient  ;  and,  in  any  case,  positions  which  are 
sheltered  should  be  selected,  as  the  leaves  of  all 
the  better  kinds  suffer  very  much  from  strong 
winds,  from  which  they  will  be  protected  if  judi- 
ciously planted  near  sheltering  banks  and  trees. 
Even  in  quite  level  districts  it  will  be  possible  to 
secure  shelter,  by  planting  trees  of  various  kinds, 
among  which  such  graceful  conifers  as  Thujopsis 

42,  Subtropical  Gardening. 

borealis,  Thuja  gigantea  (true),  Cupressus  macro- 
carpa,  Cryptomeria  elegans,  etc.,  should  be  freely 
used  in  the  foreground,  as  in  beauty  of  form  they 
are  unsurpassed  by  any  short-lived  inhabitants  of 
the  summer  garden.  Except,  however,  in  the  case 
of  the  Tree-ferns,  and  various  other  things  not 
grown  in  the  open  air  but  simply  placed  there  for 
the  summer,  it  is  very  desirable  not  to  place  the 
plants  in  the  shade  of  trees.  All  the  things  which 
have  to  grow  in  the  open  air  should  be  placed  in 
the  full  sun.  Not  a  few  hardy  subjects  will  thrive 
very  well  without  any  but  ordinary  shelter,  as,  for 
example,  the  Yuccas  and  Acanthuses  ;  but,  judging 
by  the  remarkable  way  in  which  the  hardy  Bamboo 
thrives  when  placed  in  a  sheltered  dell,  shelter  has 
a  considerable  influence  on  the  well-being  even  of 
these,  as  it  must  have  on  all  subjects  with  large 
leaf-surfaces.  But  it  should  not  be  forgotten  that 
shelter  may  be  well  secured  without  placing  the 
beds  or  groups  so  near  trees  that  they  will  be 
robbed,  shaded,  or  otherwise  injured  by  them. 

W.  R. 

March  I,  1871. 




*Aeacia  Julibrissin. — A  native  of  Persia,  with  large 
and  elegant  much-divided  leaves,  and  flowers  somewhat 
like  short  tinted  brushes  from  the  numerous  purple  sta- 
mens. Though  this  does  not  succeed  as  a  standard  tree 
in  all  parts  of  England  (where  it  grows  well  against  walls, 
and  sometimes  flowers),  yet  doubtless  it  would  do  so  in 
some  parts  of  the  south,  and  I  have  seen  it  make  present- 
able standards  about  Geneva  and  in  Anjou.  But  for  our 
purposes  it  is  better  that  it  should  not  be  perfectly 
hardy,  as  by  confining  it  to  a  single  young  stem  and 
using  young  plants,  or  plants  that  have  been  cut  down 
every  year,  we  shall  get  an  erect  stem  covered  with 
leaves  more  graceful  than  a  fern,  and  that  is  the  kind 
of  ornament  we  want  as  a  graceful  object  amidst  low- 
growing  flowers.  The  leaves,  like  those  of  some  other 
plants  of  the  pea  tribe,  are  slightly  sensitive.  On  fine 
sunny  days  they  spread  out  fully  and  afford  a  pleasant 
shade;  on  dull  ones  the  leaflets  fall  down.  This  inte- 
resting phenomenon  takes  place  with  other  members  of 
the  same  family — for  instance,  the  elegant  A.  dealbata  of 

*  The  names  of  all  hardy  species  and  other  kinds  easily  raised  from 
seed  in  spring  (the  kinds  useful  in  all  classes  of  garden},  are  preceded 
by  an  asterisk. 

46  Subtropical  Gardening. 

our  conservatories.  Seed  of  A.  Julibrissin — or  the  silk- 
rose,  as  it  is  called  by  the  Persians  in  consequence  of  its 
silky  stamens — is  readily  obtained,  and  it  is  much  better 
raised  from  seed,  as  then  you  get  those  single-stemmed 
and  vigorous  young  plants  which  are  to  the  flower- 
garden  what  an  elegant  fern  is  to  the  conservatory  or 
show-house.  To  succeed  with  it  in  the  way  above  named, 
it  may  be  protected  at  the  root  and  cut  down  every  year 
in  spring,  or  strong  young  plants  may  be  put  out  annually, 
in  much  the  same  way  as  those  of  A.  lophantha. 

Acacia  lophantha. — This  elegant  plant,  though  not 
hardy,  is  one  of  those  which  all  may  enjoy,  from  the 
freedom  with  which  it  grows  in  the  open  air  in  summer. 
It  will  prove  more  useful  for  the  flower-garden  than  it 
has  ever  been  for  the  houses,  and,  being  easily  raised, 
is  entitled  to  a  place  here  among  the  very  best.  The 
elegance  of  its  leaves  and  its  quick  growth  in  the  open 
air  make  it  quite  a  boon  to  the  flower-gardener  who 
wishes  to  establish  graceful  verdure  amongst  the  brighter 
ornaments  of  his  parterre.  It  has  graceful  fern-like 
leaves  and  a  close  and  erect  habit,  which  permits  us  to 
closely  associate  it  with  flowering  plants  without  in  the 
least  shading  them  or  robbing  them.  Of  course  I 
speak  of  it  in  the  young  and  single-stemmed  condition, 
the  way  in  which  it  should  be  used.  By  confining  it  to 
a  single  stem  and  using  it  in  a  young  state,  you  get 
the  fullest  size  and  grace  of  which  the  leaves  are  capable. 
Allow  it  to  become  old  and  branched,  and  it  may  be 
useful,  but  by  no  means  so  much  so  as  when  young  and 
without  side  branches.  It  may  be  raised  from  seed  as 
easily  as  a  common  bedding  plant.  By  sowing  it  early 

ACANTHUS   LATIFOLIUS    (htsitanicus}. 

Ornamental  foliaged  herbaceous  Section  ;    retaining  its  leaves  till  very 
late  in  the  year. 

Acanthus.  47 

in  the  year  it  may  be  had  fit  for  use  by  the  first  of 
June  j  but  plants  a  year  old  or  so,  stiff,  strong,  and  well 
hardened  off  for  planting  out  at  the  end  of  May,  are 
the  best.  It  would  be  desirable  to  raise  an  annual 
stock,  as  it  is  almost  as  useful  for  room-decoration  as 
for  the  garden.  Native  of  New  Holland. 


THESE  stout  and  hardy  herbaceous  plants  are  of  the 
greatest  importance  in  the  subtropical  garden  or  the 
pleasure-ground,  their  effect  being  very  good  when  they 
are  well  established.  They  thrive  in  almost  any  soil, 
but  attain  their  greatest  luxuriance  and  beauty  in  deep 
warm  ones.  The  best  uses  for  these  species  are  as  iso- 
lated tufts  in  the  grass,  in  the  mixed  border,  or  in 
picturesque  groups  with  other  hardy  subjects.  In  all 
cases  they  should  be  placed  in  positions  where  they  are 
not  likely  to  be  disturbed,  as  their  beauty  is  not  seen 
until  they  are  well  established.  All  are  easily  propa- 
gated by  division.  Few  herbaceous  genera  may  be  made 
more  useful  than  this. 

*Acanthus  hirsutus. — This  uncommon  species  has 
a  narrow  spiny  leaf,  more  in  the  way  of  Morina  lo?igi- 
folia  than  the  ordinary  Acanthuses,  and  is  dark  green  in 
hue.  The  leaves  grow  to  a  length  of  about  15  ins.  or 
1 6  ins.  in  ordinary  soil.  Being  distinct,  it  may  be  worth 
growing,  though  in  point  of  character  or  importance  it 
is  inferior  to  the  larger  kinds.  South  of  Europe. 

*Acanthus  latifolius. — The  leaves  of  this  are  bold 
and  noble  in  outline,  and  the  plant  has  a  tendency,  rare 

48  Subtropical  Gardening. 

in  some  hardy  things  with  otherwise  fine  qualities,  to 
retain  them  till  the  end  of  the  season  without  losing  a 
particle  of  their  freshness  and  polished  verdure.  In  fact, 
the  only  thing  we  have  to  decide  about  this  subject  is, 
what  is  the  best  place  for  it  ?  Now,  it  is  one  of  those 
things  that  will  not  disgrace  any  position,  and  will  prove 
equally  at  home  in  the  centre  of  the  mixed  border,  pro- 
jected in  the  grass  a  little  from  the  edge  of  a  choice 
shrubbery,  or  in  the  flower-garden ;  nobody  need  fear  its 
displaying  anything  like  the  seediness  which  such  things 
as  the  Heracleums  show  at  the  end  of  summer.  I  should 
not  like  to  advise  its  being  planted  in  the  centre  of  a 
flower-bed,  or  in  any  other  position  where  it  would  be 
disturbed ;  but  in  case  it  were  determined  to  plant  per- 
manent groups  of  fine-leaved  hardy  plants,  then  indeed 
it  could  be  used  with  great  success.  Supposing  we  have 
an  irregular  kind  of  flower-garden  or  pleasure-ground  to 
deal  with  (a  common  case),  one  of  the  best  things  to  do 
with  this  Acanthus  is  to  plant  it  in  the  grass,  at  some 
distance  from  the  clumps,  and  perhaps  near  a  few  other 
things  of  like  character.  It  is  better  than  any  kind  of 
Acanthus  hitherto  commonly  cultivated,  though  one  or 
two  of  these  are  fine.  Give  it  deep  good  soil,  and  do 
not  grudge  it  this  attention,  because,  unlike  tender  plants, 
it  will  not  trouble  you  again  for  a  long  time.  Nobody 
seems  to  know  from  whence  it  came.  Probably  it  is  a 
variety  of  Acanthus  mollis.  The  plant  varies  a  good 
deal;  I  have  seen  specimens  of  it  about  a  foot  high, 
with  leaves  comparatively  small  and  stiff  and  rigid,  as  if 
cast  in  a  mould,  by  the  side  of  others  of  thrice  that 
development,  and  of  the  usual  texture. 

Acanthus.  49 

*Acantlms  longifolius. — A  fine,  distinct,  and  new 
species  from  Dalmatia  and  S.  Europe,  3^  ft.  to  4  ft.  high, 
distinguished  from  A.  mollis  (to  which  it  is  allied)  by  the 
length  and  narrowness  of  its  arching  leaves.  They  are 
about  212  ft.  long,  very  numerous,  of  a  bright  green  colour, 
growing  at  first  erect,  then  inclining  and  forming  a  sheaf- 
like  tuft,  which  has  a  very  fine  effect.  The  flowers  are 
of  a  wine-red  colour,  becoming  lighter  before  they  fall. 
A  specimen  in  the  gardens  of  the  Museum  at  Paris,  in 
four  years  after  planting,  had  twenty-five  blooming-stems 
rising  from  the  midst  of  a  round  mass  of  verdure  nearly 
2?  ft.  in  height  and  width.  This  would  be  very  effective 
on  the  undulating  and  picturesque  parts  of  landscape- 
gardens.  It  does  not  run  so  much  at  the  root  as 
A.  mollis.  It  seeds  more  freely  than  the  other  kinds, 
and  may  be  readily  increased  by  seeds  as  well  as  by 
division.  Its  free-flowering  quality  makes  this  species 
peculiarly  valuable,  while  it  is  as  good  as  any  for  isolation 
or  grouping. 

*Acanthus  mollis. — A  well-known  old  border-plant 
from  the  south  of  Europe,  about  3  ft.  high,  with  leaves 
nearly  2  ft.  long  by  i  ft.  broad,  heart-shaped  in  outline, 
and  cut  into  angular  toothed  lobes.  The  flowers  are 
white  or  lilac,  the  inflorescence  forming  a  remarkable- 
looking  spike,  half  the  length  of  the  stem.  Well  adapted 
for  borders,  isolation,  margins  of  shrubberies,  and  semi- 
wild  places,  in  deep  ordinary  soil,  the  richer  the  better. 
Increased  by  division  of  the  roots  in  winter  or  early 

*Acanthus  spinosissimus. — This  is  in  all  respects 
among  the  finest  of  thoroughly  hardy  "  foliage-plants," 

50  Subtropical  Gardening. 

growing  to  a  height  of  3^  ft,  and  bearing  rosy-flesh- 
coloured  flowers  in  spikes  of  a  foot  or  more  in  length.  It 
is  perfectly  hardy,  very  free  in  growth,  and  is  quite  distinct 
from  any  of  the  other  species,  forming  roundish  masses 
of  dark-green  leaves,  with  rather  a  profusion  of  glistening 
spines,  by  which  it  is  known  immediately  from  its  rela- 
tives. As  a  permanent  object,  fit  to  plant  in  a  nook 
in  the  pleasure-ground  or  on  the  grass,  associated  with 
the  nobler  grasses  or  other  plants,  there  is  nothing  to 
surpass  it.  I  know  of  no  hardy  foliage-plant  so  tho- 
roughly neat  in  its  habit  at  all  times.  It  does  not  often 
flower ;  and  if  it  should  throw  up  a  spike,  it  will  perhaps 
be  no  loss  to  cut  it  off,  as  its  leaves  are  its  best  ornament, 
though  the  flowers  too  are  interesting.  Never  at  any 
time  does  it  require  the  least  attention;  it  will  stand 
any  exposure ;  and  is,  in  a  word,  invaluable  as  a  hardy 
ornamental  plant.  It  will  thrive  best  in  good  and  deep 
soil.  South  of  Europe. 

*Acanthus  spinosTis. — This  species  appears  to  flower 
well  more  regularly  than  any  other.  Its  leaves  are  rather 
narrow,  and  very  deeply  divided  into  almost  triangular 
segments  :  they  are  also  covered  with  short  spines.  The 
flowering-stems  are  about  3  ft.  high,  and  bear  dense 
spikes  of  purplish  flowers.  Useful  for  borders,  or  group- 
ing with  the  other  kinds  and  plants  of  similar  character 
and  size.  South  of  Europe. 

*Adiantum  pedatum. — This  fern,  which  abounds  in 
the  woods  of  Canada  and  the  United  States,  is  unques- 
tionably one  of  the  most  elegant  of  those  which  are  able 
to  endure  the  climate  of  Britain,  and  grows  from  16  ins.  to 
20  ins.  high.  From  the  tops  of  the  erect  black  stems 

Agave.  51 

the  fronds  branch  and  spread  horizontally  in  a  very 
graceful  and  peculiar  manner.  The  leaflets  are  slightly 
wedge-shaped,  the  upper  margin  resembling  an  arc  of  a 
circle.  The  American  Maiden-hair  flourishes  in  a  light 
cool  soil,  and  in  a  half-shaded  position,  or  in  a  coarsely- 
broken,  shallow,  turfy  peat  soil,  covered  with  a  layer 
of  moss  to  keep  it  constantly  cool.  It  is  commonly 
grown  in  the  greenhouse  with  us,  but  is  especially 
adapted  for  embellishing  the  low  and  shady  parts  of 
rockwork,  and  for  ornamenting  beds  and  mounds  of 
peaty  soil  which  have  a  north  aspect  or  are  sheltered 
from  the  full  sun.  It  is  propagated  by  division  of  the 
tufts  in  autumn  or  early  spring.  If  done  in  autumn,  the 
divisions  should  be  potted  and  placed  under  a  frame  for 
the  winter,  as  they  form  new  roots  more  readily  if  so 
treated.  There  can  be  no  question  that,  if  planted  in 
rich  moist  soil  in  a  shady  wood,  we  should  have  no 
trouble  in  naturalising  this  graceful  fern,  the  fronds  of 
which  are  such  graceful  objects  in  the  dense  woods 
of  the  "  great  country." 

Agave  americana. — This  and  its  variegated  varieties 
are  plants  peculiarly  suited  for  subtropical  gardening, 
being  useful  for  placing  out  of  doors  in  summer  in  vases, 
tubs,  or  pots  plunged  in  the  ground,  and  also  for  the 
conservatory  in  winter.  It  forms  a  large  rosette  of  thick 
fleshy  leaves  of  a  glaucous  ashy-green  colour,  overlap- 
ping each  other  at  the  base,  from  4  ft.  to  6£  ft.  long, 
and  from  6  ins.  to  10  ins.  broad,  ending  in  a  strong 
spine,  and  having  numerous  spines  along  the  margin. 
When  the  plant  flowers,  which  it  does  only  once,  and 
after  several  years'  growth,  it  sends  up  a  flowering-stem 

E  2 

52  Subtropical  Gardening. 

from  26  ft.  to  nearly  40  ft.  high.  The  flowers  are  of 
a  yellowish-green  colour,  and  are  very  numerous  on  the 
ends  of  the  chandelier-like  branches.  It  will  grow  in 
any  moderately  dry  greenhouse  or  conservatory  in  winter, 
or  even  in  a  large  hall,  and  may  be  placed  out  of  doors 
at  the  end  of  May  and  brought  in  in  October.  All  the 
varieties  are  easily  increased  from  suckers.  N.  America. 

*Agrostis  nebulosa.  —  This  beautiful  annual  grass 
forms  most  delicate  feathery  tufts  about  i  ft.  or  15  ins.  in 
height,  terminated  when  in  flower  by  graceful  panicles  of 
spikelets,  which  are  at  first  of  a  reddish-green  colour,  and 
afterwards  change  to  a  light  red  in  the  upper  part,  the 
remaining  two-thirds  being  of  a  deep  green  :  the  pedicels 
are  extremely  slender  and  of  a  violet  colour.  It  forms 
very  handsome  edgings,  and  is  very  valuable  for  bou- 
quets, vases,  baskets,  room  and  table  decoration,  etc.  If 
cut  shortly  before  the  seed  ripens,  and  dried  in  the 
shade,  it  will  keep  for  a  long  time.  Dyed  in  various 
colours  it  is  much  used  by  makers  of  artificial  flowers. 
It  may  be  sown  either  in  September  or  in  April  or 
May.  In  the  former  case  it  will  flower  from  May  to 
July,  in  the  latter  from  July  to  September.  The  seed, 
being  very  fine,  should  be  only  slightly  covered.  Though 
small,  this  deserves  a  place  in  groups  of  the  finer  and 
dwarfer  plants,  such  as  Thalictrum  minus,  and  also  in 
herbaceous  borders.  Spain. 

*Ailantus  glanctulosa. — Much  trouble  and  expense 
are  incurred  in  the  purchase,  growth,  and  protection  of 
tender  plants  with  fine  compound  leaves  like  this,  but 
which  in  our  climate  never  display  anything  like  the 
fresh  vigour,  health,  spotless  appearance,  and  youthful 

A  ilantus — A  ira.  5  3 

grace  characteristic  of  hardy  subjects.  This  is  one  of 
the  most  valuable  of  the  hardy  trees  which,  if  kept  in  a 
dwarf  state  by  being  planted  young  and  cut  down 
annually,  will  furnish  as  good  an  effect  as  any  tropical 
plant.  The  Ailantus  should  be  kept  in  a  young  state, 
with  a  single  stem  clothed  with  its  superb  pinnate  leaves ; 
and  we  can  readily  keep  it  in  this  form  by  planting  it 
young  and  cutting  it  down  annually,  taking  care  to 
prevent  it  from  breaking  into  an  irregular  head,  as  then 
the  symmetry  of  the  leaf  beauty  becomes  confused  and 
is  not  at  all  so  effective  as  when  it  is  kept  to  a  single 
stem.  Vigorous  young  plants  and  suckers  in  good  soil 
will  produce  handsome,  arching,  elegantly  divided  leaves 
5  ft.  and  even  6  ft.  long,  not  to  be  surpassed  by  those 
of  any  stove-plant.  Under  such  treatment  it  could 
be  grown  conveniently  to  about  from  4  ft.  to  7  ft.  high, 
and  would  thus  do  grandly  for  association  with  the 
larger  class  of  garden  flowers — Gladioli,  Dahlias,  and 
Hollyhocks,  for  example — while  among  Cannas  and  the 
like  it  will  prove  fine.  The  leaves  are  not  liable  to  be 
attacked  by  insects — a  good  point  in  a  plant  used  for 
the  purpose  I  suggest — and  they  retain  their  healthy 
green  till  the  first  frosts  in  November,  when  they  sud- 
denly drop  off.  It  is  propagated  with  facility  by  cuttings  ' 
of  the  roots,  but  is  cheap  in  all  nurseries.  China  and 

*Aira  pulchella. — One  of  the  most  ornamental  grasses, 
with  numerous  hair-like  stems,  growing  in  light  elegant 
tufts  6  ins.  to  8  ins.  high.  It  is  useful  for  forming  very 
handsome  edgings,  or  for  interspersing  amongst  plants  in 
borders,  or  growing  in  vases  or  pots  for  room-decoration. 

54  Subtropical  Gardening. 

Its  delicate  panicles  give  an  additional  charm  to  the 
finest  bouquets.  May  be  sown  either  in  September  or  in 
April.  S.  Europe. 

*Alisma  Plantago. — A  native  perennial  water-plant, 
growing  nearly  3  ft.  high,  and  bearing  a  very  handsome 
pyramidal  panicle  of  rosy-white  flowers  from  June  to 
September.  The  leaves  are  oval-lance-shaped  with  a 
cordate  base,  and  are  borne  nearly  erect  on  long  stalks 
for  some  distance  above  the  surface  of  the  water.  A 
graceful  object  on  the  margins  of  ponds,  lakes,  etc.,  where 
a  plant  of  it  transferred  from  any  place  where  it  grows 
will  soon  increase. 

Alsophila  excelsa. — A  noble  tree-fern,  native  of 
Norfolk  Island,  where  it  attains  a  height  of  40  ft., 
crowned  with  a  magnificent  circular  crest  of  bipinnate 
fronds.  These  fronds  or  branches  fall  off  every  year, 
leaving  an  indentation  in  the  trunk.  It  stands  well  in 
the  open  air  in  this  country  in  shady,  moist,  and 
thoroughly  well  sheltered  places.  It  should  be  put  out  at 
the  end  of  May,  and  taken  indoors  at  the  end  of  Sep- 
tember or  early  in  October,  and  receive  warm-greenhouse 
or  temperate-house  treatment  in  winter.  The  same  re- 
marks apply  to  A.  australis,  and  probably  others  of  the 
family  will  be  found  to  thrive  well  in  the  open  air  when 
sufficiently  plentiful  to  be  tried  in  that  position. 


AMONG  the  common  annuals  of  our  gardens  I  know  of 
none  more  in  want  of  judicious  use  and  appreciation  than 
these.  The  few  we  grow  are  usually  treated  as  rough 

A  marantus.  5  5 

common  annuals,  and  sown  so  thickly  that  they  never 
attain  half  their  true  development,  or  never  fulfil  any 
of  the  graceful  uses  for  which  they  are  adapted.  But 
the  family  possesses  greater  claims  on  our  attention  by 
reason  of  the  more  recent  additions  to  it.  The  old 
"Love  lies  bleeding"  (A.  caudatus},  with  its  dark-red 
pendent  racemes,  is  a  very  striking  object  when  well 
grown,  but  A.  speciosus  and  some  of  the  more  recent 
varieties  are  still  more  so. 

*Amarantus  caudatus. — A  hardy  and  vigorous-grow- 
ing species,  from  2  ft.  to  3?  ft.  high.  Flowers  from  July 
to  September,  dark  purplish,  very  small,  collected"  in 
numerous  whorls,  which  are  disposed  in  drooping  spikes 
so  as  to  form  a  handsome  pendent  panicle.  There  is  a 
variety  which  has  yellow  flowers  and  is  equally  hardy. 
It  is  advisable  to  give  this  plant  plenty  of  room  to 
spread  •  otherwise  much  of  its  picturesque  effect  will  be 
lost ;  and  to  use  it  in  positions  where  its  fine  and  peculiar 
habit  may  be  seen  to  advantage, — as,  for  example,  in 
large  vases,  edges  of  large  beds  of  subtropical  plants,  or 
dotted  among  low-growing  flowering  plants.  Although 
as  easily  raised  as  any  common  annual,  it  deserves  to 
be  properly  thinned  out,  and  each  plant  isolated  in  rich 
ground,  so  that  it  may  attain  its  full  size.  E.  Indies. 

*Amarantus  sanguineus. — Is  distinguished  by  the 
blood-red  colour  of  its  leaves,  and  grows  about  3  ft.  high. 
Its  purple  flowers  appear  from  July  to  October,  dis- 
posed partly  in  small  heads  in  the  axils  of  the  upper 
leaves,  and  partly  in  slender,  flexible  spikes  which  form 
a  panicle  more  or  less  branching.  This  plant,  though  a 
native  of  the  East  Indies,  is  quite  hardy,  and  seems  to 

56  Subtropical  Gardening. 

do  best  in  light  soil  with  plenty  of  leaf-mould  and  having 
a  warm  aspect.  It  may  be  sown  in  hotbeds  in  April 
and  pricked  out  in  May,  or  in  the  open  air  at  the  end  of 
April  or  beginning  of  May,  and,  like  the  others,  should 
never  be  allowed  to  get  crowded. 

*Amarantus  speciosus. — A  very  large  kind,  well 
adapted  for  associating  with  subtropical  plants,  as  it 
grows  from  3  ft.  to  nearly  5  ft.  high.  The  flowers  are 
very  numerous,  of  a  dark  crimson  purple,  and  arranged 
in  large  erect  spikes,  forming  a  fine  plumy  panicle.  The 
leaves  are  suffused  with  a  reddish  tinge.  Plants  of  this 
species  are  occasionally  met  with  having  leaves  with  a 
light  green  centre  surrounded  by  wavy  zones  of  a  reddish 
hue.  This  colouring  disappears  at  the  time  of  flowering. 
It  is  an  effective  subject  in  the  autumn  months.  Culture, 
the  same  as  for  the  preceding  kind.  Nepaul. 

*Amarantus  tricolor. — Distinguished  by  the  very 
handsome  and  remarkable  colouring  of  its  leaves,  which 
are  of  a  fine  transparent  purplish-red,  or  dark  carmine, 
from  the  base  to  the  middle.  A  large  spot  of  lively 
transparent  yellow  occupies  the  greater  part  of  the  upper 
end  of  the  leaf,  and  sometimes  covers  it  altogether,  with 
the  exception  of  the  point,  which  is  mostly  green.  The 
leaf-stalk  is  either  of  a  light  green  or  yellow  colour. 
Sometimes  leaves  occur  which  have  the  lower  half  green 
and  the  upper  part  red.  Another  variety  (tricolor)  has 
leaves  of  a  tender  green  variously  streaked  with  light 
yellow.  It  is  rather  delicate,  and  requires  very  good  soil, 
and  a  warm,  open  aspect.  Another  variety  (bicolor  ruber) 
is  hardier  than  the  last-named,  and  has  leaves  which  are 
of  a  brilliant  glistening  scarlet  when  young,  gradually 

A  ndropogon .  5  7 

changing  to  a  dark  violet-red  mixed  with  green.  Another 
variety  (rufrer)  has  a  more  squat  and  ramified  habit,  and 
leaves  of  a  deep  rose-colour  thickly  clothing  the  stems. 
Other  varieties  recommended  are  elegantissimus  (with 
scarlet  leaves),  Gordoni,  melancholicus  ruber,  and  versicolor, 
all  having  some  claims  as  bedding  plants.  The  foliage 
of  these  varieties  is  exceedingly  ornamental,  and  rivals 
the  finest  flowers  in  the  richness  of  its  hues.  Planted 
along  with  large-leaved  subjects,  such  as  the  Cannas, 
Wigandias,  Ricinus,  Solanums,  etc.,  the  effect  is  very  fine. 
They  may  also  be  advantageously  employed  in  borders 
and  flower-beds  of  all  sizes,  and  for  fringing  the  edges  of 
shrubberies.  The  varieties  of  A.  tricolor  are  a  little  more 
tender  than  the  other  kinds,  and  a  light  soil  and  a  warmer 
position  are  necessary  for  them.  They  do  well  in  gar- 
dens by  the  seaside.  They  should  be  sown  in  April  in  a 
hotbed,  pricked  out  in  a  hotbed,  and  finally  planted 
permanently  about  the  end  of  May.  A.  t.  giganteus  is 
described  as  very  fine  in  recent  catalogues  of  the  nursery- 
men. To  these  may  be  added  a  beautiful  new  kind,  A. 
salicifolius,  in  the  possession  of  the  Messrs.  Veitch,  but 
not  yet  sent  out.  It  has  highly  coloured  and  very  long, 
narrow,  and  arching  leaves,  and  is  a  singularly  graceful 
and  brilliant  object.  E.  Indies. 

*Andropogon  squarrosus  is  a  hardy  East  Indian 
grass,  which  survives  the  winter  with  but  slight  protection, 
making  luxuriant  tufts  seven  feet  high,  or  more,  when  in 
flower.  It  would  probably  make  a  beautiful  object  in  the 
warmer  and  milder  parts  of  England  and  Ireland  in 
good  soil,  but  it  is  not  a  subject  which  can  with  confi- 
dence be  recommended  for  every  garden.  However,  all 

58  Subtropical  Gardening. 

who  value  fine  grasses  should  try  it.  Well-drained  and 
deep-sandy  loam. 


THIS  genus  embraces  many  plants  of  very  diverse  aspects, 
and  few  that  are  fitted  for  the  open  air  in  our  climate  ; 
but  in  the  case  of  A.  canescens,  and  its  relative  (A.  spi- 
nosa),  the  Angelica-tree  of  North  America,  we  have 
subjects  which  thrive  perfectly  well  in  our  gardens,  and 
which  in  the  size  and  beauty  of  their  leaves  are  far  before 
many  "  foliage-plants  "  carefully  cultivated  in  hothouses 
at  a  perpetual  expense. 

*Aralia  canescens. — The  specimen  of  this  species 
figured  was  one  of  a  batch  of  young  plants  growing  in  a 
London  nursery,  and  sketched  in  the  summer  of  1868. 
The  engraving  falls  far  short  of  rendering  the  beauty  of 
the  plant.  It  is  easy  to  imagine  what  a  graceful  effect  may 
be  realised  by  such  an  object,  either  isolated  on  the  turf 
near  the  edge  of  a  shrubbery,  or  grouped  with  subjects  of 
similar  character.  Success  with  these  plants  may  be  se- 
cured by  first  selecting  a  sheltered  and  warm  position,  so 
that  their  noble  leaves  may  be  well  developed  and  not 
lacerated  by  storms  when  they  are  fully  grown ;  secondly, 
by  giving  them  a  deep,  free,  and  thoroughly-drained  soil ; 
and  thirdly,  by  confining  them  as  a  rule  to  a  simple  and 
rather  dwarf  stem,  so  that  the  vigour  of  the  individual  may 
not  be  wasted  in  several  branches.  The  effect  of  a  plant 
kept  to  a  single  stem,  as  shown  in  the  plate,  is  always  much 
superior  to  that  of  a  branched  one.  Young  plants  pre- 
sent this  aspect  naturally ;  but  old  ones  may  be  cut  down, 

ARALIA   CANES  GENS    (japonica). 
Deciduous  fine-leaved  Shrub;  hardy  everywhere. 

A  ralia.  5  9 

when  they  will  shoot  vigorously.  If  the  effect  of  a  full- 
grown  specimen  be  desired,  the  shrubbery  is  the  place 
for  it.  =  A.  japonica  (Hort.). 

*Aralia  edulis. — This  is  a  vigorous  herbaceous  per- 
ennial, well  suited  for  those  positions  in  which  we 
desire  a  luxuriant  type  of  vegetation.  It  is  perfectly 
hardy,  is  of  a  fresh  and  vigorous  habit,  and  grows  6,  7, 
and  even  8  ft.  high  in  good  soil,  even  so  early  as  the  end 
of  June.  The  leaves  attain  a  length  of  nearly  a  yard 
when  the  plant  is  strong,  while  the  shoots  droop  a  little 
with  their  weight,  and  thus  it  acquires  a  slightly  weeping 
character.  It  is  rare  in  this  country  now,  but,  being  easily 
propagated,  may,  it  is  to  be  hoped,  not  long  prove  so. 
As  it  dies  down  rather  early  in  autumn,  it  must  not  be 
put  in  important  groups,  but  rather  in  a  position  where 
its  disappearance  may  not  be  noticed.  An  isolated 
position,  or  one  near  the  margin  of  an  irregular  shrub- 
bery, fernery,  or  rough  rockwork  by  the  side  of  a  wood 
walk,  will  best  suit  it.  Japan.  Division. 

*Aralia  japonica. — A  valuable  species,  quite  distinct 
from  any  of  the  others,  with  undivided,  fleshy,  dark-green 
leaves.  It  is  usually  treated  as  a  green-house  plant,  but 
is  hardy  and  makes  a  very  ornamental  and  distinct- 
looking  shrub  on  soils  with  a  dry  porous  bottom.  It 
grows  remarkably  well  in  the  dwelling-house ;  in  fact  it 
is  one  of  the  very  few  plants  of  like  character  that  will 
develop  their  leaves  therein  in  winter.  Not  difficult  to 
obtain,  it  may  be  used  with  advantage  in  the  flower- 
garden  or  pleasure-ground  among  medium-sized  plants 
—say  those  not  more  than  a  yard  high.  It  would 
form  striking  isolated  specimens  on  the  turf,  and  is  also 

60  Subtropical  Gardening. 

very  suitable  for  grouping.      A  native  of  Japan.      =  A. 

Aralia  j  aponica. 

*Aralia  nudicaulis. — A  very  vigorous  perennial, 
with  a  smooth  stem  scarcely  rising  out  of  the  ground, 
bearing  large  leaves  with  long-stalked,  oval-oblong, 
pointed,  toothed  leaflets,  and  a  shorter  naked  flower- 
stem,  with  from  two  to  seven  umbels  of  blossoms.  Roots 
several  feet  long  and  highly  aromatic.  Similar  uses  to 
those  directed  for  A.  edulis.  North  America. 

Aralia  papyrifera  (Chinese  Rice-paper  Plant}.— 
This,  though  a  native  of  the  hot  island  of  Formosa, 
flourishes  vigorously  with  us  in  the  summer  months,  and 
is  one  of  the  most  valuable  plants  in  its  way,  being  useful 
for  the  greenhouse  in  winter  and  the  flower-garden  in 
summer.  It  is  handsome  in  leaf  and  free  in  growth, 
though  to  do  well  it  must,  like  all  the  large-leaved  things, 

Aralia.  61 

be  protected  from  cutting  breezes.  If  this  Aralia  be 
planted  in  a  dwarf  and  young  state,  it  is  likely  to  give 
more  satisfaction  than  if  planted  out  when  old  and  tall. 
The  leaves  spread  widely  out  near  the  ground,  and 
then  it  is  very  ornamental  through  the  summer.  Prefer 
therefore  dwarf  stocky  plants  when  planting  it  in  early 
summer.  It  should  have  rich,  deep  soil  and  plenty  of 

Aralia  papyrifera. 

water  during  the  hot  summer  months.  For  the  public 
gardens  of  Paris  it  is  kept  underground  in  caves  during 
the  winter;  but  in  private  gardens  it  will  doubtless  be 
thought  worthy  of  a  place  in  the  greenhouse  throughout 
that  season.  In  Battersea  Park  a  bed  of  A.  papyrifera, 
13  ft.  in  diameter,  attained  a  height  of  5  ft,  from  cuttings 
struck  in  the  spring  of  1868.  The  plants  were  left  out  all 

62  Subtropical  Gardening. 

the  next  winter,  and,  although  killed  to  the  ground,  the 
thick  fleshy  roots  next  season  produced  numerous  strong 
shoots  or  suckers.  These  were  produced  irregularly,  and 
so  numerously  that  they  had  to  be  thinned  out  in  many 
places ;  a  few  spaces  only  requiring  to  be  filled  up.  It 
is  easily  increased  by  cuttings  of  the  root,  and  is  usually 
planted  in  masses,  edged  with  a  dwarfer  plant;  but  as 
a  small  group  in  the  centre  of  a  bed  of  flowers,  or 
even  as  an  isolated  specimen  in  a  like  position,  it  is  most 

*Aralia  racemosa  (American  Spikenard). — An  her- 
baceous species,  with  smooth,  widely-branching,  diverging 
stems,  about  4  ft.  in  height,  and  pinnate,  slightly  downy 
leaves  with  ovate  heart-shaped  leaflets.  Flowers  nume- 
rous, white,  in  racemose  umbels.  Thrives  best  in  good 
soil  in  shady  or  half-shady  positions.  Similar  positions, 
etc.,  to  those  for  A.  nudicaulis  and  edulis.  N.  America. 

*Aralia  spinosa  (Angelica  tree  of  North  America)  is 
highly  useful,  in  consequence  of  its  beauty  of  foliage, 
among  subtropical  plants.  Like  many  of  the  hardy 
things,  it  should  not  be  placed  in  positions  where  it  would 
be  necessary  to  remove  it,  nor  closely  associated  with 
tender  plants  requiring  frequent  disturbance  of  the  soil. 
Flowers  in  autumn,  small,  white,  in  numerous  umbels 
arranged  on  a  much-branched  panicle  beset  with  velvety 
stellate  down.  The  leaves  are  twice  and  thrice  pinnate, 
with  ovate,  deeply  serrated,  smooth  leaflets.  In  most 
cases  it  grows  with  a  single  erect  stem — the  very  type 
we  require — and  it  should  not  be  allowed  to  depart  from 
this  habit.  The  stem  is  fiercely  arrayed  with  spines. 
On  account  of  its  umbrella-like  head  this  fine  thing  has 

A  ralia — A  ristolochia .  63 

often  been  planted  in  exposed  open  spaces,  where  it 
would  produce  a  distinct  feature,  but  it  is  better  planted 
where  the  great  leaves  will  not  be  lacerated.  It  gene- 
rally grows  not  more  than  10  ft.  high ;  and  in  every 
size  from  that  down  to  a  plant  with  a  stem  not  more 
than  1 8  ins.  high  it  may  be  effectively  used  in  the  orna- 
mental garden.  It  is  propagated  by  cuttings  of  the 
roots.  N.  America. 

Aralia  macrophylla  is  a  fine  large  digitate-leaved 
species  which  stands  summer  exposure  pretty  well,  but 
does  not  make  any  growth  in  the  open  air;  hence  it 
can  be  but  of  comparatively  slight  importance  for  this 
purpose.  Norfolk  Island. 

Areca  sapida. — A  New  Zealand  palm  from  6£  ft.  to 
nearly  10  ft.  high,  with  a  beautiful  crown  of  bright-green 
pinnate  leaves,  which  when  young  are  tinged  with  a 
bronze  colour :  leaflets  from  1 6  ins.  to  2  ft.  in  length, 
lance-shaped.  The  young  leafstalks  are  of  a  greyish  red 
hue.  A  fine  palm  for  placing  in  the  open  air  in  summer, 
and  equally  so  for  the  conservatory  in  winter  and  spring. 
It  is  of  very  easy  culture,  if  supplied  with  plenty  of 

Aristolochia  Sipho. — This  well-known  huge-leaved 
plant  is  capable  of  being  used  with  excellent  effect  where 
large  and  distinct  foliage  is  desired.  Generally  it  is  used 
as  a  wall  plant ;  but  it  is  far  finer  when  used  to  cover 
bowers  or  any  like  structure.  I  have  seen  a  most  effective 
object  formed  by  making  the  framework  of  a  tent  loosely 
with  rough  boughs,  and  then  planting  the  Aristolochia 
around  it.  It  formed  a  dense  green  and  singular-looking 
wigwam.  A.  tomentosa  is  smaller,  but  distinct  in  tone  of 

64  Subtropical  Gardening. 

green,  well  worthy  of  a  place,  and  to  be  employed  in  like 
manner.     N.  America. 

*  Artemisia  anethifolia. — A  hardy  perennial  species 
about  4  ft.  high,  with  a  simple  round  stem,  woody  at  the 
base,  and  branching  vertically  above,  clothed  from  about 
a  foot  above  the  ground  with  much-divided  leaves,  the 
segments  of  which  are  almost  thread-like.     Flowers  very 
numerous,  small,  in  a  dense,  large,  terminal  panicle,  with 
erect  branches.     Useful  in  groups,  or  as  isolated  speci- 
mens in  beds  or  borders.     Division. 

*  Artemisia  annua  (Annual   Wormwood}. — An   ex- 
ceedingly graceful   kind  of  wormwood,  with   tall  stems 
reaching  to  a  height  of  5  ft.  or  6  ft.   in  a  season ;   the 
foliage  is  small  and  fine,  and  the  flowers  inconspicuous 
but  arranged  in  not  inelegant  panicles.     The  hue  of  the 
plant  is   a  peculiarly  fresh  and   pleasing  green,  and  it 
forms  an  elegant  object  in  the  centre  of  a  flower-bed  or 
group  with  plants  of  like  character.     Raised  from  seed  as 
easily  as  any  half-hardy  annual. 

*  Artemisia  gracilis. — An  exceedingly  graceful  plant, 
3  or  4  ft.  high,  with  leaves  cut  into  very  fine  hair-like 
segments,  having  some  resemblance  to  fennel  or  other 
umbelliferous  plants  with  minutely-cut  leaves,  and  of  a 
deep   grass-green,  except  in   the   hearts  of  the  shoots, 
where  the   young  leaves  are  unfolding,  where  there  is 
a  slight  hoary  pubescence.      The  flowers  are  in  com- 
pound panicles,  quite  obscure,  of  a  pale  green,  not  at 
all  ornamental  in  the  common  sense,  but  forming  a  not 
ungraceful   inflorescence.     However,  the   plant   is   only 
likely  to  be  grown  for  its  graceful  foliage  and   habit, 
and  the  flowers,  which  only  appear  in  autumn,  may  be 

Arum.  65 

pinched  off  if  not  admired.     Similar  positions  to  those 
recommended  for  the  preceding  species.     Seed. 

*Aram  crinitum. — The  appearance  of  this  plant  when 
in  flower  is  very  grotesque  from  the  singular  shape  of  its 
broad,  speckled,  contorted  spathe.  The  leaves  are 
divided  into  five  or  seven  deep  segments,  the  central 
division  being  much  broader  than  the  others,  and  the 
leaf-stalks,  overlapping  each  other,  form  a  sort  of  spurious 
stem  a  foot  or  14  ins.  high,  marbled  and  spotted  with 
purplish-black.  The  treatment  for  this  plant  is  similar  to 
that  given  for  A.  Dracuncuhis ;  but  as  it  is  rather  more 
tender,  it  will  require  more  care  and  shelter  in  winter. 
Warm  borders,  fringes  of  shrubberies,  or  beds  of  the 
smaller  subtropical  plants,  will  suit  it  best.  The  appear- 
ance of  the  flower  is  almost  too  repulsive  for  the  nerves 
of  some  persons.  Division.  S.  of  Europe. 

*Arum  Dracunculus, — A  strange-looking  but  hand- 
some plant,  with  a  white  stem  curiously  marbled  with 
black,  about  3  ft.  high,  and  very  deeply  cut  palm-like 
leaves,  broadly  veined  and  spotted  with  white.  The 
spathe  is  of  a  pale  green  colour  on  the  outside  and  of  a 
deep  purple-violet  within,  and,  as  well  as  the  flowers, 
exhales  a  powerful  carrion  odour.  Requires  a  light, 
deep,  and  dry  soil,  and  does  best  in  half-shady  positions. 
Easily  multiplied  by  division  in  spring  or  autumn.  It  is 
best  fitted  for  the  fringes  of  shrubberies,  etc.,  or  among 
the  vegetation  that  sometimes  starts  from  the  bottoms  of 
warm  walls.  S.  of  Europe. 

*Arum  italicum. — This  plant,  which  is  a  native  of 
the  Isle  of  Wight  and  the  Channel  Islands,  resembles 
the  common  A.  maculatum  in  habit  and  in  the  shape  of 


66  Subtropical  Gardening. 

its  leaves,  which  are,  however,  of  a  dark  bluish-green 
colour,  handsomely  spotted  with  white,  and  marked  with 
yellow  veinings.  Although  it  is  a  very  hardy  plant,  and 
will  thrive  almost  anywhere  in  moist  soil  and  a  shady 
position,  it  will  be  better  to  place  it  in  sheltered  positions 
along  the  sunny  fronts  of  shrubberies,  amidst  low-spread- 
ing evergreens,  and  in  cosy  spots  about  the  flanks  of 
rock  work  and  ferneries,  to  prevent  its  handsome  foliage 
from  being  disfigured  by  cold  wintry  winds.  One  great 
merit  of  this  is  that  it  may  be  used  to  ornament  positions  in 
which  few  other  plants  will  thrive, — as,  for  instance,  under 
trees,  groups  of  shrubs,  etc.  Easily  multiplied  by  division 
in  the  end  of  summer  and  in  autumn.  S.  of  Europe. 

*Arundo  conspicua. — A  companion  for  the  Pampas 
grass,  though  by  no  means  equal  to  it,  as  has  been  stated 
by  some  writers.  In  some  very  fine  deep  and  free  sandy 
loams  it  attains  a  height  of  nearly  12  ft,  but  this  is  rare. 
As  a  conservatory  subject  it  is  fine  in  flower,  and  it  will 
be  often  seen  in  large  conservatories  after  a  few  years. 
A  large  pot  or  tub  will  be  necessary  if  it  is  grown  indoors. 
The  drooping  foliage  will  always  prove  graceful,  and  it 
sends  up  long  silvery  plumes,  drooping  also,  and  strik- 
ingly beautiful.  Judging  by  its  different  appearance 
when  freely  grown  in  a  tub  indoors,  and  when  planted 
out  even  in  favourable  spots,  my  impression  is  that  it 
by  no  means  takes  so  kindly  to  our  northern  climate  as 
the  Pampas  grass.  However,  it  is  well  worth  growing, 
even  in  districts  where  it  does  not  attain  a  great  develop- 
ment. It  comes  into  flower  before  the  Pampas  grass, 
and  may  be  considered  as  a  sort  of  forerunner  of  that 
magnificent  herb.  New  Zealand. 

Arundo.  67 

*Arundo  Donax. — This  great  reed  of  the  south  of 
Europe  is  a  very  noble  plant  on  good  soils.  In  the 
south  of  England  it  forms  canes  10  ft.  high,  and  has  a 
very  distinct  and  striking  aspect.  It  will  grow  higher 
than  that  if  put  in  a  rich  deep  soil  in  a  favoured  locality ; 
and  those  who  so  plant  clumps  of  it  on  the  turf  in  their 
pleasure-grounds  will  not  be  disappointed  at  the  result. 
Nothing  can  be  finer  than  the  aspect  of  this  plant  when 
allowed  to  spread  out  into  a  mass  on  the  turf  of  the 
flower-garden  or  pleasure-ground.  It  seems  much  to 
prefer  deep  sandy  soils  to  heavy  ones;  indeed,  I  have 
known  it  refuse  to  grow  on  heavy  clay  soil,  and  flourish 
most  luxuriantly  on  a  deep  sandy  loam  in  the  same  dis- 
trict. Like  all  large-leaved  plants,  it  loves  shelter.  No 
garden  or  pleasure-ground  in  the  southern  parts  of 
England  and  Ireland  should  be  without  a  tuft  of  it  in  a 
sheltered  spot.  But,  fine  as  it  is  for  effect  and  distinct- 
ness, its  variegated  variety  is  of  more  value  for  the 
flower-garden  proper. 

*Arundo  Donax  versicolor.  —  We  have  already 
noticed  several  fine  things  for  grouping  together,  or  for 
standing  alone  on  the  turf  and  near  the  margin  of  a 
shrubbery-border,  and  this  is  as  well  suited  for  close  associ- 
ation with  the  choicest  bedding-flowers  as  an  Adiantum 
frond  is  with  a  bouquet.  It  will  be  found  hardy  in  the 
southern  counties,  and,  considerably  north  of  London, 
may  be  saved  by  a  little  mound  of  cocoa-fibre,  sifted  coal- 
ashes,  or  any  like  material  that  may  be  at  hand.  In 
consequence  of  its  effective  variegation,  it  never  assumes 
a  large  development,  like  the  green  or  normal  form 
of  the  species,  but  keeps  dwarf,  and  yet  thoroughly 

F  2 

68  Subtropical  Gardening. 

graceful.  It  is  of  course  best  suited  for  warm,  free,  and 
good  soils,  and  abhors  clay,  though  it  is  quite  possible  to 
grow  it  even  on  that  with  a  little  attention  to  the  prepa- 
ration of  the  ground.  But  it  is  in  all  cases  better  to 
avoid  things  that  will  not  grow  freely  and  gracefully  on 
whatever  soil  we  may  have  to  deal  with :  and  it  is  to 
those  having  gardens  on  good  sandy  soils,  and  in  the 
warmer  parts  of  England,  that  I  would  specially  recom- 
mend this  grand  variegated  subject.  For  a  centre  to  a 
circular  bed  nothing  can  surpass  it  in  the  summer  and 
autumn  flower-garden,  while  numerous  other  charming 
uses  may  be  made  of  it.  Not  the  least  happy  of  these 
would  be  to  plant  a  tuft  of  it  on  the  green  turf,  in  a 
warm  spot,  near  a  group  of  choice  shrubs,  to  help,  with 
many  other  things  named,  to  fill  up  the  gap  that  is  now 
nearly  everywhere  observed  between  ordinary  fleeting 
flowers  and  the  taller  tree  and  shrub  vegetation.  It  is 
better  to  leave  the  plant  in  the  ground,  in  a  permanent 
position,  than  to  take  it  up  annually.  Protect  the  roots 
in  the  winter,  whether  it  be  planted  in  the  middle  of  a 
flower-bed  or  by  itself  in  a  little  circle  on  the  grass. 
Increased  by  placing  a  shoot  or  stem  in  a  tank  of  water, 
when  little  plants  with  roots  will  soon  start  from  every 
joint ;  they  should  be  cut  off,  potted,  and  placed  in 
frames,  where  they  will  soon  become  strong  enough  for 
planting  out. 

*Arundo  Phragmites  (Common  Reed}. — A  native 
marsh-  or  water-plant,  5  ft.  or  6  ft.  high,  bearing  when  in 
flower  a  large,  handsome,  spreading,  purplish  panicle.  The 
stems  are  smooth,  simple,  very  erect,  and  grow  closely 
together.  The  plant  is  only  attractive  when  in  flower,  as 

A  sclepias — A  splenium .  6  9 

its  flat,  ribbon-like  leaves  do  not  of  themselves  present 
'any  very  striking  appearance.  Useful  for  the  margins  of 
artificial  waters,  etc.,  to  which  it  may  be  brought  from  its 
wild  haunts.  It  should,  however,  if  possible,  be  kept  in 
one  spot  and  not  allowed  to  spread  too  much. 

*Asclepias  Cornuti. — A  handsome  hardy  perennial 
from  N.  America,  sending  up  from  its  running,  under- 
ground rootstock  a  number  of  erect,  unbranched  stems, 
from  4  ft.  to  6£  ft.  high,  thickly  covered  with  large  oppo- 
site oval  leaves.  The  flowers  are  of  a  light  rose-colour, 
and  agreeably  fragrant,  and  are  borne  in  large  umbels 
at  the  tops  of  the  stems.  The  plant  does  well  in 
almost  any  kind  of  soil  or  position,  and  is  well  adapted 
for  planting  in  places  which  do  not  require  much  atten- 
tion. As  it  spreads  very  rapidly  at  the  root,  it  is  better 
to  exclude  it  from  small  beds  or  gardens,  which  would 
soon  be  overrun  by  it.  Several  other  species  are  in 
cultivation,  the  best  of  which  are  A.  speciosa  (Douglasii), 
A.  incarnata,  and  A.  tuberosa. 

*  Asparagus  Broussoneti  (Giant  Asparagus). — A 
vigorous,  climbing  asparagus,  with  a  tapering,  shrubby 
stem,  10  or  12  ft.  high.  The  flowers  are  small  and  in- 
conspicuous, and  are  followed  by  numerous  small  red 
berries.  An  excellent  subject  for  tall  trellises,  rustic 
bowers,  stumps  of  trees,  tall  poles,  etc.  Canary  Islands. 

Asplenium  Nidus-avis. — This  is  a  remarkable  fern, 
which  has  been  placed  out  of  doors  in  the  garden  in 
summer,  from  early  in  June  to  October ;  but  it  is  not 
vigorous  or  hardy  enough  to  be  generally  recommended 
for  this  purpose.  However,  as  it  may  have  been  noticed 
in  abundance  at  Battersea  Park,  I  allude  to  it  here.  The 

70  Subtropical  Gardening. 

leaves  are  rather  broad,  pointed,  and  undulating,  nearly 
3  ft.  long,  and  form  roundish,  spreading,  nest-like  tufts. 
It  is  a  favourite  subject  in  places  where  large  collections  of 
tropical  ferns  are  grown,  and  in  such  places  a  plant  may 
be  tried  in  the  open  air  in  a  very  warm,  shady,  and  per- 
fectly sheltered  position.  E.  Indies. 

Asplenium  Nidus-avis. 

*Astilbe  rivularis. — A  large-leaved  and  striking  plant 
from  Nepaul,  with  the  habit  and  general  appearance  of 
&Spircea,  growing  to  a  height  of  more  than  3  ft,  and  of  a 
free  and  graceful  habit,  which  makes  it  useful  for  associa- 
tion with  the  finer-foliaged  herbaceous  plants,  and  for 
dotting  here  and  there  in  the  wild  or  picturesque  garden. 
It  keeps  its  foliage  well  through  the  season,  unlike  some 
herbaceous  plants,  and  is  therefore  all  the  more  valuable. 
Flowers  late  in  summer,  small,  yellowish-white,  in  large 
panicled  spikes.  The  radical  leaves  are  broad,  twice  ter- 
nate  with  toothed  divisions,  and  the  base  of  the  leaf-stalk 
is  covered  with  numerous  rough  tawny  hairs.  Being 

Astilbe — Bambusa.  7 1 

pretty  hardy,  the  Astilbe  usually  succeeds  well  in  any 
cool  rich  soil,  and  best  in  half-shaded  positions.  Easily 
multiplied  by  division.  It  is  suited  for  isolation,  borders, 
fringes  of  shrubberies,  or  for  groups  of  hardy  plants. 

*Astilbe  rubra. — A  very  pretty  and  hardy  plant,  also 
resembling  a  Spiraa  in  habit  and  appearance,  and  grow- 
ing from  4  ft.  to  6  ft.  high.  The  leaves  are  twice  ternate, 
with  oblique,  heart-shaped  leaflets,  i  in.  to  2  ins.  long, 
and  with  lengthened  serrated  points.  The  flowers  are 
numerous,  in  dense  panicles,  and  of  a  rose-colour,  appear- 
ing late  in  summer  and  in  autumn.  The  same  positions,  etc., 
as  those  for  the  preceding  kind.  North  America,  Japan, 
and  mountains  of  Northern  India. 

*Bambusa. — I  wish  to  call  the  attention  of  all  horti- 
culturists who  live  in  the  southern  and  more  favoured 
parts  of  these  islands  to  the  fact  that  there  are  several  bam- 
boos and  bamboo-like  plants  from  rather  cool  countries 
that  are  well  worth  planting.  Nothing  can  exceed  the 
grace  of  a  bamboo  of  any  kind  if  freely  grown ;  but  if 
starved  in  a  crowded  house,  or  grown  in  a  cold  dry  place, 
where  the  graceful  shoots  cannot  arch  forth  in  all  their 
native  beauty,  nothing  can  be  more  miserable  in  aspect. 
In  cold  bad  soils  and  exposed  dry  places  in  the  British 
Isles  these  bamboos  have  little  chance ;  but,  on  the 
other  hand,  they  will  be  found  to  make  most  graceful 
objects  in  many  a  sheltered  nook  in  the  south  and  south- 
western parts  of  England  and  Ireland.  We  have  some 
knowledge  of  the  capabilities  of  one  kind  in  this  country. 
In  a  well-sheltered  moist  spot  at  Bicton  I  have  seen 
Bambusa  falcata  send  up  young  shoots,  long  and  graceful, 
like  the  slenderest  of  fishing-rods,  while  the  older  ones 

72  Subtropical  Gardening. 

were  branched  into  a  beautiful  mass  of  light  foliage  of  a 
distinct  type.  The  same  plant  grows  in  the  county  of 
Cork  to  a  height  of  nearly  20  ft.  This  is  the  best  known 
kind  we  have.  At  Paris  I  was  fortunate  enough  to 
observe  various  other  kinds  doing  very  well  indeed, 
although  the  climate  is  not  so  suitable  as  that  of  Cork 
or  Devon.  These  were  Bambusa  edulis,  aurea,  nigra, 
Simoniiy  mitis,  Metake,  and  viridi-glancescens,  the  first 
and  last  of  this  group  being  very  free  and  good.  All 
the  others  will  prove  hardy  in  the  south  of  England  and 
Ireland,  though,  as  some  of  them  have  not  yet  been 
tried  there,  it  requires  the  test  of  actual  experiment. 
Those  who  wish  to  begin  cautiously  had  better  take  B. 
Simonii,  viridi-glaucescens,  and  edulis  to  commence  with, 
as  they  are  the  most  certainly  hardy,  so  far  as  I  have 
observed.  The  best  way  to  treat  any  of  these  plants, 
obtained  in  summer  or  autumn,  would  be  to  grow  them 
in  a  cool  frame  or  pit  till  the  end  of  April,  then  harden 
them  off  for  a  fortnight  or  so,  and  plant  out  in  a  nice 
warm  spot,  sheltered  also,  with  good  free  soil — taking 
care  that  the  roots  are  carefully  spread  out,  and  giving 
a  good  free  watering  to  settle  the  soil.  There  are  no 
plants  more  worthy  of  attention  than  these  where  the 
climate  is  at  all  favourable,  and  there  are  numerous  moist 
nooks  near  the  sea-side  where  they  will  be  found  to  grow 
most  satisfactorily,  as  well  as  in  the  south. 

*Bambusa  aurea. — A  very  hardy  and  graceful  Chinese 
species,  differing  but  slightly  from  B.  viridi-glaucescens 
in  size  and  habit,  and  forming  elegant  tufts  with  its 
slender  much-branched  stems,  which  attain  a  height  of 
from  6i  ft.  to  10  ft,  and  are  of  a  light-green  colour  when 

Thriving  in  warm,  and  mild  southern  districts. 

Bambusa.  73' 

young,  changing  into  a  yellowish  hue,  and  finally  be- 
coming of  a  straw-yellow  when  fully  grown.  The  leaves 
are  lance-shaped  acute,  light  green,  and  are  distinguished 
from  those  of  B.  viridi-glaucescens  by  having  their  under 
surface  less  glaucescent,  and  the  sheath  always  devoid  of 
the  long  silky  hairs.  The  preliminary  remarks  on  culture, 
etc.,  will  apply  to  all  the  species  here  described. 

*Bambusa  edulis. — A  hardy  and  vigorous  kind,  with 
very  elegant  light-green  shoots  and  olive-green  stems, 
attaining  a  height  of  10  ft.  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris. 
The  leaves  are  small,  and  the  plant  is  not  nearly  so 
branching  as  in  some  other  kinds. 

*Bambusa  falcata  (Arundinaria  fakata). — A  very 
ornamental  species  from  Nepaul  and  the  Himalayas,  and 
at  present  the  only  kind  of  bamboo  much  planted  with  us. 
It  grows  from  7  ft.  to  20  ft.  high,  and  has  woody,  twisted, 
smooth  stems  of  a  yellowish-green  or  straw-colour,  knotty, 
bearing  on  one  side  of  each  of  the  knots  a  bundle  of 
small  branches  equally  knotty  and  twisted.  The  whole 
plant  has  a  pale  yellowish  hue,  except  in  the  young  spike- 
lets  and  sheaths,  which  are  occasionally  purplish.  The 
leaves  are  of  a  fine  delicate  green,  from  4  ins.  to  6  ins. 
long,  ribbon-like,  linear-acute,  sickle-shaped,  in  two 
rows,  short-stalked,  and  sheathing.  It  is  hardy  over  the 
greater  part  of  England  and  Ireland,  but  only  attains 
full  development  in  the  south  and  west.  I  have  seen 
it  attain  great  luxuriance  in  Devon,  and  nearly  20  ft. 
high  near  Cork,  though  in  many  districts  it  is  stunted. 
It  loves  a  deep,  sandy,  and  rich  soil,  and  plenty  of 
moisture  when  growing  fast. 

*Bambusa  Fortune!. — A   pretty   dwarf  variegated 

74  Subtropical  Gardening. 

species  from  Japan,  of  which  I  have  not  seen  the  green 
form  in  cultivation,  with  very  dwarf,  slender,  branching, 
hollow,  half-shrubby  stems,  seldom  growing  more  than 
1 8  ins.  high,  and  with  very  short  internodes.  The  leaves 
are  3^  ins.  to  8  ins.  long,  linear-lance-shaped,  abruptly 
pointed,  somewhat  rounded  at  the  base,  serrated  and 
often  fringed  with  long  hairs  on  the  margin,  downy  on 
both  sides ;  they  are  distinctly  variegated,  the  transverse 
veins  being  often  of  a  bottle-green  colour ;  stalks  very 
short  and  hairy.  This  kind  has  proved  hardy  in  our 
gardens,  but  it  has  not  the  charm  of  grace  possessed  by 
the  other  kinds,  and  is  chiefly  desirable  in  collections  of 
variegated  and  edging  plants. 

*Bambusa  japonica  (B.  Metake). — A  large-leaved 
and  rather  dwarf  species  from  Japan,  growing  from  4  ft. 
to  7  ft.  high,  with  erect  thickly-tufted  stems,  which  are 
entirely  covered  by  the  sheaths  of  the  leaves ;  the 
branches  are  also  erect.  The  leaves  are  lance-shaped, 
with  a  very  sharp  point,  dark  green,  persistent,  narrowed 
into  a  short  leaf-stalk,  and  nearly  a  foot  long.  This 
species  sometimes  flowers  with  extraordinary  profusion 
at  the  expense  of  a  portion  of  the  foliage,  which  withers 
away  and  leaves  the  naked  stems  exposed.  This  may, 
however,  be  prevented  to  some  extent,  by  placing  the 
plants  on  mounds  somewhat  above  the  level  of  the  sur- 
rounding soil.  I  have  seen  it  thrive  very  freely  in  the 
late  Mr.  Borrer's  garden  in  Sussex,  and  in  one  or  two 
other  places.  It  loves  a  peat  soil,  or  a  very  free  moist 
and  deep  loam,  and  runs  a  good  deal  at  the  root. 

Bambusa  mitis. — A  fine  and  vigorous  kind  from 
Cochin  China,  somewhat  tenderer  than  most  of  the  other 


Hardy  Bamboo  Section;   growing  16  to  20  feet  high  in  the  milder  southern  parts  of 
England  and  Irc'and. 

Bambusa.  75 

kinds  enumerated,  though  no  doubt  it  will  be  found  to 
thrive  in  the  milder  southern  districts;  or  it  may  be 
found  useful  if  grown  in  the  conservatory  in  winter  and 
placed  out  in  the  open  air  in  summer,  as  is  sometimes 
done  with  B.  arundinacea,  which  otherwise  could  not 
possibly  be  seen  out  of  doors  in  our  climate.  Panicle 
simple,  erect,  close;  spikes  long,  imbricated.  Leaves 
rather  large,  lance-shaped,  striated,  clasping  the  stem, 
which  is  woody  and  tapering ;  nodes  rather  distant,  and 
not  very  prominent. 

*Bambusa  nigra. — A  rather  compact-growing  Chinese 
kind,  with  nearly  solid  stems,  and  thinner  leaves  than 
those  of  any  other  species.  The  stems  are  smooth  and 
bushy,  about  7  ft.  high,  of  a  light  green,  dotted  and  striped 
with  purple  when  young,  changing  to  a  glistening  black 
when  fully  grown ;  they  branch  very  much  at  the  top, 
and  sometimes  from  the  base  up.  The  leaves  are  oval- 
oblong,  acute,  shortly-stalked,  with  a  hard,  dry,  persist- 
ent sheath;  their  tender  green  colour  contrasting  finely 
with  the  blackish  hue  of  the  stems.  It  is  best  planted  as 
isolated  specimens  near  the  margins  of  shrubberies,  or 
on  slopes  in  the  pleasure-ground  in  warm,  sunny,  and 
sheltered  positions,  in  deep,  sandy,  and  well-drained  soil. 

*Bambusa  Quilioi. — A  Japanese  species  of  vigorous 
growth,  with  robust  green  stems  and  bright-green  leaves, 
polished  above  and  slightly  mealy  beneath,  the  ligule 
bearing  a  little  bundle  of  brownish-grey  hairs  at  the  top. 
This  kind  I  first  saw  in  the  gardens  of  the  Acclimatisa- 
tion Society  at  Paris,  where  it  was  thriving  vigorously, 
and  I  have  little  doubt  of  its  proving  valuable  in  Britain. 

*Bambusa   Simonii. — A    handsome,   distinct,   and 

76  Subtropical  Gardening. 

vigorous  species,  which  has  grown  very  freely  for  some 
years  past  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris.  The  stems 
are  numerous  and  grow  as  much  as  10  ft.  high  in  a  sea- 
son. They  are  mealy-glaucous  at  the  joints,  and  the 
branchlets  are  numerous  and  rather  closely  crowded.  The 
leaves  are  narrow,  sometimes  nearly  a  foot  long,  and  are 
occasionally  striped  with  white.  This  species,  which  was 
obtained  from  China  some  years  since,  has  thriven  very 
well  in  the  gardens  at  Paris,  where  M.  Carriere  first  drew 
my  attention  to  it.  From  what  I  have  seen  it  do  there  I 
have  no  doubt  it  will  prove  of  great  value  in  the  milder 
southern  parts  of  England  and  Ireland. 

*Bambusa  violascens. — A  hardy  and  vigorous  kind, 
intermediate  between  B.  nigra  and  B.  viridi-gLiucescens, 
most  resembling  the  last-mentioned  however.  It  has 
blackish-violet  much-branched  stems,  which  assume  a 
yellow  tinge  with  age.  The  leaves  are  green  above, 
bluish-grey  beneath,  with  an  elongated  ligule  surrounded 
by  a  bundle  of  black  hairs.  Native  of  China. 

*Bambusa  viridi-glaucescens.  —  A  species  from 
Northern  China,  which  has  been  proved  very  hardy  and 
free  in  the  Paris  gardens,  and  will,  probably,  in  warm 
parts  of  our  islands,  make  a  more  vigorous  growth  and 
prove  a  more  beautiful  object  than  any  other  kind.  The 
stems,  of  a  light-yellowish-green,  grow  from  7  ft.  to  1 2  ft. 
high,  branching  from  the  base,  each  branch  again  branch- 
ing very  much.  The  leaves  are  very  numerous,  espe- 
cially at  the  ends  of  the  branches,  of  a  pale-green,  bluish 
underneath,  sheathing  the  stem  for  a  considerable  length. 
It  forms  a  fine  object  when  planted  as  isolated  specimens 
in  sheltered  warm  glades  in  the  pleasure-ground,  or  in 

Bambusa — Baptisia — Berberis.         7  7 

snug  open   spots  near  wood-walks,  in  very  deep,  rich, 
light,  and  well-drained  soil. 

*Bambusa  viridis  striata. — Described  as  a  vigorous- 
growing,  hardy  kind,  with  numerous  branches,  having  its 
long  leaves  green  on  both  sides,  and  marked  with  bands, 
some  of  a  yellowish  and  others  of  a  deeper  green.  It 
is  a  native  of  Japan,  and  was  recommended  by  MM. 
Thibaut  and  Ketteleer  of  Paris,  but  I  have  had  no 
experience  of  its  growth. 

*Baptisia  australis. — A  handsome  hardy  perennial 
from  N.  America,  forming  strong  bushy  tufts  from  3  ft. 
to  5  ft.  high,  and  from  3  ft.  to  6  ft.  across,  with  sea-green 
trifoliate  leaves  which  reflect  a  metallic  lustre.  The 
flowers  are  of  a  delicate  blue,  with  wings  of  a  greenish- 
white  colour,  and  are  borne  in  long  erect  spikes.  Grows 
well  in  ordinary,  deep,  well-drained  soil,  preferring  a 
sandy  loam.  B.  exaltata  and  B.  alba  are  closely  allied 
to  the  preceding  species,  and  form  equally  handsome 
bushes.  The  foliage  of  these  is  of  a  character  to  permit 
of  their  being  grouped  along  with  some  of  the  finer 
perennial  foliage-plants  with  good  effect.  Division. 

*Berberis  Aquifolium. — A  well-known  shrub  from 
N.  America,  with  simple  stems  from  3!  ft.  to  6^-  ft.  high, 
and  very  glistening,  bright  green  leaves,  each  consisting 
of  7  or  9  sessile,  oval,  spiny  leaflets.  Where  the  plant 
is  fully  exposed  to  the  sun,  the  foliage  frequently  acquires 
an  agreeable  reddish  tinge.  There  are  numerous  vari- 
eties, of  which  B.  floribunda  may  be  mentioned  as  very 
handsome  in  habit  and  profuse  in  flower,  and  B.  miens, 
remarkable  for  the  extremely  glossy  appearance  of  the 
old  leaves,  which  when  young  are  of  a  rich  bronze 

78  Subtropical  Gardening. 

changing  to  a  dark  green.  This  variety  is  of  a  dwarf  and 
compact  habit.  It  requires  a  shady  situation  and  a  com- 
post of  peat,  loam,  and  sand.  Though  so  very  common, 
it  will  be  found  worth  planting  in  some  places  among 
groups  of  hardy  things,  and  also  for  isolation  on  the 
turf,  its  leaves  being  very  ornamental. 

*Berberis  Bealii. — This  is  perhaps  the  finest  of  all  the 
hardy  species,  whether  as  regards  foliage  or  flower,  while 
the  fruit,  in  colour  and  size,  surpasses  that  of  any  other 
kind.  The  leaflets  vary  to  a  very  great  degree  on  the 
same  plant,  both  in  form  and  size,  some  being  5  ins.  long 
and  3^-  ins.  broad,  the  average  size  being  3  ins.  long  by 
2  ins.  broad :  some  again  are  nearly  square,  while  others 
are  long  and  narrow,  with  a  very  stiff  triangular  point. 
Shade,  shelter  from  gusts  of  wind,  and  rich,  well-manured 
soil  are  absolutely  necessary  to  do  full  justice  to  the 
merits  of  this  species.  By  pruning  it  to  a  single  stem, 
it  may  be  made  to  assume  a  very  effective  palm-like 
character.  It  is  easily  propagated  from  seed;  a  single 
berry  frequently  producing  three  plants.  Being  a  noble 
subject  for  quiet  half-shady  wood- walks  in  peat  or  moist 
sandy  loam,  it  should  be  much  planted  in  the  southern  and 
milder  districts.  Where  it  thrives  freely,  it  would  prove  a 
fine  object  on  the  margins  of  shrubberies  grouped  with  the 
hardy  "  subtropical "  plants,  or  indeed  in  any  position. 

*Berberis  japonica. — A  very  handsome  species,  5  ft. 
or  6  ft.  high,  with  very  leathery,  pinnate,  spiny  leaves, 
from  i  ft.  to  1 8  ins.  long,  slightly  tinged  with  pink  when 
first  opened,  then  becoming  pale  green,  and  finally 
changing  to  dark  green  blotched  with  yellow.  Flowers 
yellow,  in  large  racemes,  succeeded  by  large  handsome 


Fine-leaved  evergreen  shrub  Section;    very  effective  when  well-grown, 
in  the  warmer  southern  districts. 

Berber  is.  79 

clusters  of  purple  berries.  This  is  also  a  fine  kind  for 
half-shady  walks,  and  for  similar  positions  and  soil  to 
those  recommended  for  B.  Bealli.  Japan. 

*Berberis  nepalensis.  —  The  noble  habit  of  this 
plant  makes  it  peculiarly  valuable,  possessing,  as  it  does, 
the  grace  of  a  luxuriant  fern  with  the  rigidity  of  texture 
and  port  of  a  Cycas.  The  leaves  are  occasionally  2  ft. 
in  length  and  of  a  pale  green  colour,  sometimes  with 
eight  pairs  of  leaflets  and  an  odd  one  :  some  of  the  leaflets 
6  ins.  long  and  nearly  2  ins.  broad,  with  coarse  spiny  teeth 
on  the  margin.  The  inflorescence  is  very  striking  and 
beautiful.  The  Nepaul  Barberry  is  one  of  those  subjects 
that  are  too  hardy  to  perish  in  our  climate,  yet  which 
do  not  usually  attain  perfect  development  in  it.  It  exists 
about  London  in  the  open  air,  and  flowers  in  early 
spring ;  but  the  leaves  seldom  attain  one-fourth  of  their 
full  development,  and  the  plant  scarcely  ever  displays 
its  vigorous  grace.  In  mild  parts,  principally  in  the  south 
and  south-west,  it  grows  more  freely,  and  when  judi- 
ciously placed  in  sheltered  positions,  in  deep  and  rather 
sandy  soil,  it  becomes  a  beautiful  object.  Where  it 
thrives  in  the  open  air,  it  may  be  most  tastefully  used 
in  the  more  open  spots  near  the  hardy  fernery,  here 
and  there  among  "American  plants,"  or  other  choice 
shrubs  with  simple  leaves,  and  also  isolated  in  the  grass 
a  little  way  from  the  margin  of  the  shrubbery  in  shel- 
tered spots  in  the  pleasure-ground.  It  should  also,  in 
places  favourable  to  its  growth  in  the  open  air,  prove 
very  useful  as  a  hardy  "  subtropical"  plant  Where  it 
does  not  thrive  well  in  the  open  air,  it  should  not  be 
planted.  Nepaul. 

8o  Subtropical  Gardening. 

*Beta  cicla  variegata  (Chilian  Beet).—  Under  this 
name  a  very  showy  plant  has  recently  come  into  cul- 
tivation. When  well  grown  the  leaves  are  often  more 
than  a  yard  long,  and  present  a  vivid  and  most  striking 
coloration.  Their  midribs  are  4  ins.  or  more  across,  and 
vary  from  a  dark  deep  waxy  orange  to  vivid  polished 
crimson.  The  splendid  hue  of  the  lower  part  of  the  leaf- 
stalk flows  on  towards  the  point,  and  spreads  in  smaller 
streams  through  the  main  veins  and  ramifications  of  the 
great  soft  blade  of  the  leaf,  which  is  often  i  ft.  and  even 
15  ins.  in  diameter,  if  the  plant  be  in  rich  ground.  The 
under  sides  of  the  leaves  are  most  richly  coloured,  and  the 
habit  such  that  these  sides  are  well  seen.  It  requires  the 
treatment  of  an  annual — to  be  raised  in  a  gently  heated 
frame,  and  afterwards  planted  out  in  very  rich  ground, 
though  it  may  also  be  kept  over  the  winter  in  pots.  It 
varies  a  good  deal  from  seed,  and  the  most  striking  indi- 
viduals should  be  selected  before  the  plants  are  put  out. 
Used  sparingly,  its  effect  would  perhaps  be  more  telling 
than  if  in  quantity,  and  it  is  well  suited  for  isolation.  Chili. 

*Bocconia  cordata. — This  is  a  fine  plant  in  free  soil, 
but  comparatively  poor  in  that  which  is  bad  or  very  stiff. 
It  forms  handsome  erect  tufts  from  5  ft.  to  over  8  ft.  high, 
and  is  admirably  suited  for  embellishing  the  irregular  or 
sloping  parts  of  pleasure-grounds.  The  stems  grow  rather 
closely  together,  and  are  thickly  set  with  large,  reflexed, 
deeply-veined,  oval-cordate  leaves,  the  margins  of  which 
are  somewhat  lobed  or  sinuated.  The  flowers,  which  are 
rosy-white  and  very  numerous,  are  borne  in  very  large 
terminal  panicles.  The  flowers  are  not  in  themselves 
pretty,  but  the  inflorescence,  when  the  plant  is  well  grown, 

Dwarf  tender  Tree  Fern  :  in  sheltered  shady  dells  during  the  summer  months. 

Bocconia — Brassica. 


has  a  distinct  and  pleasing  appearance.  The  plant  is 
seen  to  best  effect  when  isolated,  and  does  well  in  ordi- 
nary garden-soil  or  free  sandy 
loam.  It  attains  its  greatest 
size  when  placed  in  the  angle 
of  two  walls  which  shelter  it 
from  the  north  and  east,  which 
seems  to  indicate  that  it  does 
not  like  sudden  changes  of 
temperature  and  light.  It 
should  not  be  stirred  too 
often,  nor  divided  for  several 
years.  It  will  prove  a  good 
thing  for  associating  with  other 
fmehardyplantsinbold  groups. 
Seed  or  cuttings.  China. 

Bocconia  fmtescens.  — 
A  vigorous-growing  Mexican 
shrub,  3^  ft.  to  nearly  6  ft.  high,  with  few  and  very  brittle 
branches,  large,  sea-green,  handsome  leaves,  and  greenish 
flowers.  Very  effective  when  placed  on  grass-plats, 
either  in  groups,  or  as  isolated  specimens.  It  requires 
a  somewhat  warmer  climate  than  ours  to  thrive  well, 
though  it  is  sometimes  seen  in  fair  condition  in  the 
London  parks.  A  mixture  of  free  sandy  loam  and  peat, 
well-drained  ground,  and  an  airy  position  are  necessary. 
Multiplied  by  sowing  in  a  hotbed  in  spring,  and  may 
be  placed  out  from  June  to  the  end  of  September.  It  is 
difficult  to  propagate  it  by  cuttings. 

*Brassica  oleracea  crispa. — A  handsome  kind  of 
cabbage  nearly  4  ft.    high,   with   elegantly-cut   arching 

Bocconia  cordata. 

82  Subtropical  Gardening. 

leaves,  the  divisions  of  which  are  finely  curled  or  frizzled. 
In  autumn  and  winter  it  may  be  advantageously  em- 
ployed in  the  embellishment  of  winter-gardens,  the  leaves 
being  at  their  best  during  that  part  of  the  year. 

A  still  more  striking  subject  is  B.  o.  palmifolia,  which 
attains  a  height  of  6£  ft.,  and  bears  its  leaves  near  the 
summit  of  the  stem,  having  quite  a  palm-like  appearance 
in  the  end  of  the  summer  and  in  autumn.  This  kind 
might  be  used  with  good  effect  in  various  positions,  as  its 
"cabbage"  character  is  not  so  evident.  The  fact  of 
their  being  cabbages  prevents  many  people  from  using 
these  really  ornamental  plants. 

The  variegated  Kales  have  been  much  employed  and 
with  a  very  good  result  in  the  winter-garden  at  Wardie 
Lodge  in  Scotland  and  in  other  places  :  they  lose  their 
beauty  early  in  spring.  "  To  keep  them  dwarf  and  com- 
pact, and  to  bring  out  their  fine  colours,"  say  Messrs. 
Stuart  and  Mein,  "we  sow  at  the  beginning  of  March 
thinly.  After  the  plants  are  a  moderate  size,  we  transplant 
them  into  a  poorish  soil,  in  an  open  space  of  ground,  but 
not  too  closely  together.  They  remain  there  until  they 
are  wanted  for  use,  when  they  are  removed  at  any  time  to 
the  winter-garden.  We  plant  out  into  our  beds  in  No- 
vember, and  keep  the  heads  with  their  foliage  close  to  the 
ground.  We  cut  off  all  the  lower  rough  leaves,  leaving  the 
rich-coloured  head  or  centre,  which  in  all  weathers  will  be 
found  to  stand  up  neat  and  trim,  even  in  bright  frosty 
weather.  As  the  plants  are  thus  much  reduced  in  size, 
they  can  be  planted  much  closer  in  the  beds.  We  may 
add  that,  as  in  other  hybrids,  worthless  plants  will  occa- 
sionally make  their  appearance  :  these  we  discard.  No 

Brexia — Biiphthalmum . 

plants  should  be  selected  for  the  beds  except  those  show- 
ing pleasing  shades  of  colour." 

Brexia  madagascariensis.  —  A  handsome  shrub 
with  a  slender  erect  stem  (which  sometimes  attains  a 
height  of  25  ft.  or  30  ft.  in  its  native  country,  but  with  us 
is  seldom  seen  more  than  a  fourth  of  that),  clothed  with 
alternate,  leathery,  long,  rather  narrow,  light-green  leaves, 
nearly  or  quite  smooth  at  the  margin.  It  is  one  of  the 
tropical  stove-plants  that  have  stood  well  in  the  open 
air  from  June  to  early  in  October,  but  very  few  places 
can  spare  it  for  this  purpose.  It  requires  ordinary 
stove  culture  during  winter  and  spring,  and  should  only 
be  placed  out  after  having  made  a  strong  growth,  and 
having  that  growth  hardened  off.  Madagascar. 

*Buphthalnmni  speciosum.  —  A  hardy,  distinct, 
and  vigorous  herbaceous 
plant,  the  stems  of  which  are 
stout,  very  slightly  branch- 
ing, and  about  4  ft.  high, 
with  broad,  oval-acute  leaves 
mostly  clustered  around  the 
base  of  the  plant,  the  lower 
ones  falling  gracefully  to- 
wards the  earth.  The  flow- 
ers, which  have  a  red  or 
purple  disk  and  yellow  rays, 
are  more  than  2  ins.  across, 
and  are  terminal,  solitary, 
long-stalked,  borne  in  the 
axils  of  the  upper  leaves,  and  appear  in  June,  July,  or 
August,  according  to  the  season.  The  plant  seldom 

G  2 

Buphthalmum  speciosum. 

84  Subtropical  Gardening. 

flowers  well  before  the  third  year.  It  is  of  easy  culture 
in  any  soil,  is  increased  by  division  in  autumn,  winter,  or 
spring,  and  is  best  fitted  for  association  with  the  more 
vigorous  herbaceous  plants  in  rough  places.  S.  of  Europe. 
Caladium  esculentmn. — This  species  has,  for  out- 
door work,  proved  the  best  of  a  large  genus  with  very 
fine  foliage.  It  is  only  in  the  midland  and  southern 
counties  of  Great  Britain  that  it  can  be  advantageously 
grown,  so  far  as  I  have  observed ;  but  its  grand  outlines 
and  aspect  when  well  developed  make  it  worthy  of  all 
attention,  and  of  a  prominent  position  wherever  the 
climate  is  warm  enough  for  its  growth.  It  may  be  used 
with  great  effect  in  association  with  many  fine  foliage- 
plants;  but  Ferdinanda,  Ridnus,  and  Wigandia  usually 
grow  too  strong  for  it,  and,  if  planted  too  close,  injure  it. 
This  may  have  been  noticed  particularly  in  cases  where  it 
was  used  as  a  bordering  to  masses  of  the  strong-growing 
kinds  above  named.  For  all  kinds  of  stonework,  vases, 
etc.,  it  is  peculiarly  effective  and  beautiful.  This  plant, 
requires,  above  all  others,  a  thoroughly-drained,  light, 
rich,  warm  soil.  In  times  of  great  heat,  it  should  be 
plentifully  watered,  and  occasionally  with  liquid  manure. 
The  month  of  May  is  the  best  time  for  planting  it  out ; 
and  if  groups  are  formed,  the  plants  should  have  an 
interval  of  2  ft.  or  2^-  ft.  between  them.  The  foliage 
generally  arrives  at  its  full  beauty  and  development  in 
August  and  September.  At  the  approach  of  cold  frosty 
weather,  all  the  leaves,  or  all  but  the  central  one, 
should  be  cut  down  to  within  an  inch  or  two  from  the 
crown,  and  a  few  days  afterwards  the  tubers  should  be 
taken  up  and  left  on  the  ground  for  a  few  hours  to  dry  : 


Tender  Section  ;  displaying  noble  leaves  during  summer  in  the  warmer  parts  of  the 
southern  counties. 


Tender  stove  Section  ;  will  endure  exposure  only  during  summer  in  the  warmest  parts 
of  the  southern  counties. 

Ca  ladium —  Calla —  Canna .  8  5 

they  should  then  be  stored  on  the  shelves  of  a  green- 
house, or  in  a  cellar  or  other  place  where  they  will  be 
sheltered  from  frost  and  moisture.  By  placing  the  tubers 
in  a  hotbed  in  March,  plants  may  be  obtained  with  well- 
grown  leaves  for  planting  out  in  the  open  air  about  the 
end  of  May  or  the  beginning  of  June.  New  Zealand. 

Caladium  odorum  (Colocasia  odor  a). — A  very  strik- 
ing plant,  with  stout  stems  usually  from  3  ft.  to  8  ft.  in 
height,  but  growing  much  taller  in  a  warm  stove.  The 
leaves  are  erect,  very  broad,  and  heart-shaped,  marked 
with  strong  veinings,  and  frequently  measure  more  than 
3i  ft  in  length.  The  flowers  are  exceedingly  fragrant. 
It  is  a  fine  subject  for  isolation  on  grass-plats,  its  tall 
arborescent  habit  distinguishing  it  from  all  the  other 
species ;  but  it  is  unfortunately  too  tender  to  thrive  in  our 
climate  except  in  sunny  sheltered  dells  in  the  sou  them  parts, 
and  should  not  be  planted  out  until  June.  E.  Indies. 

*Calla  aethiopica  (Lily  of  the  Nile). — This  well-known 
plant  may  be  grown  either  as  an  aquatic  in  pieces  of 
ornamental  water,  fountain-basins,  etc.,  or  in  the  open 
ground  in  cool,  moist  soil,  and  equally  well  in  positions 
exposed  to  the  full  sun  and  in  those  which  are  shaded. 
Being  so  very  distinct  in  leaf  and  beautiful  in  bloom,  this 
old  favourite  will  be  seen  to  as  much  advantage  grouped 
with  the  smaller  fine-leaved  plants  in  beds  as  ever  it  has 
been  in  our  stoves  or  windows.  S.  Africa. 


IF  there  were  no  plants  of  handsome  habit  and  graceful 
leaf  available  for  the  improvement  of  our  flower-gardens 

86  Subtropical  Gardening. 

but  these,  we  need  not  despair,  for  they  possess  almost 
every  quality  the  most  fastidious  could  desire,  and 
present  a  useful  and  charming  variety.  The  larger  kinds 
make  grand  masses,  while  all  may  be  associated  inti- 
mately with  flowering-plants — an  advantage  that  does 
not  belong  to  some  free-growing  things  like  the  Castor- 
oil  plant.  The  Canna  ascends  as  boldly,  and  spreads 
forth  as  fine  a  mass  of  leaves  as  these,  but  may  be  closely- 
grouped  with  much  smaller  subjects.  The  general  ten- 
dency of  most  of  our  flower-garden  plants  is  to  assume  a 
flatness  and  dead  level,  so  to  speak ;  and  it  is  the  special 
quality  possessed  by  the  Cannas  for  counteracting  this 
that  makes  them  so  valuable.  Even  the  grandest  of  the 
other  subjects  preserve  this  lameness  of  upper-surface 
outline  when  grown  in  great  quantities  :  not  so  these,  the 
leaves  of  which,  even  when  grown  in  dense  groups, 
always  carry  the  eye  up  pleasantly  from  the  humbler 
plants,  and  are  grand  aids  in  effecting  that  harmony 
which  is  so  much  wanted  between  the  important  tree  and 
shrub  embellishments  of  our  gardens  and  their  surround- 
ings, and  the  dwarf  flower-bed  vegetation.  Another  good 
quality  of  these  most  useful  subjects  is  their  power  of 
withstanding  the  cold  and  storms  of  autumn.  They  do 
so  better  than  many  of  our  hardy  shrubs  and  plants,  so 
that  when  the  last  leaves  have  been  blown  from  the  Lime, 
and  the  Dahlia  and  Heliotrope  have  been  hurt  by  frost, 
you  may  see  them  waving  as  gracefully  and  as  green  as 
the  vegetation  of  a  temperate  stove.  Many  of  the  sub- 
tropical plants,  used  for  the  beauty  of  their  leaves,  are  so 
tender  that  they  go  off  in  autumn,  or  require  all  sorts  of 
awkward  protection  at  that  season ;  but  the  Cannas  last 


'I  he  most  important  and  generally  useful  of  tender  plants  for  our  climate 
Many  kinds  are  hardy  if  protected  in  winter. 

Canna.  87 

in  good  trim  till  the  borders  must  be  cleared.  All  shel- 
tered situations,  places  near  warm  walls,  and  nice  snugly- 
warmed  dells,  are  suitable  positions  for  them.  They  are 
generally  used  in  huge  and  ugly  masses,  both  about 
Paris  and  London ;  but  their  true  beauty  will  never  be 
seen  till  we  learn  to  place  them  tastefully  here  and  there 
among  the  flowering-plants — just  as  we  place  sprigs  of 
graceful  fern  in  a  bouquet,  A  bed  or  two  solely  devoted 
to  them  will  occasionally  prove  very  effective ;  but 
enormous  meaningless  masses  of  them,  containing  per- 
haps several  hundred  plants  of  one  variety,  are  things  to 
avoid  and  not  to  imitate.  As  to  culture  and  propagation, 
nothing  can  be  more  simple :  they  may  be  stored  in 
winter,  as  readily  as  potatoes,  under  shelves  in  the  houses, 
in  the  root-room,  or,  in  fact,  anywhere  if  covered  up  to 
protect  them  from  frost.  And  then  in  spring,  when  we 
desire  to  propagate  them,  nothing  is  easier  than  pulling 
the  roots  in  pieces,  and  potting  them  separately.  After- 
wards it  is  usual  to  bring  them  on  in  heat,  and  finally 
harden  them  off  previous  to  planting  out  in  the  middle 
of  May ;  but  a  modification  of  this  practice  is  desirable, 
as  some  kinds  are  of  a  remarkably  hardy  constitution, 
and  make  a  beautiful  growth  if  put  out  without  so  much 
as  a  leaf  on  them.  The  soil  for  all  Cannas  should  be 
deep,  rich,  and  light. 

In  rambling  through  the  suburbs  of  Paris,  I  once 
came  upon  a  tuft  of  Canna  springing  up  strongly 
through  a  box-edging — pretty  good  evidence  that  it 
had  remained  there  for  some  years.  Upon  inquiring  of 
the  proprietor  of  the  garden  I  found  this  was  the  case, 
and  that  he  had  no  doubt  of  the  hardiness  of  several 

88  Subtropical  Gardening. 

other  kinds.  They  were  planted  not  more  than  8  ins.  or 
10  ins.  deep.  When  we  remember  that  the  Cannas  are 
amongst  the  most  valuable  plants  we  use  for  giving  grace 
and  verdure  to  the  flower-garden,  this  surely  is  a  hint 
worthy  of  being  acted  upon,  as,  of  course,  they  will  prove 
equally  hardy  with  us.  Considering  their  diversity  of 
colour  and  size,  their  graceful  pointed  habit  and  facility 
of  propagation,  we  must  concede  them  the  first  place ; 
but  their  capability  of  being  used  by  anybody  who  grows 
ordinary  bedding-plants,  and  the  fact  that  they  may  be 
preserved  so  very  easily  through  the  winter,  enhance 
their  value  still  more.  Cannas,  protected  by  a  coating  of 
litter,  have  been  left  out  in  Battersea  Park  through  severe 
winters,  and  during  the  unfavourable  summer  of  1867 
attained  a  height  of  nearly  1 2  ft.  Where  it  is  desired  to 
change  the  arrangements  as  much  as  possible  every  year, 
it  may  not  be  any  advantage  to  leave  them  in  the  ground, 
and  in  that  case  they  may  be  taken  up  with  the  bedding- 
plants,  and  stored  as  simply  and  easily  as  carrots. 
Wherever  they  are  grown  as  isolated  tufts,  in  small  groups, 
or  in  small  beds,  it  will  be  best  not  to  take  them  up  oftener 
than  every  second  or  third  year.  These  noble  plants  would 
also  adorn  the  conservatory,  which  is  often  as  devoid  of 
any  dignified  vegetation  as  the  unhappy  flower-gardens 
which  are  seen  all  over  the  country.  Few  subjects 
would  be  more  effective,  none  more  easily  obtained. 


IN   the   following  list   of  the   species   and   varieties  of 
Canna,  the  first  thirteen  kinds  are  considered  species  : 

Canna.  89 

but  the  finest  kinds  for  garden  use  will  be  found  among 
the  Hybrids  and  Varieties. 

Canna  aurantiaca. — A  vigorous  kind,  6£  ft.  or  more 
in  height,  with  large,  broadly  oval-lance-shaped  leaves, 
of  a  pale  green  colour,  slightly  waved  on  the  margin. 
Flowers  with  rose-coloured  outer,  and  reddish  inner, 
divisions,  the  upper  lip  being  of  an  orange  colour  and 
the  lower  one  yellow  dotted  with  orange.  Rhizome 
tuberous,  with  long  subterranean  shoots.  Antilles. 

Canna  discolor.  —  One  of  the  finest  kinds,  and, 
although  it  does  not  flower  regularly  in  the  open  air,  one 
of  the  most  valuable  on  account  of  its  foliage.  The 
leaves  are  very  large,  broadly  oval-oblong,  the  lower 
ones  tinged  with  a  blood-red  hue,  and  the  upper  ones 
veined  or  streaked  with  purple.  Stems  reddish,  stout, 
growing  to  a  height  of  more  than  6  ft.  Flowers  orange- 
red,  with  bright-red  inner  divisions.  S.  America. 

Canna  edulis. — A  vigorous  species,  largely  cultivated 
by  the  Peruvians  for  the  sake  of  its  edible  roots,  growing 
from  6  ft.  to  7  ft.  high,  the  stems  tinged  with  deep  purple. 
Leaves  broadly  oval  -  lance  -  shaped,  green  tinged  with 
purple  maroon.  Flowers  large  :  external  divisions  purple, 
upper  internal  division  scarlet  shaded  with  yellow,  the 
lower  one  of  an  orange-red.  S.  America. 

Canna  flaccida, — A  species  remarkable  for  the  great 
size  of  its  flowers,  which  bear  some  resemblance  to  those 
of  Iris  Pseud-acorus.  They  are  entirely  yellow,  flaccid, 
few  in  number,  and  very  transitory.  This  is  not  a  tall 
species,  seldom  exceeding  2  ft.  8  ins.  in  height.  Leaves 
oval-lance-shaped,  erect,  glaucescent.  South  America. 
This  species  should  not  be  confounded  with  the  C.  flaccida 

90  Subtropical  Gardening. 

of  Willdenow  which  is  found  on  the  shores  of  the 

Canna  Gaboniensis. — A  species  from  the  Gaboon 
River,  with  the  habit  of  C.  nepalensis.  Rhizomes  large 
and  round ;  stalks  green,  large ;  leaves  deep  green  lightly 
edged  with  purple,  longish,  acuminate  ;  flowers  medium- 
sized,  clear  orange;  habit  fine,  special;  height  5^  ft.  to  6  ft. 

Canna  gigantea. — A  robust  kind,  growing  about  6i  ft. 
high.  Flowers  in  summer,  large  and  very  handsome ;  ex- 
ternal divisions  orange  red;  internal  ones  deep  purple-red; 
spathes  reddish.  Leaves  more  than  2  ft.  long;  stalks 
covered  with  a  velvety  down.  S.  America. 

Canna  indica. — Flowers  in  summer,  tolerably  large, 
irregular,  in  erect  spikes  ;  external  divisions  light  yellow ; 
upper  inner  divisions  of  a  carmine-red ;  the  lower  one 
yellow  dotted  with  carmine.  Leaves  large,  alternate, 
oval-lance-shaped ;  the  stalks  sheathing  at  the  base. 
Stems  3  ft.  to  6  ft.  high.  A  variety  (C.  i.  superba)  has 
much  larger  flowers  of  a  scarlet  colour.  India.  It  is 
not  nearly  so  useful  or  imposing  in  appearance  as  some 
of  the  newer  hybrid  kinds. 

Canna  iridiflora.  —  Flowers  in  midsummer,  large, 
lively  rose-colour,  with  a  yellow  spot  on  the  lip ;  divisions 
of  the  calyx  red,  erect,  oval-acute ;  spikes  somewhat 
drooping,  issuing  several  together  from  the  same  spathe. 
Leaves  broadly  oval-acuminate,  slightly  membranous  at 
the  margin,  and  having  some  hairs  at  the  lower  part  of 
the  midrib.  Stems  6  ft.  to  over  8  ft.  high.  Peru.  A 
somewhat  tender  species,  and  although  one  of  the  finest, 
does  not  flower  freely.  To  secure  its  blooming,  the 
plants  should  be  taken  up  towards  the  end  of  summer, 

Canna.  9 1 

potted,  and  kept  in  a  hothouse  through  the  winter. 
They  should  be  watered  moderately,  a.nd,  treated  in  this 
way,  will  almost  always  begin  to  show  flower  in  the 
ensuing  spring. 

Caiina  limbata. — This  has  numerous  stems  nearly 
3  ft.  high,  and  oblong-lance-shaped,  acute  leaves.  Flowers 
in  long  loose  spikes  issuing  from  glaucous  spathes  tinged 
with  red ;  outer  divisions  pale  yellow ;  upper  lip  scarlet 
edged  with  a  yellow  margin ;  lower  lip  red,  with  golden 
reticulations.  Brazil. 

Canna  mussefolia.  —  This  species  was  formerly 
described  in  the  English,  Dutch,  and  German  horticul- 
tural journals  under  the  name  of  C.  excelsa.  It  was 
named  musafolia  by  M.  Annee,  who  introduced  it  into 
France  in  1858,  from  the  resemblance  of  its  leaves  to 
those  of  the  Musa  or  banana-tree.  It  reaches  a  height  of 
more  than  8  ft,  and  has  green,  downy  stems,  and  very 
large,  oval,  green  leaves.  Flowers  small,  orange-yellow. 
It  is  a  tender  species  without  rhizomes,  and  requires  to 
be  kept  constantly  growing.  Peru. 

Canna  nepalensis. — A  variety  of  C.  glauca  (accord- 
ing to  M.  Chate'),  introduced  into  France  by  M.  Wallich, 
director  of  the  Botanic  Garden  at  Calcutta.  About 
6£  ft.  high,  with  oval-lance-shaped  glaucous  leaves, 
narrowed  at  both  ends.  Outer  divisions  of  flower 
greenish-yellow;  inner  ones,  sulphur-coloured  or  light 

Canna  purpurea  spectabilis.  —  Rhizomes  cylin- 
drical. Stalks  medium-sized,  purple.  Leaves  deep  green- 
ish purple,  fair  size.  Flowers  small,  scarlet.  Rather  un- 
common; habit  fine;  height  6  ft.  to  6i  ft.  This  is  a 

9  2  Subtropical  Gardening. 

very  hardy  species,  and  has  given  rise  to  all  the  varieties 
with  red  or  striped  leaves. 

C  anna  War scewiczii. — A  very  early-flowering  species, 
easily  raised  from  seed,  and  if  sown  early  in  spring,  may 
be  used  for  decorative  purposes  the  same  year.  Stems 
numerous,  reaching  a  height  of  somewhat  over  3  ft. 
Leaves  oval-elliptical,  narrowed  at  both  ends,  and  deeply 
tinged  with  dark  purple.  Flowers  with  brilliant  scarlet 
inner  divisions ;  outer  ones  purplish.  S.  America.  There 
are  many  handsome  varieties  of  this  species  in  cultivation. 

Canna  Alfred  Dumesnil. — Rhizomes  clouded,  elon- 
gated. Stalks  medium  thickness,  deep  greenish-purple. 
Leaves  medium-sized,  acuminate  and  erect,  deep  green 
striped  with  violet-purple.  Flowers  large,  well-formed, 
scarlet.  Free-flowering;  height  3^-  ft.  to  4  ft. 

Canna  Annei. — A  vigorous  kind,  with  numerous  stiff 
stems,  of  a  sea-green  colour,  6£  ft.  high,  and  large  green, 
glaucescent,  oval-acute  leaves,  2  ft.  long  by  10  ins.  wide. 
Flowers  large,  well-formed,  salmon-colour,  continuing  to 
appear  from  July  until  the  first  frosts. 

Canna  Annei-rosea.  —  Flowers  late  and  scantily. 
Stems  numerous,  dark  green  with  a  reddish  base,  attaining 
a  height  of  nearly  10  ft.  Flowers  small,  carmine  rose- 
colour.  Leaves  dark  green,  very  narrow  and  pointed, 
erect,  about  2  ft.  4  ins.  long.  Rootstock  long,  conical- 
cylindrical,  reddish. 

Canna  Annei-bicolor.  —  A  kind  with  rather  thick 
green  stems  nearly  6  ft.  high,  with  a  violet-coloured  base. 
Leaves  light  green,  oval-acute.  Flowers  few,  of  medium 
size,  orange-coloured ;  the  two  upper  petals  reddish. 
Rootstock  of  a  violet  colour. 

Canna.  93 

Canna  Annei-floribunda. — Resembles  the  type  in 
habit  and  foliage,  but  is  not  so  tall,  is  more  free-flowering, 
and  has  yellow  leaves. 

Canna  Annei-fulgida. — Stems  small,  of  a  dark-red 
colour,  from  3  ft.  to  5  ft.  high.  Leaves  deep  purple, 
erect,  20  ins.  long  and  6  ins.  wide.  Flowers  large,  well- 
opened,  orange-red.  Very  tender. 

Canna  Annei-marginata. — Stems  of  medium  size, 
dark-red  colour,  -and  about  3^-  ft.  high.  Leaves  of  a  deep 
green  with  a  dark-red  margin.  Flowers  rather  large, 
orange-red.  (Considered  an  inferior  variety.) 

Canna  Annei-discolor. — Stems  five  or  six  in  number, 
vigorous  and  erect,  of  a  uniform  red  hue,  from  3  ft.  to 
5  ft.  high.  Leaves  lance-shaped,  erect,  of  a  light-red 
colour,  2^  ft.  long  and  10  ins.  wide.  Flowers  late  and 
few,  small,  rose-coloured,  tinged  with  yellow.  Rootstock 
conical,  very  small  and  short,  covered  with  violet  scales. 

Canna  Annei-rubra. —  Rhizomes  of  good  thickness. 
Stalks  medium  thickness,  purple.  Leaves  acuminate,  deep 
green  striped  with  purple,  good  size  ;  habit  fine.  Flowers 
bright  orange,  well-formed.  One  of  the  most  free-flower- 
ing Cannas.  Height  6£  ft. 

Canna  atronigricans. — Stems  of  medium  thickness, 
seldom  exceeding  3^  ft.  in  height.  Leaves  of  a  purplish 
shade  passing  into  dark-red,  of  a  deeper  hue  than  those 
of  C.  nigricans.  Flowers  few,  of  a  golden-brown  colour. 
Rootstocks  small  and  few,  with  reddish  scales.  A  very 
handsome  but  tender  kind. 

Canna  aurantiaca-splendida.— Stems  green,  downy, 
rather  thick,  6£  ft.  to  over  8  ft.  high.  Leaves  oval,  erect, 
2  ft.  4  ins.  to  2\  ft.  long  and  i  ft.  wide,  with  very  promi- 

94  Subtropical  Gardening. 

nent  membranes.  Flowers  in  September,  orange,  well- 
formed,  and  of  a  good  size.  Rootstocks  small.  A  very 
vigorous-growing  variety. 

Canna  aurantiaca-zebrina. — Stems  brown,  downy, 
3!  ft.  to  nearly  5  ft.  high.  Leaves  of  a  light  green,  striped 
with  fine  violet  bands,  and  2  ft.  in  length  by  10  ins.  wide. 
Flowers  very  few,  light  red.  Rootstocks  few  and  short. 

Canna  Amelia. — Stems  of  a  sea-green  colour,  nearly 
5  ft.  high.  Leaves  oval-acuminate,  glaucous,  and  grace- 
fully recurved.  Flowers  large,  well-opened,  of  a  golden 
yellow,  spotted  with  orange-purple  on  all  the  petals. 
Rootstocks  conical  and  cylindrical.  Blooms  abundantly 
and  continuously  from  July  till  the  first  frosts. 

Canna  atropurpurea. — Stems  very  small  and  downy, 
of  a  reddish  hue,  and  not  exceeding  3^  ft.  in  height. 
Leaves  small,  recurved,  of  an  almost  black  colour. 
Flowers  rather  large,  of  a  reddish  golden-brown.  Root- 
stocks  small,  cylindrical,  closely  crowded  around  the 
plant.  This  variety  seeds  well  and  freely. 

Canna  Abbe  Rosier. — Stems  green,  nearly  6  ft.  high. 
Leaves  erect,  of  a  glaucous  sea-green  shade.  Flowers  of 
medium  size,  light  brown,  tinged  with  vermilion,  not 
well-formed,  and  opening  badly.  Rootstocks  conical  and 

Canna  Bonetti. — Stems  vigorous,  of  a  deep-red 
colour,  glaucous  towards  the  top,  and  about  8£  ft.  high. 
Leaves  deep  green,  with  deep-red  veins  and  edges,  2  ft. 
4  ins.  long,  and  over  8  ins.  wide.  Flowers  rather  large, 
yellowish-brown,  shaded  with  dark  purple,  well-formed 
and  well-opened.  Rootstocks  thick,  elongated.  Seeds 
freely  and  well. 

Canna.  95 

Canna  Bonetti-major. — Very  like  the  preceding, 
but  with  much  taller  stems  and  larger  leaves  and  flowers. 

Canna  Bonetti-semperflorens. — Stems  brown,  6£  ft. 
to  over  8  ft.  high.  Leaves  lance-shaped,  deeply  tinged 
and  margined  with  a  dark-red  shade.  Flowers  rather 
large,  of  a  wine-red  colour.  A  very  free  bloomer. 

Canna  Bourcier. — Stems  brown,  6£  ft.  to  nearly  10  ft. 
high.  Leaves  long,  lance-shaped,  of  a  deep  violet-red 
colour.  Flowers  of  a  brick-red  shaded  with  salmon-colour. 
Rootstocks  conical,  of  medium  size,  violet-coloured. 

Canna  Bihorelli. — Stems  purple,  3ift.  to  nearly  5  ft. 
high.  Leaves  dark  red,  with  a  narrow  purple  margin. 
Flowers  numerous,  light  red,  in  handsome  panicles. 
Rootstocks  conical  and  rather  numerous. 

Canna  compacta-grandiflora. — Stems  brown,  3^  ft. 
to  nearly  5  ft.  high.  Leaves  dark  red,  not  well  set. 
Flowers  very  large,  well-formed,  of  a  salmon-shaded-red, 
in  handsome  panicles.  Rootstocks  conical,  rather  large, 
covered  with  reddish  scales. 

Canna  Chatei-diseolor. — Stems  purple,  very  robust, 
3i  ft.  to  nearly  5  ft.  high.  Leaves  thick  and  firm,  of  a 
deep  green,  finely  rayed  and  margined  with  purple. 
Flowers  blood-red,  well-formed.  Rootstocks  conical,  of 
medium  size.  A  very  shy  bloomer. 

Canna  Chatei-grandis.  —  Stems  brownish-purple, 
6£  ft.  high,  when  not  divided  year  after  year.  Leaves  at 
first  erect,  afterwards  deflected  throughout  their  entire 
length  and  spreading  very  much,  2  ft.  4  ins.  long  and 
i  ft.  wide.  Flowers  late,  crimson,  in  a  handsome  panicle. 
Rootstocks  brown,  conical,  very  short.  Ripens  its  seeds 

96  Subtropical  Gardening. 

Canna  Daniel  Hooibrenk. — Rhizomes  large.  Stalks 
strong,  green.  Leaves  large,  glaucous-green,  acuminate. 
Flowers  large,  bright  orange.  Free-flowering;  fine  habit. 
Height  over  6  ft. 

Canna  De  Candolle. — Stems  green,  about  4ft.  high. 
Leaves  green,  badly  set.  Flowers  very  numerous,  ver- 
milion shaded  with  carmine.  Rootstocks  conical. 

Canna  discolor-floribunda. — Stems  dark  red,  3^  ft. 
to  4!  ft.  high.  Leaves  oblong,  18  ins.  long  and  10  ins. 
wide,  deep  green  striped  with  purple.  Flowers  small, 
orange-red.  Rootstocks  conical,  of  medium  size.  Ripens 
its  seeds  well. 

Canna  Depute  Henon. — Stems  green,  not  exceeding 
4  ft.  10  ins.  in  height.  Leaves  of  a  light  glaucous-green, 
oval,  acute,  erect.  Flowers  large,  well-formed,  of  a  pure 
canary-colour,  with  a  brownish-yellow  base,  in  numerous 
spikes,  which  rise  gracefully  above  the  foliage  to  the 
height  of  about  20  ins.  Rootstocks  cylindrical,  elongated, 
standing  at  some  distance  from  the  centre  of  the  tuft. 
Ripens  its  seeds  well. 

Canna  Edward  Morren. — Rhizomes  conical.  Stalks 
green,  numerous.  Leaves  clear  green,  longish.  Flowers 
large,  well-formed,  yellow,  very  much  spotted  with  bright 
nasturtium-colour.  Very  floriferous.  This  is  the  finest 
Canna  with  spotted  flowers.  Height  5  ft.  to  5^  ft. 

Canna  elata-macrophylla. — Stems  reddish  below, 
green  and  downy  above,  more  than  8  ft.  high.  Leaves 
light  green,  very  large,  oval,  slightly  waved.  Flowers 
salmon-coloured,  small.  Rootstocks  conical,  of  medium 
size.  Seeds  freely. 

Canna  expansa. — Stems  thicker  than  in  any  other 

Canna.  97 

variety,  green,  downy,  6  ft.  to  over  8  ft.  high.  Leaves 
of  enormous  size  (over  4  ft.  long  and  from  22  ins.  to  2  ft. 
wide),  oval,  obtuse,  spreading  horizontally  to  a  great  dis- 
tance from  the  stems.  Flowers  small,  vermilion  shaded 
with  salmon,  in  panicles.  Roots  fibrous.  Should  be 
planted  in  a  well-sheltered  position  to  save  the  huge 
leaves  from  being  torn  by  the  winds.  Never  seeds. 

Canna  expansa-rubra. — Stems  numerous,  vigorous, 
very  thick,  dark-red,  4  ft.  to  nearly  6  ft.  high.  Leaves  of 
a  dark-red  colour,  and  resembling  those  of  the  preceding 
in  size,  shape,  and  arrangement.  Flowers  large,  with 
rounded  divisions,  of  a  dazzling  purple  colour.  Root- 
stocks  very  thick,  cylindrical,  and  much  swollen  in  the 
upper  part.  Like  the  preceding,  requires  a  sheltered 

Canna  elongatissima-rustica. — Stems  deep-green, 
very  thick,  6£  ft.  to  over  8  ft.  high.  Leaves  oval,  erect, 
very  large,  of  a  deep  shining  green,  with  a  narrow  dark- 
red  margin.  Flowers  very  small,  orange-rose-coloured. 
Rootstocks  very  small,  conical,  with  fibrous  roots.  A 
vigorous-growing  variety. 

Canna  excelsa-zebrina.  —  Stems  dark  violet-red, 
downy,  rather  thick,  6£  ft.  to  over  8  ft.  high.  Leaves 
very  large,  oval,  erect,  deep-green,  passing  into  dark-red, 
rayed  with  violet-purple.  Flowers  small,  orange.  Root- 
stocks  small,  conical.  This  is  the  finest  striped  variety. 

Canna  guayaqmlla. — Rhizomes  large,  round.  Stalks 
very  thick,  reddish.  Leaves  very  wide  and  large,  bor- 
dered with  purple.  Flowers  small,  yellowish  -  orange. 
Rather  uncommon;  fine  habit;  a  remarkable  kind. 
Height  over  6  ft. 

98  Subtropical  Gardening. 

Canna  gigantea-major. — Stems  thick  and  vigorous, 
of  a  light-green,  slightly  reddish  below,  6£  ft.  to  8£  ft. 
high.  Leaves  very  large,  of  a  light  glistening  green. 
Flowers  medium  size,  pale-red.  Rootstocks  whitish,  very 
thick,  cylindrical,  and  swollen.  A  very  hardy  variety. 

Canna  gigantea-rubra. — Stems  dark  red,  4  ft.  to 
nearly  6  ft.  high.  Leaves  broad,  obtuse,  green,  shaded 
with  dark-red.  Flowers  blood-red,  in  panicles.  Root- 
stocks  conical,  very  closely  crowded  together.  Resembles 
C.  Chatei-grandis,  but  is  an  inferior  variety. 

Canna  grandis. — Stems  green,  downy,  very  thick, 
from  nearly  10  ft.  to  nearly  12  ft.  high.  Leaves  oval, 
erect,  deep  green,  very  large.  Flowers  poppy-red,  small, 
but  in  large  panicles.  Rootstocks  small,  with  fibrous 

Canna  grandiflora-floribunda. — Stems  small,  from 
20  ins.  to  3^  ft.  high,  of  a  light  glistening  green.  Leaves 
small,  light-green  and  glistening.  Flowers  numerous, 
very  large,  with  rounded  divisions,  orange-rose  colour,  in 
handsome  panicles.  Rootstocks  yellowish,  numerous, 
cylindrical,  of  medium  size.  A  very  hardy  variety,  of 
great  effect  from  its  brilliant  and  luxuriant  inflorescence. 

Canna  Heliconiaefolia.  —  Stems  deep  green  and 
downy,  6^-  ft.  to  over  8  ft.  high.  Leaves  green,  oval, 
erect,  very  firm.  Flowers  small,  orange.  Roots  fibrous. 
Does  not  seed  before  the  second  year. 

Canna  Hostel. — Stems  chestnut-coloured,  about  8  ft. 
high.  Leaves  dark-red,  lance-shaped.  Flowers  large, 
red.  Rootstocks  dark-red,  conical. 

Canna  involventiafolia.  —  Stems  green,  8  ft.  to 
nearly  10  ft.  high.  Leaves  very  large,  reflexed,  of  a  light 

Canna.  99 

green.  Flowers  few  and  small.  Rootstocks  small,  with 
fibrous  rootlets. 

Canna  Imperator.  —  Stems  vigorous,  very  thick, 
green  and  downy,  reddish  below,  6%  ft.  to  over  8  ft.  at 
the  close  of  the  season.  Leaves  half-opened,  lance-shaped, 
light  green,  with  prominent  lateral  nerve,  2  ft.  4  ins.  long 
by  14  ins.  wide.  Flowers  late,  very  effective,  of  a 
dazzling  blood-red.  Rootstocks  conical,  very  short. 

Canna  iridiflora-hybrida.  —  Stems  green,  downy, 
somewhat  reddish  below,  6£  ft.  to  over  8  ft.  high.  Leaves 
green,  very  large.  Flowers  well-formed,  very  large,  blood- 
red.  Rootstocks  small,  with  fibrous  roots.  Flowers  to 
most  advantage  in  a  house,  where  it  is  really  magnificent. 

Canna  iridiflora-rubra. —  Stems  brown,  3^  ft.  to 
nearly  5  ft.  high.  Leaves  deep  green  shaded  with  dark 
red,  and  with  a  narrow  dark  purplish-red  margin.  Flowers 
large,  purplish-red.  This  variety  is  not  so  tender  as  the 
preceding  one. 

Canna  insignis.  —  Stems  violet,  downy,  3^  ft.  to 
nearly  5  ft.  high.  Leaves  oval,  extending  horizontally, 
of  a  tender  green,  rayed  and  margined  with  purplish-red. 
Flowers  few  and  small,  of  an  orange-red.  This  variety 
is  valuable  for  its  fine  foliage. 

Canna  Joseph- Auzende. — Stems  green,  4^  ft.  high. 
Leaves  green  and  flaccid.  Flowers  deep  carmine,  of 
medium  size.  Rootstocks  yellowish,  small  and  conical. 
Not  a  very  good  variety. 

Canna  Jean  Bart.  —  Rhizomes  conical;  stalks 
medium  thickness,  deep  green,  elongated.  Flowers  very 
large,  deep  purple ;  height  5^  ft.  to  6  ft. 

Canna  Jean  Vandael.  —  Rhizomes  cylindrical, 

H  2 

ioo  Subtropical  Gardening. 

longish  •  stalks  medium  thickness,  numerous,  clear  green. 
Leaves  clear  green,  erect,  elongated.  Flowers  large,  well- 
formed,  garnet-red ;  height  4  ft.  to  4^  ft. 

Canna  Jussieu. — Stems  green,  from  nearly  4  ft.  to 
4!  ft.  high.  Leaves  small,  glaucous-green.  Flowers 
citron,  approaching  a  chamois-colour.  Rootstocks  conical 
cylindrical.  (An  inferior  variety.) 

Canna  Krelagei  discolor.— Stems  very  thick,  from 
nearly  5  ft.  to  nearly  6  ft.  high.  Leaves  broad  and  thick, 
dark-red,  rayed  with  purplish-red.  Flowers  large,  car- 
mine-red, sometimes  rayed  with  white,  in  handsome 
panicles.  Rootstocks  grey,  conical. 

Canna  Liervalii.  —  Stems  dark-red,  6£  ft.  high. 
Leaves  of  the  same  colour,  rayed  with  purple.  Flowers 
orange-red.  Rootstocks  dark  red,  conical. 

Canna  Lavallei.  —  Stems  slender,  purplish-brown. 
Flowers  very  large,  well-formed,  vermilion-orange,  becom- 
ing yellower  as  they  open.  Rootstocks  cylindrical. 

Canna  Lemoinei. — Stems  green,  6£  ft.  to  over  8  ft. 
high.  Leaves  very  leathery,  of  medium  size,  and  deep 
green  colour.  Flowers  bright  orange. 

Canna  limbata-major. — Stems  green  and  downy, 
5  ft.  to  6£  ft.  high.  Leaves  large,  lance-shaped,  narrow, 
spreading,  deep  green,  2\  ft.  long,  and  over  8  ins.  wide. 
Flowers  large,  orange-red.  Rootstocks  cylindrical,  nar- 
rowed towards  the  top,  closely  crowded  together.  Ripens 
its  seeds  freely. 

Canna  maxima. — Stems  green  and  downy,  5  ft.  to 
6%  ft.  high.  Leaves  very  large,  lance-shaped,  acute,  light 
green,  becoming  darker  in  the  course  of  growth,  reflexed, 
from  2^  ft.  to  32  ins.  long,  and  10  ins.  to  i  ft.  wide,  on 

Canna.  i  o  i 

stalks  6  or  7  ins.  long.  Flowers  small,  orange-yellow. 
Roots  fibrous,  without  rootstocks.  Does  not  flower  before 
the  second  year,  and  is  valuable  only  for  its  foliage. 

Canna  Marechal-Vaillant. —  Stems  robust,  from 
5  ft.  to  6  ft.  high.  Leaves  oblong,  lance-shaped,  erect, 
28  ins.  to  32  ins.  long,  deep  green,  striped  with  purplish- 
red.  Flowers  large,  elegant,  of  a  pure  orange,  in  hand- 
some spikes.  Rootstocks  rather  thick,  conical  and 
cylindrical,  standing  at  some  distance  from  the  tuft. 

Canna  musaefolia-peruviana. — Stems  green  and 
downy,  5  ft.  to  6^  ft.  high.  Leaves  very  large,  wide, 
light  green.  Flowers  small,  orange.  Rootstocks  very 

Canna  nmssefolia  minima. — Leaves  of  a  whitish 
green,  badly  set.  Flowers  small,  orange-brown.  No 

Canna  mnssefolia-hybrida. — Resembles  C.  musa- 
folia,  but  the  stems  and  leaves  are  thicker  and  of  a  deeper 

Canna  musaefolia-rubra. — Stems  dark  red,  6£  ft. 
high.  Leaves  dark  purple-red,  oval,  very  large.  Flowers 
small,  salmon-red.  Rootstocks  very  tender,  with  fibrous 
roots.  Neglected  as  too  tender  and  not  sufficiently  dis- 
tinct from  several  other  varieties,  such  as  C.  Chatei- 
grandis,  etc. 

Canna  musaefolia-perfecta. — Stems  from  5  ft.  to 
6£  ft.  high.  Leaves  broad,  very  firm,  of  a  handsome 
whitish  green.  Flowers  small,  yellow.  Roots  fibrous, 
without  rootstocks. 

Canna  metallica.  —  Resembles  C.  nigricans,  and 
has  never  justified  its  name. 

102  Siibtropical  Gardening. 

Canna  macrophylla-zebrina.  —  Stems  violet  and 
downy,  4  ft.  to  over  5  ft.  high.  Leaves  dark- red,  rayed 
and  striped  with  purple.  Flowers  red,  with  a  perennially 
withered  aspect.  Rootstocks  very  small,  conical,  closely 
set  round  the  tuft.  This  variety  is  very  subject  to 

Canna  metallicoides. — Stems  violet,  5  ft.  to  6£  ft. 
high.  Leaves  of  medium  size,  dark-red  striped  with 
purple.  Flowers  medium  size,  light-red.  Rootstocks 
small,  with  fibrous  roots. 

Canna  nervosa. — Stems  reddish,  3!  ft.  to  5  ft.  high. 
Leaves  deep  green,  rayed  and  margined  with  purple. 
Flowers  small,  blood-red.  Rootstocks  conical. 

Canna  nigricans. — Stems  purplish-red,  4!  ft.  to  over 
8  ft.  high.  Leaves  lance-shaped,  acuminate,  erect,  of  a 
coppery  red,  which  exhibits  a  metallic  gleam  under  sun- 
shine. The  old  leaves  lose  their  reddish  tint,  and  assume 
a  duller  hue.  They  are  2%  ft.  in  length  by  10  ins.  or  12 
ins.  wide.  Flowers  few  and  late,  of  a  sad,  tawny-yellow 
colour.  Rootstocks  brownish,  conical.  Seldom  seeds. 
One  of  the  finest  kinds. 

Canna  nana-superba. — Stems  green,  growing  very 
closely  together,  and  from  20  ins.  to  32  ins.  high.  Leaves 
small,  of  a  handsome  green.  Flowers  large,  badly  formed, 
of  a  brick-red,  becoming  darker  as  they  open.  Root- 
stocks  grey,  small,  conical.  (A  very  inferior  variety.) 

Canna  nepalensis-grandiflora.  —  Has  the  same 
habit  and  foliage  as  the  type  (C.  nepaknsis],  but  is  a 
dwarfer  variety  with  better-shaped  flowers  of  a  sulphur- 
yellow,  sometimes  dotted  with  red. 

Canna  Orinamme. — Rhizomes  conical,  stalks  deep 

Canna.  103 

green.  Leaves  good  size,  elongated,  acuminate,  dee}) 
green  lightly  striped.  Flowers  very  large,  deep  orange, 
in  panicles  which  stand  up  considerably  above  the  foliage. 
Height  5  ft.  to  5*  ft. 

Canna  Pie  IX. — Stems  small,  green,  slightly  reddish 
below,  3^  ft.  to  4  ft.  high.  Leaves  small,  of  a  pale 
glaucous-green,  erect,  lance-shaped,  acuminate.  Flowers 
large,  light  yellow  with  a  deep  orange  claw,  very  numerous, 
in  closely-crowded  panicles.  Rootstocks  conical  and 
cylindrical.  Excellent  for  edgings. 

Canna  Parmentier. — Stems  small,  green,  4  ft.  to  5  ft. 
high.  Leaves  glaucous-green,  small.  Flowers  brownish- 
yellow.  Rootstocks  grey,  conical  and  cylindrical.  (An 
inferior  variety.) 

Canna  purpurea-hybrida. — Stems  dark-red,  from 
4^  ft.  to  over  5  ft.  high.  Leaves  dark-red,  rayed  with 
reddish-purple.  Flowers  large,  brownish-yellow.  Root- 
stocks  small,  conical,  crowded.  A  very  handsome  variety, 
but  tender. 

Canna  Porteana. — Stems  small,  dark-red,  3!  ft.  to 
4  ft.  high.  Leaves  red,  with  a  metallic  lustre.  Flowers 
medium-sized,  light  orange.  Rootstocks  grey,  small, 
forming  a  close,  compact  tuft.  A  fine  but  tender  variety. 

Canna  picturata-fastuosa.  —  Stems  numerous, 
green,  5  ft.  to  6^  ft.  high.  Leaves  green,  glaucescent, 
narrow,  much  pointed,  over  2  ft.  long  by  6  ins.  wide. 
Flowers  large,  well-opened,  light  yellow  speckled  with  red. 
Blooms  luxuriantly  and  continuously  from  the  end  of  July 
to  the  first  frosts.  Rootstocks  white,  with  grey  scales, 
cylindrical,  much  elongated. 

Canna  picturata-nana. — Stems  small,  green,  from 

104  Subtropical  Gardening. 

20  ins.  to  2  ft.  high.  Leaves  very  small,  of  a  light  green. 
Flowers  large,  yellow,  spotted  with  red.  Rootstocks 
whitish,  small,  conical.  A  charming  variety  for  edgings. 

Canna  Plantieri.—  Stems  very  thick,  reddish  below, 
deep  green  above,  3!  ft.  to  over  8  ft.  high.  Leaves 
green,  glaucous,  lance-shaped,  acute.  Flowers  large, 
bright  yellow,  changing  to  orange.  Rootstocks  greyish, 
rather  thick,  conical  and  cylindrical.  A  late  and  shy 

Canna  Premices-de-Nice. — Stems  and  leaves  like 
those  of  C.  Annei,  3!  ft.  to  5  ft.  high.  Flowers  very 
large,  bright  yellow,  sometimes  dotted  with  salmon-colour. 
Rootstocks  conical  and  cylindrical,  rather  shorter  than 
those  of  C.  Annei.  A  very  free-flowering  and  hardy 

Canna  rubra-superbissima. — Stems  dark  purple- 
red,  very  thick,  from  nearly  6  ft.  to  6£  ft.  high.  Leaves 
broad,  round,  purplish-red,  with  a  metallic  lustre.  Flowers 
of  medium  size,  light  orange-red.  Rootstocks  brownish, 
very  thick,  conical,  crowded  together.  One  of  the  finest 
metallic-red-leaved  Cannas. 

Canna  rubricaulis. — Stems  dark-red,  from  nearly 
6  ft.  to  7^  ft.  high.  Leaves  dark-red,  rayed  and  mar- 
gined with  purple-red.  Rootstocks  greyish,  small,  conical. 
(Inferior  to  the  preceding  variety.) 

Canna  rabra-nerva.  —  Stems  dark-red,  from  3^  ft. 
to  5  ft.  high.  Leaves  long  and  narrow,  lance-shaped, 
reflexed,  dark-red  rayed  with  purple.  Flowers  large,  of  a 
cinnabar  red.  Rootstocks  dark-red,  very  long,  conical, 
and  cylindrical.  Resembles  a  weeping  willow. 

Canna  rubra-perfecta. — Stems  dark-red,  from  5  ft. 

Canna.  105 

to  6£  ft.  high.  Leaves  dark-red,  rayed  with  purple. 
Flowers  of  medium  size,  orange-red.  Rootstocks  dark- 
red,  conical.  Seeds  freely. 

Canna  rotundifolia-vera. — Stems  very  thick,  green, 
downy  below,  from  3^  ft.  to  5  ft.  high.  Leaves  round, 
reflexed,  of  a  deep  glistening  green.  Flowers  medium- 
sized,  opening  very  badly,  of  a  carmine-red.  Rootstocks 
medium-sized,  conical.  (A  tender  variety.) 

Canna  rotundifolia-rubra-major. — Stems  dark-red, 
numerous,  very  thick,  vigorous,  from  3  i  ft.  to  5  J  ft.  high. 
Leaves  round,  obtuse,  spreading  almost  horizontally,  pale- 
red,  with  a  dark  purplish-red  midrib  and  border.  Root- 
stocks  dark-red,  very  thick,  cylindrical,  much  swollen 

Canna  rotundifolia-metallica. — Similar  to  the  pre- 
ceding, but  with  coppery-red  leaves  which  have  a  metallic 

Canna  Rendatleri.  —  Stems  light  purplish-red,  of 
medium  thickness,  vigorous,  rather  distant  from  each 
other,  from  nearly  6  ft.  to  over  8  ft.  high.  Leaves  much 
pointed,  deep-green  tinged  with  dark-red,  badly  set. 
Flowers  numerous,  very  large,  well-opened,  salmon-red. 
Rootstocks  greyish,  conical,  cylindrical.  Ripens  its  seeds 

Canna  Rodezii. — Stems  small,  numerous,  from  4  ft. 
to  6i  ft.  high.  Leaves  green,  glaucous,  lanceolate,  acute, 
very  narrow.  Flowers  large,  marigold-orange.  Root- 
stocks  whitish,  cylindrical,  very  slender  and  long.  A 
variety  desirable  for  its  flowers,  but  not  ornamental  in 

Canna  Thibauti.— Stems  purplish-brown,  from  5  ft. 

106  Subtropical  Gardening. 

to  6%  ft.  high.  Leaves  broad,  thick,  dark-red,  rayed  with 
purple.  Flowers  very  large,  well-opened,  poppy-red,  in 
crowded  panicles.  Rootstocks  white,  small,  crowded 

Canna  striata. — Stems  green,  slender,  3!  ft.  to  5  ft. 
high.  Leaves  small,  very  narrow,  erect,  glaucous-green. 
Flowers  yellow,  speckled  and  rayed  with  red.  Root- 
stocks  small,  cylindrical,  crowded  at  the  base  of  the 
plant.  Inferior  to  C.  picturata-nana  of  the  same  colour. 

Canna  Warscewiczioides-Chatei. — Stems  dark- 
red,  thick,  from  6£  ft.  to  over  7  ft.  high.  Leaves  very 
large,  dark-red.  Flowers  small,  blood-red,  in  very  large 
panicles.  Rootstocks  brown,  rather  thick,  cylindrical. 

Canna  Warscewiczioides-nobilis.  —  Stems  deep- 
green,  tinged  with  dark-red,  from  5  ft.  to  6£  ft.  high. 
Leaves  deep-green,  rayed  and  margined  with  dark-red. 
Rootstocks  medium-sized,  conical,  crowded  around  the 
base  of  the  plant. 

Canna  Van-Houttei. — Stems  dark-red,  vigorous,  from 
5  ft.  to  6£  ft.  high.  Leaves  lance-shaped,  pointed,  green, 
rayed  and  margined  with  dark  purplish-red,  2  ft.  to 
2^  ft.  long.  Flowers  large,  well-formed,  poppy-red. 
Rootstocks  grey,  long,  cylindrical.  A  very  handsome 
and  hardy  variety. 

Canna  zebrina. — Stems  green,  tinged  with  dark-red, 
small,  from  32  ins.  to  3!  ft.  high.  Leaves  deep-green, 
rayed  and  striped  with  dark-red.  Flowers  small,  orange 
tinged  with  salmon.  Rootstocks  whitish,  conical.  A 
tardy  grower. 

Canna  zebrina-major. — Stems  green  tinged  with 
dark-red,  downy,  of  medium  size,  5  ft.  to  6£  ft.  high. 

Canna.  107 

Leaves  oval,  erect,  deep-green,  rayed  and  striped  with 
dark  purplish-red.  Flowers  very  small,  red.  Rootstocks 
brown,  rather  thick,  conical,  swollen. 

Canna  zebrina-elegantissima.  —  Stems  dark-red, 
vigorous,  4  ft.  to  5  ft.  high.  Leaves  very  large,  lance- 
shaped,  deep -green,  striped  with  dark  purplish- red. 
Flowers  of  medium  size,  yellowish-brown  tinged  with 
scarlet.  Rootstocks  greyish,  conical,  swollen. 

Canna  zebrina-g£ant. —  Stems  deep-green,  tinged 
with  violet-red,  very  thick,  downy.  Leaves  very  large, 
thick,  deep-green,  rayed  with  dark-red.  Flowers  large, 
light-red.  Rootstocks  whitish,  conical,  closely  crowded 
together.  Difficult  to  flower,  but  very  ornamental  in 

Canna  zebrina  -  violacea.  —  Stems  violet,  downy, 
slender,  about  4  ft.  high.  Leaves  violet,  rayed  with  purple. 
Flowers  of  medium  size,  bright-red.  Roots  fibrous.  A 
very  tender  variety,  with  badly-developed  leaves. 

Canna  zebrina-nana.  —  Stems  green  tinged  with 
dark-red,  16  ins.  to  20  ins.  high.  Leaves  small,  light-green, 
rayed  and  margined  with  purple.  Flowers  of  medium 
size,  light-red.  Rootstocks  small,  crowded  on  one  an- 
other. Excellent  for  large  edgings. 

Canna  Ferrandii. — Stems  dark  purplish-red,  4  ft.  to 
5  ft.  high.  Leaves  medium-sized,  dark -red,  margined 
with  purple.  Flowers  large,  blood-red,  very  numerous, 
in  handsome  panicles. 

Canna  Augusts  Ferrier. — Stems  green,  very  thick, 
downy,  nearly  TO  ft.  high.  Leaves  very  large,  oval,  erect, 
pointed,  deep-green,  with  narrow  stripes  and  margin  of 
dark  purplish-red.  Flowers  of  medium  size,  orange-red. 


Subtropical  Gardening. 

Rootstocks  small,  but  very  hardy.  A  shy  bloomer,  but 
of  remarkably  fine  habit  and  foliage. 

Canna  Barilletti. — Stems  red,  vigorous,  nearly  10  ft. 
high.  Leaves  very  large,  deep-red.  Flowers  small, 
orange-red.  Rootstocks  very  small,  conical,  with  fibrous 

The  number  of  Cannas  enumerated  is  so  large  that  it  is 
desirable  to  make  a  selection  from  them.  A  still  narrower 
selection  is  indicated  by  asterisks. 


C.  Annei 

C.  *elegantissima 

C.  peruviana  purpu- 

,,    -discolor 





,,           robusta 



*purpurea    specta- 

*Auguste  Ferrier 








*  picturata-fastuosa 


,,      -hybrida 

,,        -nana 


,,      -rubra 

Pie  IX. 

*  Amelia 




*  Imperator 



*Krelagei  discolor 







,,         -rubra 

,,     -grandis 



Depute  Henon 








,,     -elegantis- 




„       -rubra 

*  nigricans 

*Cannabis  sativus  (Hemp -plant}. — A  well-known 
annual,  native  of  India  and  Persia,  and  largely  cultivated 
in  Europe  for  the  sake  of  its  fibre.  In  ordinary  situations 
it  grows  from  4  ft.  to  10  ft.  high,  but  in  Italy,  under  very 

Carduus — Car  ex.  109 

favourable  circumstances,  it  sometimes  grows  as  high  as 
20  ft.  In  plants  growing  singly  the  stem  is  frequently 
much  branched,  but  when  grown  in  masses  it  is  generally 
straight  and  unbranched.  The  leaves  are  long-stalked, 
and  composed  of  from  five  to  seven  long,  lance-shaped, 
sharp-pointed  leaflets,  radiating  from  the  top  of  the  stalk, 
and  with  the  margins  cut  into  sharp  saw-like  teeth.  This 
well-known  plant  is  useful  where  the  tenderer  subtropical 
plants  cannot  be  enjoyed.  Single  well-grown  plants  of 
it  look  very  imposing  and  distinct,  and  are  good  for  the 
backs  of  borders  or  mixed  groups.  For  these  purposes, 
it  should  be  sown  early  in  April  in  the  open  ground. 
To  get  large  plants  it  would  no  doubt  be  worth  while 
raising  it  in  frames.  It  loves  a  warm,  sandy  loam. 

*Carduuse  riophorus  (Woolly -headed  Thistle}. — 
A  remarkably  conspicuous  native  plant,  with  a  much- 
branched,  furrowed,  hairy  stem  3  ft.  to  5  ft.  high,  and 
very  deeply  cut  and  undulated  spiny  leaves,  the  lower 
ones  often  2  ft.  long.  The  flower-heads  are  very  large, 
of  a  purplish-red  colour,  and  surrounded  on  the  under 
side  with  a  dense  white  cottony  web.  There  are  few 
plants  more  handsome  or  novel  in  appearance  than  an 
established  one  of  this.  It  is  suitable  for  borders,  or 
groups  of  hardy  fine-foliaged  plants,  and  grows  well  in 
any  ordinary  garden-soil.  Seed. 

*Carex  paniculata. — A  very  large  sedge,  growing 
somewhat  like  a  dwarf  tree-fern,  with  strong  and  thick 
stems,  and  with  luxuriant  masses  of  drooping  leaves. 
The  roots  form  dense  elevated  tufts,  frequently  elevated 
from  one  to  three  feet  above  the  surface  of  the  ground ; 
and  when  the  plant  is  in  flower,  it  generally  exhibits 

no  Subtropical  Gardening. 

a  large  and  spreading  panicle.  The  leaves  are  rough 
and  broad,  and  the  flower-spike  from  3  ins.  to  6  ins. 
long.  A  few  tufts  of  this  are  very  effective  on  the 
margins  of  water  near  groups  of  picturesque  plants. 
The  finer  specimens  are  of  great  age,  and  must  be  pro- 
cured from  the  bogs  where  the  plant  occurs  wild. 

*Carex  pendula. — A  very  handsome  plant,  unlike 
any  of  the  other  British  Carices,  growing  in  large  round 
tufts,  with  numerous  flowering-stems  and  barren  shoots, 
which  attain  a  height  of  from  3  ft.  to  6  ft.  The  leaves 
are  often  2  ft.  or  more  in  length,  and  are  chiefly  at  the 
base  of  the  plant.  It  is  most  attractive  when  in  flower, 
from  the  graceful  disposition  of  its  pendent  spikes,  which 
are  usually  about  half-a-dozen  in  number,  and  each  from 
4  ins.  to  7  ins.  in  length.  Very  suitable  for  the  margin  of 
water  or  for  boggy  or  moist  spots. 

*Carlina  acaulis. — A  hardy  perennial,  rather  inte- 
resting from  its  foliage,  which  has  some  resemblance  to 

the  leaves  of  a  miniature 
Acanthus,  and  is  disposed 
in  a  broad,  handsome,  re- 
gular rosette  very  close  to 
the  ground.  Its  single 
yellowish  flower,  3  ins.  or 
more  across,  is  borne  on 
a  very  short,  erect  stalk 
in  the  centre  of  the  ro- 

sette.  Although  too  dwarf  for  association  with  plants  of 
more  imposing  stature,  it  is  well  worthy  of  a  place  on  a 
bank  or  slope,  or  on  the  margins  of  low  beds  or  groups, 
where  its  pleasing  aspect  and  very  distinct  habit  will  be 

Tender  Palm  ;    for  summer  use  in  the  southern  counties  only. 

Carhtdovica —  Caryota.  1 1 1 

seen  to  best  advantage.  It  thrives  best  in  dry,  stony, 
calcareous  soil,  and  is  easily  multiplied  by  sowing.  In 
the  mountainous  districts  of  France  the  flowers  are 
gathered  by  the  inhabitants,  and  used  as  a  substitute 
for  artichokes.  Central  Europe. 

Carludovica  palmata. — A  very  ornamental,  palm- 
like  plant,  from  4  ft.  to  7  ft.  high,  with  rich  dark-green 
leaves  from  2  ft.  to  3  ft.  broad,  and  divided  into  four 
lobes,  each  of  which  is  again  divided  at  the  apex  into 
narrow  segments.  The  leaf-stalks  are  round,  smooth, 
and  without  spines,  and  are  of  the  same  colour  as  the 
leaves.  This  interesting  plant  will  stand  the  open  air  in 
summer,  from  early  June  till  October,  but  requires  warm 
house  treatment  in  winter,  with  plenty  of  water  at  all 
times.  Seed.  Peru  and  New  Granada. 

Caryota  sobolifera. — An  elegant  Palm,  with  a 
slender  stem  and  shining  light-green  bipinnate  leaves. 
The  leaf-stalks,  when  young,  are  clothed  with  a  short, 
black,  scaly  tomentum.  which  falls  off  as  the  plant  grows 
older.  It  is  often  confounded  with  C.  urens,  but  may  be 
easily  distinguished  from  it  by  the  suckers  which  it  pro- 
duces very  freely  from  its  base.  Similar  treatment  and 
uses  to  those  given  for  C.  urens,  with  which  it  is  of  much 
the  same  value  for  the  open  garden.  Malacca. 

Caryota  urens. — An  East  Indian  Palm,  with  a  stout 
stem,  and  an  elegant  crown  of  spreading  bipinnate  leaves, 
from  3  ft.  to  12  ft.,  or  more,  in  length,  of  a  dark-green 
colour,  the  leaflets  being  6  ins.  to  9  ins.  long  by  2  ins.  to 
4  ins.  wide.  When  young,  it  should  be  potted  in  equal 
parts  of  loam  and  vegetable  mould,  with  a  little  sand ; 
the  pot  to  be  well  drained  and  water  given  liberally 

1 1 2  Subtropical  Gardening. 

during  the  growing  season.  It  is  generally  seen  in  a 
small  state  in  this  country ;  and  though  it  stands  the 
open  air  in  summer,  from  June  till  the  end  of  September, 
pretty  well,  it  can  never  be  of  much  importance  for  our 
open-air  gardening. 

*Cassia  marilandica. — A  hardy,  graceful  perennial, 
3^  ft.  to  5  ft.  high,  with  pinnate  leaves,  resembling  those 
of  the  -Acacia,  and  slender  stems,  bearing  yellow  flowers, 
in  numerous  small  clusters  in  autumn.  It  is  somewhat 
late  in  growth,  but  once  commenced,  grows  with  great 
rapidity.  It  thrives  best  in  a  position  with  a  south 
aspect,  and  may  be  multiplied  either  by  division  in 
spring,  or  by  sowing  from  April  to  June.  It  should 
always  be  planted  in  a  warm,  deep,  sandy  loam,  and  is 
very  suitable  for  borders  or  association  in  groups  with  the 
finer  hardy  subjects,  its  graceful  leaves  qualifying  it  for  a 
place  in  a  group  of  hardy  foliage-plants.  In  naturally 
warm,  deep,  and  well-drained  soils  it  will  prove  a  noble 
subject  for  the  back  parts  of  borders.  N.  America. 

*Centaiirea  babylonica. — Among  the  Centaureas 
there  are  a  few  subjects  which  might  be  used  among 
hardy  fine-leaved  plants,  but  by  far  the  most  distinct  and 
remarkable  is  the  very  silvery-leaved  C.  babylonica.  This 
is  quite  hardy,  and  when  planted  in  good  ground,  sends 
up  strong  shoots,  clad  with  yellow  flowers,  to  a  height  of 
10  ft.  or  12  ft.  The  bloom,  which  continues  from  July 
to  September,  is  not  by  any  means  so  attractive  as  the 
leaves;  but  the  plant  is  at  all  times  picturesque.  In 
groups,  or,  still  better,  isolated,  on  rough  or  undulating 
parts  of  pleasure-grounds,  it  has  a  very  fine  effect.  A 
free  sandy  loam  suits  it  best.  Seed.  Levant.. 

Coarse  herbaceous  Section  ;    for  isolation  by  wood-walks,  et< 

Centaurea.  113 

Centaurea  Clementei. — A  plant  of  robust  growth 
(resembling  C.  ragusina,  but  much  larger  in  every  part), 
with  broad  crowns  of  leaves,  which  are  deeply  serrated 
and  cut  into  lobes.  To  the  elegance  of  the  foliage  must 
be  added  its  beauty  of  colouring,  the  leaf  in  a  young  state 
being  covered  with  down  as  white  as  snow,  and  when  fully 
matured  and  developed  still  retaining  a  silvery  appear- 
ance. This  plant,  which  I  first  saw  in  M.  Boissier's 
garden,  near  Lausanne,  I  have  no  experience  of  as  a 
hardy  plant  in  this  country  •  but  whatever  its  value  in  this 
respect  may  be,  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  for  the 
summer  garden  it  will  prove  as  effective  as  either  C. 
gymnocarpa  or  C.  ragusina,  both  exceptionally  fine  and 
useful  plants.  The  same  treatment  will  suit  it. 

Centaurea  dealbata  is  a  dwarf  hardy  species 
from  the  Caucasus,  with  elegant  foliage,  white  under- 
neath, and  rosy  flowers :  suitable  among  dwarf  hardy 

Centaurea  gymnocarpa.  —  A  half-shrubby  plant 
from  the  South  of  Europe,  nearly  2  ft.  high,  with  hard, 
branching,  bushy  stems,  and  elegantly  cut,  arching  leaves, 
which  are  covered  with  a  short,  whitish-satiny  down.  A 
variety  (C.  plumosa)  has  the  leaves  much  more  divided, 
and  not  so  white.  This  plant  is  somewhat  hardier  than 
C.  ragusina,  but  both  require  greenhouse  treatment  in 
winter.  Same  soil,  positions,  and  treatment  as  for  C. 
ragusina.  Useful  as  this  is  as  an  edging  or  bedding 
plant,  it  is  when  grown  as  fine  single  specimens  that  its 
beauty  is  most  seen. 

Centaurea  ragusina. — This  fine  and  distinct  plant, 
which  has  lately  become  one  of  the  most  popular  of  our 

ii4  Subtropical  Gardening. 

flower-garden  ornaments,  cannot  be  passed  by  in  a  book 
on  fine-leaved  plants.  It  is  so  abundantly  used  as  a  bed- 
ding and  ribbon-plant,  etc.,  that  nothing  need  be  said  of 
it  in  these  respects,  but  it  will  be  seen  to  great  advan- 
tage in  single,  well-grown  tufts  or  small  groups,  as  its 
silvery  leaves  would  contrast  finely  with  many  of  the  dark 
green  and  glossy  things  recommended  for  this  purpose. 
Readily  increased  by  seeds,  or  by  cuttings.  Should  be 
planted  out  in  May.  S.  Europe. 

Chamaedorea. — A  family  of  Mexican  palms,  with 
smooth,  fine  green  stems,  resembling  those  of  the  bam- 
boos, seldom  more  than  15  ft.  or  20  ft.  high  and  i  in. 
or  2  ins.  thick,  surmounted  by  tufts  of  eight  or  nine  pin- 
nate or  almost  entire  leaves,  nearly  8  ft.  in  length. 
Among  the  most  ornamental  species  are  C.  elatior,  C. 
elegans,  and  C.  Ernesti-Augusti.  These  elegant  palms 
may,  with  advantage,  be  placed  in  the  open  air  in  early 
summer,  in  sunny  but  sheltered  nooks,  and  taken  in  at 
the  end  of  September.  Their  small,  elegant  heads  par- 
ticularly fit  them  for  placing  here  and  there  among 
groups  of  medium-sized,  fine-leaved  plants,  or  among 
mixed  masses  of  dahlias,  cannas,  etc. 

*Cham3epeuce  diacantha. — A  spiny-leaved  biennial 
of  remarkable  habit,  growing  in  tufts  of  six  or  eight  stems, 
from  2  ft.  to  nearly  3  ft.  high,  which,  in  the  following 
season,  are  terminated  by  dense,  spike-like  clusters  of 
purplish  blooms.  It  requires  light,  well-drained  soil  and 
a  warm  position,  and  should  seldom  be  watered.  As  the 
stems  are  not  produced  until  the  second  year,  the  radical 
rosettes  of  the  first  year  may  be  advantageously  used  in 
forming  edgings,  or  on  the  margins  of  groups,  for  which 


Slender  Palm  Type  ;   for  placing  amidst  groups  of  dwarfer  subjects  during 
the  summer  months. 

Chamarops.  1 1 5 

their  light-green,  silver-veined  leaves  are  very  suitable, 
or  they  may  serve  to  fill  a  vacant  space  in  the  mixed 
border.  Multiplied  by  sowing  in  spring  or  autumn. 
The  plants  require  the  shelter  of  a  house  -in  winter, 
and  are  only  effective  for  edgings  in  the  young  or  rosette 

*Chamserops  excelsa. — A  hardy  species,  with  an 
erect  stem,  20  ft.  or  30  ft.  high  in  its  native  ceuntry,  and 
dark-green,  erect,  fan-shaped  leaves,  deeply  cut  into 
narrow  segments.  The  leaf-stalks  are  from  3  ft.  to  6  ft. 
long,  and  are  enclosed  at  the  base  in  a  dense  mass  of 
rough  fibres,  and  armed  at  the  edges  with  small,  tooth-like 
spines.  This  plant  remains  out  during  the  winter  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Paris,  in  sheltered  positions,  the  stem 
being  protected  in  severe  frosts  with  a  covering  of 
straw,  etc.,  and  it  is  worth  a  trial  in  the  south  with  us. 

*Cham3erops  Fortune!  (The  Chusan  Palm). — This 
species  is  often  confounded  with  C.  excelsa,  from  which, 
however,  it  differs  in  being  of  a  stouter  habit,  having 
a  more  profuse  matted  network  of  fibres  around  the 
bases  of  the  leaves  and  crown,  the  segments  of  the  leaves 
much  broader,  and  the  leaf-stalks  shorter  and  stouter, 
from  i  ft.  to  2  ft.  long,  and  quite  unarmed.  It  grows 
12  ft.  or  more  in  height,  and  has  a  handsome,  spreading 
head  of  fan-like  leaves,  which  are  slit  into  segments  about 
half-way  down. 

It  may  not  be  generally  known  that  this  palm  is  per- 
fectly hardy  in  this  country.  A  plant  of  it  in  Her 
Majesty's  gardens  at  Osborne  has  stood  out  for  many 
winters  and  attained  a  considerable  height.  It  is  also 
placed  out  at  Kew,  though  protected  in  winter.  On  the 

1 1 6  Subtropical  Gardening. 

water-side  of  the  high  mound  in  the  Royal  Botanic  Gar- 
dens, Regent's  Park,  it  is  in  even  better  health  than  at 
Kew,  though  it  has  not  had  any  protection  for  years,  and 
stood  the  fearfully  hard  frost  of  1860.  If  small  plants 
of  this  are  procured,  it  is  better  to  grow  them  on  freely 
for  a  year  or  two  in  the  greenhouse,  and  then  turn  them 
out  in  April,  spreading  the  roots  a  little  and  giving  them 
a  deep  loamy  soil.  Plant  in  a  sheltered  place,  so  that 
the  leaves  may  not  be  injured  by  winds  when  they  grow 
up  and  get  large.  A  gentle  hollow,  or  among  shrubs  on 
the  sides  of  some  sheltered  glade,  will  prove  the  best 
place  for  it.  The  establishment  of  a  palm  among  our 
somewhat  monotonous  shrubbery  and  garden  vegetation 
is  surely  worthy  of  a  little  trouble,  and  the  precautions 
indicated  will  prove  quite  sufficient. 

Chamaerops  Palmetto  (Palmetto  Palm). — This  is 
a  rather  slow-growing  species,  but  valuable  on  account 
of  its  hardiness.  It  grows  to  a  height  of  about  15  ft, 
and  has  glaucous  or  sea-green,  fan-shaped  leaves,  divided 
into  long  narrow  segments.  The  stem  is  smooth  or  with- 
out prickles.  It  is  a  very  fine  object  when  planted  out ; 
and,  grown  in  tubs  in  a  cool  house  or  conservatory,  stands 
the  open  air  in  summer  well,  and  should  be  put  out  at 
the  end  of  May. 

*Chenopodmm  Atriplicis.  —  A  vigorous-growing 
Chinese  annual,  with  an  angular,  erect,  slightly  branched, 
reddish  stem,  over  3  ft.  in  height,  the  young  shoots  and 
leaves  covered  with  a  fine  rosy  violet  powder.  The 
leaves  are  very  numerous,  nearly  spoon-shaped,  and  long- 
stalked.  This  plant  is  very  ornamental  in  foliage,  and 
well  adapted  for  planting  on  grass-plats  or  grouping  with 

Hardy  Palm  :  best  in  sheltered  positions. 

Cineraria  —  Co  lea.  1 1 7 

other  plants  in  pleasure-grounds.  May  be  treated  as  a 
half-hardy  annual. 

Cineraria  maritima. — A  very  handsome  bushy  peren- 
nial, with  finely-cut  leaves,  covered  on  the  under  side 
with  a  silvery  down.  It  bears  numerous  heads  of  bright 
yellow  flowers  in  summer.  When  the  effect  of  its 
foliage  only  is  desired,  the  flowering-stems  should  be 
pinched  off  on  their  first  appearance.  The  plant  then 
becomes  more  leafy  and  more  branching.  Multiplied 
easily  by  seeds.  Useful  on  the  margins  of  shrubberies, 
or  isolated  on  banks,  or  on  the  grass  of  the  pleasure- 
ground,  where  it  would  form  an  agreeable  variety  among 
the  Acanthuses  and  various  other  dark-green  subjects 
recommended  for  this  purpose. 

Cineraria  Acanthifolia  is  a  fine  variety  of  the  pre- 
ceding, and  well  worthy  of  cultivation. 

Cladium  Mariscus. — This  vigorous  native  fen-plant 
grows  from  2  ft.  to  6  ft.  high,  and,  when  in  flower,  is 
crowned  with  dense,  close,  chestnut-coloured  panicles, 
which  are  sometimes  3  ft.  in  length.  The  radical  leaves 
are  glaucous,  rigid,  and  often  4  ft.  long.  Worthy  of  a 
place  near  such  subjects  as  Car  ex  pendula  or  the  Typhas 
on  the  margin  of  water. 

Colea  Commersonii. — A  shrub  from  Madagascar, 
with  very  large  opposite  leaves,  each  consisting  of  pairs 
of  oval-obtuse  leaflets.  This  has  been  used  in  the  sub- 
tropical garden  at  Battersea  Park,  but  it  is  not  likely  to 
be  of  any  practical  importance  in  our  outdoor  gardening. 
Indeed  it  must  be  a  very  fine  plant  in  this  way  which 
would  produce  so  good  an  effect  as  young  plants  of 
Ailantus  glandules  a. 

1 1 8  Subtropical  Gardening. 

*Comptonia  asplenifolia. — This  is  a  quaint-looking 
little  shrub,  fern-like  in  leaf  and  neat  in  habit.  The 
leaves  are  long,  and  cut  into  numerous  rounded  lobes, 
somewhat  like  those  of  the  Ceterach;  and  the  habit 
of  the  shrub  is  spreading  and  pleasing.  It  likes  peaty 
soil,  and  may  be  increased  by  layers,  suckers,  or  seeds. 
It  should  be  used  as  an  isolated  specimen  on  the  grass,  or 
associated  with  such  things  as  the  oak-leaved  Hydra?igea 
and  Aralia  japonica.  A  very  pretty  object  in  the  woods 
of  New  Jersey  and  many  other  parts  of  N.  America, 
where  it  is  called  the  Sweet  Fern.  It  would  be  pecu- 
liarly appropriate  for  similar  positions  in  this  country, 
when  we  have  it  plentiful  enough  to  naturalise. 

Cordyline  indivisa.  —  A  magnificent  New  Zealand 
plant,  with  a  simple  stem,  from  2  ft.  to  5  ft.  high,  and 
well  distinguished  by  its  excessively  thick  and  leathery 
leaves,  which  are  from  i  ft.  to  5  ft.  long,  and  4  or  5 
inches  broad,  lance-shaped,  of  a  dark  shining  green  colour, 
the  midrib  and  veins  being  of  a  rich  deep  orange.  The 
flowers  are  white,  and  veiy  densely  crowded,  in  a  large 
drooping  panicle.  This  fine  greenhouse  plant  may  be 
placed  out  of  doors  in  summer,  from  the  end  of  May 
till  October,  with  a  very  good  effect ;  best,  perhaps, 
as  an  isolated  specimen,  the  pot  being  sunk  in  the 

Corypha  australis.  —  A  noble  Australian  palm, 
over  30  ft.  high  in  its  native  country,  and  forming 
a  very  effective  subject  for  the  subtropical  garden 
in  summer,  from  June  till  October.  The  leaves  are 
nearly  circular,  often  more  than  5  ft.  broad,  of  a  dark 
green  colour,  very  much  plaited,  and  divided  round  the 

Crambe —  Cucurbita.  119 

edge  into  narrow  segments,  and  supported  by  spiny  leaf- 
stalks, from  6i  ft.  to  nearly  10  ft.  long.  It  requires 
abundance  of  water,  and  should  have  a  warm,  sunny,  and 
sheltered  position.  Few  places,  however,  can  afford  to 
have  subjects  of  this  character  in  the  open  air,  except 
where  there  are  large  conservatories,  in  which  it  is  a 
relief  to  get  more  room  in  summer. 

*Crambe  cordifolia. — This  is  unquestionably  one  of 
the  finest  of  perfectly  hardy  and  large-leaved  herbaceous 
plants.  It  is  as  easily  grown  as  the  common  Seakale — 
more  easily,  if  anything  ;  and  in  heavy  rich  ground  makes 
a  splendid  head  of  leaves,  surmounted  in  summer  by  a 
dense  spray  of  very  small  flowers.  In  planting  it,  the 
deeper  and  richer  the  soil  the  finer  the  result.  It  will 
prove  a  capital  thing  for  any  group  of  fine-leaved  hardy 
plants,  and  may  also  be  planted  wherever  a  bold  though 
low  type  of  vegetation  is  desired. 

There  is  another  species,  *C.  juncea,  a  dwarf  kind, 
with  white  flowers  and  much-branched  stems,  the  rami- 
fications of  which  are  very  slender  and  elegant.  This  is 
also  effective,  but  not  so  valuable  as  C.  cordifolia. 

*  Cucurbita  perennis. — A  climbing  or  trailing  plant, 
well  adapted  for  covering  walls,  ruins,  trellises,  steep 
slopes,  etc.  It  is  a  very  vigorous  grower,  its  stems  some- 
times attaining  a  length  of  nearly  40  ft.  in  one  year ;  but 
it  will  probably  never  do  this  in  our  climate.  The  leaves 
are  strong,  rough,  and  of  a  glaucous  colour ;  and  the 
shoots  run  about  freely  if  the  plant  be  in  very  rich  soil. 
Where  a  bold  trailing  plant  for  high  trellis-work,  or  rough 
banks,  or  shaggy  rockwork  is  desired,  it  will  be  found 
useful ;  but  withal  we  cannot  give  it  a  place  in  the  front 

120  Subtropical  Gardening. 

rank,  and  the  small  select  garden  without  any  of  the 
above-mentioned  appendages  will  certainly  be  better 
without  it.  For  the  botanical  garden  and  curious  col- 
lections it  is  indispensable.  It  is  strong  and  lasting 
when  well  established,  and  may  be  allowed  to  trail  over 
rough  places,  stumps,  or  similar  positions.  The  flowers 
have  a  rather  strong  odour  of  violets,  and  are  succeeded 
by  roundish  fruit,  the  size  of  a  small  orange,  of  a 
deep  green  colour  barred  and  speckled  with  white. 
Requires  a  deep,  light  soil,  and  a  warm  but  airy  posi- 
tion. Seedlings  and  plants  in  exposed  places  should 
be  covered  in  winter  with  litter  or  leaves.  It  is  easily 
multiplied  in  spring  by  division  of  the  young  tuberous 
stems,  or  by  sowing  in  light,  substantial,  well-drained 
soil  from  April  to  July,  or  in  pots  in  a  lukewarm  hotbed 
in  March  and  April.  It  has  not,  so  far  as  I  am  aware, 
fruited  in  our  climate. 

Cyathea  dealbata. — This  very  handsome  fern,  known 
in  N.  Zealand  as  the  Silver  Tree-fern,  has  a  slender, 
branched,  almost  black  stem,  4  ft.  to  8  ft.  high,  ending 
in  a  fine  crown  of  broadly-oblong  twice-divided  fronds 
of  a  dark  green  colour  above  and  milk-white  below ;  the 
rachis  and  midribs  when  young  are  covered  with  brown 
scales,  and  afterwards  with  pale  deciduous  down.  This 
plant  may  be  placed  in  the  open  air,  in  the  southern  and 
milder  districts,  during  the  summer  months  from  the  end 
of  May  till  the  end  of  September. 

Cycas  revoluta. — A  graceful  and  well-known  plant, 
with  a  very  stout  stem,  sometimes,  though  rarely,  reach- 
ing a  height  of  from  6  ft.  to  10  ft.,  from  the  top  of 
which  issues  a  beautiful  crown  of  dark  green  pinnate 

C  YCAS   (very  large  and  old  specimen}. 

Stove  Section  :    suitable  for  placing  in  the  open  air,  in  warm  and  sheltered  parts  of  the 
country,  after  a  strong  growth  has  been  made  and  matured  indoors. 

Cynara — Dahlia .  1 2,  i 

leaves,  from  2  ft.  to  6  ft.  long.  It  is  one  of  the  most  valu- 
able of  the  greenhouse  plants  that  may  be  placed  in  the 
open  air  in  summer  from  the  end  of  May  till  October,  and 
is  particularly  graceful  in  the  centre  of  a  bed  of  flowering 
plants,  or  isolated  with  the  pot  or  tub  plunged  to  the  rim 
in  the  turf,  always  in  a  warm  and  sheltered  position. 
Increased  by  seeds,  or  by  separation  of  the  suckers  which 
are  occasionally  thrown  up. 

*Cynara  Scolymus  (French  Artichoke). — This  plant, 
although  chiefly  grown  for  culinary  purposes,  possesses 
sufficient  merit  as  a  foliage-plant  to  entitle  it  to  a  place 
amongst  ornamental  subjects.  Its  long,  deeply-divided 
leaves,  white  and  downy  beneath,  its  height  (4  ft.  to  5  ft.), 
its  purplish  flower-heads,  and  distinct  habit  render  it  very 
suitable  for  planting  on  the  irregular  and  rougher  parts 
of  pleasure-grounds,  grass-plats,  etc.,  which  are  often 
occupied  by  subjects  far  less  striking. 

*Cyperus  longus  (Galingale). —  The  stiff,  erect, 
tapering,  triangular  stem  of  this  plant,  which  is  from  2  ft. 
to  3  ft.  high,  is  crowned  by  a  handsome  loose  umbellate 
panicle  of  chestnut-coloured  flower-spikes,  at  the  base  of 
which  there  is  an  involucrum  of  three  or  more  unequal 
leaves.  These  are  often  i  or  2  feet  long,  the  lower  ones 
arching  gracefully  and  of  a  bright  shining  green,  giving 
the  plant  a  very  distinct  and  pleasing  appearance.  The 
rootstock  is  thick  and  aromatic,  and  was  formerly  much 
used  in  medicine  as  a  tonic.  A  rare  native  plant,  suitable 
for  the  bog-bed  or  the  margin  of  water. 

Dahlia  imperialis  (Lily-flowered  Dahlia). — The 
common  Dahlia  gives  us  no  more  idea  of  this  than  the 
little  vernal  Scilla  of  Britain  does  of  Scilla  peruviana. 


Subtropical  Gardening. 

The  Imperial  Dahlia  has  very  large  and  graceful,  much 
divided  leaves,  and  flowers  of  a  pure  and  beautiful  French 
white,  thrown  up  in  a  great  cone-like  mass,  and  resem- 
bling such  lilies  as  L.  tigrinum  Fortunei,  which,  instead 
of  merely  developing  a  head  of  flowers,  shoot  up  a  great 
candelabrum  laden  with  them.  The  flowers  of  this  dahlia 
do  not,  like  most  of  the  flowers  of  composite  plants,  open 
so  wide  as  to  stare  at  you  with  the  brazen  look  of  a  sun- 
flower, but,  on  the  contrary,  hang  pendulous  and  half 
open,  with  some  of  the.  modesty  of  the  white  lily.  There 
is  little  chance  of  this  species  producing  its  flowers  in  the 
open  air  in  this  country,  but  it  will,  notwithstanding,  be 
of  service  both  in  the  flower-garden  and  conservatory. 

Planted  in  rich  soil,  and  placed  in  a  warm,  sheltered 
position  in  the  open  air  at  the  end  of  May,  it  grows  well 
with  us  in  summer,  and,  in  consequence  of  its  large  and 
graceful  leaves,  is  an  ornament  worthy  of  being  used  as  a 
"  fine-foliaged"  or  "  subtropical  "  plant.  Just  at  the  time 
that  it  begins  to  gather  together  its  flowering  energies  the 
best  of  our  season  fails,  and  the  plant  must  soon  fail  too, 
if  not  immediately  taken  up  and  placed  in  a  well-lighted 
and  warm  greenhouse.  If  plunged  out  in  a  large  pot  or 
tub  during  the  summer,  it  may  be  taken  up  without  injury, 
and  will  in  all  probability  flower  under  glass  in  the  autumn, 
and  prove  a  magnificent  ornament.  We  should  have  very 
small  hopes  of  its  flowering  well  if  planted  out  so  that  its 
great  roots  must  be  mutilated  when  being  taken  up,  and 
therefore  the  safe  way  will  be  to  pot  it  in  a  very  large  pot, 
and  plunge  that  in  the  ground.  The  roots  would  pro- 
bably go  through  the  pot  and  enter  the  ground,  but  the 
main  mass  of  them  could  be  taken  up  without  disturbance, 


For  half-shady  sheltered  dells,  in  warmer  and  milder  districts,  during 
the  summer  months. 

Datisca  —  Dicentra.  1 2,3 

and  then  it  could  if  necessary  be  shifted  into  a  larger  pot 
or  small  tub. 

*Datisca  cannabina. — A  distinct  and  gracefully- 
habited  herbaceous  plant  from  4  ft.  to  6  ft.  high.  The 
long  stems  are  clothed  with  large  and  handsome  pinnate 
leaves,  and  the  yellowish-green  inflorescence  appears 
towards  the  end  of  summer.  The  male  plant  has  long 
been  known  as  a  very  strong,  graceful,  and  effective 
herb.  The  female  plant,  however,  remains  green  much 
longer  than  the  male,  and  when  profusely  laden  with 
fruit,  each  shoot  droops  and  the  whole  plant  improves  in 
aspect.  It  should  not  be  forgotten  in  any  selection  of 
hardy  plants  of  free  growth  and  imposing  aspect.  From 
seed  will  probably  be  found  the  best  way  to  raise  it,  and 
then  one  would  be  pretty  sure  of  securing  plants  of  both 

Dicksonia  antarctica. — A  very  noble  evergreen 
tree-fern,  with  a  stout  trunk,  which  varies  considerably  in 
thickness,  and  attains  a  height  of  30  ft.  or  more.  The 
fronds,  which  form  a  magnificent  crown  20  ft.  or  30  ft. 
across,  are  lance-shaped,  much  divided,  of  a  shining  dark 
green  on  the  upper  surface,  and  paler  underneath,  from 
6  ft.  to  20  ft.  long,  beautifully  arched,  and  becoming 
pendulous  with  age.  Perhaps  the  hardiest  of  tree-ferns, 
and  therefore  most  suitable  for  placing  in  the  open  air  in 
summer  in  sheltered  shady  dells,  from  the  middle  of  May 
to  the  beginning  of  October. 

*Dicentra  (Dielytra)  eximia. — A  plant  with  dense 
and  very  graceful  foliage,  far  more  so  than  any  other 
member  of  the  order  in  cultivation ;  and  valuable  as  a 
flowering  plant  too,  as  the  brightly-coloured  flowers 

124  Subtropical  Gardening. 

remain  on  for  a  long  time  in  spring  and  early  summer. 
It  generally  grows  from  12  ins.  to  16  ins.  high,  forming 
thick,  almost  pyramidal,  tufts  of  pale  green,  glaucescent, 
deeply-divided  leaves,  and  bearing  handsome  drooping 
clusters  of  large,  rose-coloured  flowers,  often  flowering 
twice  in  the  year.  Although  not  absolutely  necessary,  it 
will  be  all  the  better  to  plant  it  in  light  soil.  Multiplied 
by  division  of  the  tufts  in  spring.  It  should  be  associated 
with  dwarf  subjects  like  Thalictrum  minus,  or  be  used  on 
the  margins  of  mixed  beds  of  fine-leaved  hardy  plants. 

*Dimorphanthus  mandschuricus. — A  magnificent 
hardy  shrub  of  erect  habit,  with  very  large,  much-divided, 
spiny  leaves,  which  very  much  resemble  those  of  the 
Angelica-tree  of  North  America,  and  in  this  country  at- 
taining a  height  of  6  ft.  to  10  ft.,  which  it  will  probably 
much  exceed  when  well  established  in  favourable  positions. 
It  is  certainly  the.  most  remarkable  fine-foliage  shrub 
that  has  been  introduced  into  our  gardens  for  years,  and 
is  therefore  of  the  highest  importance  for  the  subtropical 
garden.  As  to  its  treatment,  it  seems  to  thrive  with  the 
greatest  vigour  in  a  well-drained  deep  loam,  and  would 
grow  well  in  ordinary  garden  soil.  As  to  position,  isola- 
tion in  some  sheltered  but  sunny  spot  will  show  it  to 
great  advantage ;  but  it  may  also  be  grouped  with  like 
subjects,  always  allowing  space  for  the  spread  of  its  great 

*Dipsaeus  sylvestris.  —  A  rather  singular-looking 
hardy  native  plant,  5  ft.  to  6  ft.  high,  with  a  prickly,  leafy, 
branching  stem,  and  longish  opposite  leaves  joined 
together  at  their  bases.  The  flowers  are  of  a  pretty 
purplish  rose-colour,  and  are  borne  in  conical  heads  3  ins. 

Hardy  deciduous  shrub  Section. 

Dracana.  1 25 

or  more  in  length.  Suited  for  the  embellishment  of 
rough,  uneven  ground,  and  will  grow  well  in  almost  any 
kind  of  soil.  Still  more  desirable  than  the  foregoing  is 
D.  laciniatus,  a  native  of  France,  the  leaves  of  which  are 
fringed  with  silky  hairs  instead  of  spines,  and  which  has 
always  whitish  flowers.  Both  these  plants  are  biennials, 
and  are  easily  raised  from  seed. 


LONG  as  this  noble  family  has  been  known  in  our  gardens, 
we  have  yet  to  learn  a  great  deal  about  its  use  and  beauty. 
Hitherto  only  allowed  to  grace  a  stove  or  conservatory 
now  and  then,  the  Dracaenas  in  future  will  be  among  the 
indispensable  ornaments  of  every  garden  where  grace  or 
variety  is  sought.  They  are  among  the  very  best  of  those 
subjects  which  may  be  brought  from  the  conservatory  or 
greenhouse  in  early  summer,  and  placed  in  the  flower- 
garden  till  it  is  time  to  take  them  in  again  to  the  houses 
in  which  they  are  to  pass  the  winter  months.  And  if  it 
were  not  necessary  to  protect  them  through  the  winter,  it 
would  be  almost  worth  our  while  to  bring  them  indoors 
at  that  season,  so  graceful  are  they,  and  so  useful  for 
adding  the  highest  character  to  our  conservatories.  The 
hardier  and  most  coriaceous  kinds, '  like  indivisa  and 
Draco,  may  be  placed  out  with  impunity  very  far  north. 
The  brightly  coloured  kinds,  like  D.  terminalis,  have 
been  tried  in  the  open  air  at  Battersea,  but  not  with 
success.  It  would  be  dangerous  to  try  them  in  the  open 
air  much  farther  north,  except  in  very  favourable  spots. 
The  better  kinds  are  indicated  in  the  select  list  of  sub- 

126  Subtropical  Gardening. 

tropical  plants.  D.  indivisa  grows  well  in  the  open  air  in 
the  south  of  England  and  Ireland. 

Dracaena  australis. — A  fine  plant,  with  a  stout, 
branched  stem,  from  10  ft.  to  40  ft.  high,  and  oblong, 
lance-shaped,  bright  green  leaves,  from  2  ft.  to  3  ft.  in 
length  and  2  ins.  to  4  ins.  in  breadth,  striated  with  numerous 
parallel  veins.  Flowers  white,  densely  crowded,  sweet- 
scented,  f  in.  across ;  but  these  are  rarely  produced 
except  in  large  houses  in  botanic  or  other  gardens,  where 
there  are  old  or  well-established  specimens.  This  is  a 
useful  conservatory  species,  and  may  be  used  out  of  doors 
in  summer,  like  D.  indivisa,  though  it  is  not  quite  so 
graceful.  This  plant  is  of  very  easy  culture  in  ordinary 

Dracaena  cannaefolia. — A  very  fine  species  from 
New  Holland,  with  a  tall  stem,  and  leaves  from  20  ins.  to 
2  ft.  long,  the  sides  of  which  are  rolled  inwards,  so  as  to 
form  a  kind  of  pipe,  of  a  fine  sea-green  colour,  and  sup- 
ported on  stalks  a  foot  or  more  in  length.  This  is  a 
valuable  species  for  warm  greenhouse  or  conservatory  use, 
and  also  for  placing  out  of  doors  in  the  southern  counties, 
though  it  thrives  best  indoors. 

Dracaena  Draco  (Dragon  tree  of  Teneriffe}.  —  A 
large  and  vigorous  species,  native  of  the  Canary  Islands, 
where  it  attains  a  great  height  and  age ;  the  now  perished 
Dragon-tree  at  Orotava  in  Teneriffe  having  grown,  ac- 
cording to  Meyen,  "70  ft.  high  and  48  ft.  in  circum- 
ference, with  an  antiquity  which  must  at  least  be  greater 
than  that  of  the  Pyramids."  In  this  country  it  is  seldom 
seen  more  than  10  ft.  high.  The  stem  is  tree-like,  simple 
or  divided  at  the  top,  and  often,  when  old,  becoming 

Dracaena.  12,7 

much  branched,  each  branch  terminated  by  a  crowded 
head  of  lanceolate-linear  entire  leaves  of  a  glaucous 
green  colour.  The  flowers  form  a  large  terminal  panicle, 
and  are  individually  small  and  of  a  greenish-white  colour. 
This  plant  is  more  graceful  and  effective  when  in  a  young 
state,  in  which  it  usually  occurs  in  our  gardens,  than  when 
old  and  branched.  It  thrives  well  in  the  greenhouse  or 
conservatory,  and  in  the  midland  and  southern  counties 
may  be  placed  in  the  open  air  from  the  end  of  May  to 
October,  while  it  is  a  fine  object  indoors  at  all  seasons. 
It  is  of  very  easy  culture  in  sandy  loam,  and  requires 
plenty  of  pot  room. 

*Dracaena  indivisa. — A  very  graceful  plant,  with 
leaves  from  2  ft.  to  4  ft.  long,  and  i  in.  to  2  ins.  in  breadth, 
tapering  to  a  point,  pendent,  and  dark  green.  It  should 
not  be  confounded  with  the  conservatory  plant  known  as 
Cordyline  indivisa,  which  is  too  tender  to  succeed  well 
in  the  open  air,  and  somewhat  difficult  to  grow.  This 
species,  on  the  contrary,  is  perfectly  hardy  in  the  south 
of  England  and  Ireland.  I  saw  good  specimens  of  it  at 
Bicton  a  few  years  ago,  and  quite  recently  as  far  north 
as  Woodstock,  in  the  county  Kilkenny,  in  Ireland;  a 
plant  also  stood  out  in  a  vase  for  several  years  in  Mr.  A. 
M'Kenzie's  garden  at  Muswell  Hill,  N.  D.  indivisa 
lineata  is  a  very  fine  variety,  the  leaves  of, which  are 
much  broader  than  those  of  the  type,  measuring  some- 
times 4  ins.  across,  and  coloured  with  reddish  pink  at  the 
sheathing  base..  Other  good  varieties  are  D.  indivisa 
atro-purpurea,  which  has  the  base  of  the  leaf  and  the 
midrib  on  the  under  side  of  a  dark  purple ;  and  D.  indi- 
visa Veitchii,  in  which  the  habit  and  size  of  the  leaf  are 

128  Subtropical  Gardening. 

the  same  as  in  the  species,  but  in  addition  it  has  a  sheath- 
ing base  and  the  midrib  on  the  under  side  is  of  a  beautiful 
deep  red.  It  would  be  difficult  to  find  a  plant  more 
worthy  of  cultivation  than  this.  Where  it  does  well  in 
the  garden  or  pleasure-ground  in  the  southern  parts,  it 
surpasses  any  Yucca  or  other  hardy  plant  that  I  know 
in  respect  of  distinctness  and  tropical-looking  grace ;  and, 
this  being  the  case,  there  can  be  little  need  to  plead  for 
it  to  the  many  who  have  gardens  in  the  counties  south 
of  London.  In  all  districts  it  may  be  placed  in  the 
open  garden  in  summer  with  fine  effect,  the  rim  of  the 
pots  plunged  level  with,  or  a  little  below,  the  surface,  and 
the  plants  either  isolated  on  the  turf,  in  the  centre  of  a 
bed  of  flowering  plants,  or  grouped  with  other  fine-leaved 
subjects.  In  the  conservatory  it  is  one  of  the  most 
effective  and  graceful  subjects  at  all  seasons,  and  is  of 
very  easy  culture  in  rich  sandy  loam. 

The  Drac&nas  are  a  very  numerous  family,  and  many 
more  might  be  described ;  but  most  of  the  other  kinds 
have  not  been  proved  to  possess  any  excellence  for  the 
flower-garden,  while  those  enumerated  are  abundantly 
sufficient  to  represent  the  aspect  of  this  graceful  and 
stately  family. 

Echeveria  metallica. — This  is  scarcely  high  enough 
to  be  suitable  for  association  with  the  taller  plants,  but 
it  is,  so  very  distinct  in  aspect,  and  has  been  proved  to 
grow  so  well  in  the  open  air  during  several  unfavourable 
seasons,  that  I  must  not  pass  it  by.  I  purposely  ex- 
clude from  this  book  many  things  sometimes  found  in 
lists  of  "  subtropical "  plants,  but  which  may  be  classed 
most  properly  with  bedding  subjects.  But  this,  although 

Echinops  —  Elyimis.  1 2,9 

not  very  large,  forms  an  agreeable  and  distinct  object, 
and  is  very  well  calculated  for  producing  a  striking  effect 
among  dwarf  bedding  and  edging  plants.  It  may  be 
propagated  by  the  leaves,  by  cuttings,  or  by  seeds,  and 
requires  a  dry  greenhouse-shelf  in  the  winter.  Light 
sandy  earth,  not  of  necessity  very  poor,  will  suit  it  best 
in  the  open  air.  It  will  prove  very  effective  on  the  mar- 
gins of  beds  and  groups  of  the  dwarfer  foliage-plants,  or 
here  and  there  among  hardy  succulents,  and  should  be 
planted  out  about  the  middle  of  May. 

*Echinops  ruthenicus. — A  hardy  ornamental  plant 
from  S.  Russia,  with  stems  3  or  4  feet  high,  much  branched 
in  the  upper  part,  and  covered  with  a  silvery  down. 
The  leaves  are  deeply  toothed  and  spiny,  of  a  dark 
green  above,  white  and  cottony  underneath.  The  flowers 
are  blue,  and  borne  in  almost  spherical  heads  on  the  tops 
of  the  erect  branches.  The  plant  flourishes  best  in  a 
calcareous  soil,  but  will  do  well  in  almost  any  well-drained 
ground.  Easily  multiplied  by  seed,  division  of  the"  tufts, 
or  by  cuttings  of  the  roots  in  spring.  This  is  the  most 
ornamental  of  its  distinct  family,  and  is  highly  suitable  for 
grouping  with  the  finer  herbaceous  plants.  It  would  also 
look  remarkably  bold  and  well  if  isolated  on  the  turf. 

*Elyrrms  arenarius. — This  wild  British  grass — a 
strong-rooting  and  most  distinct-looking  herb — is  capable 
of  adding  a  striking  feature  to  the  garden  here  and  there, 
and  should  be  quickly  introduced  into  cultivation.  Planted 
a  short  distance  away  from  the  margin  of  a  shrubbery,  or 
on  a  bank  on  the  grass,  and  allowed  to  have  its  own  way 
in  deep  soil,  it  makes  a  most  striking  object.  In  short, 
it  deserves  to  rank  high  among  really  hardy  fine  grasses, 


130  Subtropical  Gardening. 

the  Pampas  and  the  two  Arundos  alone  surpassing  it.  I  am 
not  quite  certain  that  it  is  not  more  useful  than  the 
Arundo,  being  hardy  in  all  parts  of  these  islands.  In 
very  good  soil  it  will  grow  4  feet  high ;  and  as  it  is  for  the 
leaves  we  should  cultivate  it,  if  the  flowers  are  removed 
they  will  be  no  loss.  It  is  found  frequently  on  our 
shores,  but  more  abundantly  in  the  north  than  in  the 
south.  The  variety  called  geniculatus,  which  has  the 
spike  pendulous,  is  also  worthy  of  culture,  and  in  its  case 
the  flowers  may  prove  worth  preserving.  It  may  possibly 
be  useful  for  covert,  and  is  certainly  so  for  rough  spots 
in  the  pleasure-ground  and  in  semi-wild  places. 

*Elynms  condensatus  (Bunch  grass). — A  vigorous 
perennial  grass  from  British  Columbia,  forming  a  dense, 
compact,  column-like  growth,  more  than  8  ft.  in  height, 
covered  from  the  base  almost  to  the  top  with  long  arch- 
ing leaves,  and  crowned  in  the  flowering  season  with 
numerous  erect,  rigid  spikes,  each  6£  ins.  long,  and  re- 
sembling an  elongated  ear  of  wheat  in  form.  It  is  a 
very  ornamental  plant,  and  may  be  associated  with  our 
largest  grasses.  A  very  distinct  variety  has  been  raised 
in  the  Edinburgh  Royal  Botanic  Gardens,  in  which  the 
spikes  or  ears  are  much  shorter  and  broader  than  those 
of  the  original  form.  For  this  the  name  Elymns  conden- 
satus compactus  has  been  suggested. 

Entelea  arborescens. — A  small,  branching,  light- 
wooded  tree,  5  to  10  ft.  high,  with  large,  alternate,  heart- 
shaped  or  three-lobed  leaves  covered  with  stellate  down, 
and  white  flowers,  somewhat  like  those  of  a  small  dog- 
rose,  borne  in  umbels  on  the  ends  of  a  branching  panicle. 
It  is  peculiar  to  New  Zealand,  and  is  the  only  species 

Epimedium — Equisetum.  131 

of  the  genus.  This  used  to  grow  satisfactorily  in  the 
Paris  gardens,  but  I  have  no  experience  of  it  in  this 
country.  It  will  require  greenhouse  treatment  in  winter, 
and  is  of  but  secondary  importance  for  open-air  culture. 

*Epimedium  pinnatum. — A  hardy  dwarf  peren- 
nial from  Asia  Minor,  from  8  ins.  to  2%  ft.  high,  forming 
handsome  tufts  of  long-stalked  radical  pinnate  leaves, 
and  bearing  long  clusters  of  yellow  flowers.  The  hand- 
some leaves  remain  on  the  plant  until  the  new  ones 
appear  in  the  ensuing  spring.  It  is  not  a  good  plan 
to  remove  them,  as  they  serve  to  shelter  the  buds  of 
the  new  leaves  during  the  winter,  and  the  plants  flower 
much  better  when  they  are  allowed  to  remain.  Cool, 
moist,  peaty  soil,  and  a  slightly-shaded  position,  will  be 
found  most  suitable  for  this,  and  the  novel  appearance 
of  its  foliage  claims  a  place  for  it  among  the  dwarfer 
plants,  groups  of  fine-foliaged  hardy  herbaceous  subjects, 
Mahonias,  etc. 

*Equisetnm  Telmateia  (Giant  Horse-tail). — A 
British  plant  of  very  noble  port  and  much  grace  of  cha- 
racter when  well-developed,  growing  from  3  ft.  to  6  ft. 
high  in  favourable  soil  and  positions.  The  stem  is  fur- 
nished from  top  to  bottom  with  spreading  whorls  of 
slender,  slightly  drooping,  quadrangular  branches  •  the 
whole  forming  a  pyramidal  outline  of  very  distinct  and 
pleasing  effect.  It  is  a  highly  ornamental  subject  for 
planting  in  the  hardy  fernery,  the  artificial  bog,  shady 
peat  borders,  near  cascades,  or  among  shrubs  growing 
best  in  moist  hollows  in  vegetable  soil.  Multiplied  by 

*Equisetum  sylvaticum  is  another  native  Horse-tail 

K  2 


Subtropical  Gardening. 

of  much  dwarfer  size,  but  of  the  most  exquisite  grace  when 
grown ;  the  stem  standing  from  8  to  1 5  inches  high,  and 
well  covered  with  numerous  slender,  spreading,  or  deflexed 
compound  branches.  Very  suitable  for  rockwork,  mar- 
gins of  ornamental  water,  or  any  of  the  positions  in  which 
E.  Telmateia  may  be  grown.  It  also  does  well  and 
looks  very  graceful  when  grown  in  pots  in  a  cold  frame. 
Multiplied  by  division. 

*Erianthus  Ravennse. — A  highly  ornamental  grass 
from   S.   Europe,  somewhat   like   the    Pampas   grass  in 

habit,  but  smaller  in  size, 
and  frequently  having  vi- 
olet-tinged leaves.  The 
flowering-stems  grow  from 
5  ft.  to  6£  ft.  high ;  but  as 
it  only  flowers  with  us  in 
a  very  warm  season,  it 
must  be  valued  for  its 
foliage  alone.  Its  dense 
and  handsome  tufts  thrive 
well  in  light,  dry,  calca- 
reous soil,  in  positions 
with  a  south  aspect.  It 
thrives  but  poorly  on  cold 
soils,  and  will  probably 
not  grow  well  north  of  London  except  in  peculiarly 
favourable  positions,  and  in  well-drained  free  loams.  It 
is  fitted  for  association  with  such  grasses  as  Arundo 
conspicua.  Multiplied  by  division  of  the  tufts  in  spring 
or  autumn. 

*Eryngium    alpinum. — A    singular-looking    plant, 

Erianthus  Ravennse. 

Eryngium — Erythrina.  133 

from  2  ft.  to  nearly  3  ft.  high,  forming  a  rather  stiff  bush, 
with  leathery  and  very  spiny  leaves  of  a  sea-green  colour, 
and  bearing  numerous  roundish  heads  of  bluish  flowers, 
the  stems  beneath  them  being  also  of  a  very  handsome 
blue  for  some  inches  down.  Suitable  for  planting  in  the 
wilder  parts  of  pleasure-grounds,  for  isolation,  for  borders, 
or  grouping  with  the  finest  and  most  distinct  subjects. 

*Eryngium  amethystiimm.  is  not  so  tall  as  the  pre- 
ceding, seldom  growing  more  than  2%  ft.  high.  It  is  re- 
markable for  the  beautiful  amethystine  bloom  which  the 
leaves  assume  in  July,  and  which  they  preserve  until  the 
approach  of  frost.  It  is  suitable  for  the  positions  recom- 
mended for  the  preceding  kind.  Various  other  members 
of  this  family  are  useful  in  like  manner ;  indeed  there  is 
not  one  of  them  that  is  not  so,  including  our  own  com- 
mon Sea  Holly,  E.  marifimum. 

*Erythrina. — These  are  very  beautiful  trees  or  shrubs, 
pretty  generally  distributed  through  the  tropics  of  both 
hemispheres.  Some  attain  great  dimensions,  while  others 
are  dwarf  bushes  with  woody  rootstocks,  and  a  few  have 
the  stems  and  leaf-stalks  beset  with  prickles.  The  leaves 
are  trifoliate,  with  long  stalks,  and  the  leaflets  oval,  lance- 
shaped,  or  triangular.  Many  of  the  species  produce 
beautiful  large  pea-flowers,  usually  of  a  blood-red  or 
scarlet  colour,  in  terminal  racemes.  The  varieties  of 
these  have  proved  very  hardy  and  useful  in  the  summer 
garden,  flowering  freely,  and  showing  considerable  beauty 
of  foliage.  Two  round  beds,  each  of  9  ft.,  and  one 
oblong  bed,  42  ft.  by  5  ft.,  including  E.  ornata,  Marie 
Belanger,  laurifolia,  crista-galli,  profusa,  Madame  Be- 
langer,  ruberrima,  Hendersoni,  stood  out  last  winter  un- 

134  Subtropical  Gardening. 

injured  in  Battersea  Park;  and,  as  many  people  know, 
the  common  old  Erythrina  crista-galli  will  thrive  for 
years  against  a  warm  south  wall  in  a  warm  soil,  if  pro- 
tected about  the  root  in  winter. 

Eucalyptus. — Handsome  Australian  trees  and  shrubs, 
of  which  there  are  a  vast  number  of  species,  many  grow- 
ing to  an  immense  height.  The  leaves  are  of  a  thick 
leathery  texture,  always  quite  entire,  and  very  variable  in 
shape.  In  young  plants  they  are  opposite,  heart-shaped, 
pointed,  and  covered  with  a  glaucous  bloom ;  as  they 
grow  older,  they  become  alternate  and  sickle-shaped,  the 
stalks  acquiring  a  peculiar  twist,  so  that  the  leaves  pre- 
sent their  edges  to  the  branches.  The  most  hardy  kinds 
are  E.  globulus  and  E.  Gunni.  Other  kinds,  however, 
will  no  doubt  be  found  sufficiently  hardy.  These  are 
most  likely  to  be  attractive  in  the  south  of  England  and 
Ireland,  where  a  few  of  the  species  will  be  found  to 
thrive  in  the  open  air,  as  the  peculiarly  distinct  and 
graceful  habit  of  the  trees  is  not  observed  till  they  are 
12  ft.  or  more  above  the  ground.  Nevertheless  some 
may  grow  them  for  the  aspect  they  present  after  a  single 
year's  growth  in  the  open  air  about  London,  in  which 
case  they  should  be  put  out  about  the  middle  of  May. 
I  was  very  much  struck  with  their  graceful  and  singular 
appearance  in  California,  where  they  are  being  planted 
in  great  variety. 

Farfugium  grande. — A  very  vigorous-growing  per- 
ennial, with  thick  fleshy  stems,  from  i  ft.  to  nearly  2  ft. 
high,  and  broad,  cartilaginous,  almost  heart-shaped  leaves, 
of  a  light-green  colour,  variously  streaked,  and  spotted 
with  yellow  in  one  variety,  and  with  white  and  rose- 

Farfugium  — Ferdinanda .  135 

colour  in  another.  It  flourishes  best  in  free,  substantial, 
moist  soil  which  contains  a  large  proportion  of  vegetable 
mould,  and  in  a  half-shady  position.  During  the  heats  of 
summer  it  will  require  frequent  watering.  At  the  ap- 
proach of  winter  it  should  be  removed  to  the  conserva- 
tory or  cool  greenhouse,  except  in  the  southern  and 
milder  districts,  where  it  survives  an  ordinary  winter. 
In  the  colder  parts  of  the  country  it  is  scarcely  worth 
planting  out,  it  grows  so  slowly;  but  where  it  thrives 
it  is  very  ornamental  in  borders,  isolated,  or  near  the 
margin  of  beds.  Multiplied  by  division  in  spring ;  the 
offsets  to  be  potted  and  kept  in  the  propagating-house 
or  in  a  frame  until  they  are  well  rooted. 

Ferdinanda  eminens. — This  is  one  of  the  tallest 
and  noblest  subtropical  plants,  growing  well  in  the 
southern  and  midland  counties  when  it  is  supplied  with 
rich  soil  and  abundant  moisture.  It  is  also  very  much 
the  better  for  being  sheltered.  Where  the  soil  is  rich, 
deep,  and  humid,  and  the  position  warm,  it  attains  large 
dimensions,  sometimes  growing  over  12  ft.  high,  and  sus- 
pending pairs  of  immense  opposite  leaves.  It  will  in  all 
cases  form  a  capital  companion  to  the  Castor-oil  plant, 
and,  though  it  may  not  be  grown  with  ease  in  all  parts, 
it  should  be  in  every  collection.  It  requires  to  be 
planted  out,  in  a  young  state,  about  the  middle  of  May, 
and  grows  freely  from  cuttings.  Greenhouse  treatment 
will  do  in  winter.  It  is  better  to  keep  a  stock  in  pots 
through  the  summer  to  afford  cuttings,  though  the  old 
ones  may  be  used  for  that  purpose. 

136  Subtropical  Gardening. 


I  WISH  it  were  not  necessary  to  write  in  praise  of  such 
very  fine  plants  as  these,  so  noble  in  aspect  and  beautiful 
in  leaf.  If  2000  kinds  of  herbaceous  plants  are  grown, 
the  first  things  that  show  clearly  above  the  ground  in  the 
very  dawn  of  spring  (even  in  January)  are  their  deep- 
green  and  most  elegant  leaves.  In  good  garden  soil  they 
look  like  masses  of  Leptopteris  superba,  that  most  exqui- 
site of  ferns.  Their  chief  charm  will  probably  be  found 
to  consist  in  their  furnishing  masses  of  the  freshest  green 
and  highest  grace  in  early  spring.  The  leaf  is  apt  to 
lose  some  of  its  beauty  and  fade  away  early  in  autumn, 
but  this  may  to  some  extent  be  retarded  by  cutting  out 
the  flower-bearing  shoots  the  moment  they  appear.  Not 
that  these  are  ugly ;  for,  on  the  contrary,  the  plants  are 
fine  and  striking  when  in  flower.  It  is  indispensable 
that  the  Ferulas,  like  some  other  hardy  foliage -plants,  be 
planted  permanently  and  well  at  first,  as  it  is  only  when 
they  are  thoroughly  established  that  you  get  their  full 
effect.  At  a  first  view,  the  best  way  to  treat  them  would 
appear  to  be  so  to  arrange  them  that  they  would  be  suc- 
ceeded by  things  that  flower  in  autumn,  and  only  begin 
their  rich  growth  in  early  summer ;  but  it  will  be  equally 
wise  to  plant  them  near  the  margin  of  a  shrubbery,  or 
wherever  it  is  desired  to  have  a  diversified  and  bold  type 
of  vegetation.  We  may  look  forward  to  the  day  when  a 
far  greater  variety  of  form  will  be  seen  in  English  gardens 
than  is  at  present  observable,  and  these  Ferulas  are 
thoroughly  well  worth  growing  for  their  superb  spring 
and  early  summer  effect.  The  best  species  are  F.  com- 


Graceful  herbaceous  Type  ;  dying  down  towards  the  end  of  summer,  and  therefore  most 
desirable  for  isolation  near  the  margins  of  shrubberies,  etc. 

Ferula.  137 

munis  and  tingitana.  Probably  a  few  others,  including 
F.  glauca,  neapolitana,  nodiflora,  asparagifolia,  Ferulago, 
and  persica,  may  with  advantage  be  added  where  much 
variety  is  sought,  but  the  effect  of  any  of  the  first  three 
cannot  be  surpassed.  Among  the  "  aspects  of  vegetation" 
which  we  may  enjoy  in  these  cold  climes,  nothing  equals 
that  of  their  grand  leaves,  pushing  up  with  the  snowdrop. 
In  semi-wild  spots,  where  spring  flowers  abound,  it  will 
prove  a  most  tasteful  and  satisfactory  plan  to  drop  a 
Ferula  here  and  there  in  a  sunny  spot,  and  leave  it  to 
nature  and  its  own  good  constitution  afterwards.  In 
general  aspect  these  plants  are  much  alike ;  it  is  better, 
however,  to  describe  some  of  them  individually. 

*Ferula  asparagifolia. — An  ornamental  perennial, 
4  ft.  or  5  ft.  high,  with  very  graceful  and  finely-cut  leaves, 
the  radical  ones  i  ft.  to  2  ft.  long  (including  the  leaf- 
stalk), repeatedly  subdivided  :  the  divisions  very  narrow, 
linear,  pointed,  and  set  with  hairs ;  the  upper  stem-leaves 
are  reduced  to  short  sheaths,  the  lowest  of  which  bear 
a  short  pinnate  limb. 

*Ferula  communis. — A  very  fine  and  striking  hardy 
perennial,  growing  from  6  ft.  to  10  ft.  or  more  high,  with 
much-divided,  spreading,  shining  green  leaves,  repeatedly 
subdivided  into  linear,  flaccid  segments  ;  the  lower  leaves 
spreading  more  than  2  ft.  each  way ;  the  sheaths  of  the 
upper  leaves  very  large. 

*Ferula  Ferulago. — A  very  ornamental  kind,  with 
striped  stems,  6  ft.  to  8  ft.  high,  and  much-divided  leaves, 
with  divided  spreading  leaflets,  which  are  nearly  as  broad 
as  those  of  F.  tingitana,  but  longer,  and  of  a  darker 

138  Subtropical  Gardening. 

*Ferula  glauca. — A  valuable  and  imposing  foliage- 
plant,  4  ft.  to  6  ft.  or  more  high,  with  very  much  divided 
leaves,  shining  above,  glaucous  beneath,  cut  into  long, 
linear,  flat  segments.  The  stalks  of  the  upper  leaves  are 
widened  above. 

*Ferula  persica. — A  hardy  perennial  from  Persia 
and  the  Caucasus,  with  a  glaucous  stem  from  3  ft.  to  6  ft. 
high,  tapering  gradually  upwards,  and  very  handsome, 
much-divided  leaves,  with  rather  distant  lance-shaped 
leaflets,  widening  and  toothed  or  cut  at  the  apex. 
Flowers  in  umbels,  without  any  general  or  partial  involu- 
crum.  This  plant  is  easily  distinguished  by  its  strong 
asafcetida  odour,  and  requires  warm  sandy  soil. 

*Ferula  tingitana. — A  very  noble  plant,  from  6  ft. 
to  8  ft.  high,  with  a  stout  stem  and  very  glistening  leaves, 
which  are  broader  than  those  of  any  other  species,  and 
repeatedly  subdivided  into  oblong  or  lance-shaped 
deeply-toothed  segments. 

Ficus  Chauvieri. — A  noble  species,  with  a  faultless 
habit,  which  does  well  in  the  open  air,  and  is  the  best 
kind  after  F.  elastica.  The  leaves  are  oval-obtuse  in  out- 
line, of  a  very  dark  glistening  green,  with  pale-yellow 
veins,  and  usually  have  one  or  more  large  undulations 
on  the  margin.  Useful  for  the  same  purposes  as  the 
following  species. 

Ficus  elastica  (India-rubber  Plant}. — This  is  one 
of  those  valuable  leathery-leaved  things  that  are  useful  in 
hothouse,  drawing-room,  or  flower-garden.  It  not  only 
exists  in  the  open  air  in  summer  in  good  health,  but 
makes  a  good  growth  under  the  influence  of  our  weak 
northern  sun.  Never  assuming  the  imposing  proportions 

Ficus  — Fuchsia. 

of  other  plants  mentioned  herein,  it  is  best  adapted  for 
select  mixed  groups,  and,  in  small  gardens,  as  isolated 
specimens  amongst 
low  bedding  plants. 
It  will  best  enjoy 
stove  treatment  in 
winter,  and  is  propa- 
gated from  cuttings. 
It  should  be  put  out 
at  the  end  of  May. 
In  all  cases  it  is  bet- 
ter to  use  plants  with 
single  stems. 

*Fuchsia.  —  The 
Fuchsia,  one  of  the 
most  beautiful  orna- 
ments of  the  garden 
when  well  grown,  is 
comparatively  rarely 
seen  in  our  flower- 
gardens.  It  is  to  be 
regretted  that  this  is 
the  case,  for  assuredly 

there  is  nothing  in  cultivation  more  calculated  to  improve 
the  aspect  of  things  therein.  Not  showy  in  mass  of 
flower,  like  many  things  common  enough  now,  it  is  of  the 
highest  order. of  beauty;  while  the  drooping  habit  of 
the  shoots  of  most  kinds  gives  the  plant  a  grace  which  is 
valuable  indeed,  and  which  no  flower-garden  should  be 
without.  Even  in  dwarf  lines,  where  this  drooping  ten- 
dency is  not  seen  to  such  advantage,  or,  it  may  be,  pre- 

Ficus  elastica. 

140  Subtropical  Gardening. 

sents  a  disadvantage,  the  Fuchsia  is  very  valuable ;  but  it 
is  when  we  use  plants  with  rather  tall  stems  or  pyramids 
that  the  full  beauty  of  the  Fuschia  as  a  flower-garden  plant 
is  seen.  And  the  right  way  to  manage  them  is  to  make 
them  as  far  as  possible  produce  all  their  growth  in  the 
open  air.  That  is  the  secret :  start  them,  nurture  them, 
and  make  them  full  of  leaves  and  strong  young  growth  in 
the  spring,  so  as  to  go  out  strong,  and  most  likely  you 
will  find  them  very  disappointing  indeed  ;  but  keep  them 
back  and  do  not  let  them  burst  forth  into  leaf  until  put 
in  the  open  air  in  May,  and  they  will  then  go  on  and 
retain  all  the  strength  they  gather,  suspending  quantities 
of  graceful  blossoms  until  the  leaves  have  deserted  the 
trees,  when  they  should  be  taken  up  and  put  in  a  dry 
cave,  cellar,  or  shed  for  the  winter.  In  a  cool  position 
of  that  kind  it  would  not  be  difficult  to  "  keep  them 
back"  in  spring.  And  supposing  they  seemed  inclined 
to  push  forth  too  much  before  the  time  had  quite  arrived 
when  it  would  be  convenient  or  desirable  to  put  them  in 
the  flower-garden,  there  should  be  no  difficulty  in  placing 
them  in  some  quiet,  sheltered  nook,  where  they  might 
receive  more  protection  than  in  the  flower-garden  proper, 
and  yet  have  full  opportunity  to  make  growth  in  the  open 
air — the  great  point  to  be  attained.  The  freest  and 
hardiest  kinds  should  be  chosen  for  this  purpose.  In 
many  places  refuse  plants  may  be  turned  to  good  account 
in  this  way.  Given  a  lot  of  specimen  Fuchsias — arrived, 
perhaps,  at  that  stage  when  they  must  be  parted  with  to 
make  way  for  younger  plants  and  newer  kinds — nothing 
is  simpler  than  to  make  of  these  standards  for  the  flower- 
garden,  by  cutting  away  the  lower  and  middle  side 

Funkia  —  Geranium.  141 

shoots,  and  leaving  the  head  to  form  a  standard.  Their 
exceptional  grace  when  placed  among  fine  foliage-plants 
induces  me  to  allude  to  them  here. 

*Funkia  Sieboldiana. — A  Japanese  plant,  remarkable 
for  the  elegance  of  its  leaves,  which  are  large,  broadly 
heart-shaped,  of  a  greyish-green  colour,  slightly  undu- 
lating, and  finely  marked  with  regular  lines  of  pro- 
minent ribs.  The  flowers  are  of  a  light  lilac  or  bluish 
colour,  and  are  borne  in  a  drooping  unilateral  cluster  at 
the  extremity  of  a  leafless  stem  i  ft.  or  16  ins.  high. 
Thrives  best  in  a  light,  cool,  sandy  soil  in  a  sheltered 
half-shady  position.  It  will  also  thrive  well  in  peat. 
Multiplied  by  division  of  the  tufts  in  autumn,  once  in 
three  or  four  years.  Useful  among  the  dwarfer  herbaceous 
plants,  etc.,  and  occasionally  as  a  groundwork  in  beds  of 
shrubs  with  fine  foliage. 

*Galega  officinalis. — A  handsome,  hardy,  and  vigo- 
rous-growing plant,  3  ft.  to  5  ft.  high,  forming  graceful 
tufts  of  pinnate  leaves,  and  flowering  abundantly  and  for 
a  long  time  ;  the  flowers  are  of  a  pale  blue,  in  long,  dense 
clusters  or  spikes.  Although  it  will  grow  in  almost  any 
soil,  it  does  best  in  a  deep,  free,  moist,  sandy  clay.  This 
not  uncommon  herbaceous  plant  is  alluded  to  here  in 
consequence  of  its  graceful  leaves,  which  fit  it  for  taking 
a  part  in  the  groups  of  handsome  hardy  subjects  so  often 
suggested  in  this  book. 

Geranium  anemonsefolium. — A  handsome  perennial 
from  Madeira,  with  a  simple,  woody,  erect  stem  i  ft.  to 
1 4  ins.  in  height,  covered  with  dry  scales.  The  leaves,  which 
are  of  a  bright  green,  smooth,  and  very  much  divided,  are 
chiefly  collected  at  the  base  of  the  plant,  from  which  they 

1 42,  Subtropical  Gardening. 

extend  horizontally  on 'stalks  from  20  ins.  to  2  ft.  long. 
The  flowers  are  very  numerous,  and  of  a  lilac  rose-colour. 
It  is  a  highly  ornamental  plant  both  in  foliage  and  flower, 
and  may  be  used  with  good  effect  grouped  with  com- 
paratively dwarf  kinds,  or  occasionally  as  an  edging  to 
tall  subjects.  It  is  best  raised  in  frames  and  put  out 
early  in  May.  Multiplied  by  seed,  which  it  yields 

*Gynerium  argenteum  (Pampas  grass).  —  This 
fine  plant  is  so  well  known  that  there  is  no  excuse  for 
naming  it  here,  except  the  opportunity  to  say  a  few  words 
as  to  the  splendid  use  we  may  make  of  it  in  the  branch 
of  gardening  we  are  now  discussing.  It  deserves  as  much 
attention  as  any  plant  in  cultivation,  and  yet  how  rarely 
is  any  thorough  preparation  made  for  its  perfect  develop- 
ment. What  is  there  growing  in  garden  or  in  wild  more 
nobly  distinct  and  beautiful  than  the  great  silvery  plumes 
of  this  plant  waving  in  the  autumnal  gusts — the  burial 
plumes  as  it  were  of  our  summer  too  early  dead  ?  What 
tender  plant  so  effective  as  this  in  giving  a  new  aspect  of 
vegetation  to  pur  gardens,  if  it  be  tastefully  placed  and 
well  grown?  Long  before  it  flowers  it  possesses  more 
merit  for  its  foliage  and  habit  than  scores  of  things  cul- 
tivated indoors  for  their  effect — Dasylirions,  etc.,  for 
example — and  it  would  be  well  worthy  of  being  extensively 
used  if  one  of  its  silken-crested  wands  were  never  put  forth 
in  autumn.  It  is  not  enough  to  place  it  in  out-of-the-way 
spots,  but  the  general  scene  of  every  garden  and  pleasure- 
ground  should  be  influenced  by  it.  It  should  be  planted 
even  far  more  extensively  than  it  is  at  present,  and  given 
very  deep  and  good  soil  either  natural  or  made.  The 

Giant  hardy  evergreen  ornamental  Grass. 

Gynerium  —  Gunnera.  1 43 

soils  of  very  many  gardens  are  insufficient  to  give  it  the 
highest  degree  of  strength  and  vigour,  and  no  plant  better 
repays  for  a  thorough  preparation,  which  ought  to  be 
the  more  freely  given  when  it  is  considered  that  one 
preparation  suffices  for  many  years.  If  convenient,  give 
it  a  somewhat  sheltered  position  in  the  flower-garden,  so 
as  to  prevent  as  much  as  possible  that  ceaseless  searing 
away  of  the  foliage  which  occurs  wherever  the  plant  is 
much  exposed  to  the  breeze.  We  rarely  see  such  fine 
specimens  as  in  quiet  nooks  where  it  is  pretty  well 
sheltered  by  the  surrounding  vegetation.  It  is  very 
striking  to  come  upon  noble  specimens  in  such  quiet 
green  nooks ;  but,  as  before  hinted,  to  leave  such  a  mag- 
nificent plant  out  of  the  flower-garden  proper  is  a  decided 
mistake.  Seed  and  division. 

*Gimnera  scabra. — Mr.  Darwin  met  with  this  in  a 
region  where  the  vegetation  is  so  luxuriant  that  the 
branches  of  the  trees  extend  over  the  sea,  somewhat  like 
those  of  a  shrubbery  of  evergreens  over  a  gravel  walk. 
"  I  one  day  noticed  growing  on  the  sandstone  cliffs  some 
very  fine  plants  of  the  Panke  (Gunnera  scabra),  which 
somewhat  resembles  the  rhubarb  on  a  gigantic  scale. 
The  inhabitants  eat  the  stalks,  which  are  sub-acid,  and 
tan  leather  with  the  roots,  and  prepare  a  black  dye  from 
them.  The  leaf  is  nearly  circular,  but  deeply  indented 
on  its  margin.  I  measured  one  which  was  nearly  8  ft.  in 
diameter,  and  therefore  no  less  than  24  ft.  in  circum- 
ference !  The  stalk  is  rather  more  than  a  yard  high,  and 
each  plant  sends  out  four  or  five  of  these  enormous  leaves, 
presenting  altogether  a  very  noble  appearance."  Of  a 
spot  in  the  same  neighbourhood  he  says  :  "  The  forest 

144  Subtropical  Gardening. 

was  so  impenetrable  that  no  one  who  has  not  beheld  it 
can  imagine  so  entangled  a  mass  of  dying  and  dead 
trunks.  I  am  sure  that  often  for  more  than  ten  minutes 
together  our  feet  never  touched  the  ground,  and  we  were 
frequently  ten  or  fifteen  feet  above  it ;  so  that  the  seamen, 
as  a  joke,  called  out  the  soundings  !"  Yet  I  have  grown 
this  plant  to  great  size  in  a  cold  British  bog.  Mr.  Darwin 
does  not  speak  of  the  inflorescence,  which  is  more 
remarkable  than  the  leaves.  The  little  flowers  and  seeds 
are  seated  densely  on  conical  fleshy  masses  a  few  inches 
long,  and  these  in  their  turn  being  seated  as  densely  as 
they  can  be  packed  on  a  thick  stem,  the  whole  has  the 
appearance  of  a  compound  cone  a  couple  of  feet  high  (on 
strong  plants),  very  heavy,  and  perhaps  the  oddest-look- 
ing thing  ever  seen  in  the  way  of  fructification.  This 
great  spike  springs  from  the  root  itself,  the  leaves  also 
springing  from  the  root,  as  in  the  case  of  the  rhubarbs. 
I  had  two  plants  in  a  wet  peat  bog — one  in  deep  rich 
soil,  with  the  crown  well  raised  above  the  level,  and 
the  whole  protected  under  a  couple  of  barrowloads  of 
leaf  mould ;  the  other  left  exposed,  and  not  allowed  any 
particularly  good  soil.  Both  plants  survived  the  severest 
winters,  but  the  protected  and  well-fed  one  grew  much 
the  larger.  The  leaves  of  the  larger  plant  used  some- 
times to  grow  4  ft.  in  diameter,  the  texture  being  of  extra- 
ordinary thickness  and  rugosity.  I  have,  however,  in  the 
Royal  Gardens  at  Kew,  seen  it  grown  to  a  larger  size 
than  that.  The  bottom  there  is  the  reverse  of  bog,  while 
the  situation  is  warmer  and  more  sheltered  than  where 
I  grew  it.  But  the  Kew  people  met  its  wants  very 
cleverly,  by  building  a  little  bank  of  turf  around  it,  so 

Hardy  herbaceous  Section ;  attaining  huge  dimensions  in  deep,  rich,  moist  soil. 

Gunnera  —  Gymnocladus.  1 45 

as  to  admit  of  its  absorbing  a  thorough  dose  of  water  now 
and  then,  while  in  winter  it  was  protected  with  dry  leaves 
and  a  piece  of  tarpaulin.  Similar  protection,  plenty  of 
water  in  summer,  and  a  warm  and  sheltered  position,  are 
all  that  are  necessary  for  success  with  this  very  striking 
subject.  It  is  not  difficult  to  obtain,  and  may  be  raised 
from  seed,  though  that  is  a  slow  way.  It  should  be 
planted  in  some  isolated  spot,  and  not  as  a  rule  in  the 
"  flower-garden  proper,"  as  it  must  not  be  disturbed  after 
being  well  planted,  and  would  associate  badly  with  the 
ordinary  occupants  of  the  parterre.  The  plant  cannot 
have  too  much  sun  or  warmth,  but  makes  little  progress 
if  its  huge  leaves  are  torn  by  storms.  In  places  with  any 
diversity  of  surface  it  will  be  easy  to  select  a  spot  well 
open  to  the  sun  and  yet  sheltered  by  surrounding  objects 
(shrubs,  clumps,  etc.).  The  figure  shows  more  the  habit  of 
the  plant  than  the  character  of  its  huge  compound  fleshy 
spike,  on  which  the  small  seeds  are  thickly  scattered. 

*  Gymnocladus  canadensis  (Kentucky  Coffee-tree). 
— A  remarkable  hardy  forest  tree,  which,  kept  in  a  young 
state,  will  furnish  a  fine  head  of  foliage.  It  has  twice- 
divided  leaves,  the  leaflets  of  which  stand  vertically.  On 
young  trees  the  leaves  are  more  than  3  ft.  long,  and  on 
subjects  confined  to  a  single  stem  and  cut  down  every 
year  they  would  prove  even  larger  than  that.  It  grows 
wild  in  Canada,  but  more  abundantly  and  larger  in  Ken- 
tucky and  Tennessee,  where  it  used  to  be  employed  as  a 
substitute  for  coffee — hence  the  common  name.  It  loves 
a  rich  deep  soil,  and  is  propagated  by  seeds  and  cuttings 
of  the  roots.  It  will  prove  very  suitable  for  planting  in 
similar  positions  to  those  recommended  for  the  Ailantus. 


146  Subtropical  Gardening. 

Hedychmm  Gardnerianum. — A  stove  herbaceous 
plant  from  the  East  Indies,  growing  from  3!  ft.  to  6£  ft. 
high,  with  broadly  lance-shaped  clasping  leaves  in  two 
rows,  and  bearing,  in  autumn,  lemon-coloured  flowers  with 
a  strong  Jonquille  perfume,  in  terminal  spikes  nearly  a 
foot  long.  Another  species,  H.  aurantiacum,  has  hand- 
some orange  flowers.  These  handsome  plants  may  have 
been  seen  flowering  in  the  open  air  in  the  gardens  at 
Battersea  Park,  very  pleasing  and  effective  in  shady  nooks 
— not  planted  out  but  kept  in  the  pots  in  which  they  were 
grown.  They  should  be  put  out  about  the  end  of  May. 

*Helianthus  animus  (Sun-flower). — This  common 
and  familiar  annual  plant  may  be  usefully  employed  in 
adorning  the  rougher  parts  of  pleasure-grounds  in  warm 
positions,  where  it  will  thrive  to  best  advantage.  Although 
very  hardy  and  capable  of  being  grown  in  almost  any 
soils,  it  prefers  those  that  are  substantial  and  free. 

*Helianthus  orgyalis. — A  very  distinct-looking  hardy 
plant,  growing  6  ft.  or  8  ft.  high.  Its  distinctiveness  arises 
from  the  fact  that  the  leaves  are  recurved  in  a  peculiarly 
graceful  manner.  At  the  top  of  the  shoots,  indeed,  their 
aspect  is  most  striking,  from  their  springing  up  in  great 
profusion  and  then  bending  gracefully  down.  It  will 
form  a  capital  subject  for  groups  of  fine-leaved,  hardy 
plants,  or  for  isolation  by  wood-walks,  etc.  As  it  is  apt 
to  come  up  rather  thickly,  the  cultivator  will  act  judiciously 
by  thinning  out  the  shoots  when  very  young,  so  that 
those  which  remain  may  prove  stronger  and  better 
furnished  with  leaves.  N.  America. 

*Hemerocallis  ralva. — This  is  one  of  those  fine  old 
plants  formerly  grown  in  almost  every  garden,  but  which 

Coarse  herbaceous  Type  ;    foliage  perishing  late  in  summer. 

Hemerocallis — Heracleum.  147 

has  latterly  sunk  into  unmerited  neglect,  as  from  its  luxu- 
riance, the  height  of  its  stem  (nearly  4  ft.),  and  its  fine, 
large,  tawny-orange  flowers,  it  well  deserves  a  place 
among  vigorous  and  striking  subjects.  It  is  thoroughly 
hardy  and  will  thrive  in  almost  any  soil,  but  comes  to 
greatest  perfection  in  that  which  is  deep,  substantial, 
and  moist,  and  in  almost  any  position.  Multiplied  by 
dividing  the  tufts  once  in  three  or  four  years  in  autumn 
when  the  leaves  are  withered,  or  in  spring.  There  is  a 
variety  of  this  species  with  double  flowers,  and  one  with 
variegated  leaves,  both  of  which  are  somewhat  tender  and 
require  well-drained  soil  and  a  sheltered  position. 

Other  species  in  cultivation  are  H.  flava,  H.  disticha, 
H.  graminea,  and  H.  Dumortieri.  All  these  plants  are 
desirable  associates  for  the  hardy  fine-leaved  plants. 

*Heracleums  (Cow-parsnips). — No  perennials  rival 
these  plants  in  size,  and  few  in  distinctness  of  appearance. 
The  shape  and  width  of  their  leaves,  the  height  of  their 
stems,  and  especially  the  great  size  of  their  umbels,  pro- 
duce an  effect  of  a  very  striking  character.  Planted 
singly  on  slopes  in  the  rougher  parts  of  pleasure-grounds, 
on  or  about  ruins,  rough  wild  declivities,  or  by  pieces  of 
water  or  streams,  they  are  seen  to  excellent  advantage ; 
their  enormous  leaves  forming  great  tufts  of  vegetation, 
sometimes  nearly  13  ft.  in  diameter.  The  period  of 
their  greatest  vigour  and  beauty  is  from  May  to  the 
end  of  July;  and  this  should  be  distinctly  borne  in 
mind  when  arranging  them,  as,  once  the  great  leaves 
fade  away  with  the  heats  of  early  August,  they  become 
very  ragged,  and  soon  disappear  altogether.  They 
delight  in  a  moist,  deep,  clay  soil,  but  will  grow  vigorously 

L  2 

148  Subtropical  Gardening. 

in  almost  any  kind  of  cool  soil,  and  even  on  rubbish- 
heaps.  They  are  easily  multiplied,  either  from  seed  or 
by  division  of  the  tufts  early  in  spring,  or  after  the  ripen- 
ing of  the  seed.  They  usually  sow  themselves  freely. 

*Heracleum  eminens. — A  peculiarly  distinct  species, 
easily  known  by  the  blunt  or  roundish  lobes  of  its  tri- 
foliate leaves,  which  also  possess  the  advantage  of  lasting 
longer  than  the  leaves  of  other  kinds.  They  are  of  a 
thick  texture,  and  finely  covered  with  velvety  down, 
which  gives  them  a  slightly  glaucous  appearance,  whereby 
they  may  also  be  distinguished.  I  have  only  seen  the 
plant  in  a  young  state  in  Paris  gardens,  and  cannot  say 
what  it  is  like  when  fully  grown;  but  it  is  probably 
dwarfer  in  stature  and  more  compact  in  habit  than  most 
of  the  other  kinds,  and,  as  the  leaves  last  so  much  longer 
in  perfection,  it  is  suited  for  grouping  among  choicer  sub- 
jects. For  isolation  on  the  grass,  after  the  fashion  of  the 
Acanthuses,  etc.,  it  is  particularly  well  suited.  Seed  or 

*Heracleum  flavescens. — A  vigorous  species,  5  ft. 
to  6  ft.  high,  with  deeply-furrowed  rough  stems,  and 
convex  green  leaves,  with  ovate  or  oblong  serrate  divi- 
sions. Flowers  yellowish,  in  large  umbels.  Suitable  for 
banks  of  rivers  or  ponds,  where  effective  foliage  is  desired. 
S.  Europe.  Seed. 

*Heracleum  persicum. — A  vigorous  perennial,  of 
rapid  growth  and  imposing  dimensions,  attaining  a  height 
of  more  than  6£  ft.,  and  bearing  whitish  flowers  in  um- 
bels, the  upper  one  of  which  is  more  than  16  ins.  across. 
The  stem  does  not  branch  much,  and  the  leaves  are 
chiefly  radical  and  very  large.  Persia. 

Heracleum — Hydrangea.  149 

*Heracleum  pubescens. — This  species  bears  yel- 
lowish-white flowers,  in  umbels  about  a  foot  in  diameter, 
and  grows  to  a  height  of  from  6  ft.  to  9  ft.  or  more.  The 
leaves  are  very  large,  roughish  on  the  upper  side,  and 
much  divided  into  elliptical  segments,  which  are  pointed 
and  stand  close  together.  Crimea. 

*Heraclenm  villosum. — A  species  distinguished  by 
its  very  downy  and  fringed  fruit,  with  robust  stems,  6-j  ft. 
high  or  more.  Leaves  broad,  much  divided,  the  segments 
coarsely  toothed,  covered  with  a  whitish  down  on  the 
under  side.  Flowers  in  large  umbels.  Caucasus. 

*Heracleum  Wilhelmsii. — The  leaves  of  this  species 
are  very  large,  downy,  and  wrinkled,  much  divided,  with 
lance-shaped,  acute  segments  distant  from  each  other. 
The  stem  is  more  than  6%  ft.  high,  and  bears  whitish 
flowers,  in  umbels  from  10  ins.  to  12  ins.  in  diameter. 

Several  other  species  are  in  cultivation,  the  principal 
of  which  is  H.  platytcznium,  a  biennial  of  very  large  dimen- 
sions, and  remarkably  ornamental  in  habit  and  foliage. 

Humea  elegans. — This  well-known  plant  may  be 
very  agreeably  associated  with  many  of  the  subjects  men- 
tioned in  this  book,  and  is  a  graceful  object  in  the  centres 
of  beds,  etc.  To  be  put  out  early  in  May.  New  Holland. 

^Hydrangea  quercifolia. — This  is  quite  distinct  in 
aspect  from  the  common  Hydrangeas,  and  sufficiently 
striking  to  deserve  a  place  where  variety  of  form  is 
sought.  The  leaves  are,  as  the  name  indicates,  somewhat 
lobed  and  oak-like  in  outline.  It  is  best  adapted  to  form 
a  bush,  its  natural  habit,  and  is  best  used  singly.  I, 
however,  have  never  tried  to  train  young  plants  of  it  with 

150  Subtropical  Gardening. 

a  single  stem;  it  might  be  worth  the  trial.  It  is  a 
native  of  N.  America.  A  rich  and  somewhat  moist  soil, 
with  shelter,  will  be  found  to  suit  it  best.  Well  adapted 
for  isolation. 

*Inula  Helenium.  —  A  vigorous-growing  British 
plant,  about  3  ft.  or  4  ft.  high,  with  a  stout  stem,  branch- 
ing in  the  upper  part,  and  large,  oblong-oval  leaves,  of  a 
delicate  green  colour.  The  flowers  are  yellow,  and  are 
borne  in  loose  clusters.  Well  suited  for  planting  along 
with  other  large-leaved  plants,  or  as  isolated  specimens 
on  rough  slopes,  or  wild  places,  in  free,  moist,  good  soil. 
Multiplied  by  division  in  spring  or  autumn,  or  by  seed. 

*Jub9ea  spectabilis. — A  very  handsome,  hardy  S. 
American  palm,  with  a  short,  arboreous,  smooth  stem, 
which  sometimes  attains  a  height  of  nearly  40  ft,  and 
spreading  pinnate  leaves,  of  a  full,  deep-green  colour,  and 
from  6  ft.  to  1 2  ft.  long,  the  leaflets  being  from  i  ft.  to 
i^  ft.  long  and  about  an  inch  wide,  springing  in  pairs 
from  nearly  the  same  spot,  and  standing  out  in  different 
directions.  The  leaf-stalks  are  very  thick  at  the  base, 
where  they  are  enclosed  in  a  dense  mass  of  rough,  brown 
fibres,  which  grow  upon  their  lower  edges.  The  soil  for 
this  plant  should  be  a  mixture  of  two  parts  of  rich  loam 
and  two  parts  composed  of  peat,  leaf-mould,  and  sand. 
This  exists  in  the  open  air  throughout  the  winter,  near 
London,  but  not  in  such  a  condition  as  to  encourage 
many  to  try  it  in  this  way.  Grown  in  tubs  in  the  con- 
servatory in  winter,  and  placed  in  the  open  air  in  sum- 
mer, it  will  prove  very  satisfactory  for  association  with 
the  hardier  palms. 

*Juncus  effusus  spiralis. — A  very  singular-looking 

Kochia  —  Latania.  151 

rush,  forming  spreading  tufts  of  leaves,  which,  instead  of 
growing  straight,  like  those  of  other  kinds,  are  curiously 
twisted  in  a  regular  corkscrew  form.  From  its  very  un- 
usual appearance  it  is  well  worthy  of  cultivation,  and 
may  be  planted  with  advantage  on  the  margins  of  pieces 
of  water,  near  cascades,  etc.,  or  in  the  artificial  bog.  It 
is  easily  multiplied  by  division  of  the  tufts. 

*Kochia  scoparia. — An  annual  plant  of  the  Goose- 
foot  family,  forming  a  neat,  compact,  pointed  bush,  from 
3  to  5  ft.  in  height.  The  flowers  are  green  and  insig- 
nificant, but  the  graceful  habit  of  the  plant  renders  it 
valuable  and  effective,  placed  either  singly  or  in  groups, 
on  the  slopes  of  pleasure-grounds,  especially  from  July  to 
September — the  time  of  its  full  development.  It  should 
be  sown  in  April  and  May,  in  a  hotbed,  and  afterwards 
planted  out  in  beds  or  borders.  Southern  Europe. 

*Koelreuteria  paniculata.  —  A  small  sized,  hardy, 
deciduous  tree,  from  N.  China,  from  15  ft.  to  19  ft.  high, 
and  handsome  both  in  foliage  and  flower.  The  leaves 
are  pinnate,  and  of  a  dark,  glistening-green  colour ;  the 
leaflets  ovate,  and  coarsely  toothed.  Flowers  yellow,  in 
terminal,  spreading  clusters,  and  succeeded  by  large, 
reddish,  pendent,  bladdery  capsules,  which  render  the  tree 
conspicuous  till  late  in  the  autumn.  It  does  best  in  rich, 
moist  soil.  When  planted  in  a  dry  and  arid  position,  the 
leaves  are  never  so  large  or  glistening,  and  soon  turn  yellow 
and  fall.  It  is  one  of  the  trees  which  may,  as  advised 
for  the  Ailantus,  be  kept  in  a  small  state  by  cutting  them 
down  annually,  and  will,  thus  treated,  furnish  a  fine  effect. 
Easily  multiplied  by  seed,  layers,  and  cuttings. 

Latania  borbonica.  —  A  well-known,    hardy,    and 

Subtropical  Gardening. 

favourite  palm,  attaining  a  height  of  25  ft,  with  large, 
fan-shaped  leaves,  over  5  ft.  broad,  of  a  cheerful  green 
colour,  and  with  pendent  marginal  segments.  The  leaf- 
stalks are  over  4  ft.  or  5  ft.  long,  and  are  armed  at  the 
edges  for  half  their  length  with  short  reflexed  spines.  May 
be  placed  in  the  open  air  about  London  and  southward 
in  sunny  dells  in  summer,  and  is  a  fine  warm-con- 
servatory or  stove  ornament  in  winter. 

*Lavatera  arborea.  —  This  plant,  which  has  the  ap- 
pearance of  a  small  tree,  attains  in  the  southern  counties  the 
height  of  nearly  i  o  ft.  The  stem  is  simple  for  some  dis- 
tance, and  then  branches  into  a  broad,  compact,  roundish, 
and  very  leafy  head.  It  may  be  used  to  adorn  warm 
and  sheltered  parts  of  pleasure-grounds  and  rough  places. 
In  rich  well-drained  beds  it  would  prove  a  worthy  com- 
panion for  the  Ricinus  and  the  Cannas.  It  is  most  at 
home  on  dry  soils,  but  during  the  summer  months  thrives 
on  all.  When  planted  in  the  shelter  of  a  south  wall  it  has 
been  known  to  live  for  several  years  and  to  have  almost 
woody  stems  from  2  ins.  to  4  ins.  in  diameter  at  the  base. 

*Ligularia  macrophylla  (Large-leaved  L.).  —  A 
vigorous  perennial,  with  an  erect  stem  nearly  3^  ft.  high, 
and  very  large,  glaucous,  erect,  long-stalked,  oval  leaves. 
The  flowers  are  yellow,  and  are  borne  in  a  dense  long 
spike  at  the  end  of  the  stem.  The  most  suitable  soil  for 
this  plant  is  that  which  is  free,  moist,  and  somewhat  peaty. 
Multiplied  by  careful  division  in  autumn  or  in  spring.  It 
is  a  useful  subject  for  grouping  with  fine-leaved  herbaceous 
plants,  but  will  seldom  command  a  place  in  the  select 
flower-garden.  Caucasus. 

Malva — Megasea. 


*Malva  crispa. — A  vigorous-growing  annual,  3  to 
ft.,  or  more,  in  height,  growing 
in  an  erect,  pyramidal  bush  of 
densely-crowded,  broad  leaves, 
with  a  very  undulating  curled 
or  frizzled  margin.  The  flow- 
ers are  small,  white,  and  in- 
conspicuous. Bushes  of  this 
are  pretty  in  groups,  beds, 
or  borders.  It  may  be  sown 
in  cool  frames  and  put  out 
early  in  May,  by  which  means 
strong  plants  may  be  obtained 
early  in  the  season.  Malva  crispa- 

*Martynia  lutea. — A  very  pretty  annual  from  Brazil, 
about  i^  ft.  high,  with  roundish  leaves  and  handsome 
yellow  flowers,  collected  in  cylindrical  clusters  at  the 
angles  of  the  principal  branches.  It  requires  a  light,  rich, 
cool  soil,  a  warm  position,  and  frequent  watering  in  sum- 
mer. Its  large  leaves  and  ornamental  bloom  make  it 
a  desirable  subject  for  beds,  groups,  .and  borders.  In- 
creased by  seed. 

*Megaseas.  —  Some  parts  of  pleasure-grounds  for 
which  there  may  be  a  difficulty  in  finding  any  subject 
that  will  either  thrive  in  such  places,  or  that  is  not  too 
commonplace  to  be  thought  of,  may  be  very  advantage- 
ously occupied  by  a  few  specimens  of  Megasea  cordifolia 
and  M.  crassifolia,  the  large,  leathery,  persistent  leaves  of 
which  will,  in  such  positions,  preserve  their  freshness 
through  the  winter,  and  in  the  earliest  days  of  spring  be 
surmounted  by  dense  clusters  of  very  pleasing  rose- 

154  Subtropical  Gardening. 

coloured  flowers.  These  plants  are  very  hardy  perennials, 
and  will  require  hardly  any  care  after  planting  them. 
They  are  well  suited  for  embellishing  cascades  and  rough 
rockwork,  are  not  fastidious  as  to  soil,  and  are  easily 
multiplied  by  division  of  the  tufts. 

Melanoselinum  decipiens.  —  An  umbelliferous 
shrub,  from  Madeira,  with  a  round  simple  stem,  bare 
below,  and  large  spreading  compound  leaves  with  oval 
toothed  segments  and  sheathing  leaf-stalks.  Flowers 
white,  borne  in  umbels.  Should  be  planted  out  in  May. 
A  useful  subject  for  isolation  on  grass-plats,  etc.,  and 
requiring  greenhouse  or  warm-frame  treatment  in  winter. 
Young  plants  are  to  be  preferred  for  ornamental  purposes. 
Multiplied  by  seed. 

Melia  Azedarach  (Pride  of  India). — A  very  orna- 
mental tree,  but  with  us  usually  seen  in  a  small  state. 
It  is  a  native  of  India,  but  is  now  naturalised  in  various 
parts  of  S.  Europe.  It  usually  grows  from  13  ft.  to  17  ft. 
high,  and  bears  its  smooth  dark-green  pinnate  leaves 
chiefly  clustered  together  at  the  ends  of  the  branches. 
The  flowers  are  of  a  lilac  colour,  and  emit  an  agreeable 
perfume  :  they  are  produced  in  large  bunches  which  issue 
from  the  axils  of  the  leaves.  The  fruit  is  considered 
poisonous.  Healthy  young  plants  kept  to  a  single  stem, 
and  cut  down  to  within  a  foot  or  two  of  the  base  annually, 
form  graceful  objects  in  the  ornamental  garden,  throwing 
up  an  erect  stout  stem  regularly  clothed  with  leaves  twice 
and  thrice  divided,  from  16  ins.  to  more  than  2  ft.  long 
and  from  i  ft.  to  nearly  18  ins.  across.  Plant  out  in  early 
summer.  A  substantial,  well-manured  soil,  a  shady  posi- 
tion, and  frequent  waterings  in  summer  are  necessary  for 

Herbaceous  Type :  best  treated  as  a  perennial,  and  protected  at  the  roots  in  winter. 

Melia  —  Melianthus — Meum .         155 

the  development  of  the  ornamental  qualities  of  the  Melia. 
In  winter  it  requires  the  shelter  of  a  greenhouse  with  us. 
Multiplied  by  seed  or  layers. 

*Melianthus  major. — This  is  usually  treated  as  a 
greenhouse  plant,  and  is  sometimes  put  out  of  doors 
in  summer.  So  grown,  however,  the  full  beauty  of  the 
plant  has  not  time  to  develope  ;  and  much  the  better  way 
is  to  treat  it  as  a  half-hardy  subject,  putting  it  out  in  some 
sunny  and  sheltered  spot,  where  the  roots  will  not  suffer 
from  wet  in  winter.  The  shoots  will  be  cut  down  by 
frost,  but  the  root  will  live  and  push  up  strong  stems  in 
spring,  forming  by  midsummer  a  bush  about  3  ft.  high, 
very  distinct  and  beautiful,  with  large,  pinnate,  light  sea- 
green  leaves,  which  will  not  suffer  from  rain  storms. 
I  have  grown  it  in  this  way  to  a  much  more  present- 
able condition  than  it  ever  assumes  indoors,  where  it 
is  usually  drawn  too  much.  I  used  to  protect  the  roots 
in  winter  by  placing  leaves  over  them,  and  then  covering 
all  with  a  handlight,  but  have  seen  the  plant  survive 
without  this  precaution.  It  is,  however,  best  to  make 
quite  sure  by  using  protection,  except  where  the  soil  and 
climate  are  particularly  favourable.  Melianthus  minor 
has  the  habit  of  M.  major,  but  is  smaller  in  every  respect 
and  flowers  later.  Its  inflorescence  also  is  different,  the 
flowers  being  of  a  yellowish  red,  and  growing  in  short 
clusters.  Cape  of  Good  Hope. 

*Meum  athamanticum.— One  of  the  most  elegant 
and  gracefully-cut  plants  in  an  order  second  to  no  other 
for  these  qualities.  The  leaves  are  divided  so  finely  as 
to  appear  as  if  they  were  made  of  vegetable  hair,  and  the 
plant  is  dwarf  and  neat  in  habit,  from  6  inches  to  i  foot 

156  Subtropical  Gardening. 

high;  easy  of  growth  in  ordinary  soils,  and  perfectly 
hardy  and  perennial.  It  is  probable  that  in  dry  seasons 
it  might  "  go  off "  too  soon  for  association  with  autumn- 
flowering  plants,  but  for  rockwork,  borders,  or  mixed 
arrangements  of  any  sort  it  is  invaluable.  A  British 
plant,  easily  increased  by  division. 

*Molopospermum  cicutarium. — A  very  ornamental 
umbelliferous  plant,  5  ft.  or  more  in  height,  with  large, 
deeply-divided  leaves  of  a  lively  green  colour,  forming 
a  dense  irregular  bush.  The  flowers,  which  are  insignifi- 
cant and  of  a  yellowish-white  colour,  are  borne  in  small 
roundish  umbels.  There  is  a  deep  green  and  fern-like 
beauty  displayed  profusely  by  some  of  the  umbelliferous 
family,  but  I  have  rarely  met  with  one  so  remarkably 
attractive  as  this  species.  Many  of  the  class,  while  very 
elegant,  perish  quickly,  get  shabby  indeed  by  the  end  of 
June,  and  are  therefore  out  of  place  in  the  tasteful  flower- 
garden.  ;  but  this  is  firm  in  character,  of  a  fine  rich  green, 
stout  yet  spreading  in  habit,  growing  more  than  a  yard 
high,  and  making  altogether  a  most  pleasing  bush.  It  is 
perfectly  hardy,  and  easily  increased  by  seed  or  division, 
but  rare  as  yet.  Loves  a  deep  moist  soil,  but  will 
thrive  in  any  good  garden  soil.  It  is  a  fine  subject  for 
isolation  or  grouping  with  other  hardy  and  graceful- 
leaved  umbelliferous  plants.  Carniola. 

Monstera  deliciosa. — This  very  remarkable-looking 
plant  has  been  found  to  bear  being  placed  in  the  open 
air  with  impunity  in  shady  and  sheltered  spots  from  the 
beginning  of  June  till  the  end  of  September.  Its  great 
perforated  leaves  look  so  singular  that  everybody  should 
grow  it  who  has  a  stove  in  which  to  do  so,  and  it  is  so 

Tender  Section ;   stands  well  in  the  open  air  in  summer  in  warm  and  sheltered  spots. 

vl  O  N  T  AGN  ^  A    H  E  R AC  LE 1  .b'  O.L  I A    (rolymnia  gntndis) . 

One  of  the  noblest  of  the  tender  section,  making  free  growth  in  ihc  open  aii 
during  summer. 

Monstera  —  Montagncca.  157 

readily  grown  and  propagated  that  a  plant  may  soon  be 
spared  for  placing  in  the  open  air  during  the  warmer 
months.  Although,  however,  it  will  exist  in  the  open  air 
for  a  few  months  in  warm  and  sheltered  spots  in  this 
country,  it  is  only  to  be  seen  to  perfection  in  the  stove. 
Few  subjects  possess  nobler  or  more  singular  foliage,  or 
are  more  worthy  of  a  place  for  effect  alone,  while  its 
fruit  is  edible  and  produced  freely  enough  when  the  plant 
is  well-grown.  The  culture  is  quite  simple — plenty  of 
rich  soil,  a  high  temperature,  and  abundance  of  moisture. 
I  have  seen  the  plant  fruit  well  in  what  is  called  an 
"  intermediate  house,"  but,  where  convenient,  it  is  much 
better  to  place  it  in  a  warm  stove.  Wherever  rockwork 
or  any  picturesque  arrangement  is  attempted  in  any  of 
these  structures,  no  nobler  plant  can  be  selected  for  its 
embellishment.  It  crawls  over  such  positions  with  a 
snake-like  stem,  and  a  trail  of  great  leathery  leaves  per- 
forated in  many  places,  as  shown  in  the  plate.  Mexico. 
Montagnaea  heracleifolia  (Polymnia  grandis).— 
This  is  second  to  no  other  plant  for  its  dignified  and 
finished  effect  in  the  flower-garden,  forming  a  handsome 
shrub  with  large,  opposite,  much-divided,  and  elegantly- 
lobed  leaves,  which  are  often  nearly  3  ft.  long,  presenting 
very  striking  and  luxuriant  masses  of  foliage.  The  stem 
and  leaf-stalks  are  spotted  with  white,  and  the  leaves 
when  young  are  covered  with  a  soft  white  down.  Like 
most  large  soft-growing  things  in  this  way,  it  is  best 
planted  out  in  a  young  state,  so  as  to  ensure  a  fresh 
and  unstinted  growth.  Easily  multiplied  from  cuttings, 
which  plants  freely  produce  if  placed  in  heat  in  January. 

158  Subtropical  Gardening. 

It  is  best  planted  out  at  the  end  of  May,  and  should  be 

in  every  collection.     Mexico. 

*Morina  longifolia.  —  A  hardy  perennial  of  handsome 

and  singular  appearance,  the  large  spiny  leaves  resembling 

those  of  certain  Thistles,  while 
the  long  spikes  of  whorled 
flowers,  which  are  from  2  to 
3  ft.  high,  are  almost  identical 
in  form  with  the  inflorescence 
of  many  of  the  Labiate  family. 
It  grows  well  in  ordinary  well- 
drained  soil,  preferring  that 
which  is  mellow,  deep,  and 
moist.  Easily  multiplied  by 
sowing  the  seed  as  soon  as  it 
ripens,  in  light,  peaty,  sandy 

S0il-       In  OUr  ™terS  ^  W0uld 

Morina  longifolia. 

be    advisable    to    cover   the 

plants  with  litter,  as  it  is  the  dampness  and  sudden  changes 
of  the  atmosphere  which  appear  to  injure  it  rather  than 
the  cold.  Being  a  fine-flowering  plant,  as  well  as  remark- 
able for  its  leaves,  it  is  excellent  for  every  kind  of  mixed 
border,  and  also  for  grouping  with  the  smaller  and  medium- 
sized  perennials  that  have  fine  foliage  or  are  singular  in 
appearance.  Nepaul. 

*Mulgedium  alpinum.—  A  tall  mountain-plant  of 
the  Sow-thistle  family,  with  very  broad  leaves  and  stems 
over  3  ft.  high.  The  flowers  are  very  numerous,  of  a 
dark-blue  colour,  resembling  those  of  the  Chicory,  and 
are  borne  erect  on  the  upper  parts  of  the  branching 

Mulgedium  —  Musa. 


Mulgedium  alpinum. 

stems.  A  somewhat  shaded  position  and  a  very  moist 
deep  loam  are  necessary 
to  the  vigorous  growth 
of  this  plant,  which  will 
prove  effective  in  the 
rougher  parts  of  the 
pleasure-ground.  Multi- 
plied by  division.  Alps. 

*Mulgedium  Plu- 
mieri. — A  vigorous  her- 
baceous perennial,  4  ft. 
to  6  ft.  high,  with  very 
large,  deeply-cut  radical 
leaves  somewhat  glau- 
cous underneath,  bear- 
ing late  in  summer  large 
spreading  terminal  corymbs  of  blue  flowers.  A  good  sub- 
ject for  association  with  strong-growing  herbaceous  plants 
in  groups,  or  as  isolated  tufts  by  wood-walks,  in  deep  rich 
soil.  S.  of  France. 

Musa  Ensete.  —  The  noblest  of  all  the  fine-leaved 
plants  yet  used  in  the  flower-garden  is  Musa  Ensete — 
the  great  Abyssinian  Banana,  discovered  by  Bruce — the 
stem  of  which  has  been  known  to  attain  a  diameter  of 
more  than  3  ft.  at  the  base,  and  a  height  of  from  13  ft. 
to  nearly  20  ft.  The  huge  leaves,  borne  nearly  erect,  are 
oblong  in  shape  and  of  a  beautiful  bright-green  colour, 
with  a  very  stout  deep-red  midrib.  In  the  open  air  they 
often  grow  nearly  TO  ft.  long  and  nearly  2  ft.  broad. 
The  fruit  of  this  kind  is  not  edible,  like  that  of  the  Ba- 
nana and  Plantain  (Musa paradisiaca  and  M.  sapientuui), 

160  Subtropical  Gardening. 

but  the  leaves  are  magnificent,  and  they  stand  the  rain 
and  storms  of  our  northern  climes  with  little  laceration, 
while  all  the  other  kinds  of  Musa  become  torn  into 
shreds.  It  has  hitherto  been  generally  grown  in  stoves ; 
but  it  is  an  interesting  and,  until  recently,  little  known 
fact,  that  the  finest  of  all  the  Banana  or  Musa  tribe 
is  also  the  hardiest  and  most  easily  preserved.  When 
grown  for  the  open  air  it  will  of  course  require  to  be 
kept  in  a  house  during  winter  and  planted  out  the  first 
week  in  June.  In  any  place  where  there  is  a  large  con- 
servatory or  winter-garden  it  will  be  found  most  valu- 
able, either  for  planting  therein  or  for  keeping  over  the 
winter,  as,  if  merely  housed  in  such  a  structure  during 
the  cold  months,  it  will  prove  a  great  ornament  among 
the  other  plants,  while  it  may  be  put  out  in  summer, 
when  the  attraction  is  all  out  of  doors.  Other  kinds  of 
Musa  have  been  tried  in  the  open  air  in  England,  but 
have  barely  existed,  making  it  clear  that  they  should 
not  be  so  cultivated  in  this  country.  M.  Ensete  is  the 
only  species  really  worth  growing  in  this  way.  Where 
the  climate  is  too  cold  to  put  it  out  of  doors  in  summer, 
it  should  be  grown  in  all  conservatories  in  which  it  is  de- 
sired to  establish  the  noblest  type  of  vegetation.  It  also 
stands  the  drought  and  heat  of  a  dwelling-house  remark- 
ably well,  and  though,  when  well  developed,  it  is  much  too 
big  for  any  but  Brobdingnagian  halls,  the  fact  may  never- 
theless be  taken  much  advantage  of  by  those  interested 
in  room-decoration  on  a  large  scale.  The  plant  is  diffi- 
cult to  obtain  as  yet,  but  will,  I  trust,  be  soon  made 
abundant  by  our  nurserymen. 

In  September,  1868,  I  saw  a  fine  plant  of  this  Musa 



Noblest  of  tender  Section  ;  thriving  in  the  open  air  in  summer,  in  the  warmer 
districts  in  summer  and  in  the  conservatory  in  winter. 

Musa — Nelumbiwn.  1 6 1 

that  had  remained  in  the  open  ground  in  Baron  Hauss- 
mann's  garden  in  the  Bois  de  Boulogne  during  the  pre- 
ceding winter.  It  was  left  in  the  position  in  which  it 
grew  during  the  summer  of  1867,  and  in  the  month  of 
November  covered  with  a  little  thatched  shed,  the  space 
about  the  plant  being  filled  with  dry  leaves.  All  the 
leaves  were  cut  off.  In  spring  the  protection  was  re- 
moved and  the  plant  pushed  vigorously.  It  had,  when 
I  saw  it,  1 6  leaves,  not  one  of  which  was  torn  or  lace- 
rated, although  it  was  in  an  exposed  position.  It  was 
not  more  than  5  ft.  high,  but  was  more  attractive  than 
much  larger  individuals  of  the  same  species,  from  being 
so  compact  and  untattered  in  its  foliage.  As  most  people 
who  grow  it  will  have  means  of  keeping  it  indoors  in 
winter,  and  as  it  is  so  rare,  this  mode  of  keeping  it  is 
not  likely  to  be  taken  advantage  of  with  us  at  present ; 
but  that  it  can  and  has  been  so  wintered  is  an  inter- 
esting fact. 

Other  species  are  :  M.  paradisiaca  (the  Plantain) ;  M. 
sapienttim  (the  Banana) ;  M,  Cavendishii,  a  dwarf-growing 
kind,  seldom  exceeding  5  ft.  or  6  ft.  in  height,  and  fruiting 
freely  in  a  stove ;  M.  superba,  and  M.  zebrina.  These, 
however,  are  all  properly  hothouse  kinds,  and  do  not 
thrive  in  the  open  air. 

Nelumbium  luteum.  —  This  is  perhaps  second  to 
none  of  its  fine  family  in  beauty.  In  the  Paris  Garden 
a  plant  remained  in  a  fountain-basin,  in  a  very  sheltered 
position,  for  several  years,  flowering  yearly.  On  the 
nth  of  September,  1868,  the  petals  of  one  of  these 
flowers  measured  each  6  ins.  in  length  !  and  consequently 
the  flower  fully  spread  out  was  more  than  a  foot  in 


1 62  Siib tropical  Gardening. 

diameter.  The  singular-looking  disk  within  these  great 
fragrant  flowers  is  as  interesting  as  the  flower  itself,  and 
far  more  peculiar.  The  flowers  are  of  a  pale  yellow, 
with  a  single  deep  stain  of  rosy  crimson  at  the  apex  of 
each  petal.  The  leaves  push  boldly  above  the  water, 
are  quite  round,  12  ins.  to  15  ins.  in  diameter,  and  of  a 
peculiar  bluish-green.  If  the  hand  be  placed  under  one 
of  them,  so  as  to  slightly  raise  the  outer  parts  of  the 
large  plate-like  leaf,  a  hollow  will  of  course  be  formed ; 
and  if  water  be  poured  into  this  so  as  to  cover  exactly 
the  centre  of  the  stem  which  supports  and  feeds  the 
leaf,  a  curious  result  will  be  noticed.  Bubbles  of  air 
will  rise  rapidly  one  after  another  from  exactly  over  the 
part  where  the  leaf  joins  its  stem.  In  this  particular 
leaf  this  spot  is  marked  by  being  of  a  much  lighter  green 
than  the  remainder  of  the  leaf.  This  would  be  well 
worth  trying  in  the  southern  counties  on  the  margin  of 
ponds,  etc.,  where  it  would  be  fine  associated  with  Nuphar 
advena,  and  the  like.  It  should  be  put  out  early  in 

Nelumbmrn  speciosum  (Sacred Beati). — An. Egyp- 
tian water-plant  of  very  great  beauty,  with  round  sea- 
green  leaves  from  10  ins.  to  over  a  foot  in  diameter,  some 
of  which  float  on  the  surface  of  the  water,  while  others 
are  elevated  above  it  at  various  heights  up  to  2^  ft. 
Above  the  highest  leaves  appear  the  large,  solitary,  white, 
rosy-tipped  flowers,  which  are  about  10  ins.  broad,  and 
are  very  fragrant.  As  the  plant  is  somewhat  tender,  it 
should  be  grown  in  tubs,  and  placed  in  rather  shallow 
water  (which  is  more  easily  warmed  by  the  sun)  from 
the  end  of  May  until  the  end  of  September  in  a  position 

NICOTIA2STA  TABACUM.       (Var.  macrophylla}.    (8ft.). 
Annual  Section  ;   forming  handsome  specimens  within  a  few  months  after  sowint 

Nelumbium  —  Nicotiana.  1 63 

sheltered  from  sudden  changes  of  the  atmosphere.  A 
mixture  of  good  loam,  sharp  sand,  and  charcoal  seems 
to  answer  it  best.  Multiplied  by  division  of  the  root- 
stocks,  or  by  seed.  Wherever  there  is  a  contrivance  for 
heating  the  water  in  a  small  pond  or  tank  in  the  open  air, 
these  two  remarkable  plants  would  be  well  worth  a  trial. 

Nicotiana  Tabacum  (Common  Tobacco}.  —  There 
are  several  varieties  of  this  well-known  plant,  distinguished 
by  the  different  length  and  width  of  their  oblong  lance- 
shaped  leaves  and  the  lighter  or  deeper  colour  of  their 
rosy  flowers.  A  deep,  well-drained,  light  soil,  rich  in 
decayed  vegetable  matter,  is  essential  to  this  plant,  as  is 
also  copious  watering  in  summer.  As  it  is  so  readily 
raised  from  seed,  and  grows  luxuriantly  in  rich  soil,  I  need 
not  say  it  is  a  very  desirable  subject  for  association  with 
the  Castor-oil  plant  and  the  like,  and  especially  suited  for 
the  many  who  desire  plants  of  noble  habit,  but  who  can- 
not preserve  the  tender  ones  through  the  winter  under 
glass.  It  should  be  raised  in  a  hotbed,  and  put  out  in 
May.  Height,  6  ft.  or  more.  N.  macrophylla  is  the 
finest  variety. 

Nicotiana  wigandioides. — A  species  of  recent  in- 
troduction, with  a  simple  stem  6  ft.  or  more  high,  and 
very  large,  broad,  woolly  leaves  which  grow  in  a  some- 
what erect  position.  If  placed  in  a  hothouse  at  the  close 
of  the  year,  it  becomes  woody  and  branching,  and  assumes 
an  arborescent  habit.  Requires  good  substantial,  well- 
manured  soil,  and  copious  watering.  This  is  a  useful 
plant  for  grouping  with  the  medium-sized  tender  subjects 
in  rich,  light,  well-drained  soils,  and  should  be  planted 
out  about  the  middle  of  May. 

M  2 

164  Subtropical  Gardening. 

*Nuphar  advena. — A  hardy  Water-lily  from  N. 
America,  with  broad,  oval-heart-shaped  leaves,  some  float- 
ing on  the  surface  of  the  water,  and  some  emerging 
well  above  it.  The  flowers  are  rather  large,  of  a  golden- 
yellow  colour,  with  scarlet  stamens.  This  plant  is  as 
hardy  as  our  native  water-lilies,  and  is  therefore  adapted 
for  any  position  in  which  they  will  grow.  In  N.  America 
it  occurs  chiefly  in  still  or  stagnant  waters.  The  bold 
and  large  leaves  make  it  peculiarly  suitable  for  placing 
near  the  margin  of  water  in  the  vicinity  of  groups  of 
picturesque  plants. 

*Onopordum  Acanthium. — A  native  biennial  plant 

of  bold  habit  and  vigor- 
ous growth,  with  stout, 
branching  stems  often 
more  than  5  ft.  high, 
and  very  large,  undulat- 
ing, spiny  leaves,  covered 
with  long,  whitish,  cob- 
web-like hairs.  Flowers 
purplish,  in  large,  soli- 
tary, terminal  heads.  O. 
illyricum  has  greener  and 
more  deeply-cut  leaves, 
stiffer  stems,  a  more 
branching  habit,  and 

Onopordum  Acanthium.  "lUCh  more   Spiny   IcaVCS 

and  stems.     O.  arabicum 

grows  to  the  height  of  nearly  8  ft.  with  an  erect  and  very 
slightly  branching  habit,  and  has  both  sides  of  the  leaves, 
as  well  as  the  stems,  covered  with  a  white  down.  All  these 

Onopordum — Osmunda.  165 

species  are  very  hardy,  and  thrive  well  in  ordinary  soil. 
They  are  particularly  adapted  for  the  rougher  and  more 
neglected  parts  of  pleasure-grounds,  where  they  will  sow 

*Osrmmda  regalis.  —  This,  the  largest  and  most 
striking  of  our  native  ferns  (sometimes  attaining  a 
height  of  8  ft.),  is  one  of  the  most  ornamental  subjects 
that  can  be  grown  in  certain  positions.  It  should  be 
planted  in  moist  peaty  soil  in  half-shady  places,  on  the 
banks  of  streams,  the  margins  of  pieces  of  water,  by 
cascades,  etc.  It  may  also  be  planted  in  the  water  with 
good  effect.  It  has  been  found  to  do  well  exposed  to 
the  full  sun,  when  its  roots  are  in  a  constantly  moist, 
porous,  moss-covered  soil,  in  a  position  sheltered  from 
strong  winds.  In  shady  positions  it  would  be  found  to 
attain  great  stature  if  planted  in  deep,  well-manured  soil. 
The  various  North  American  Osmundas  should  also  be 
associated  with  this.  There  are  several  varieties  to  be 
met  with  in  gardens,  the  handsomest  of  which  perhaps 
is  0.  r.  cristata.  Popular  and  almost  universally  culti- 
vated as  the  Osmunda  is,  however,  it  is  not  at  all  com- 
mon to  see  the  Royal  Fern  and  several  other  Osmundas 
otherwise  than  in  a  shabby,  or  at  best  in  a  half-deve- 
loped, condition.  Mr.  A.  Parsons,  of  Danesbury,  a  well- 
known  florist  and  cultivator  of  ferns,  has  overcome  this 
difficulty,  and  narrates  his  marked  success  in  the  pages 
of  the  Florist  and  Pomologist.  He  formed  a  very  large 
fernery  in  an  old  chalk-pit,  and  with  much  success ;  but, 
notwithstanding  all  the  care  taken  of  the  Osmundas  and 
allied  ferns,  they  were  tried  for  four  seasons  with  no 
satisfactory  results,  the  roots  of  the  surrounding  trees 

1 66  Subtropical  Gardening. 

robbing  them  of  both  soil  and  water.     "  A  change  was 
then  made  :  a  piece  of  ground,  of  irregular  shape,  large 
enough  to  contain  about  20  plants,  was  staked  out,  and 
the  mould,  or,  more  correctly  speaking,  the  chalk,  was 
removed  to  the  depth  of  3  ft. ;  a  bricklayer  followed,  and 
put  in  a  floor  of  three  bricks  laid  on  the  flat,  set  in  good 
Portland  cement,  and  over  that  a  layer  of  plain   tiles, 
the   sides   being  made  up  to   the   ground-level  with  a 
4^-inch  wall,  well  built  up  in  the  same  kind  of  cement ; 
this  made  the  whole  water-tight,  and  prevented  the  roots 
of  the    surrounding  trees  from  penetrating  and  robbing 
the  ferns   of  their  moisture.     The  space  was  filled   up 
with  earth,  compounded  of  good  loam,  peat,  and  leaf- 
mould,   in    equal   proportions,   with    about   one-fifth   of 
good  rotten   manure    added   thereto;   these  ingredients 
were  thoroughly  mixed   and  well  trodden  in,  and  then 
the  ferns  were  planted.     In  forming  this  bed,  provision 
was  made  for  the  escape  of  the  surplus  water,  by  intro- 
ducing  into  the   front  wall,  at   about   4  ins.  from  the 
bottom,  a  common  3-in.  drain-pipe,  which  communicated 
with   a  small   tank,  about  3   ft.   square,    sunk    into   the 
chalk,  so  that  all  waste  water  became  absorbed.     This 
method  proved  to  be   eminently  successful,    the   plants 
far  surpassing  in  size  any  I  have  ever  seen  under  arti- 
ficial cultivation,  and,  judging  from  report,  rivalling  their 
growth  in  their  natural  habitats.     Last  season  I  could 
boast  of  Osmunda  regalis  with   fronds  at  least  8  ft.  in 
length,  Osmunda  spectabilis  4%  ft.,  Osmunda  Claytoniana 
5  ft.,  Osmunda  cinnamomea  3  ft.,  and  the  beautiful  Os- 
munda regalis,  var.   cristata,   3  ft.  in  length.     Adiantum 
pedatum  grew  from  2  ft.   to  3  ft.  in   height,  and  others 

Osmunda — P&onia.  1 67 

were  proportionally  fine.  The  plants  were  not  drawn 
up  by  being  planted  closely  together,  but  were  placed 
at  a  fair  distance  apart,  and  became  handsome  and  noble 
specimens.  Every  spring  I  apply  a  dressing  of  about 
two  inches  of  rotten  manure  to  the  surface,  and  just 
cover  it  with  mould  for  the  sake  of  appearance.  The 
artificial  swamp  is  the  admiration  of  all  the  visitors  here. 
The  plants  are  always  in  a  healthy  and  vigorous  state, 
and  have  none  of  that  half-starved  appearance  so  fre- 
quently to  be  seen.  The  result  of  my  experience  induces 
me  to'  believe  that  a  more  liberal  treatment  would  not 
be  found  objectionable  in  the  cultivation  of  many  more 
of  our  native  ferns.  I  intend  making  the  experiment 
this  season,  and  may  possibly  find  time  to  make  known 
what  amount  of  success  I  may  meet  with.  In  con- 
cluding my  remarks  upon  what  I  may  term  '  growing 
Osmundas  under  difficulties,'  I  would  observe  that  the 
points  to  be  principally  attended  to  are  • —  (i)  a  deep 
water-tight  and  root-tight  tank,  the  depth  of  which  may, 
with  advantage,  be  more  than  in  the  case  I  have  de- 
scribed;  (2)  a  rich  nutritious  soil;  (3)  a  reasonable 
amount  of  water ;  and  (4)  a  drain  to  carry  off  the 

*P3eonia  teimifolia. — A  charming  plant,  about  i%  ft. 
or  2  ft.  high,  with  numerous  upright  stems  almost  com- 
pletely hidden  by  the  dense  finely-cut  leaves,  producing 
an  effect  which  very  much  resembles  that  afforded  by 
the  foliage  of  the  Ferulas.  The  flowers  are  of  a  deep 
crimson,  or  purplish-red,  and  about  2%  ins.  broad,  solitary 
and  erect  on  the  tops  of  the  stems.  It  does  well  in 
almost  any  soil  or  position,  and  might  with  advantage 

1 68  Sitb tropical  Gardening. 

be  now  and  then  used  as  an  isolated  specimen  on  the 

*Panicum  altissimum.  —  A  very  handsome  hardy 
perennial  grass,  very  like  P.  virgatum,  and  often  con- 
founded with  it,  although  much  more  elegant  in  habit. 
It  forms  dense,  erect  tufts  from  2  ft.  to  6£  ft.  high, 
according  to  climate,  soil,  and  temperature.  The  leaves 
are  linear,  finely  toothed,  long,  and  arching.  When  in 
flower  the  plant  presents  a  very  attractive  appearance, 
the  inflorescence  consisting  of  very  large  panicles  of 
slender  whorled  branchlets  covered  with  numerous  small 
spikelets  of  flowers,  which  ultimately  assume  a  tinge  of 
dark  chestnut-red. 

*Paniciim.  bulbosum. — A  tall  and  strong  species,  with 
a  free  and  beautiful  inflorescence.  It  grows  about  5  ft. 
high,  and  the  flowers  are  very  gracefully  spread  forth.  It 
forms  an  elegant  plant  for  the  flower-garden  in  which 
grace  and  variety  are  sought ;  for  dotting  about  here  and 
there,  near  the  margins  of  shrubberies,  etc. ;  and  for 

*Panieum  capillare. — A  hardy  annual  kind,  grow- 
ing in  tufts  from  16  ins.  to  20  ins.  high,  and  very  orna- 
mental when  in  full  flower,  the  tufts  being  then  covered 
with  large,  pyramidal  panicles,  which  are  borne  both  at 
the  ends  of  the  stems  and  in  the  axils  of  the  stem-leaves. 
Grows  in  any  soil  or  position,  and  sows  itself.  I  noticed 
it  in  great  abundance  in  cultivated  fields  in  many  parts 
of  Canada  and  the  United  States.  Well  suited  for 
border  beds  or  isolation,  being  one  of  the  most  graceful 
plants  in  cultivation.  It  is  commonly  grown  under  the 
name  of  Eragrostis  ekgans. 

Panicum  —  Papaver — Papyrits.       1 69 

*Panicum  virgatum. — A  handsome,  bold,  hardy  spe- 
cies from  N.  America,  growing,  in  good  soil,  to  a  height 
of  nearly  3^  ft.  It  forms  close,  compact  tufts  of  leaves,, 
a  foot  or  more  long,  which,  from  July  to  the  first  frosts, 
are  crowned  with  very  large,  dense,  branching  panicles. 
The  general  colour  of  the  plant  is  a  fine  lively  green, 
and  its  graceful  habit  renders  it  an  admirable  subject  for 
the  picturesque  flower-garden,  the  pleasure-ground,  etc., 
in  isolated  tufts.  It  is  also  fine  for  borders.  The  best 
mode  of  multiplying  it  is  by  division  in  the  spring,  when 
vegetation  is  just  commencing. 

*Papaver  bracteatum  (Great  Scarlet  Poppy).—  A 
remarkably  vigorously-growing  perennial  species  from 
Siberia  and  N.  Russia,  with  simple,  rough,  hairy  stems 
more  than  4  ft.  high,  each  terminated  by  a  single  flower 
9  ins.  broad,  and  of  a  bright  deep  brick -red  colour, 
with  a  large  black  spot  at  the  base  of  each  petal,  and  2 
or  3  leaf-like  bracts  at  the  base  of  each  flower.  The 
radical  leaves,  which  are  very  deeply  divided,  form  a 
dense  broad  tuft  resting  on  the  ground.  A  very  orna- 
mental plant  for  the  open  parts  of  pleasure-grounds, 
flourishing  in  almost  any  kind  of  well-drained  soil.  It- 
will  prove  most  effective  as  an  isolated  plant  in  the 
rougher  parts  of  the  pleasure-ground.  A  plant  of  it 
would  also  show  to  great  advantage  in  a  group  of  green- 
leaved  subjects  like  the  Ferulas.  Very  closely  resembling 
the  preceding  is  the  Armenian  species  P.  orientalis.  It  is 
however  smaller  in  every  respect,  and  the  flowers  want 
the  distinguishing  bracts. 

Papyrus  antiquoram  (Egyptian  Paper-plant). — A 
very  graceful  reed,  or  rather  cyperus,  which  yielded  the 

1 70  Subtropical  Gardening. 

material  used  as  paper  by  the  ancient  Egyptians.  The 
rootstocks  spread  horizontally  under  the  mud  in  places 
where  the  plant  grows,  continuing  to  throw  up  stems  as 
they  creep  along.  These  stems  are  triangular  and  grow 
from  3  ft.  to  8  ft.  high  ;  they  are  quite  leafless  except 
at  the  top,  where  they  bear  a  large  parasol-like  tuft  of 
green,  gracefully-arching  filaments.  Shallow  parts  of 
pieces  of  water  in  a  warm  position  are  the  most  suitable 
places  for  this  plant.  It  may,  however,  also  be  planted 
in  soil  which  is  kept  constantly  moist.  Multiplied  by 
division  of  the  rootstocks ;  the  pieces  to  be  planted 
under  water,  if  possible.  In  gardens  south  of  London 
this  fine  plant  may  be  tried  in  the  open  air  in  summer 
from  June  till  September  in  warm  spots ;  if  not  planted 
in  shallow  water,  or  the  artificial  bog,  it  should  receive  a 
very  liberal  supply  of  water  in  summer. 

*Paulownia  imperialis. — A  Japanese  tree  of  mode- 
rate size,  with  a  large,  dense,  spreading  head,  and  broad, 
entire  or  lobed,  opposite  leaves  covered  with  hoary 
down.  The  flowers  are  nearly  2  ins.  long,  in  terminal 
panicles,  and  of  a  purplish-violet  colour.  Young  plants, 
say  of  a  year,  or  in  the  first  spring  of  their  existence  as 
independent  plants,  will,  if  cut  down  to  the  ground,  make 
a  luxuriant  growth  during  the  current  year,  and  indeed 
prove  more  effective  than  the  Ferdinanda  eminens.  The 
stem  rises  quite  vertically  and  with  great  vigour,  and 
looks  simply  a  column  of  noble  leaves.  Plants  growing 
in  an  ordinary  nursery-quarter  were  (Sept.  8,  1868)  7  ft. 
and  8  ft.  high  from  the  ground,  and  the  leaves  from 
20  ins.  to  22  ins.  in  diameter.  It  was  noticeable,  too,  that 
those  at  the  top  of  each  shaft  were  as  large  as  those  half- 

Petasites — Phoenix —  Phormium.      171 

way  up  and  near  the  base,  which  is  not  usually  the 
case ;  and  of  course  every  variation  of  this  kind  is  valu- 
able, as  it  helps  us  to  produce  variety.  Planted  in  rich 
ground  and  treated  specially  to  secure  a  subtropical 
effect,  greater  dimensions  than  the  above  may  readily  be 
obtained,  and  older  plants  when  cut  down  may  be  ex- 
pected to  produce  stronger  stems  and  leaves.  They 
should  be  cut  down  every  year  in  winter  or  spring,  and 
confined  to  one  stem. 

*Petasites  vulgaris.  —  A  native  plant  of  vigorous 
growth  and  striking  appearance,  forming  dense  spreading 
tufts  of  enormous  radical  leaves,  usually  about  2  ft.  or 
2^  ft.  high.  The  leaves  are  heart-shaped  in  outline,  and 
sometimes  3  ft.  in  width.  A  suitable  subject  for  planting 
in  any  position  where  the  soil  is  moist  and  deep,  as  on 
the  margins  of  pieces  of  water  or  in  damp  glades.  There 
is  a  variety  (P.  v.  niveus)  which  has  white,  instead  of 
rosy,  flowers.  This  is  also  quite  hardy,  but  does  best  in 
a  slightly  shaded  position  in  deep  clayey  or  sandy-clay 

Phoenix  dactylifera  (Date  Palm).  —  A  handsome 
palm  with  a  rugged  stem,  and  pinnate  dark-green  leaves 
from  6ft.  to  12  ft.  long;  the  divisions  linear-lance-shaped, 
very  much  pointed,  and  standing  out  quite  straight. 
Easily  increased  from  seed.  Suitable  for  the  greenhouse 
in  winter  and  the  open  garden  in  summer,  from  the  end 
of  May  till  the  beginning  of  October.  Africa  and  India. 

Phormium  tenax  (New  Zealand  Flax). — A  hardy 
plant,  with  something  of  the  habit  of  a  large  Iris,  form- 
ing tufts  of  broad,  shining,  leathery  leaves  from  5  ft.  to 
6i  ft.  high,  gracefully  arching  at  the  top.  The  flowers, 

172  Subtropical  Gardening. 

of  a  lemon  colour,  are  borne  in  erect  loose  spikes  just 
above  the  foliage.  Generally  with  us  it  will  be  found  to 
enjoy  greenhouse  temperature,  though  in  genial  places  in 
the  south  and  west  of  England  and  Ireland  it  does  very 
well  in  the  open  air.  Its  best  use  is  for  the  decoration 
of  the  garden  in  summer,  a  few  specimens  well  grown 
and  plunged  in  the  grass  or  the  centre  of  a  bed  giving  a 
most  distinct  aspect  to  the  scene.  The  larger  such  plants 
are,  the  better,  of  course,  will  be  the  effect.  The  small 
ones  will  prove  equally  useful  and  effective  in  vases,  to 
which  they  will  add  a  grace  that  vases  rarely  now  possess. 
It  is  pre-eminently  useful  from  its  being  alike  good  for  the 
house,  conservatory,  and  hall-decoration  in  winter.  Mul- 
tiplied by  division  of  the  tufts  in  summer,  and  thriving 
best  in  a  light  deep  soil.  Wherever  indoor  decoration 
on  a  large  scale  is  practised  it  is  indispensable,  and  it 
should  be  remarked  that,  unless  for  vase  decoration,  it 
requires  to  be  grown  into  goodly  specimens  before 
affording  much  effect  out  of  doors ;  but  when  grown 
large  in  tubs,  it  is  equally  grand  for  the  large  conserva- 
tory and  for  important  positions  in  the  flower-garden. 
In  the  extreme  south  of  England  and  Ireland  the  New 
Zealand  Flax  will  thrive  in  the  water  as  well  as  on  dry 
land ;  and  where  this  is  the  case  it  may  of  course  be 
used  with  fine  effect  as  an  aquatic.  Doubtless,  too,  the 
variegated  variety  of  the  New  Zealand  Flax  would  be  a 
capital  plant  to  try  in  the  open  air  in  nice  situations  in 
the  south  and  west  of  England  and  Ireland,  where  the 
green  plant  sometimes  does  so  well.  In  any  case  it  will 
do  finely  out  of  doors  for  the  summer. 

*Phytolacca  decandra  ( Virginian  Poke). — A  vigor- 

Phytolacca — Poa.  1 73 

ous  herbaceous  perennial,  from  5-3-  ft.  to  nearly  10  ft. 
high,  with  stems  of  a  reddish  hue,  very  much  branched 
above  ;  the  branches,  leaf-stalks,  veins  of  the  leaves,  and 
flower-stalks  being  also  red.  The  flowers  are  numerous, 
in  cylindrical  spikes,  and  are  at  first  white,  afterwards 
changing  to  a  delicate  rose-colour.  In  autumn  the 
leaves  change  to  a  uniform  reddish  tinge,  which  has  a 
fine  effect,  contrasted  with  the  numerous  pendent  purple 
berries.  This  is  a  very  hardy  plant,  requiring  hardly  any 
attention  and  growing  in  almost  any  kind  of  soil.  Mul- 
tiplied either  by  seed  or  by  division.  It  forms  a  very 
free  and  vigorous  mass  of  vegetation,  and,  though 
perhaps  scarcely  refined  enough  in  leaf  to  justify  its 
being  recommended  for  flower-garden  use,  no  plant  is 
more  worthy  of  a  place  wherever  a  rich  herbaceous  vege- 
tation is  desired ;  whether  near  the  rougher  approaches 
of  a  hardy  fernery,  open  glades  near  woodland  walks,  or 
any  like  positions.  N.  America. 

*Poa  aquatica. — A  stout,  rapidly  increasing  native 
grass,  growing  from  4  ft.  to  6  ft.  high,  with  broad,  flat 
leaves  and  the  inflorescence  in  much-branched  handsome 
panicles,  sometimes  nearly  a  foot  long.  It  is  not  uncom- 
mon in  England  and  Ireland,  mostly  occurring  in  wet 
ditches,  by  rivers,  and  in  marshes.  It  is  one  of  the 
boldest  and  handsomest  hardy  grasses,  for  planting  by 
the  margins  of  pieces  of  artificial  water  or  streams,  asso- 
ciated with  such  plants  as  the  Typhas,  Acorus,  bullrush, 
great  water-dock,  etc. 

*Poa  fertilis. — Just  within  the  main  entrance  of  the 
Royal  Gardens  at  Kew  a  very  graceful-looking  grass 
might  have  been  seen  isolated  on  the  turf  during  the 

174  Subtropical  Gardening. 

past  year  or  two.  It  is  a  comparatively  dwarf  subject, 
and  not  at  all  striking  in  bloom  like  the  Pampas,  but 
withal  very  distinct  and  desirable.  It  is  one  of  the  most 
elegant  grasses,  forming  dense  tufts  of  long,  soft,  smooth, 
slender  leaves,  which  arch  outwards  and  downwards  in 
the  most  graceful  manner  on  every  side,  and,  in  the 
flowering  season,  are  surmounted  by  airy,  diffuse,  pur- 
plish or  violet-tinged  panicles,  rising  to  a  height  of  from 
20  ins.  to  3  ft,  the  grassy  tufts  being  usually  about  half 
that  height.  This  plant  is  widely  distributed  over  South- 

Poa  fertilis. 

ern  Europe,  Northern  Asia,  and  North  America,  in  wet 
meadows  and  on  low  banks  of  streams.  Of  all  the  dwarf 
perennial  grasses  it  is  perhaps  the  best  for  isolation  on 
the  grass,  where  its  fine  dense  and  graceful  tufts  of  long 
hair-like  leaves  and  elegant  panicles  form  a  quite  distinct- 
looking  and  ornamental  object. 

*Polygonatum  nniltiflorum  (Solomon's  Seal).— 
This,  one  of  the  most  graceful  of  our  native  plants,  is  too 
distinct  and  pleasing  in  aspect  to  be  omitted  from  an 
enumeration  of  ornamental  subjects.  It  is  best  suited 

Polygonatum  —  Polygonum.  175 

for  a  shady  position  under  trees,  or  the  fringes  of  shrub- 
beries, or  groups  of  tall  and  widely-branching  plants, 
where  its  elegantly  arching  stems  and  pretty  pendent 
flowers  would  attain  greatest  perfection,  and  exhibit  a 
very  marked  contrast  to  the  surrounding  types  of  vegeta- 
tion. A  well-drained,  sandy,  and  peaty  soil  will  be  found 
to  suit  it  best,  and  it  is  well  adapted  for  the  wild  and 
semi-wild  parts  of  the  pleasure-ground.  Easily  multiplied 
by  division  of  the  rootstocks. 

*Polygonum  cuspidatum  (Sieboldt). — Forms  large 
and  noble  tufts  of  lively  green,  which  increase  in  beauty 
from  year  to  year.  It  grows  to  a  height  of  3^  ft.  to  6  ft. 
and  more,  the  stems  being  at  first  erect  and  simple,  then 
becoming  much  branched,  the  branches  arching,  and 
spreading  nearly  horizontally  at  the  top.  The  white 
flowers,  which  are  disposed  in  clusters  forming  close 
panicles,  are  succeeded  by  handsome  rosy-white  fruit. 
When  planted  singly,  and  away  from  other  subjects,  its 
head  assumes  a  rather  peculiar  and  pretty  arching  cha- 
racter ;  and  therefore  it  is  not  quite  fit  for  forming  centres 
or  using  in  groups,  so  much  as  for  planting  singly  on  the 
turf,  there  leaving  it  to  take  care  of  itself  and  come  up 
year  after  year.  In  this  way  it  would  be  particularly  useful 
in  the  pleasure-ground  or  diversified  English  flower-garden. 
It  is  also  good  for  any  position  in  which  a  bold  and  dis- 
tinct type  of  vegetation  is  desired,  while  of  course,  when 
we  come  to  have  fine  groups  of  hardy  "  foliage-plants  "  in 
our  gardens,  its  use  will  be  much  extended.  The  deeper 
and  better  the  soil,  the  finer  will  its  development  prove. 
You  cannot  make  the  soil  too  deep  and  good  if  you 
want  the  plant  to  assume  a  very  striking  character.  It  runs 

176  Subtropical  Gardening. 

very  much  at  the  root  in  all  directions  horizontally  just 
below  the  surface  of  the  soil.  By  cutting  away  the 
runners,  and  thus  concentrating  the  sap  in  the  central 
stems,  tufts  have  been  obtained  from  9  ft.  to  13  ft.  high, 
and  as  much  across.  Japan. 

Polymnia  grandis.     (See  Montagncza  heracleifolia.) 

Polymnia  pyramidalis.— A  free,  bold,  and  tall 
plant,  with  somewhat  of  a  sunflower  habit,  but  withal  very 
fine,  and  making  a  tall  green  growth  by  the  end  of  July, 
before  many  other  things  used  in  this  way  begin  to  push. 
The  leaves  are  not  so  large  as  those  of  the  other  species, 
and  differ  in  shape,  being  nearly  cordate ;  but  the  growth 
is  vigorous,  and  the  habit  distinct.  It  pushes  up  a  narrow 
pyramidal  head  of  foliage  to  a  height  of  nearly  10  ft.  in 
Paris  gardens,  and  will  be  found  to  do  well  in  the  south 
of  England.  Easily  multiplied  in  spring  by  division  or 
cuttings  from  plants  placed  in  heat  in  January,  or 
from  seed  sown  in  a  pot.  The  species  Uvedalia  and 
maculata  are  rather  coarse  herbaceous  plants,  fitted  for 
rough  places  in  warm  positions,  and  deep,  rich  soil. 
New  Granada. 

*Pontederia  cordata. — One  of  the  handsomest 
water-plants  in  cultivation,  combining  gracefulness  of 
habit  and  leaf  with  beauty  of  flower.  It  forms  thick 
tufts  of  almost  arrow-shaped,  erect,  long-stalked  leaves 
from  i£  ft.  to  more  than  2  ft.  high,  crowned  with  the 
handsome  blue  flower-spikes,  which  issue  from  the  leaf- 
stalks just  below  the  base  of  the  leaves.  It  should  be 
planted  in  shallow  pieces  of  water.  Multiplied  by  divi- 
sion of  the  tufts  at  any  season.  N.  America. 

Pothos  acaulis. — A  noble  plant  of  the  Arum  family, 

Pothos — Rhaponticum.  177 

with  huge  simple  dark-green  leaves,  forming  a  magnificent 
rosette.  It  requires  stove  treatment  in  winter  and  spring, 
and  having  made  its  growth  and  been  hardened  off  under 
cover,  it  may  be  placed  out  in  the  open  air  in  sheltered 
warm  places  in  the  southern  counties,  from  the  middle 
of  June  to  the  end  of  September.  It,  however,  some- 
times suffers  from  cold,  and  is  on  the  whole  only  likely 
to  be  of  very  partial  use.  Among  the  other  large 
Aroids  which  have  been  tried  in  Battersea  Park,  the 
best  are  Philodendron  macrophyllum^  P.  Simsii,  and  An- 
thurium  Hookeri.  Being  rather  tender  they  all  require  a 
very  warm  and  well-sheltered  position.  W.  Indies. 

*Rhaponticum  cynaroides.  —  A  hardy  perennial 
from  the  Pyrenees,  3  ft.  or  more  in  height,  with  a  rigid, 
simple,  furrowed  stem,  and  lobed  or  entire  oblong  radical 
leaves,  covered  underneath  with  silvery  down.  Flowers 
solitary,  purple,  in  very  large  heads.  It  thrives  in  a  deep, 
substantial,  moist,  but  well-drained  and  free  soil.  .  This 
and,  to  a  smaller  extent,  the  following  species  are  worthy  of 
a  place  in  full  collections  of  hardy  fine-leaved  plants,  for 
borders,  the  margins  of  groups,  and,  in  the  case  of  R.  cyna- 
roides, for  isolation.  Both  are  easily  increased  by  division. 

*Rhaponticum  pulchrum. — A  hardy  perennial  from 
the  Caucasus,  with  numerous  simple  stems  2  ft.  or  more 
in  height,  and  much-divided,  undulating,  toothed  leaves 
of  an  ashy  or  sea-green  colour  on  the  upper  side,  and 
whitish  underneath.  The  flowers  are  borne  in  small 
solitary  purplish  heads  late  in  summer.  A  very  suitable 
subject  for  embellishing  dry,  arid,  rocky  positions.  R. 
scariosum  is  another  kind,  useful  for  the  same  purposes 
as  the  preceding  species. 


178  Subtropical  Gardening. 


The  Rhubarbs,  from  their  vigour  and  picturesqueness, 
are  well  worthy  of  cultivation  among  hardy,  fine-leaved 
plants.  They  are  so  hardy  that  they  may  be  planted  in 
any  soil,  and  afterwards  left  to  take  care  of  themselves. 
Their  fine  leaves  and  bold  habit  make  them  valuable  orna- 
ments for  the  margins  of  shrubberies  (the  best  way  is  to 
plant  one  singly  a  few  feet  from  the  margin  of  the  shrub- 
bery, so  that  when  they  die  down  in  autumn  no  blank  may 
be  seen),  and  for  semi-wild  places  where  a  very  free  and 
luxuriant  type  of  vegetation  is  desired.  Though  not  par- 
ticular as  to  soil,  they  enjoy  it  when  it  is  deep  and  rich, 
and  the  more  it  is  made  so  the  better  they  will  grow. 

Rheum  Emodi  is  undoubtedly  the  handsomest 
and  most  distinct  of  the  genus  in  cultivation.  The 
figure  conveys  an  accurate  idea  of  the  outline  of  its 
leaves,  and  of  its  aspect  when  in  flower.  The  large 
leaves  have  their  veins  red,  which  distinguishes  it  from 
any  other  species.  It  has  a  large  and  deep-feeding  root, 
black  on  the  outside,  and  yellow  within.  The  flowers 
are  very  small,  of  a  yellowish  white.  It  comes  up  some- 
what later  than  the  common  kinds,  and  is  not  by  any 
means  common,  though  it  may  be  found  in  botanic  gar- 
dens and  nurseries  where  collections  of  herbaceous  plants 
are  formed.  It  may,  like  all  the  species,  be  increased  by 
division,  but  a  young  plant  should  not  be  disturbed  for 
several  years  after  being  planted.  It  is  a  native  of  Nepaul. 

The  palmated  rhubarb,  Rheum  palmatum,  is  immedi- 
ately distinguished  from  its  cultivated  fellows  by  its  leaves 

Hardy  herbaceous  fine-foliaged  TyPe- 

Rheum.  179 

being  deeply  cut  into  lobes.  It  is  scarcely  so  ornamental 
or  imposing  as  the  fuller-leaved  kinds,  but  is  an  inter- 
esting plant.  I  have  seen  it  grown  in  some  Irish  gardens 
for  culinary  purposes,  but  do  not  remember  to  have 
noticed  it  in  English  kitchen-gardens.  When  well  grown 
in  deep  and  rather  light  and  well-drained  earth,  the 
flowering-stem  of  this  species  attains  a  height  of  about 
nine  feet.  It  is  a  native  of  Tartary,  and  well  deserves  a 
place.  Rheum  Riles  is  a  somewhat  delicate  species,  a 
native  of  Southern  Persia,  which  may  be  seen  in  one  or 
two  of  our  botanic  gardens,  and  more  frequently  in  those 
of  France ;  but  we  fear  it  is  not  hardy  enough  to  thrive 
well  in  these  islands.  The  most  remarkable  known 
species  is  the  Himalayan  (R.  nobile),  which  has  its  flower- 
stems  beautifully  clothed  with  large  straw-coloured  and 
pink-edged  bracts,  so  as  to  form  what  may  be  termed  a 
pyramid  of  leaves  ;  but,  as  this  species  is  not  in  cultiva- 
tion, we  need  not  describe  it  further.  It  would  prove  a 
very  welcome  addition  to  our  collection  of  hardy  plants. 
The  common  rhubarbs  are  said  by  some  of  our  au- 
thorities to  have  chiefly  sprung  from  Rheum  Rhaponti- 
cum,  and  some  of  them  have  also  come  from  the  wavy- 
leaved  Rheum  (R.  undulatum}.  In  any  case,  some  of  the 
garden  varieties  of  rhubarb  are  worth  planting  for  orna- 
mental purposes.  They  have  been  so  planted  in  Hyde 
Park,  but  in  masses — not  the  proper  way  to  employ  them. 
Kinds  deserving  of  notice  are  R.  australe,  R.  compactum, 
R.  rugosum,  R.  hybridum,  Victoria  rhubarb  (a  garden 
variety,  with  very  large  leaves  and  long  red  stalks), 
Myatt's  Linnaeus,  and  Prince  Albert  (also  garden  vari- 
eties, and  splendid  ornamental  plants).  Mr.  Shirley 

N    2 

180  Subtropical  Gardening. 

Hibberd  says  he  has  found  Scott's  Monarch  to  be  the 
most  imposing  and  ornamental  of  all  the  garden'varieties. 

*Rhus  Cotinus  (  Venetian  Sumach}. — A  bushy  shrub, 
about  6%  ft.  high,  with  simple,  smooth,  shining  green 
leaves,  and  a  very  remarkable  feathery  inflorescence  of  a 
deep  red  colour.  It  requires  a  dry,  gravelly,  warm  soil, 
and  will  grow  in  the  most  arid  positions.  Where  it 
thrives  the  effect  of  its  peculiar  inflorescence  is  very  fine 
and  distinct.  It  is  used  with  most  effect  as  an  isolated 
specimen,  though  it  would  group  very  well  with  such 
plants  as  Lindley's  Spiraea.  S.  Europe. 

*Rhus  glabra  laciniata. -- This  variety  of  the 
smooth  or  scarlet  Sumach  is  a  small  shrub  with  compound 
leaves,  growing  from  4  ft.  to  7  ft.  high,  a  native  of 
North  America,  with  finely-cut  and  elegant  leaves,  the 
strongest  being  about  a  foot  long  when  the  plants  have 
been  established  a  year  or  two.  When  seen  on  an  estab- 
lished plant,  these  leaves  combine  the  beauty  of  those  of 
the  finest  Grevillea  with  that  of  a  fern  frond,  while 
the  youngest  and  unfolding  leaves  remind  one  of  the 
aspect  of  a  finely-cut  umbelliferous  plant  in  spring.  The 
variety  observable  in  the  shape,  size,  and  aspect  of  the 
foliage  makes  the  plant  charming  to  look  upon,  while 
the  midribs  of  the  fully-grown  leaves  are  red,  and  in 
autumn  the  whole  glow  off  into  bright  colour  after  the 
fashion  of  American  shrubs  and  trees.  During  the  entire 
season  it  is  presentable,  and  there  is  no  fear  of  any  vicissi- 
tude of  weather  injuring  it.  Its  great  merit  is  that,  in 
addition  to  being  so  elegant  in  foliage,  it  has  a  very  dwarf 
habit,  and  is  thoroughly  hardy.  Plants  three  years  old 
and  undisturbed  for  the  last  two  years  are  not  more 

Hardy  deciduous  Shrub  Section. 

Rhus.  181 

than  eighteen  inches  high.  The  heads  of  some  are 
branched,  but  these  are  not  less  elegant  than  when  in 
a  simple-stemmed  state,  so  that  here  we  have  clearly 
a  subject  that  will  afford  a  charming  fern-like  effect 
in  the  full  sun,  and  add  graceful  verdure  and  dis- 
tinction to  the  flower-garden.  When  the  flowers  show 
after  the  plant  is  a  few  years  old,  they  may  be  pinched 
off;  but  this  need  only  be  practised  in  the  case  of  per- 
manent groups  or  plantings  of  it.  To  produce  the  effect 
of  a  Grevillea  or  a  fern  on  a  small  scale,  we  should  of 
course  keep  this  graceful  Rhus  small  and  propagate  it 
like  a  bedding-plant.  Like  most  other  shrubs,  it  has  a 
tendency  to  branch;  but  to  fully  enjoy  the  beauty  of 
the  leaves  it  is  best  to  cut  down  the  plants  yearly,  as 
then  the  leaves  given  off  from  the  simple  erect  stem  are 
much  larger  and  more  graceful.  It  will,  however,  be 
necessary  to  allow  it  to  become  established  before  treat- 
ing it  in  this  way,  as  it  is  at  present  comparatively  new 
to  our  gardens.  The  figure,  sketched  early  in  August, 
represents  a  young  plant  little  more  than  a  foot  high, 
which  had  been  cut  down  to  the  ground  during  the  spring 
of  the  past  year,  and  proves  that  its  full  beauty  may 
be  enjoyed  in  a  very  small  state.  It  may  be  most  taste- 
fully used  in  association  with  bedding-plants,  or  on  banks 
in  or  near  the  rock-garden  or  hardy  fernery,  planting  it 
in  light  sandy  loam.  The  graceful  mixtures  and  bouquet- 
like  beds  that  might  be  made  with  the  aid  o£  such  plants 
need  not  be  suggested  here,  while  of  course  an  estab- 
lished plant,  or  groups  of  three,  might  well  form  the 
centre  of  a  bed.  Planting  a  very  small  bed  or  group 
separately  in  the  flower-garden,  and"  many  other  uses 
which  cannot  be  enumerated  here,  will  occur  to  those 

1 82  Subtropical  Gardening. 

who  have  once  tried  it.  Some  hardy  plants  of  fine  foliage 
are  either  so  rampant  or  so  topheavy  that  they  cannot 
be  wisely  associated  with  bedding-plants.  This  is,  on 
the  contrary,  as  tidy  and  tractable  a  grower  as  the  most 
fastidious  could  desire.  It  would  be  a  mistake  to  put 
such  a  pretty  plant  under  or  near  rough  trees  and  shrubs. 
Give  it  the  full  sun,  and  good  free  soil. 

*Rhus  vernicifera  is  distinct  from  the  preceding,  and 
has  fine  leaves.  It  is  a  native  of  Japan,  and  the  source 
of  the  best  Japan  varnish  according  to  Thunberg.  Use- 
ful for  grouping  with  the  preceding  or  other  hardy  shrubs 
of  like  character. 

*Ricinus  communis  (Castor-oil  Plant}.  — When 
well  grown  in  the  open  air,  there  is  not  in  the  whole 
range  of  cultivated  plants  a  more  imposing  subject  than 
this.  It  may  have  been  seen  nearly  1 2  ft.  high  in  the 
London  parks  of  late  years,  and  with  leaves  nearly  i  yd. 
wide.  It  is  true  we  require  a  bed  of  very  rich  deep  earth 
under  it  to  make  it  attain  such  dimensions  and  beauty ; 
but  in  all  parts,  and  with  ordinary  attention,  it  grows 
well.  In  warm  countries,  in  which  the  plant  is  very 
widely  cultivated,  it  becomes  a  small  tree,  but  is  much 
prettier  in  the  state  in  which  it  is  seen  with  us — i.e.,  with 
an  unbranched  stem  clothed  from  top  to  bottom  with 
noble  leaves.  Soon  after  it  betrays  a  tendency  to 
develope  side-shoots  the  cold  autumn  comes  and  puts  an 
end  to  all  further  progress ;  and  so  much  the  better, 
because  it  is  much  handsomer  in  a  simple-stemmed  state 
than  any  other.  The  same  is  true  of  not  a  few  other 
large-leaved  plants — once  they  break  into  a  number  of 
side-shoots  their  leaf  beauty  is  to  a  great  extent  lost.  It 
is  as  easily  raised  from  seed  as  the  common  bean,  re- 

Ricinus.  183 

quiring,  however,  to  be  raised  in  heat.  It  should  be  sown 
about  the  middle  of  February,  and  the  plants  gradually 
hardened  off  so  as  to  be  fit  to  put  out  by  the  middle  of 
May.  The  Ricinus  is  a  grand  plant  for  making  bold  and 
noble  beds  near  those  of  the  more  brilliant  flowers,  and 
tends  to  vary  the  flower-garden  finely.  It  is  not  well  to 
associate  it  closely  with  bedding-plants,  in  consequence 
of  the  strong  growth  and  shading  power  of  the  leaves, 
so  to  speak.  A  good  plan  is  to  make  a  compact  group 
of  the  plant  in  the  centre  of  some  wide  circular  bed 
and  surround  it  with  a  band  of  a  dwarfer  subject,  say 
the  Aralia  or  Caladium,  and  then  finish  with  whatever 
arrangement  of  the  flowering  plants  may  be  most  admired. 
A  bold  and  striking  centre  may  be  obtained,  while  the 
effect  of  the  flowers  is  much  enhanced,  especially  if  the 
planting  be  nicely  graduated  and  tastefully  done.  For 
such  groups  the  varieties  of  the  Castor-oil  plant  are  not 
likely  to  be  surpassed.  East  Indies. 

The  most  notable  varieties  are  R.  c.  sanguineus,  the 
stem,  leaf-stalks,  young  leaves,  and  fruit  of  which  are  of  a 
blood-red  colour ;  R.  c.  borboniensis,  which  in  southern 
climates  often  attains  the  extraordinary  height  of  26  ft. 
in  one  year ;  R.  c.  giganteus,  a  very  tall  kind  from  the 
Philippine  Islands. 

Other  kinds  in  cultivation  are  R.  Belot  Desfougerh  (a 
very  tall  and  branching  kind),  R.  inridis  (of  a  uniform 
lively  green  colour),  R.  insignis,  R.  africanus,  R.  africa- 
nus  albidus,  R.  minor,  R.  hybridus,  R.  microcarpus. 

The  better  and  richer  the  soil,  and  the  warmer  the 
position,  the  more  vigorous  will  be  the  growth  of  any  of 
the  above.  Copious  watering  in  summer  is  indispensable. 

184  Subtropical  Gardening. 

*Rumex  Hydrolapathum. — A  very  large  native 
water-plant  of  a  size  and  habit  sufficiently  striking  to 
entitle  it  to  a  place  amongst  ornamental  subjects  by  the 
water-side.  The  radical  long-stalked  leaves,  which  are 
sometimes  2  ft.  or  more  in  length,  form  erect  tufts  of  a 
very  imposing  character.  The  flowering-stem  is  fre- 
quently 6  ft.  in  height,  and  bears  a  very  large,  dense, 
pyramidal  panicle  of  a  reddish  or  olive-fawn  colour.  The 
plant  is  most  effective  in  autumn,  when  the  leaves  change 
to  a  lurid  red  colour,  which  they  retain  for  some  time. 

*Saccharum.  segyptiacum. — A  vigorous  perennial 
grass,  forming  ample  tufts  of  reed-like  downy  stems  6^-  ft. 
to  13  ft.  high,  and  clothed  with  very  graceful  foliage,  well 
adapted  for  ornamenting  the  margins  of  pieces  of  water, 
the  slopes  and  other  parts  of  pleasure-grounds,  etc.,  in  a 
warm  position.  In  our  climate  it  does  not  flower,  but 
even  without  its  fine  feathery  plumes  it  is  a  pretty  plant 
from  its  foliage  and  habit  alone.  Easily  and  quickly 
multiplied  by  division  in  spring ;  the  offsets  to  be  started 
in  a  frame  or  pit.  When  established  they  may  be  planted 
out  in  May  or  June.  N.  Africa. 

*Sagittaria  sagittifolia.  —  A  British  water-plant, 
affording  the  most  remarkable  example  of  the  arrow- 
shaped  leaf  to  be  met  with  among  hardy  plants.  These 
leaves  stand  erect,  from  i  ft.  to  i^-  ft.  above  the  water, 
and  from  the  middle  of  the  tuft  the  flowering-stem  rises 
in  August  to  the  height  of  ii  ft.  to  2^  ft.  The  flowers 
are  of  a  pale  rosy-white  colour.  There  is  a  variety  with 
double  flowers  (S.  sagittifolia  flore  pleno),  which  resemble 
the  flowers  of  the  double  Rocket.  Both  the  double  and 
single  kinds  should  have  a  place  among  water  or  bog 

Conservatory  Palm  ;  standing  well  in  the  open  air  in  summei 

Salvia — Scirpus — Seaforthia.        185 

*Salvia  argentea  (S.  patula). — A  handsome  biennial 
about  3^-  ft.  high,  forming  broad  spreading  rosettes  of 
large,  oval,  heart-shaped  leaves,  densely  covered  with 
long  silky  hairs  of  a  silvery  whiteness,  and  bearing  large 
panicles  of  white  flowers.  An  excellent  subject  for 
grouping  on  grass-plats  or  the  uneven  parts  of  pleasure- 
grounds.  Where  the  effect  of  the  foliage  only  is  desired 
the  flower-stems  should  be  pinched  off  as  soon  as  they 
appear ;  the  leaves  will  then  preserve  their  freshness  and 
silvery  colour  throughout  the  year.  A  light,  sandy,  or 
gravelly  soil  is  the  most  suitable.  Easily  propagated  by 
sowing  in  autumn,  and  keeping  the  seedlings  in  a  cold 
frame  through  the  winter,  giving  them  air  as  often  as 
possible,  and  watering  very  moderately.  This  plant  is 
most  effective  during  its  first  summer,  and  before  it  makes 
an  attempt  to  flower.  S.  Europe. 

*Scirpus  lacustris  (Bulrush}.  —  This  giant  rush 
sends  up  numerous  smooth  green  stems  as  thick  as  the 
finger  at  the  base,  and  from  3  ft.  to  8  ft.  high.  In  still 
water  the  bases  of  these  are  covered  with  leafless  sheaths, 
but  in  running  water  the  uppermost  sheath  produces  at 
its  extremity  a  leaf  of  several  inches  in  length,  in  addition 
to  which  numerous  barren  tufts  of  leaves,  often  of  great 
length,  and  resembling  those  of  Sparganium  affine,  are 
also  produced.  When  in  flower,  the  stems  are  crowned 
with  short,  umbel-like,  chestnut-coloured  panicles.  It  is 
very  effective  on  the  margins  of  lakes  or  streams,  asso- 
ciated with  other  tall  and  imposing  aquatic  plants. 

Seaforthia  elegans. — One  of  the  most  beautiful  of 
the  Palm  family,  from  the  northern  parts  of  Australia, 
where  it  attains  a  height  of  about  30  ft.,  but  in  this 

1 86  Subtropical  Gardening. 

country  seldom  arrives  at  more  than  half  its  full  size. 
The  leaves  are  from  2  ft.  to  10  ft.  in  length,  and  are 
divided  into  numerous  narrow  leaflets  from  i  ft.  to  i^-  ft. 
long,  and  of  a  dark  green  colour.  The  whole  plant  is 
perfectly  smooth,  and  is  one  of  the  finest  subjects  in 
cultivation  for  the  conservatory,  greenhouse,  or  sub- 
tropical garden.  It  may  be  placed  in  the  open  air  from 
the  middle  or  end  of  May  until  the  beginning  of  October. 
It  is  too  scarce  as  yet  to  be  procurable  by  horticulturists 
generally,  but  should  be  looked  for  by  all  who  take  an 
interest  in  these  matters  and  have  a  house  in  which  to 
grow  it.  It  stands  well  in  the  conservatory  during  the 
winter,  though  generally  kept  in  the  stove,  where  of 
course  it  grows  beautifully.  There  are  hardier  kinds — 
the  dwarf  Fan-palm  for  example — but  on  the  whole  none 
of  them  are  so  valuable  as  this. 

Senecio  Ghiesbreghtii.  —  A  handsome  Mexican 
plant  with  stout,  round,  spotted  stems,  3  to  4  ft.  high, 
and  large  oval-oblong,  thick,  coarsely-toothed  leaves 
of  a  light  green  colour,  and  slightly  rolled  down  at  the 
margin.  Flowers  small,  yellow,  very  numerous,  in  corym- 
bose clusters  of  enormous  size.  A  useful  plant  for 
isolation  on  grass-plats,  or  for  beds,  etc.  Young  plants 
are  to  be  preferred  for  this  purpose,  as  the  old  ones  are 
apt  to  become  bare  and  ragged-looking  at  the  base. 
Plant  in  a  mixture  of  peat  soil  and  free  loam  at  the  end 
of  May.  Multiplied  by  cuttings  in  winter,  struck  under 
glass  in  a  temperate  heat  in  early  spring. 

Senecio  Petasites  (Cineraria  platanifolia).  —  An- 
other Mexican  species,  nearly  3^  ft.  high,  with  a  stout, 
half-shrubby,  slightly-branching  stem,  and  large,  dark- 

Senecio — Seseli —  Silphium.          187 

green,  roughish,  lobed  leaves.  It  requires  a  substantial, 
but  free  and  cool  soil,  and  may  be  multiplied  at  almost 
any  season  by  cuttings.  It  requires  greenhouse  pro- 
tection in  winter,  grows  freely  in  the  open  air  planted 
out  in  early  summer,  and  is  suitable  for  beds  or  groups 
associated  with  the  medium-sized  subjects. 

*Seseli  gummiferum.  (Silvery  Seseli). — An  umbel- 
liferous plant  with  elegantly-divided  leaves  of  a  peculiarly 
pleasing  glaucous  or  almost  silvery  tone.  I  am  not  sure 
whether  this  plant  is  perennial  or  not,  and  it  is  not  hardy 
on  cold  soils,  having  perished  during  several  of  our  most 
severe  winters,  but  it  is  so  unique  in  its  way  that  some 
persons  might  like  to  grow  it,  and  if  so  the  best  position 
is  on  dry  and  sunny  banks,  or  raised  beds  or  borders.  It 
is  one  of  the  few  subjects  that  are  at  once  fern-like  and 
silvery,  and  if  plentiful  enough  might  be  used  to  form 
charming  edgings.  It  is  not  difficult  to  raise  from  seed, 
which  should  be  sown  soon  after  being  gathered.  As  it 
is  liable  to  perish  in  winter,  perhaps  the  best  way  to  deal 
with  it  would  be  to  put  it  out  annually  at  the  end  of 
spring,  raising  it  and  keeping  it  in  frames  for  this  pur- 
pose ;  and  to  secure  seeds  a  few  plants  might  be  left  in 
i  o  in.  or  12  in.  pots,  so  that  the  seed  might  be  gathered 
under  cover.  Doubtless,  however,  continental  raisers 
can  supply  it.  S.  Russia. 

*  Silphium  integrifolmm, — This  composite  has  a 
rough,  vigorous,  rigid,  slightly  four-angled,  grooved  stem, 
from  2  ft.  to  4  ft.  high,  and  leaves  from  3  ins.  to  5  ins. 
long,  all  opposite,  lanceolate-ovate,  entire,  tapering  to  a 
sharp  point  from  a  roundish  heart-shaped  and  partly- 
clasping  base,  and  covered  with  a  roughish  down.  The 

Subtropical  Gardening. 

flower-heads  are  of  a  greenish-yellow,  on  short  stalks,  in  a 
close,  forking  corymb.  A  variety  (S.  Iceve)  has  the  leaves 
and  stem  smooth,  or  nearly  so.  This  and  the  following 
kinds  are  only  suited  for  the  rougher  parts  of  the  pleasure- 
ground,  and  by  wood-walks,  etc. ;  they  will  be  seen  to 
greatest  advantage  in  rich  and  deep  soil,  but  will  grow  in 
any  kind.  Division.  N.  America. 

*Silphium  laciniatum  (Compass-plant). — A  vigor- 
ous perennial  with  a  stout,  round  stem,  often  upwards  of 
8  ft.  in  height.  The  leaves,  which  are  collected  chiefly 
about  the  base  of  the  plant,  are  large,  wrinkled,  and  deeply- 
divided  into  lance-shaped,  pointed  segments,  and  fringed 
with  white  hairs.  The  stem-leaves  are  few,  much  smaller, 
and  opposite.  Flowers  of  a  fine  yellow  with  a  brownish 
centre,  in  large,  few,  solitary,  short-stalked,  horizontal  or 
drooping  heads,  which  have  the  peculiarity  of  facing  to 
the  east.  Division.  N.  America. 

*Silphium  perfoliatum  (Cup-plant). — A  robust- 
growing  North  American  perennial  from  4  ft.  to  8  ft.  in 
height,  with  a  square  stem  and  broad,  opposite,  oval, 
lance-shaped,  coarsely  toothed  leaves,  6  ins.  to  15  ins.  long, 
rough  on  both  sides,  the  upper  ones  united  at  their  bases  ; 
the  lower  ones  abruptly  narrowed  into  winged  leaf-stalks, 
which  are  also  united  at  their  bases.  Flower-heads  about 
2  ins.  across,  with  a  greenish-yellow  disk  and  a  yellow  ray. 
Does  best  in  a  deep,  free,  well-drained,  sandy  soil,  but 
will  grow  well  when  the  ground  is  slightly  moist,  espe- 
cially in  warm,  but  not  too  shady,  positions.  Division. 

*Silphium  terebinthinaceum  (Prairie-Dock). — A 
large  kind  with  smooth  slender  stems  from  4  ft.  to  10  ft. 
high,  panicled  at  the  summit,  and  bearing  many  small 

Silphium — Silybum .  189 

heads  of  light  yellow  flowers.  The  leaves  are  ovate- 
oblong,  thick  and  rough,  especially  beneath,  and  from 
i  ft.  to  2  ft.  long,  on  slender  stalks.  A  variety  (pinna- 
tifiduni)  has  the  leaves  deeply  cut  or  pinnatifid.  This 
species  is  remarkable  for  its  strong  turpentine  odour. 
Division.  N.  America. 

*Silphium  trifoliatum. — This  species  has  a  smooth, 
often  glaucous,  rather  slender  stem,  from  4  ft.  to  6  ft. 
high,  branching  above.  Leaves  lance-shaped,  pointed, 
entire  or  scarcely  serrate,  short-stalked,  in  whorls  of  three 
or  four,  the  uppermost  ones  opposite.  Flower-heads 
yellow,  more  than  2  ins.  across,  on  long  stalks,  and  form- 
ing loose  panicles.  Division.  N.  America. 

*  Silybum  marianum  (Milk-thistle). — A  very  ro- 
bust and  vigorous-growing  native  biennial,  5  ft.  or  more 
in  height,  of  strikingly  handsome  appearance,  and  well 
deserving  to  be  associated  with  other  large  fine-foliaged 
plants.  Its  leaves  are  of  very  great  size,  variously  cut 
and  undulated,  tipped  and  margined  with  scattered  spines, 
and  of  a  bright  glistening  green  colour  marbled  and 
variegated  with  broad  white  veins.  Easily  raised  from 
seed,  and  thrives  in  almost  any  kind  of  well-drained  soil. 
Additional  vigour  and  development  may  be  thrown  into 
the  foliage  by  pinching  off  the  flower-stems  on  their  first 
appearance.  If  a  few  plants  are  raised  in  the  garden 
and  planted  out  in  rough  and  somewhat  bare  places  or 
banks,  etc.,  this  will  soon  establish  itself  permanently. 

Silybum  eburneum  is  a  more  tender  species,  very 
closely  resembling  the  above,  but  with  spines  which 
appear  as  if  made  of  ivory.  It  is  also  more  constantly 
biennial,  and  in  consequence  its  leaves  are  almost  always 

1 90  Subtropical  Gardening. 

in  the  rosette  stage  throughout  the  first  year.  It  is 
somewhat  tenderer  than  S.  marianwn.  Algeria. 

The  Solanums. — This  family,  so  wonderfully  varied, 
affords  numerous  species  that  look  graceful  and  imposing 
in  leaf  when  in  a  young  and  free-growing  state.  In 
selecting  examples  from  this  great  genus  we  must  be 
careful,  as  our  climate  is  a  shade  too  cold  for  some  of  the 
kinds  grown  on  the  continent,  and  many  of  them  are  of 
too  ragged  an  aspect  to  be  tolerated  in  a  tasteful  garden. 
Half  a  dozen  species  or  so  are  indispensable,  but  there  is 
quite  a  crowd  of  narrow-leaved  and  ignoble  ones  which 
may  well  be  passed  over. 

Most  of  these  plants  may  be  raised  from  seed,  while 
they  are  also  freely  grown  from  cuttings,  which  struck  in 
February  will  make  good  plants  by  May.  All  the  kinds 
named  are  suitable  for  association  with  the  larger-leaved 
plants,  though  they  do  not  as  a  rule  attain  such  height 
and  vigorous  development  as  those  of  the  first  rank,  like 
the  Ricinus.  As  a  rule,  temperate-house  treatment  in 
winter  is  required,  and  they  should  be  planted  out  about 
the  middle  or  end  of  May,  in  rich  light  soil,  a  warm 
position,  and  perfect  shelter.  S.  marginatum,  planted 
in  a  very  dwarf  and  young  state,  furnishes  a  most  distinct 
and  charming  effect :  it  should  be  planted  rather  thinly, 
so  that  the  leaves  of  one  plant  may  not  brush  against 
those  of  another.  If  some  very  dwarf  plants  are  used 
as  a  groundwork,  so  much  the  better ;  but  the  downy  and 
silvery  leaves  of  this  plant  are  sure  to  please  without 
this  aid.  It  is  very  much  better  when  thus  grown  than 
when  permitted  to  assume  the  bush  form. 

Solanum    betaceum.  —  A  small  tree  from  South 

Tender  Section  ;    making  vigorous  growth  during  the  summer  months. 



America,  which  in  our  climate  attains  a  height  of  nearly 
10  ft.  if  taken  up  in  autumn  and  kept  through  the  winter 
in  a  house.  The  stems  are  stout,  smooth,  and  fleshy. 
The  leaves,  which  resemble  those  of  the  Beet,  are  of  an 
oval,  pointed  shape,  and  of  a  deep  green  colour,  tinged 
with  violet  in  the  variety  purpureum.  The  flowers  are 
small,  rose-colour,  in  pendent  cyme-like  clusters,  and  are 
succeeded  by  fruit  of  the  shape  and  size  of  a  fowl's  egg, 
which  become  of  a  fine  deep  scarlet  colour  during  the 
winter.  Some  varieties  have  flowers  tinged  with  purple 
and  fruit  striped  with  brown.  May  be  placed  to  great 
advantage  in  groups  in  round  beds  with  dwarfer  plants  or 
shrubs  at  the  base,  or  with  climbing  plants  ascending  the 
stems,  but  is  much  better  isolated  on  slopes,  etc.  It  is  a 
vigorous  grower,  and  should  have  rich  soil. 

Solarmm  crinitipes. — A  slow-growing  woody  species 
with  undivided  oval  leaves  somewhat  more  than  a  foot 
long :  the  young  stems  and  flower-stalks  being  densely 
covered  with  chaffy  hairs  somewhat  like  those  of  a  fern. 
This  I  have  not  seen  thrive  so  well  in  England  as  the 
preceding  kind,  but  it  is  well  worthy  of  trial  in  full  collec- 
tions in  the  southern  counties.  S.  America. 

Solamim  crinitum. — A  vigorous-growing  species 
from  Guiana,  5  ft.  or  more  in  height,  with  stout  stems,  set 
with  short  strong  spines  and  dense  long  hairs.  It  has  very 
large,  soft,  hairy,  spreading,  roundish  leaves,  which  in  good 
soil  attain  a  length  of  2%  ft.  :  the  upper  surface  of  a 
tender  green  colour  with  violet  veinings  set  with  spines, 
as  are  also  the  leaf-stalks ;  the  under  side  whitish  and 
more  thickly  furnished  with  spines.  The  hairs  and  bark 
on  the  upper  portion  of  each  petiole  are  of  a  purplish  hue, 

192  Subtropical  Gardening. 

and,  on  the  lower  part,  of  a  light  pale  green,  by  which  the 
plant  may  be  readily  recognised.  The  flowers  are  very 
large  and  white.  Berries  roundish,  villose,  and  twice  or 
thrice  as  large  as  a  cherry.  This  I  have  seen  attain 
a  very  remarkable  development  in  sheltered  warm  spots 
in  the  south  of  England.  It  is  fine  in  medium-sized 

Solanum  hyporhodium. — A  fine  branching  kind 
from  Venezuela,  with  a  stout  stem  about  5  ft.  high,  and 
branches  armed  with  short  thinly-scattered  spines.  The 
leaves,  which*  attain  a  length  of  nearly  2^  ft.,  are  oval, 
with  angular  sinuated  lobes,  the  upper  surface  being  of  a 
fine  green  colour  with  white  veins,  and  the  under  side  of 
a  violet-red  and  downy.  When  young  the  hue  of  the 
leaves  is  exceedingly  lively.  The  flowers  are  borne  in 
almost  lateral  cymes  and  are  of  a  rosy-white  colour  with 
yellow  stamens.  This  plant  is  sometimes  sold  as  S.  dis- 
color and  S.  purpureum,  but  is  quite  distinct  from  them. 

Solanum  Karstenii. — This,  which  is  more  commonly 
known  as  S.  callicarpum,  is  a  robust,  slightly  branching, 
arborescent  shrub  about  5  ft.  high,  covered  with  long 
hairs  interspersed  with  spines  and  of  a  general  variable 
greyish-violet  hue.  The  leaves  are  oval,  broad,  angular, 
heart-shaped  at  the  base,  and  2  ft.  or  more  in  length.  The 
flowers  are  large,  of  a  fine  delicate  violet  colour,  and 
borne  in  crowded,  almost  one-sided  clusters.  This  plant 
is  best  isolated,  as  when  placed  in  close  groups  the  leaves 
of  the  associated  subjects  are  apt  to  tear  it.  Venezuela. 

Solanum  lanceolatum. — This  is  the  best  kind  for 
blooming  qualities.  The  foliage,  which  is  somewhat 
fluffy  and  willow-like,  possesses  no  marked  character, 

Solatium.  193 

but  the  mauve-coloured  flowers  are  borne  abundantly  in 
clusters,  each  containing  20  or  more  blooms  :  the  stamens, 
being  of  an  orange  colour,  add  to  the  effect.  There  are 
a  dozen  or  more  species  that  flower  freely  but  have  little 
beauty  of  leaf :  among  the  best  of  these  is  S.  Rantonnettii, 
which  has  very  pretty  dark-purple  flowers,  more  than  an 
inch  across,  with  an  orange  centre.  It  forms  a  neat  bush, 
and  flowers  freely  in  the  southern  counties,  in  warm 
sunny  spots  and  on  light  soils.  Mexico. 

Solanum  macranthum. — A  fine  species  from  Brazil, 
confessedly  one  of  the  best  kinds  in  cultivation,  and  some- 
what resembling  Polymnia  grandis.  It  grows  nearly 
7  ft.  high  in  one  year,  with  a  stout,  simple,  spiny  stem  of 
a  deep  shining  green  with  grayish  spots,  and  sparsely 
armed  with  very  strong  shortish  spines.  The  leaves  are 
elegant  and  deeply  cut,  some  of  them  over  2%  ft.  long, 
falling  gracefully  earthwards,  of  a  light  green  on  the  upper 
surface,  with  red  veinings,  the  under  side  having  a  reddish 
hue.  The  flowers,  seldom  seen  with  us,  are  of  a  fine 
violet  colour,  and  grow  in  corymbs.  It  will  not  attain 
its  full  character  and  large  dimensions  in  cold  places,  and 
should  therefore  have  as  warm  positions  as  possible. 
Increased  by  cuttings  struck  in  February :  they  are  fit  to 
plant  out  in  May. 

Solanum  marginatum. — A  vigorous-growing,  erect, 
branching  and  bushy  species  from  Abyssinia,  3  ft.,  or 
more,  in  height.  The  leaves  are  somewhat  oval,  with 
a  bluntly  sinuated  margin ;  the  upper  surface  smooth,  of 
a  brilliant  green  with  a  white  silvery  border,  and  the 
under  side  covered  with  a  white  satiny  down.  The 
flowers  are  white,  with  orange  stamens,  pendulous,  very 


194  Subtropical  Gardening. 

numerous,  in  clusters.  For  the  positions  suited  to  this 
plant  see  the  introductory  remarks  on  the  genus. 

Solarium  Quitoense. — A  half-shrubby  native  of  Peru 
and  the  neighbourhood  of  Quito,  seldom  growing  higher 
than  3^  ft.  in  cultivation.  The  stem  is  spineless, 
covered  with  a  soft  down,  and  of  a  delicate  green  colour 
suffused  with  violet,  which  exhibits  iridescent  changes. 
The  leaves  are  broad,  stalked,  obcordate,  with  toothed 
angles,  and  of  a  fine  green  colour,  with  violet  downy 
veins.  Flowers  rather  large,  white,  tinged  with  lilac  on 
the  top  when  in  bud,  in  short  clusters.  It  requires  a 
warm  position  and  a  warm  season  to  bring  out  its  best 

Solanum  robustum. — A  Brazilian  species  with  a 
vigorous  much-branching  stem  more  than  3  ft.  high,  and 
furnished  with  very  sharp  and  strong  spines  and  densely- 
set,  long,  reddish,  viscous  hairs.  The  leaves,  which  are 
very  large,  are  of  a  rich  brown  colour  on  the  upper  surface 
and  oval-elliptical  in  form,  with  8  or  9  oval-acute  lobes, 
the  upper  ones  nearly  triangular ;  and  the  midrib  and 
principal  veins,  which  are  of  a  brown  colour,  are  closely 
set  with  spines  similar  to  those  on  the  stem.  The  flowers 
are  white,  with  orange  stamens,  and  are  borne  in  unilateral 
clusters.  The  berries  are  round,  of  a  brown  colour,  and 
the  size  of  a  small  cherry.  As  a  foliage-plant  this  is 
a  subject  of  considerable  merit,  and  one  of  those  most 
suitable  for  our  climate.  It  requires  a  warm  sunny  aspect 
in  a  position  which  will  be  at  the  same  time  airy  and 
sheltered  from  strong  winds. 

Solanum  Sieglingii. — A  large  and  handsome  kind, 
which  forms  a  small  tree  about  13  ft.  high  after  some 

Tender  Section ;    making  noble  leaves  in  the  open  garden  in  summer. 

Solanum — Sonchus.  195 

years'  growth.  The  foliage  is  of  a  light-green  colour, 
tinged  here  and  there  with  rose,  and  sparsely  armed  with 
spines ;  the  young  unfolded  leaves  are  slightly  tinged  with 
violet.  Flowers  numerous,  small  and  white,  appearing 
when  the  plant  is  two  or  three  years  old.  A  good  kind 
which  has  been  little  tried  in  England.  Venezuela. 

Solanum  Warscewiczii. — A  very  fine  and  orna- 
mental kind,  resembling  S.  macranthum,  but  with  a  lower 
and  more  thickset  habit,  and  branching  more  at  the  base. 
The  leaf-stalks  also,  and  upper  branches,  are  of  a  red 
colour,  glandular,  and  scaly ;  and  the  flowers  are  white 
.and  small.  The  stem  is  armed  with  strong  slightly  re- 
curved spines,  and  both  the  stems  and  the  petioles  of  the 
leaves  are  covered  with  a  very  dense  crop  of  short  stiff 
brown  hairs  scarcely  rising  above  the  skin.  This  is  one 
of  the  handsomest  and  best  kinds  we  have. 

Sonchus  laciniatus. — A  very  graceful  composite 
plant,  from  Madeira,  with  a  stout  stem,  growing  to  a 
height  of  more  than  5  ft.,  and  large  deeply-cut  leaves 
with  linear-lance-shaped  segments.  Flower-heads  yellow. 
When  grouped  on  grass-plats,  or  open  spaces  in  pleasure- 
grounds,  the  fine  foliage  of  this  plant  is  seen  to  very  great 
advantage ;  but  being  so  slender  and  delicate  the  plants 
must  be  placed  where  they  may  be  seen.  It  should  be 
planted  out  at  the  end  of  May,  and  thrives  best  in  rich, 
substantial  soil,  in  a  warm  sunny  position.  Very  numerous 
varieties,  with  the  leaves  variously  divided  and  of  various 
shades  of  green,  have  been  advertised  in  catalogues  under 
specific  names,  as  S.  lyratus,  S.  gummiferus,  etc.,  etc. 
Many  of  these  are  quite  as  charming  as  the  type,  and  are 
well  adapted  for  the  same  uses. 

o  2 

196  Subtropical  Gardening. 

*Sorghum  halepense.  —  A  handsome  hardy  grass 
from  S.  Europe,  N.  Africa,  and  Syria,  with  an  erect  stem 
about  3^-  ft.  high,  and  broad  flat  leaves  more  than  i  ft. 
long,  chiefly  collected  round  the  base  of  the  plant.  It  is 
most  attractive  when  in  flower  in  the  end  of  summer,  the 
inflorescence  consisting  of  a  dense  panicle  of  purplish 
awned  flowers.  Suitable  for  isolation,  groups,  or  borders. 

Sparmannia  africana. — A  beautiful  flowering  stove- 
shrub  from  3  ft.  to  12  ft.  high,  very  much  resembling 
a  Malva  in  habit,  with  long-stalked,  heart-shaped,  lobed 
leaves,  clothed  with  soft  down,  and  numerous  pretty  white 
flowers  produced  in  stalked  umbels.  It  thrives  freely  in 
the  open  air  in  the  south  of  England,  from  the  end  of 
May  to  October,  if  planted  in  rich  light  soil  and  in  warm 
positions.  Cape  of  Good  Hope. 

*Spiraea  Aruncus. — This  is  a  remarkably  handsome 
and  effective  plant,  from  3-3-  ft.  to  5  ft.  high,  with  ele- 
gantly-divided leaves,  which  bear  some  resemblance  to 
the  fronds  of  certain  ferns.  The  flowers  are  white,  and 
are  disposed  above  the  foliage  in  graceful,  airy  plumes. 
A  cool,  peaty  soil,  and  a  slightly-shaded  position,  are  best 
suited  for  this  plant,  and  it  may  be  placed  with  advantage 
on  slopes  with  a  north  aspect,  the  banks  of  streams  or 
pieces  of  water,  in  glades,  and  thinly-planted  shrubberies, 
etc.  Division.  Siberia. 

*Spiraea  Pilipendula. — A  hardy,  native  perennial, 
with  elegant  foliage  and  handsome  flowers.  The  leaves 
are  mostly  radical,  very  finely  cut,  and  form  a  loosely- 
spreading  rosette.  The  flower-stems  rise  to  a  height  of 
ii  ft.  to  2  ft,  and  are  terminated  by  dense  panicles  of 
rosy-white  flowers.  There  is  a  fine  variety  with  double 

Spircea.  197 

flowers.  This  plant  is  included  here  only  in  consequence 
of  the  resemblance  of  its  leaves  to  a  pinnate-leaved  fern. 
By  pinching  off  the  flowers  it  may  be  used  with  good 
effect  as  a  green,  fern-like  edging  plant,  and  it  is  pretty  in 
borders.  Division  in  winter  or  spring. 

*Spir3ea  (Hoteia)  japonica. — A  handsome,  herba- 
ceous perennial,  forming  rich  tufts  of  dark  shining  green 
much-divided  leaves,  which  have  a  somewhat  fern-like 
appearance.  These  tufts  are  usually  from  a  foot  to  16  ins. 
high.  The  flowers  are  very  freely  produced  in  graceful 
panicles,  of  which  the  bracts,  little  flower-stems,  and  all 
the  ramifications  are,  like  the  flowers,  white.  It  is  par- 
ticularly fond  of  a  sandy  peat,  or  very  sandy  loam,  a 
sheltered  position,  and  moist  soil.  Multiplied  by  division 
of  the  tufts  in  spring  or  the  end  of  summer.  Japan. 

*  Spiraea  Lindleyana.  —  A  graceful  shrub,  with 
erect  stems,  from  6£  ft.  to  nearly  10  ft.  high,  and  large 
compound  leaves,  with  finely-toothed  leaflets.  Flowers 
late  in  summer,  white,  in  very  large  and  handsome  ter- 
minal panicles.  This  well-known  plant  is  second  to  none 
for  its  grace  and  distinctness,  both  of  foliage  and  flower. 
It  is  a  native  of  the  Himalayas,  and  easily  procured  in 
our  nurseries;  it  should  receive  far  more  attention  than 
the  majority  of  our  shrubs  do,  and  should  be  employed 
both  in  a  young  and  fully-grown  state  in  and  near  the 
flower-garden.  Few  things,  tender  or  hardy,  known  in 
our  gardens,  afford  a  better  effect  than  may  be  obtained 
from  this. 

It  is  probably  one  of  those  plants  which  would  look 
exceedingly  effective  if  trained  to  a  single  stem  and 
cut  down  every  year,  as  recommended  for  the  Ailantus 

198  Subtropical  Gardening. 

and  the  Paulownia ;  but  I  have  had  no  experience  of  it 
in  this  way,  and  its  natural  habit  is  sufficiently  graceful. 

Stadmannia  Jonghei. — A  tall  and  stately  foliage- 
plant  from  Australia,  where  it  attains  the  dimensions  of  a 
small  tree,  with  dark  shining  green  pinnate  leaves ;  the 
divisions  oblong-pointed,  with  serrated  margins,  and 
of  a  paler  colour  underneath.  Bears  the  open  air  of  the 
southern  counties  in  summer  well,  if  placed  in  sunny  and 
sheltered  spots. 

*Statice  latifolia. — A  hardy  and  very  ornamental 
herbaceous  perennial  from  Russia,  with  broad  leaves, 
which  form  a  rosette  or  tuft  more  or  less  spreading. 
The  flower-stem  is  more  than  2  ft.  high,  and  very 
much  branched ;  the  branches  commencing  at  from 
4  ins.  to  8  ins.  above  the  ground,  and  forming  a  large 
and  exceedingly  handsome  panicle  of  flowers  of  a  light- 
blue  colour,  tinged  with  the  greyish  hue  of  the  numerous 
membranous  bracts  and  thin  dry  calyces.  A  well-drained, 
sandy  soil,  in  an  open  sunny  position,  is  the  best  for  this 
plant,  which,  however,  grows  in  any  ordinary  garden-soil, 
and  is  admirably  adapted  for  naturalisation  or  grouping 
with  the  acanthuses,  tritomas,  etc.,  the  effect  of  the  inflor- 
escence being  very  remarkable. 

*Stipa  pennata  (Feather-grass). — This  plant,  which 
at  other  times  is  hardly  to  be  distinguished  from  a  strong, 
stiff  tuft  of  common  grass,  presents,  in  May  and  June,  a 
very  different  appearance,  the  tuft  being  then  surmounted 
by  numerous  flower-stems,  nearly  2  ft.  high,  gracefully 
arching,  and  densely  covered,  for  a  considerable  part  of 
their  upper  extremity,  with  long,  twisted,  feathery  awns. 
It  loves  a  deep,  sandy  loam,  and  may  be  used  with  fair 

Struthiopteris  —Tamarix.  199 

effect  in  groups  of  small  plants,  or  isolated ;  but  its  flowers 
continue  too  short  a  time  in  bloom  to  make  it  very  valu- 
able away  from  borders. 

*Struthiopteris  germanica. — One  of  the  most  ele- 
gant hardy  ferns,  with  fronds  resembling  ostrich-plumes 
in  shape,  nearly  3  ft.  long,  and  arranged  in  a  somewhat 
erect,  vase-like  rosette.  It  is  particularly  suited  for  the 
embellishment  of  the  slopes  of  pleasure-grounds,  cascades, 
grottoes,  and  rough  rockwork,  the  margins  of  streams 
and  pieces  of  water,  and  will  thrive  in  moist  and  deep 
sandy  soil,  either  in  the  full  sunshine  or  in  the  shade. 
S.  pennsylvanica  very  closely  resembles  S.  germanica,  the 
chief  point  of  difference  being  the  narrowness  of  the 
fertile  fronds  of  the  former  species.  Both  kinds  will 
prove  very  effective  in  adding  beauty  of  form  to  a  garden, 
and  should  by  no  means  be  confined  to  the  fernery 
proper.  Central  Europe. 

*Tamarix. — These  very  elegant  hardy  shrubs  may 
be  used  with  excellent  effect  in  the  flower-garden  and 
pleasure-ground,  though  they  are  at  present  seldom 
employed  in  these  places.  T.  gallica  or  anglica  is  found 
apparently  wild  in  several  parts  of  the  south  of  England, 
and  other  kinds,  such  as  germanica,  parviflora,  tetrandra, 
spectabilis,  and  indica,  are  also  in  cultivation.  In  the 
neighbourhood  of  Paris  T.  indica  thrives  very  freely, 
and  forms  beautiful  hedges,  but  is  cut  down  by  frost 
during  some  winters.  It  would  probably  do  better  in  the 
south  of  England.  The  plants  have  minute  leaves  and 
very  elegantly-panicled  branches,  which  gives  them  a 
feathery  effect,  somewhat  like  that  of  the  most  graceful 
conifers,  and,  if  possible,  more  elegant :  the  roseate 

200  Subtropical  Gardening. 

panicles  of  small  flowers  are  also  very  pretty.  A  finer 
effect  would  be  obtained  from  these  shrubs  by  isolating 
them  on  the  grass  than  in  any  other  way. 

*Tanacetum  vulgare  var.  crispum. — A  very  ele- 
gant variety  of  the  common  tansy,  much  dwarfer  in  sta- 
ture, and  with  smaller  emerald-green  leaves,  which  are 
very  elegantly  cut,  and  have  a  crisped  or  frizzled  appear- 
ance. It  is  quite  hardy,  and  forms  an  effective  ornament 
on  the  margins  of  shrubberies,  near  rockwork,  etc.  It 
does  best  fully  exposed,  and  probably  the  only  way  in 
which  it  can  be  benefited  after  planting — in  deep  and 
rather  moist  soil  it  does  best,  but  will  grow  "anywhere" — 
is  by  thinning  out  the  shoots  in  spring,  so  that  each  re- 
maining one  shall  have  free  room  to  suspend  its  exquisite 
leaves ;  thinned  thus,  it  looks  much  better  than  when  the 
stems  are  crowded,  and  of  course,  if  it  is  done  in  time, 
they  individually  attain  more  strength  and  dignity.  The 
flowers  should  be  pinched  off  before  they  open.  Britain. 

Thalia  dealbata. — This  is  one  of  the  finest  aquatic 
plants  which  we  can  employ  in  the  embellishment  of 
pieces  of  water,  streams,  etc.  In  a  warm  and  sheltered 
position,  and  on  a  substantial  and  rich  bottom,  it  grows 
vigorously,  sometimes  attaining  a  height  of  6  ft.  The 
best  mode  of  growing  it  is  in  pots  or  tubs  pierced  with 
holes,  in  a  mixture  of  stiff  peat  and  clayey  soil,  with  a 
portion  of  river-mud  and  sand.  In  winter  these  pots  or 
tubs  may  be  submerged  to  a  greater  depth,  and  the 
plants  be  thus  effectually  protected.  It  would  not  attain 
the  above  size  out  of  doors  except  in  warm  places  in  the 
southern  counties,  in  which  it  might  be  planted  out 
directly  without  taking  the  precautions  above  described. 

Thalia —  Thalictrum —  Tritotna.      20 1 

It  is  generally  grown  in  the  stove  in  this  country.     N. 

*Thalictram  minus. — One  of  the  most  elegant- 
leaved  of  our  native  plants,  forming  compact,  roundish 
bushes,  from  a  foot  to  18  ins.  high,  very  symmetrical,  and 
of  a  slightly  glaucous  hue.  It  may  be  grown  in  any  soil, 
and  requires  only  one  little  attention,  namely,  to  pinch 
off  the  slender  flower-stems  that  appear  in  May  and  June. 
Not  alone  in  its  aspect,  as  a  little  bushy  tuft,  does  it 
resemble  the  "  Maidenhair  Fern,"  as  Adiantum  cuneatum 
is  often  called,  but  the  leaves  are  almost  pretty  enough 
to  pass,  when  mingled  with  flowers,  for  those  of  the  fern ; 
they  are  also  stiffer  and  more  lasting  than  fern-leaves,  and 
are  well  suited  for  mingling  with  vases  of  flowers,  etc. 
There  are  probably  several  "  forms  "  or  varieties  of  this 
plant.  It  would  look  very  pretty  isolated  in  large  tufts 
as  an  edging,  or  in  borders,  or  in  groups  of  dwarf  subjects. 
Easily  increased  by  division. 

*The  Tritomas. — So  hardy,  so  magnificent  in  colour- 
ing, and  so  fine  in  form  are  these  plants,  that  we  can  no 
more  dispense  with  their  use  in  the  garden  where  beauty 
of  form  as  well  as  colour  is  to  prevail,  than  we  can  with 
the  noble  Pampas  grass.  They  are  more  conspicuously 
beautiful,  when  other  things  begin  to  succumb  before  the 
gusts  and  heavy  rains  of  autumn,  than  any  plants  which 
flower  in  the  bright  days  of  midsummer.  It  is  not  alone 
as  component  parts  of  large  ribbon-borders  and  in  such 
positions  that  these  grand  plants  are  useful,  but  in  almost 
any  part  of  the  garden.  Springing  up  as  a  bold,  close 
group  on  the  green  turf,  and  away  from  brilliant  sur- 
roundings, they  are  more  effective  than  when  associated 

2O2,  Subtropical  Gardening. 

with  bedding  plants;  and  of  course  many  such  spots 
may  be  found  for  them  near  the  margins  of  the  shrub- 
beries in  most  pleasure-grounds.  It  is  in  an  isolated  group, 
flaming  up  amid  the  verdure  of  trees  and  shrubs  and 
grass,  that  their  dignified  aspect  and  brilliant  colour  are 
seen  to  best  advantage.  However,  tastefully  disposed  in 
the  flower-garden,  they  will  prove  generally  useful,  and 
particularly  for  association  with  the  finer  autumn-flowering 
herbaceous  plants.  A  most  satisfactory  result  may  be 
produced  by  associating  the  Tritomas  with  the  Pampas 
grass  and  the  two  Arundos,  the  large  Statice  latifolia, 
and  the  strong  and  beautiful  autumn-flowering  Anemone 
japonica  alba,  which  is  peculiarly  suited  for  association 
with  hardy  herbaceous  plants  of  fine  habit,  and  should 
be  in  every  garden  where  a  hardy  flower  is  valued. 

The  Tritomas  are  not  fastidious  as  to  soil,  and  with  a 
little  preparation  of  the  ground  may  be  grown  almost 
anywhere.  They  thrive  with  extraordinary  vigour  and 
freedom  where  the  soil  is  very  sandy  as  well  as  rich  and 
deep,  and  are  readily  multiplied  by  division. 

As  every  garden  should  be  embellished  by  well-deve- 
loped specimens  or  groups  of  these  fine  plants,  those 
who  have  very  poor  and  thin,  or  pure  clay  soils,  would 
do  well  to  excavate  the  ground  to  the  depth  of  2  ft.  or 
3  ft,  and  fill  in  with  good  rich  loam.  When  the  soil  is 
deep,  no  watering  will  be  required. 

*Tritoma  Burchelli. — This  kind  is  distinguished  by 
the  lighter  green  of  its  leaves,  by  its  black-spotted  flower- 
stem,  and  especially  by  the  colour  of  its  flowers,  which 
are  crimson  at  the  base,  passing  into  carmine  in  the 
middle,  and  pale-yellow  or  greenish  at  the  tips.  There 

Tritoma.  203 

is  a  variety  which  has  the  leaves  variegated  or  striped 
with  white,  but  it  is  somewhat  tender  and  rare. 

*Tritoma  glauca. — A  dwarfer  kind  than  T.  Uvaria, 
with  leaves  of  a  sea-green  colour,  and  very  large  spikes 
of  '  scarlet-and-yellow  flowers,  which,  when  in  bud,  are 
hidden  by  long,  sea-green  bracts,  streaked  and  rayed  with 
white.  There  is  a  scarce  variety  with  recurved  leaves 
(T.  g.  recurvata),  which  has  somewhat  of  the  habit  of  a 
Bromelia.  S.  Africa. 

*Tritoma  prsecox. — A  recently-introduced,  hand- 
some, hardy  perennial,  with  very  much  the  habit  of 
T.  Uvaria.  The  flower-stem  grows  from  20  ins.  to  2  ft. 
high,  and  the  flowers,  which  are  produced  about  the 
middle  of  May,  are  of  a  bright-red  colour  when  exposed 
to  the  full  sun,  and  of  a  bright-yellow  when  grown  in  the 
shade.  The  leaves  are  fully  2  ft.  long,  sharply  keeled, 
and  with  toothed  edges.  S.  Africa. 

*Tritoma  Uvaria. — A  very  ornamental  and  well-known 
kind  from  S.  Africa,  forming  thick  tufts  of  linear,  erect 
leaves.  It  is  a  vigorous  grower,  and  small  specimens 
have  been  known  in  three  years  to  form  tufts  from  3  ft. 
to  4  ft.  through,  bearing  from  50  to  100  flower-spikes. 
The  flowering-stems  are  about  3^  ft.  in  height,  and  the 
flowers  are  borne  in  dense  conical  clusters  at  the  top. 
The  upper  part  of  the  cluster,  containing  the  young 
flowers,  is  of  a  coral-red  colour,  the  lower  part  yellow, 
.  all  the  flowers  gradually  changing  to  this  colour.  Other 
varieties  in  cultivation  are — T.  U.  grandis  or  grandiflora, 
which  is  much  taller  than  the  preceding  kind,  with  stouter 
stems  and  larger  flower-spikes;  T.  U.  Rooperi,  which 
only  differs  from  the  type  in  being  somewhat  dwarfer 

204  Subtropical  Gardening. 

in  habit  and  having  softish  or  flaccid  leaves,  frequently 
falling  forward ;  it  also  flowers  later ;  and  T.  U.  Lindley- 
ana,  which  has  erect,  very  rigid  leaves,  and  more  deeply- 
coloured  flowers  than  the  type. 

Tupidanthus  calyptratus.  —  A  noble  subtropical 
plant  from  Bengal,  standing  in  the  open  air  from  the 
beginning  of  June  till  October  without  the  slightest  injury. 
The  leaves  are  large,  deeply-divided,  and  of  a  dark  shining 
green  colour.  It  requires  stove  treatment  in  winter  and 
spring,  and  is  suitable  for  beds  or  planting  singly. 

*Typha  latifolia  (Reed-Mace}.  —  A  native  aquatic 
plant,  growing  in  tufts  of  2 -rowed  flat  leaves  from  ii  ft. 
to  2  ft.  long,  and  i  in.  or  i^-  in.  wide.  From  the  centre 
of  each  tuft  springs  a  stem  6  ft.  or  7  ft.  high,  which  in 
the  flowering  season  is  terminated  by  a  close  cylindrical 
spike  9  ins.  long,  and  of  a  dark-olive  colour,  changing  to 
a  brownish-black  as  it  ripens.  This  is  one  of  the  most 
striking  and  ornamental  of  our  British  water-plants,  and 
may  be  used  with  excellent  effect  grouped  with  such 
subjects  as  the  Great  Water-Dock. 

*Typha  angustifolia  resembles  the  preceding  species 
in  all  respects  except  in  the  size  of  its  leaves  and  spike. 
The  leaves  are  about  %  in.  wide  and  the  spike  about  \  in. 
in  diameter,  and  something  shorter  than  that  of  T.  lati- 
folia. Of  the  two  it  is  perhaps  the  more  graceful  in  aspect. 

Uhdea  bipinnatifida.  —  This  is  one  of  the  most 
useful  plants  in  its  class,  producing  a  rich  mass  of  hand- 
some leaves,  with  somewhat  the  aspect  of  those  of  the 
great  cow-parsnips,  but  of  a  more  refined  type.  The 
foliage  has  a  slightly  silvery  tone,  and  the  plant  con- 
tinues to  grow  fresh  and  vigorously  till  late  in  autumn. 



It  is  well  suited  for  forming  rich  masses  of  foliage, 
not  so  tall,  however,  as  those  formed  by  such  things  as 
Ricinus  or  Ferdinanda.  It  is  freely  propagated  by  cuttings 
taken  from  old  plants  kept  in  a  cool  stove,  greenhouse, 
or  pit  during  the  winter  months,  and  placed  in  heat  to 

Uhdea  bipinnatifida. 

afford  cuttings  freely  in  early  spring.  Under  ordinary 
cutting  treatment  on  hotbeds  or  in  a  moist  warm  pro- 
pagating house,  it  grows  as  freely  as  could  be  desired, 
and  may  be  planted  out  at  the  end  of  May  or  the 
beginning  of  June.  Mexico. 

20 6  Subtropical  Gardening. 

Uhdea  pyramidata. — This  kind  has  been  less  cul- 
tivated in  England  than  the  preceding,  from  which  it  is 
distinct  in  appearance.  It  is  of  a  lighter  and  fresher 
green,  and  inclined  to  grow  larger  in  habit,  having  more 
of  the  aspect  of  a  Malva  in  foliage.  Useful  for  the  same 
purposes  as  the  preceding  kind,  but  not  so  valuable. 

*Veratrum  album  ( White  Hellebore). — A  handsome, 
erect  perennial  of  pyramidal  habit,  3^  ft.  to  5  ft.  high,  with 
curiously  plaited  leaves  i  ft.  long  and  6  ins.  to  8  ins.  broad, 
regularly  alternating  on  the  stem  and  overlapping  each 
other  at  the  base.  The  flowers,  of  a  yellowish -white 
colour,  are  borne  in  numerous  dense  spikes  on  the  top 
of  the  stem,  forming  a  large  panicle.  The  leaves  being 
handsome,  it  is  worth  a  place  in  full  collections  of  fine- 
foliaged  hardy  herbaceous  plants,  and  would  look  to 
best  advantage  in  small  groups  in  the  rougher  parts  of 
the  pleasure-ground  and  by  wood- walks.  Thrives  best 
in  peaty  soil,  and  is  best  multiplied  by  division,  as  the 
seed  is  very  slow  and  capricious  in  germinating,  some- 
times not  starting  until  the  second  year,  and  it  is  some 
years  before  the  seedlings  are  strong  enough  to  flower. 
The  root  of  this  plant  is  exceedingly  poisonous.  V. 
nigrum  differs  from  V.  album,  in  having  more  slender 
stems,  narrower  leaves,  and  blackish-purple  flowers.  V. 
viridiflorum  resembles  V.  album  in  every  respect,  except 
that  its  flowers  are  of  a  lively  green  colour.  France. 

*Verbascum  Chaixii. — Most  of  us  know  how  very 
distinct  and  imposing  are  the  larger  Verbascums,  and 
those  who  have  attempted  their  culture  must  soon  have 
found  out  what  far-seeding  things  they  are.  Of  a  bien- 
nial character,  their  culture  is  most  unsatisfactory :  they 

Verbascum —  Verbesina — Wigandia.  207 

either  migrate  into  the  adjoining  shrubbery  or  disappear 
altogether.  The  possession  of  a  fine  perennial  species 
must  therefore  be  a  desideratum,  and  such  a  plant  will 
be  found  in  Verbascum  Chaixii.  This  is  fine  in  leaf  and 
stature,  and  produces  abundance  of  flowers.  The  lower 
leaves  grow  18  ins.  or  20  ins.  long,  and  the'  plant  when 
in  flower  reaches  a  height  of  7  ft.  or  8  ft,  or  even  more 
when  in  good  soil.  It  is  a  truly  distinct  subject,  and 
may,  it  is  to  be  hoped,  ere  long  be  found  common  in 
our  gardens  and  nurseries.  Like  the  preceding,  but 
grown  under  the  name  V.  vernale,  is  a  kind  I  saw  in  the 
Jardin  des  Plantes  at  Paris,  and  introduced  into  culti- 
vation in  England  •  but  it  is  as  yet  scarce. 

Verbesina  gigantea. — 'An  ornamental  shrub  from 
Jamaica,  about  6^-  ft.  high,  forming,  when  young,  a 
very  pleasing  subject  for  decorative  purposes,  its  round 
green  stems  being  covered  with  large,  winged,  pinnate 
leaves  of  a  glistening  delicate-green  colour,  and  very 
elegant  outline.  Suitable  for  rich  beds  or  groups ;  and 
should  be  planted  out  at  the  end  of  May  or  early  in 
June.  V.  pinnatifida  is  a  rough,  half-shrubby  species 
with  a  winged  stem  and  woolly  oval  leaves  with  lobed 
or  toothed  margins ;  they  are  larger  than  those  of  the 
preceding  species,  growing  3  ft.  long  by  14  ins.  broad  in 
the  first  year.  Both  species  require  hothouse  treatment 
in  winter,  and  are  multiplied  by  cuttings  in  early  spring. 
Young  plants  are  to  be  preferred  for  effect,  and  will 
be  much  the  better  for  as  warm  and  sheltered  a  posi- 
tion and  as  rich  and  light  a  soil  as  can  be  conveniently 
given  them. 

Wigandia  maerophylla  (caracasand). — This  noble 

20 8  Subtropical  Gardening. 

plant,  a  native  of  the  mountainous  regions  of  New  Gra- 
nada, is,  from  the  nobility  of  its  port  and  the  magnificence 
of  its  leaves,  entitled  to  hold  a  place  among  the  finest 
plants  of  our  gardens.  Under  the  climate  of  London  it 
has  made  leaves  which  have  surprised  all  beholders,  as  well 
by  their  size  as  by  their  strong  and  remarkable  veining 
and  texture.  It  will  be  found  to  succeed  very  well  in  the 
midland  and  southern  counties  of  England,  though  too 
much  care  cannot  be  taken  to  secure  for  it  a  warm  shel- 
tered position,  free  good  soil,  and  perfect  drainage.  It 
may  be  used  with  superb  effect  either  in  a  mass  or  as  a 
single  plant.  It  is  frequently  propagated  by  cuttings  of 
the  roots,  and  grown  in  a  moist  and  genial  temperature 
through  the  spring  months,  keeping  it  near  the  light 
so  as  to  preserve  it  in  a  dwarf  and  well-clothed  con- 
dition ;  and,  like  all  the  other  plants  in  this  class,  it 
should  be  very  carefully  hardened  off  previous  to  plant- 
ing out  at  the  end  of  May.  It  is,  however,  much  better 
raised  from  cuttings  of  the  shoots,  if  these  are  to  be 
had.  It  may  also  be  raised  from  seed.  W.  macrophylla 
has  the  stems  covered  with  short  stinging  hairs,  and  bear- 
ing brownish  viscid  drops,  which  adhere  to  the  hand  like 
oil  when  the  stem  is  touched. 

W.  Vigieri  is  another  fine  kind  of  quick  and  vigorous 
growth,  and  remarkable  habit.  In  the  beginning  of  Sep- 
tember, 1867, 1  measured  a  specimen  with  leaves  3  ft.  9  ins. 
long,  including  the  leaf-stalk,  and  22  ins.  across;  the  stem, 
nearly  7  ft.  high  and  3  ins.  in  diameter,  bearing  a  column 
of  such  leaves.  It  is  known  at  a  glance  from  the  popular 
and  older  W.  macrophylla^  by  the  leaves  and  the  st  ems 
being  covered  in  a  much  greater  degree  with  glossy, 

WIG-ANDIA    MACROPHYLLA.     (W.  caracasana}. 
Tender  Section  ;   making  noble  leaves  in  the  open  air  in  summer. 

Woodwardia — Xan  thosoma —  Y^tcca .     209 

slender,  stinging  bodies.  These  are  so  thickly  produced 
as  to  give  the  stems  a  glistening  appearance.  W.  urens 
is  another  species  often  planted,  but  decidedly  inferior 
to  either  of  the  foregoing,  except  in  power  of  stinging, 
in  which  way  it  is  not  likely  to  be  surpassed. 

Woodwardia.  —  This  noble  genus  of  ferns  is  of 
great  and  peculiar  use  in  the  subtropical  garden,  where 
their  broad  and  beautifully  arching  fronds  make  very 
effective  objects,  especially  when  planted  in  a  vase,  on 
the  top  of  a  stump,  or  small  mound,  a  little  above 
the  level  of  the  eye.  The  principal  species  are :  W. 
orientalis,  W.  radicans,  W.  japonica,  W.  virginica,  and 
W.  areolata.  Of  these  W.  orientalis  and  W.  areolata 
are  hardy,  and  the  others  nearly  so.  They  may  be  used 
as  effectively  in  the  conservatory  in  winter  as  in  the 
open  garden  in  summer. 

Xanthoso  sagittaefolium.  —  A  Brazilian  plant 
with  very  much  the  habit  and  appearance  of  Caladium 
esculentum,  but  not  so  valuable,  having  arrow-shaped 
leaves,  of  a  dark-green  colour,  supported  on  rather 
slender  stalks.  Another  equally  handsome  and  large 
species  is  X.  violaceum,  the  leaves  and  leaf-stalks  of 
which  are  suffused  with  a  delicate  violet  hue,  slightly 
inclining  to  hoariness.  Positions  and  treatment  similar 
to  those  recommended  for  Caladium  esculentum.  They 
should  only  be  tried  in  the  warmer  parts  of  the  country, 
and  not  be  placed  in  the  open  air  till  the  beginning  of 

Yuccas. — Among  all  the  hardy  plants  ever  introduced 
into  this  country,  none  surpass  for  our  present  purpose 


2io  Subtropical  Gardening. 

the  various  kinds  of  Yucca,  or  "  Adam's  Needle,"  as  it 
is  commonly  called.  There  are  several  species  hardy 
and  well  suited  for  flower-garden  purposes,  and,  more 
advantageous  still,  distinct  from  each  other.  The  effect 
afforded  by  them,  when  well  developed,  is  equal  to  that 
of  any  hothouse  plant  that  we  can  venture  in  the  open 
air  for  the  summer,  while  they  are  green  and  ornamental 
at  all  seasons.  They  may  be  used  in  any  style  of 
garden,  may  be  grouped  together  on  rustic  mounds, 
or  in  any  other  way  the  taste  of  the  planter  may  direct. 
If  we  had  but  this  family  alone,  our  efforts  to  produce 
an  agreeable  effect  with  hardy  plants  could  not  be  fruit- 
less. The  free-flowering  kinds,  filamentosa  and  flacdda, 
may  be  associated  with  any  of  our  nobler  autumn  flower- 
ing plants,  from  the  Gladiolus  to  the  great  Statice  latifolia. 
The  species  that  do  not  flower  so  often,  like  pendula 
and  gloriosa,  are  simply  magnificent  as  regards  their 
effect  when  grown  in  the  full  sun  and  planted  in  good 
soil;  and  I  need  not  say  bold  and  handsome  groups 
may  be  formed  by  devoting  isolated  beds  to  Yuccas 
alone.  They  are  mostly  easy  to  increase  by  division  of 
the  stem  and  rhizome ;  and  should  in  all  cases  be 
planted  well  and  singly,  beginning  with  healthy  young 
plants,  so  as  to  secure  perfectly  developed  specimens. 

Yucca  aloi'folia. — A  fine  and  distinct  species,  with 
a  stem  when  fully  developed  as  thick  as  a  man's  arm, 
and  rising  to  a  height  of  from  6  ft.  to  18  ft.  Leaves 
numerous,  rigidly  ascending,  dark-green,  with  a  slight 
glaucous  bloom,  18  to  21  inches  long  and  broad  at  the 
middle,  with  the  horny  margin  rolled  in  for  2  ins.  or 

Yucca.  211 

3  ins.  below  the  point,  and  finely  toothed  in  the  re- 
maining portion.  Flowers  almost  pure  white,  in  a  vast 
pyramidal  panicle.  This  plant  is  hardy,  but  the  fact 
is  not  generally  known.  It  should  be  tried  on  well- 
drained  slopes  in  good  sandy  loam.  There  are  some 
varieties,  of  which  T.  a.  quadricolor  and  T.  a.  versicolor 
have  the  leaves  variously  edged  with  green,  yellow,  and 
red.  These  fine  variegated  varieties  are  also  very  hardy, 
but  as  they  are  as  yet  far  from  common,  it  will  be  best 
to  utilise  them  in  the  greenhouse  or  conservatory,  or 
place  them  in  the  open  air  during  summer.  They  look 
very  pretty  isolated  on  the  grass,  the  pots  plunged  to 
the  rim.  S.  America  and  W.  Indies. 

*  Yucca  angustifolia. — A  somewhat  dwarf  species,  the 
whole  plant,  when  in  flower,  not  being  more  than  2  or 

3  ft.  high.      The  leaves  are  thick  and  rigid  in  texture, 
from  15  ins.  to  18  ins.  long  and  about  i  in.  broad,  of  a 
pale    sea-green   colour,  with   numerous   white  filaments 
at   the  edges.      The  inflorescence  is  a  simple  raceme 
of  white  flowers  slightly  tinged  with  yellow.     Till  more 
plentiful  this  had  better  be  grown  in  warm  borders,  in 
well-drained  sandy  loam.     N.  America. 

*  Yucca  canaliculata. — The  leaves  of  this  species  are 
entire,  /.  e.  neither  toothed  nor  filamentous  at  the  margin, 
and  form  a  dense  rosette  on  a  stem  which  rises  i  or 
2  ft.  above  the  ground.     Each  leaf  is  from  20  ins.  to 
24  ins.  long,  and  2  ins.  to  2-1  ins.  broad  at  the  middle, 
very  strong  and  rigid,  and  deeply  concave  on  the  face. 
The  flowers  are  of  a  creamy  white,  in  a  large  panicle 

4  ft.  to  5  ft.  high.     Fine  for  isolation  or  groups.     Till 

p  2 


Subtropical  Gardening. 

more  plentiful  should  be  encouraged  in  favourable  posi- 
tions and  on  warm  soils.     Mexico. 

*Yueca  filamentosa. — A  very  common  and  well- 
known  species,  with  a  much-branched  panicle,  4  ft.  to 
6  ft.  high,  and  apple-green  leaves,  from  15  ins.  to  21  ins. 

long  by  ii  ins.  to  2  ins. 
broad  at  the  middle, 
fringed  at  the  edges  with 
grey  filaments  2  or  3  ins. 
long :  the  outer  leaves 
spreading,  the  central 
ones  erect  or  slightly 
recurved.  This  species 
varies  very  much  when 
raised  from  seed :  one  va- 
riety (concavd)  has  short, 
strong,  broad  leaves,  with 
the  face  more  concave 
than  in  the  type;  an- 
other variety  (maxima)  has  leaves  nearly  2  ft.  long  by 
2%  ins.  broad,  with  a  panicle  7  ft.  to  8  ft.  in  height.  This 
species  flowers  with  much  vigour  and  beauty,  and  is  well 
worth  cultivating  in  every  garden  ;  not  only  in  the  flower- 
garden  or  pleasure-ground,  but  also  on  the  rough  rock- 
work,  or  any  spot  requiring  a  distinct  type  of  hardy 
vegetation  :  and  so  is  its  fine  though  delicate  variegated 
variety.  All  the  varieties  thrive  best  and  flower  most 
abundantly  in  peaty  or  fine  sandy  soil.  N.  America. 

*Yucca  flaccida.  —  A  stemless  species,  somewhat 
resembling  Y.  filamentosa^  but  smaller,  with  a  downy 

Yucca  filamentosa. 

Yucca.  213 

branching  panicle  3  ft.  to  4  ft.  high.  Foliage  in  close 
rosettes  of  leaves,  ii  ft.  to  2  ft.  long,  by  about  ii  in. 
broad  at  the  middle,  often  fringed  with  filaments  on  the 
edges  :  the  young  ones  nearly  erect,  the  old  ones  abruptly 
reflexed  at  the  middle,  almost  appearing  as  if  broken. 
This  gives  such  an  irregular  aspect  to  the  tufts  that  it  at 
once  distinguishes  this  kind  from  any  of  the  varieties  of 
K  filamentosa.  It  also  flowers  more  regularly  and  abun- 
dantly than  its  relative,  and  is  exceedingly  well  suited  for 
groups  of  the  finer  hardy  plants,  for  borders,  or  for  being 
planted  in  large  isolated  tufts.  N.  America. 

*Yucca  glaucescens. — A  very  free-flowering  kind, 
with  a  panicle  3  ft.  to  4  ft.  high,  the  branches  of  which 
are  short  and  very  downy.  Leaves  sea-green,  about 
eighteen  inches  long,  with  a  few  filaments  on  the 
margins.  The  flowers  are  of  a  greenish-yellow  colour, 
and  when  in  bud  are  tinged  with  pink,  which  tends  to 
give  the  whole  inflorescence  a  peculiarly  pleasing  tone. 
A  very  useful  and  ornamental  sort — fine  for  groups, 
borders,  isolation,  or  placing  among  low  shrubs.  N. 

*Yucca  gloriosa.— A  species  of  large  and  imposing 
proportions,  with  a  distinct  habit  and  somewhat  rigid 
aspect.  Flower-stem  over  7  ft.  high,  much-branched,  and 
bearing  an  immense  pyramidal  panicle,  of  large,  almost 
pure  white  flowers.  Leaves  numerous,  stiff,  and  pointed. 
One  of  the  noblest  plants  in  our  gardens,  and  suitable  for 
use  in  almost  any  position.  It  varies  very  much  when 
grown  from  seed — a  good  recommendation,  as  the  greater 
variety  of  fine  form  we  have  the  better.  The  chief 

214  Subtropical  Gardening. 

varieties  in  cultivation  are  Y.  g.  longifolia,  plicata,  macu- 
lata,  glaucescenS)  and  minor.  The  soil  for  this  plant 
should  be  a  rich  deep  loam.  N.  America. 

*Yucca  pendula. — The  best  species  perhaps,  con- 
sidering its  graceful  and  noble  habit,  which  is  simply  in- 
valuable in  every  garden.  It  grows  about  6£  ft  high,  the 
leaves  being  at  first  erect  and  of  a  sea-green  colour,  after- 
wards becoming  reflexed  and  changing  to  a  deep  green. 
Old  and  well-established  plants  of  it  standing  alone  on  the 
grass  are  pictures  of  grace  and  symmetry,  from  the  lower 
leaves  which  sweep  the  ground  to  the  central  ones  that 
point  up  as  straight  as  a  needle.  It  is  amusing  to  think 
of  people  putting  tender  plants  in  the  open  air,  and  run- 
ning with  sheets  to  protect  them  from  the  cold  and  rain 
of  early  summer  and  autumn,  while  perhaps  not  a  good 
specimen  of  this  fine  thing  is  to  be  seen  in  the  place. 
There  is  no  plant  more  suited  for  planting  between  and 
associating  with  flower-beds.  N.  America. 

*Yucca  rupicola. — A  species  somewhat  resembling 
K  alo'ifolia,  with  a  stem  from  4  ft.  to  7  ft.  high,  and  pale- 
green  leaves  18  ins.  to  20  ins.  long,  by  i  in.  broad  at  the 
middle,  almost  erect  and  frequently  twisted,  the  horny 
margin  being  broader  and  the  teeth  more  distinct  than 
in  Y.  aldifolia.  This  is  not  much  in  cultivation  as  yet, 
and  will  probably  be  difficult  to  obtain  for  some  time 
to  come.  N.  America. 

*Yucca  Treculeana. — This  species  is  one  of  the 
most  remarkable  of  the  noble  genus  to  which  it  belongs, 
from  its  habit,  and  especially  from  the  dimensions  to 
which  its  foliage  attains.  Like  many  plants  of  its  family, 

Hardy  evergreen  fine-foliaged  Type. 

Yucca  —  Zea.  2 1 5 

young  specimens  differ  considerably  from  those  which 
have  reached  maturity.  Thus,  while  the  former  have 
their  leaves  bent,  generally  inflected,  the  full-grown  plants 
exhibit  them  erect,  rigid,  very  long,  and  very  straight. 
The  stem  of  this  plant  is  stout,  about  10  ins.  in  diameter, 
furnished  on  all  sides  with  leaves  about  4  ft.  long,  straight, 
thick,  deeply  channeled,  acuminate  for  a  considerable 
length,  and  ending  in  a  stiff,  very  sharp  point,  very  finely 
toothed  on  the  edges,  which  are  of  a  brownish  red  and 
scarious.  The  flower-stalk  is  very  stout,  about  4  ft.  long, 
much  branched ;  the  branches  erect,  from  i  ft.  to  i  ft.  8  ins. 
long,  bearing  throughout  their  entire  length  flowers  with 
long  and  narrow  petals  of  a  yellowish  white,  shining, 
and,  as  it  were,  glazed.  It  is  a  hardy  and  very  vigorous 
plant.  It  is  not  rare  to  see  on  the  Continent  specimens 
of  more  than  6%  ft.  in  diameter.  Fine  for  banks  and 
knolls,  placed  singly,  or  for  the  boldest  groups.  It 
comes  from  Texas. 

Zea  Mays. — Were  our  climate  a  little  warmer,  we 
should  find  this  noble  grass  one  of  the  most  ornamental, 
as  well  as  useful,  of  our  plants.  But  in  countries  where 
it  is  grown  for  food  they  would  no  more  think  of  honour- 
ing it  with  a  place  in  the  garden  than  we  should  of 
planting  the  artichoke  in  our  flower-beds,  though  far 
worse  things  are  done  every  day.  In  this  country,  how- 
ever, where  maize  is  not  to  be  seen  as  a  field  crop,  a  tuft 
of  its  tropical-looking  blades  has  a  good  effect  among  the 
"  subtropical  plants."  Of  course  it  should  only  be  tried 
in  warm  districts,  and  it  should  always  have  sunny  and 
sheltered  positions  and  rich  soil.  In  light  warm  soils, 

216  Subtropical  Gardening. 

deep,  and  with  a  free  bottom,  it  generally  thrives  very 
well,  if  a  foot  or  so  of  rich  and  rotten  manure  is  placed 
beneath  its  roots.  In  some  seasons  it  would  here  and 
there  ripen  seeds,  and  in  all  cases  one  could  gather  a  few 
heads  of  "  green  corn."  In  warmer  countries  it  is  always 
best  to  sow  maize  in  the  open  ground  as  soon  as  the 
frost  permits ;  but  in  England  it  is  better  to  raise  it  on 
a  gentle  hotbed  in  April,  although  occasionally  it  will 
succeed  if  sown  out  of  doors.  Gradually  harden  off  the 
plants  before  they  have  made  more  than  three  or  four 
little  leaves,  keeping  them  in  a  cool  frame  very  near  the 
glass,  so  as  to  keep  them  sturdy,  and  finally  exposing 
them  in  the  same  position  by  taking  the  lights  quite  off. 
This  course  is  perhaps  the  more  desirable  in  the  case  of 
the  variegated  maize.  In  neither  case  should  the  plants 
be  drawn  up  long  in  heat,  as,  if  so,  they  will  not  thrive 
so  well.  The  first  few  leaves  the  variegated  kind  makes 
are  green,  but  they  soon  begin  to  manifest  that  striping 
which  makes  it  as  attractive  as  any  variegated  stove- 
plant  we  grow.  Cuzko  and  Caragua  are  the  largest  and 
finest  of  the  green  varieties,  and  gracillima  the  smallest 
and  most  graceful  of  all  the  varieties  of  maize.  They 
should  be  planted  out  about  the  middle  of  May. 

The  variegated  or  Japanese  maize  is  a  very  remarkable 
and  handsome  variety,  found  by  Mr.  Hogg  in  Japan — that 
great  country  for  variegated  plants.  Its  beautiful  varie- 
gation is  reproduced  true  from  seed,  and  it  is  almost  an 
indispensable  plant  in  the  flower-garden,  not  growing  so 
vigorously  as  the  green  kinds.  It  is  particularly  useful 
for  intermingling  with  arrangements  of  ordinary  bedding- 



plants,  for  vases,  the  outer  margins  of  beds  of  subtropical 
plants,  and  like  positions,  where  its  variegation  may  be 
well  seen,  and  where  its  graceful  leaves  will  prove  effec- 
tive among  subjects  of  dumpy  habit.  It  should  in  all 
cases  have  light,  rich,  warm  soil.  It  has  a  habit  of 
breaking  into  shoots  rather  freely  near  the  base  of  the 
central  stem ;  and  where  it  grows  very  freely,  this  should 
recommend  it  for  planting  in  an  isolated  manner,  or  in 
groups  of  three  or  five,  on  the  turf. 

Yucca  filamentosa  variegata. 





A  Selection  of  the  very  finest  and  most  distinct  Subtropical 
Plants,  both  hardy  and  tender,  suited  for  use  in  the 
climate  of  Britain. 

Acacia  lophantha 
Acanthus  latifolius 
Agave  americana 


Ailantus  glandulosa 
Aralia  canescens 
„      japonica 
„      papyrifera 
„      spinosa 
Arundo  conspicua 
„       Donax 
„  „       versicolor 

Bambusa  falcata 
„        japonica 
„        Simonii 
„        viridi-glaucescens 

Berberis  Bealii 
Beta  cicla,  var.  chilensis 
Caladium  esculentum 
Canna  (in  var.) 
Chamserops  excelsa 
Crambe  cordifolia 
Corypha  australis 
Cycas  revoluta 
Dimorphanthus      mands- 


Dicksonia  antarctica 
Dracaena  indivisa 
Echeveria  metallica 
Erythrina  (in  var.) 
Ferdinanda  eminens 
Ferula  (in  var.) 
Ficus  elastica 


Subtropical  Gardening. 

Gynerium  argenteum 
Gunnera  scabra 
Gymnocladus  canadensis 
Helianthus  orgyalis 
Heracleum  (in  var.) 
Melianthus  major 
Monstera  deliciosa 
Molopospermum  cicutarium 
Musa  Ensete 
Onopordon  Acanthium 
Paulownia  imperialis 
Phormium  tenax 
Poa  fertilis 

Polygonum  cuspidatum 
Polymnia  grandis 
Rheum  (in  var.) 
Rhus  glabra  laciniata 

Ricinus  (in  var.) 
Seaforthia  elegans 
Solanum  crinitipes 
„        crinitum 
„        macranthum 
„        marginatum 
„        robustum 
„        Warscewiczii 
Tupidanthus  calyptratus 
Uhdea  bipinnatifida 
Verbesina  gigantea 
Wigandia  macrophylla 

„        Vigieri 
Yucca  aloi'folia 
„      canaliculata 
„       gloriosa 
„      pendula 

A  Selection  of  hardy  perennials  affording  the  finest  effects  in 
the  Subtropical  Garden. 

Acanthus,  in  variety 
Aralia  edulis 

„      nudicaulis 
Astilbe  rivularis 
Arundo  Donax 

„  „      versicolor 

Bambusa,  in  var. 
Bocconia  cordata 
Carex  paniculata 

,,      pendula 
Carduus  eriophorus 

Carlina  acaulis 
Cassia  marilandica 
Centaurea  babylonica 
Crambe  cordifolia 
Datisca  cannabina 
Echinops  ruthenicus 
Eryngium  alpinum 

„         amethystinum 
Gynerium  argenteum 
Gunnera  scabra 
Helianthus  orgyalis 



Hemerocallis  fulva 
Heracleum  (in  var.) 
Inula  Helenium 
Melianthus  major 
Meum  athamanticum 
Molopospernium       cicuta- 


Morina  longifolia 
Panicum  bulbosum 
„        virgatum 

Phytolacca  decandra 
Polygonum  cuspidatum 
Rhaponticum  cynaroides 
„  pulchrum 

Rheum  (in  var.) 
Statice  latifolia 
Tritoma  (in  var.) 
Yucca  (in  var.) 
Cynara  Scolymus 

A  Selection  of  the  finest  tender  Subtropical  Plants  that  will 
succeed  in  our  climate  in  summer. 

Acacia  lophantha 
Agave  americana 
Aralia  papyrifera 
Asplenium  Nidus-avis 
Bambusa  nigra 
Bocconia  frutescens 
Brexia  madagascariensis 
Caladium  esculentum 
Canna  (in  var.) 
Chamaerops  humilis 

„          Palmetto 
Cycas  revoluta 
Dahlia  imperialis 
Dracasna  australis 

„        cannaefolia 

„        Draco 
Echeveria  metallica 
Ferdinanda  eminens 

Ficus  elastica 

„     Chauvieri 
Monstera  deliciosa 
Musa  Ensete 
Nicotiana  virginica 

„         wigandioides 
Phormium  tenax  (hardy  in 
the  S.    of  England   and 

Polymnia  grandis 
Ricinus  (in  var.) 
Seaforthia  elegans 
Selinum  decipiens 
Solanum  crinitipes 
„        crinitum 
„       \nacranthum 
„        marginatum 


Subtropical  Gardening. 

Solanum  Warscewiczii 
Tupidanthus  calyptratus 
Uhdea  bipinnatifida 
Verbesina  gigantea 

A  Selection  of  hardy  Plants 
of  the  Flower-garden 

Acanthus  latifolius 
„        longifolius 
„         mollis 
„         spinosissimus 
„         spinosus 
Aralia  canescens 
„      japonica 
„      spinosa 
Astilbe  rivularis 
Arundo  conspicua 
„       Donax 
„  „       versicolor 

Bambusa  (in  var.) 
Bocconia  cordata 
Canna  (hardier  kinds) 
Crambe  cordifolia 
Datisca  cannabina 
Dracaena  indivisa    (in  the 
southern      counties      of 
England  and  Ireland) 
Echinops  ruthenicus 
Elymus  arenarius 

„       condensatus 
Eryngium  alpinum 

Wigandia  macrophylla 

j  Zea  Mays 
|     „       „     variegata 

suited  for  isolation  on  the  turf 
and  Pleasure-ground. 

Eryngium  amethystinum 
Ferula  (any  kinds) 
Gynerium  argenteum 
Gunnera  scabra 
Helianthus  orgyalis 
Hemerocallis  flava 

„  fulva     and 


Heracleum  eminens 
Melianthus  major 
Molopospermum    cicuta- 


Morina  longifolia 
Osmunda  regalis 
Phormium  tenax 
Phytolacca  decandra 
Poa  fertilis 

Polygonum  cuspidatum 
Rheum  Emodi  (and  other 

species  and  varieties) 
Statice  latifolia 
Stipa  pennata 
Tritoma  (any  kind) 
Yucca  (any  kind) 



A  Selection  of  Plants  useful  for  the  open  air  in  summer 
a?id  for  embellishing  the  conservatory  in  winter. 

Agave  americana  and  vars. 
and  other  greenhouse 

Brexia  madagascariensis 
Chamserops  excelsa 
„  Fortune! 

„  humilis 

„  Palmetto 

Cordyline  indivisa 
Cycas  revoluta 
Dracaena  australis 
„        cannaefolia 
„         Draco 
„        indivisa,  and  most 
of  the  other  greenhouse 

Echeveria  metallica 
Ficus  Chauvieri 

„     elastica 
Jubsea  spectabilis 

Monstera  deliciosa 
Musa  Ensete 

Phormium  tenax,  and  vars. 
Phoenix     dactyl  ifera     and 
other  greenhouse  species 
Seaforthia  elegans 
Tupidanthus  calyptratus 
Yucca    aloifolia    variegata, 

and  vars. 
Araucaria  Bidwillii 

„         Cookii 

„         excelsa 

„         Rulei 
Areca  sapida 
Caryota  urens 

,,       sobolifera 
Corypha  australis 
Latania  borbonica 
Half-hardy  Palms,  in  var. 

A  Selection  of  hardy  Plants  of  vigorous  habit  and  distinct 
character  suited  for  planting  in  semi-wild  places  in  plea- 
sure-grounds or  near  wood-walks. 

Acanthus,  in  var. 
Aralia  canescens 
,,      tdulis 

Aralia  spinosa 
Arum  Dracunculus 
Asclepias  Cornuti 
Asparagus  Broussoneti 


Subtropical  Gardening. 

Astilbe  rivularis 

,,      rubra 
Arundo  Donax 

„          ,,        versicolor 
„      Phragmites 
Bambusa  falcata 
Bocconia  cordata 
Buphthalmum  speciosum 
Carex  pendula 

„      paniculata 
Carduus  eriophorus 
Centaurea  babylonica 
Crambe  cordifolia 

„       juncea 
Cucumis  perennis 
Datisca  cannabina 
Dipsacus  sylvestris 
Echinops  ruthenicus 
Elymus  arenarius 
Erianthus  Ravennae 
Eryngium  alpinum 

„          amethystinum 
Ferulas,  in  var. 
Gunnera  scabra 
Helianthus  orgyalis 

„          Maximilian! 

,,          laetiflonis 

,,          occidentalis 

„          rigidus 


Inula  Helenium 
Hemerocallis  fulva 
Heracleum,  in  var. 
Lavatera  arborea 

,,        thuringiaca 

„        unguiculata 
Hibiscus  moscheutos 

„         palustris 

„         roseus 
Althaea,  in  var. 
Ligularia  macrophylla 
Molopospermum  cicutarium 
Morina  longifolia 
Mulgedium  alpinum 
„  Plumieri 

Onopordon  Acanthium 
Paeonia,  in  var. 
Panicum  bulbosum 
Papaver  bracteatum 

„        orientale 
Petasites  vulgaris 
Phytolacca  decandra 
Poa  aquatica 
Polygonatum  multiflorum 
Polygonum  cuspidatum 
Rhaponticum  cynaroides 
„  pulchrum 

„  scariosum 

Rheum,  in  variety. 
Rumex  Hydrolapathum 
Silphium,  in  var. 



Silybum  eburneum 
„        marianum 
Spiraea  Aruncus 
Statice  latifolia 
Tanacetum  vulgare  crispum 
Thalictrum,  in  var. 
Tritoma,  in  var. 
Veratrum  album 

A  Selection  of  kinds  that 

Acacia  Julibrissin 

„      lophantha 
Acanthus  (all  the  kinds) 
Agave  americana 
Ailantus  glandulosa 
Aralia  canescens 

„      japonica 

,,      spinosa 
Artemisia  annua 
Arundo  conspicua 

„       Donax 
Astilbe  rivuiaris 
Bambusa  falcata 
Canna  (in  variety) 
Carlina  acaulis 
Crambe  cordifolia 
Cycas  revoluta 
Datisca  cannabina 
Dracaena  indivisa 
Echinops  ruthenicus 

Verbascum,  in  var. 

Yucca,  in  var. 

Cynara  Scolymus 

Vernonia  noveboracensis 

Verbesina  persicifolia 

Rudbeckia  digitata 
„          laciniata 
„  californica 

will  best  withstand  wind. 

Elymus  arenarius 
Eryngium  (in  variety) 
Ferula  (in  variety) 
Ficus  elastica 
Gynerium  argenteum 
Kochia  scoparia 
Meum  athamanticum 
Molopospermum       cicuta- 


Osmunda  regalis 
Panicum  bulbosum 
„        virgatum 
Phormium  tenax 
Phytolacca  decandra 
Poa  fertilis 

Polygonum  cuspidatum 
Rheum  Emodi 
Ricinus  (in  var.) 
Tritoma  (in  var.) 
Yucca  (in  var.) 

Q  2 


Subtropical  Gardening. 

Subtropical  Plants 

Abutilon  (in  var.) 
Acacia  lophantha 
,,      Julibrissin 
Acanthus,  in  var. 
Amarantus,  in  var. 
Aralia  nudicaulis 
„      papyrifera 
„      japonica 
„      spinosa 
Artemisia  annua 
„        gracilis 
Bocconia  cordata 

„        frutescens 
Calla  aethiopica 
Canna,  in  var. 
Cannabis  sativa 
Baptisia  australis 
„       exaltata 
Beta  cicla  chilensis 
Brassica  oleracea  crispa 
Carduus  eriophorus 
Cassia  marilandica 
Centaurea,  in  var. 
Cineraria  acanthifolia 
„         maritima 
,,        platanifolia 
Chamsepeuce  Cassabonae 

„  diacantha 

Crambe  cordifolia 

to  raise  from  seed. 

Cyperus  longus 
Dahlia  imperialis 
Datura  ceratocaula 
Datisca  cannabina 
Dracaena,  in  var. 
Echeveria  metallica 
Echinops  ruthenicus 
Dipsacus  sylvestris 
Erianthus  Ravennae 
Erythrina,  in  var. 
Eryngium  alpinum 

„         amethystinum 
Ferdinanda  eminens 
Ferula,  in  var. 
Astilbe  rivularis 

„      rubra 
Galega  officinalis 
Gynerium  argenteum 
Gunnera  scabra 
Geranium  anemonaefolium 
Hedychium  Gardnerianum 
Helianthus  orgyalis 
Heracleum,  in  var. 
Humea  elegans 
Inula  Helenium 
Kochia  scoparia 

Latania  borbonica 
Lavatera  arborea 



Lobelia  Tupa 
Malva  crispa 
Melanoselinum  decipiens 
Melianthus  major 
„          minor 
Meum  athamanticum 
Mulgedium  alpinum 
„          Plumieri 
Musa  Ensete 
Nicotiana,  in  var. 
Onopordon  Acanthium 
Panicum  bulbosum 

„        capillare 

„        virgatum 
Papaver  bracteatum 
Phormium  tenax 
Phytolacca  decandra 
Polymnia  grandis 
Rhaponticum  cynaroides 

„  pulchrum 

Rheum,  in  var. 

Ricinus,  in  var. 
Salvia  argentea 
Seaforthia  elegans 
Silphium,  in  var. 
Silybum  eburneum 

,,       marianum 
Solanum,  in  var. 
Statice  latifolia 
Stipa  pennata 
Thalia  dealbata 
Thalictrum  minus 
Uhdea  bipinnatifida 

„     pyramidata 
Verbascum  Chaixii 
Verbesina  gigantea 
Wigandia  macrophylla 
Zea,  in  var. 
Arundo  conspicua 

A  Selection  of  annual  and  biennial  Plants  useful  for 
the  Subtropical  garden. 

[In  this  list  annual  plants  grown  for  the  beauty  of  the  flower  only 
are  usually  omitted.] 

Adlumia  cirrhosa 
Amarantus,  in  var. 
Argemone  grandiflora 
Artemisia  annua 

Artemisia  gracilis 
Atriplex  hortensis  ruber 
Cannabis  gigantea 

sativa,  and  vars. 


Subtropical  Gardening. 

Chamaepeuce  diacantha 

,,  Cassabonae 

Chenopodium  Atriplicis 
Cosmos,  in  var. 
Gourds,  in  var. 
Euphorbia  variegata 
Glaucium,  in  var. 
Helianthus  argyrophyllus 
Kochia  scoparia 
Martynia  lutea 
Nicotiana  Tabacum 
„         virginica 
Ricinus,  in  var. 
Solanum  erythrocarpum 

Solanum  Fontanesianum 
,,         racemigerum 

Tagetes  tenuifolia 

Silybum  eburneum 
„       marianum 

Chilian  beet 

Brassica  oleracea  crispa 

Dipsacus  sylvestris 

Heracleum,  in  var. 

Malva  crispa 

Onopordon  Acanthium 
,,          tauricum 

Zea,  in  var. 

A  selection  of  Flowers  of  various  classes  for  association 
with  Subtropical  Plants, 

[In  this  selection  the  dwarfer  bedding-plants,  etc.,  are  omitted. 
Those  selected  are  chiefly  such  as  would  bear  more  intimate  associa- 
tion with  fine-foliaged  plants.] 

Alstrasmeria,  in  var. 
Amaryllis  Belladonna,  and 


Gladioli,  in  great  variety 
Sparaxis  pulcherrima 
Lilium,  in  great  variety 
Agapanthus  umbellatus,  in 

the  milder  districts 
Arum  crinitum 

Arum  Dracunculus 
|  Asclepias  Cornuti 
„         Douglasii 
„         tuberosa 
Calla  aethiopica 
Crinum  capense 

„  „         roseum 

Erythrina,  in  var. 
Funkia  grandiflora 



Pancratium  illyricum 

„          maritimum 
Tropseolum  speciosum 
Acanthus  longifolius 
Ac'hillea  Eupatorium 

,,       Millefoliumroseum 
Aconitum,  in  var. 
Ammobium  alatum 
Anchusa  italica 
Anemone     japonica,     and 

„  vitifolia 

Antirrhinum,  fine  vars. 
Asphodelus  luteus 

„          ramosus 
Aster  turbinellus 
,,     pyrenaeus 
„     discolor 
„     ericoides 
,,     Novae  Anglice 
„     Novi  Belgii 
„     coccineus 
,,     Amellus 

„  laevis,  and  any  other 
tall  and  ornamental 

Campanula  pyramidalis 
,,  persicifolia,  and 

,,  latifolia 


Coreopsis  lanceolata 
Crambe  cordifolia 
Delphinium,  in  great  var. 
Dictamnus  Fraxinella 
Digitalis  purpurea,  in  var. 
Echinops    ruthenicus,    and 
any  other  showy  species 
Epilobium  angustifolium 

„         album 
Stenactis  speciosa 
Erodium  Manescavi 
Eryngium  alpinum 

„       amethystinum,  and 

other  species 
Eupatorium  ageratoides 
„  purpureum 

Gaillardia,  in  var. 
Galega  officinalis 
Hedysarum  coronarium 
Helenium  atropurpureum 
Helianthus        multiflorus 

fl.  pi. 

Hemerocallis  flava 
,,  fulva 

* ,  disticha  fl.  pi., 

and  others 

Hesperis  matronalis,  fl.  pi. 
Iris  pallida 
„    De  Bergii 
„    ochroleuca 
„   germanica,  in  var.  and 


Subtropical  Gardening. 

any  other  large  kind. 
Flowering  early,  they 
should  be  associated 
chiefly  with  hardy 
Lathyrus  latifolius,  and 


„         grandiflorus 
,,         tuberosus 
Liatris,  in  var. 
Lobelia    Tupa,     on    well- 
drained,  deep,  and  light 
soils.      Tall   herbaceous 
kinds  in  great  variety 
Lupinus   polyphyllus,    and 
vars.       Largest     annual 

Lychnis  coronaria,  in  var. 
Lythrum  roseum  superbum 

,,        virgatum 
Michauxia  campanuloides 
Mirabilis  Jalapa,  in  var. 
Monarda,  in  var. 
Morina  longiflora 
(Enothera,  all  the  talf  kinds 
Paeonia,  in  great  var. 
Poppy,  in  var. 
Pentstemon,  in  var. 
Phlomis  Herba-venti 
„        tuberosa 

;  Phlox,  taller  kinds,  in  great 

i  Phygelius  capensis,  in  warm 


Polygonatum    multiflorum, 
with  Ferulas  and  other 
hardy  things 
Polygonum  orientale 
Potentilla,  larger  kinds  in 


Pyrethrum,    choice  double 
and  single  kinds 
in  great  var. 
„       uliginosum 
Rudbeckia  Newmanni 

„          hirta 
Salvia  patens 
Saxifraga  crassifolia 
Schizostylis  coccinea 
Scabiosa  caucasica 
Scilla  peruviana 
Sedum  spectabile 

„  „         purpureum 

Spiraea  palmata 
„      venusta 
Statice  latifolia 
Stokesia  cyanea,  on  warm 

soils  in  the  south 
Symphytum  bohemicum 
„          caucasicum 
Thermopsis  fabacea 


Tradescantia  virginica,  and 
its  varieties 

Tigridia  Pavonia,  and  other 

Tritoma,  all  the  kinds 

Trollius  napellifolius 

„      asiaticus,  and  others 

Veronica,  any  tall  herba- 
ceous kinds,  and  in 
southern  and  mild  dis- 
tricts the  varieties  of  the 
evergreen  New  Zealand 

Vinca  major,  on  the  fringes 
of  beds  or  groups  of 
hardy  kinds 

Hollyhock,  in  var. 

Dahlia,  show,  fancy,  pom- 
pone,  and  bedding  vars. 

Verbascum  Thapsus 
„          Chaixii 

Baptisia  australis 

Vernonia  noveboracensis 

Fuchsia,  in  var. 

Datura  ceratocaula 

Abutilon,  in  var. 

Ageratum,  in  var. 

Petunia,  in  var. 

Chrysanthemum,         early- 
flowering  kinds 

Amarantus,  in  var. 

Argemone  grandiflora 

Calliopsis,  in  var. 

Cosmos     bipinnatus     pur- 

Echinacea  angustifolia 
„         atropurpurea 

Hibiscus,  any  of  the  peren- 
nial American  kinds 

Malope,  in  var. 

Matthiola,  in  var. 

Scabiosa    atropurpurea,   in 

French  and  African  mari- 

Xeranthemum  annuum,  and 

Zinnia,  in  great  variety 

China  aster,  in  var. 

Brugmansia  sanguinea 

List  of  Plants  for  forming  mixtures  and  carpets  beneath 
Subtropical  Plants. 

Abronia  umbellata 
Acroclinium  roseum 

Ageratum  mexicanum,  and 

Subtropical  Gardening. 

Alyssum  maritimum 
Anagallis  indica 
Athanasia,  in  var. 
Brachycome  iberidifolia 
Calandrinia  discolor 
Calliopsis  Drummondi 

,,  tinctoria 
China  aster,  in  var. 

Centranthus  macrosiphon 
Clarkia,  in  var. 
Clintonia,  in  var. 
Collinsia,  in  var. 
Convolvulus  tricolor 
Erysimum  Peroffskianum 
Eschscholtzia,  in  var. 
Eucharidium  concinnum 
Eutoca  viscida 
Gaillardia  picta 
Gilia,  in  var. 
Godetia,  in  var. 
Gypsophila,  annual  kinds 
Iberis  coronaria 

„•     umbellata 
lonopsidium  acaule 
Lantana,  in  var. 
Leptosiphon,  in  var. 
Linum  grandiflorum 
Lobelia,    the    dwarf    and 

annual  kinds 

Lupinus  affinis 
Mimulus,  in  var. 
Myosotis  palustris 
„        dissitiflora 
,,        sylvatica 
Nemesia  versicolor 
Nemophila,  in  var. 
Nolana,  in  var. 
Omphalodes  linifolia 
Oxalis  corniculata  atropur- 


Oxalis  rosea 
Petunia,  in  var. 
Portulaca,  in  var. 
Malcolmia  maritima 
Rhodanthe  Manglesii,  and 


Saponaria  calabrica 
Schizanthus,  in  var. 
Silene  pendula 
Sphenogyne  speciosa 
Tropseolum,    the    bedding 


Verbena,  in  var. 
Viola  cornuta 

„     lutea 

„     odorata 
Viscaria  oculata 
Whitlavia  grandiflora 
Tradescantia  zebrina 


Saxifraga,  the  mossy  section 
Gnaphalium  lanatum 

Panicum  variegatum 
Lycopodium  denticulatum 

Trees  and  Shrubs  of  remarkable  foliage  suited  for  the 
Subtropical  garden. 

[The  trees  of  this  Selection  will  for  the  most  part  display  much 
greater  beauty  and  size  of  foliage  if  kept  in  a  dwarf  simple-stemmed 
condition  by  being  cut  down  every  year.  Conifers  are,  of  course, 

Hydrangea  quercifolia 
Comptonia  asplenifolia 
„         Lindleyana 
Paulownia  imperialis 
Acacia  dealbata 
„      Julibrissin 
„      lophantha 
(These    are  only    suited 
for  warm  parts  of  the 
southernmost       coun- 

Ailantus  glandulosa 
Aralia  canescens 
„      japonica 
•„      spinosa 

Bambusa  falcata  and  others 
Berberis  Bealii  and  others 
Chamaerops  excelsa 
Dracaena  indivisa 
Gymnocladus  canadensis 
Lavatera  arborea 
Melianthus  major 

Rhus  glabra  laciniata  and 

Yucca  (in  var.) 

Conifers  (invar.,  small  spe- 
cimens of  the  most  grace- 
ful kinds) 

Ampelopsis  (climbers) 

AristolochiaSipho  (climber) 

Ficus  Carica 

Fraxinus  excelsior  crispa 

Magnolia  macrophylla 

Salisburia  adiantifolia 

Hedera  Regnieriana 

Carya  alba 

„     olivaeformis 

Catalpa  syringsefolia 

Pterocarya  caucasica 

Robinia  hispida 

Rubus  biflorus 
„      laciniatus 

Colletia  (in  var.) 

Gleditschia  (young  plants) 


Siibtropical  Gardening. 

Koelreuteria  paniculata 
Robinia  Pseud-acacia   um- 

Tamarix,  in  var. 

Vines  (American  species) 
Juglans  cinerea 
„       regia 


A  Selection  of  Conifers  for  association  with  flower- 
garden  Plants. 

Abies  pygmaea 

Cupressus  nutkaensis 

Araucaria  imbricata 

Dacrydium  glaucum 

Arthrotaxus      cupressoides 

Juniperus  chinensis 


„      variegata 

„         laxifolia 

„         excelsa  stricta 

Biotia  cupressiformis 

„         fragrans 

„      nana 

„         hibernica 

„      orientalis     elegantis- 

,,         tamariscifolia 


»                   »            va~ 

„      orientalis    variegata 



„        virginiana  viridis 

Cephalotaxus  drupacea 


Chamaecyparis   sphaeroidea 

Retiriospora  ericoides 


„           leptoclada 

„                 sphaeroidea 

„           lycopodiodes 


„           obtusa 

Cryptomeria  elegans 

„                „      aurea 

Cupressus  Lawsoniana 

„                .,         com- 

„                 „         nana 


„                 „         varie- 

„           pisifera 


„                „     alba  va- 

„                „         erecta 



„                 „     aurea 


Taxus    baccata    elegantis- 


„  „        variegata 

Thuja  aurea 

Thuja  gigantea 

„      nana 

Thujopsis  dolabrata 

Conifers  most  suited  for  the  surroundings  of  the  flower- 
garden  and  pleasure-ground — kinds  which,  though  noble 
and  graceful  as  can  be  in  many  instances,  are  yet  too 
large  for  anything  but  the  framing  of  the  picture,  so  to 

Picea  Parson  si 

„     Pinsapo 
Pinus  Cembra 

„     monticola 

„       insignis    (where    it 


Sciadopitys  verticillata 
Thuja  gigantea  (true) 

„      plicata 

„      pyramidalis 
Thujopsis  Standishii 
Sequoia  gigantea 
„       sempervirens 

Abies  Douglasii 

„     Engelmanni 

„     Menziesii  inverta 

,,     Hookeriana 

„     orientalis 
Cephalotaxus  Fortunei 
Juniperus  virginiana  glauca 
„  „  thuri- 


Libocedrus  tetragona 
Picea  amabilis  (magnifica) 

,,     nobilis 

,,     Nordmanniana 

A  Selection  of  Gourds. 

Amongst  the  most  beautiful  are  the  Turk's  Cap  varieties, 
such  as  Grand  Mogul,  Pasha  of  Egypt,  Viceroy,  Empress, 
Bishop's  Hat,  etc. ;  the  Serpent  Gourd,  Gooseberry 
Gourd,  Hercules'  Club,  Gorilla,  St.  Aignan,  Mons.  Fould, 
Siphon,  Half-moon,  Giant's  Punchbowl,  and  the  Mam- 
moth, weighing  from  lyolb.  to  upwards  of  2oolb. ;  while 

238  Subtropical  Gardening. 

amongst  the  miniature  varieties  the  Fig,  Cricket-ball, 
Thumb,  Cherry,  Striped  Custard,  Hen's-egg,  Pear,  Bottle, 
Orange,  Plover's-egg,  etc.,  are  very  pretty  examples,  and 
very  serviceable  for  filling  vases,  etc.  All  these  are  well 
adapted  to  the  climate  of  England,  and  there  are  many 
others  equally  suitable — a  fact  sufficiently  indicated  in 
one  collection  shown  by  Mr.  W.  Young,  which  consisted 
of  500  varieties,  all  English  grown,  the  greater  number  of 
which  were  sown  where  grown,  and  came  to  maturity 
without  the  assistance  of  glass  or  any  other  protection. 
The  ground  being  manured  and  dug  one  spit  deep,  the  seed 
was  sown  the  second  week  in  May,  and  from  first  to  last 
many  of  the  plants  had  no  water  supplied  to  them  through 
the  season.  Others,  by  way  of  experiment,  had  it  in 
various  quantities — the  more  water  was  given,  the  larger, 
the  freer,  and  the  better  the  produce.  Sowing  in  a  frame 
at  the  end  of  April,  and  exposing  them  to  the  free  air 
during  the  day  so  as  to  prevent  them  being  drawn,  and 
then  removing  the  frame  altogether  to  harden  them  off 
before  planting  out,  would  be  the  best  way  to  secure  an 
early  growth  of  gourds.  Sowing  in  the  open  ground 
under  hand-lights  would  also  do,  but  not  so  well. 

Ornamental  Grasses. 

Agrostis  nebulosa  :  Bambusa,  in  var. 

Arundo  conspicua  Elymus  arenarius 



„      versicolor     j  Erianthus  Ravennae 
festucoides  Gynerium  argenteum,  and 

Phragmites  I       its  vars. 



Calamagrostis  argentea 
Poa  aquatica 

„    fertilis 

Saccharum  aegyptiacum 
„  cylindricum 

„          Maddenii 
Stipa  pennata 
Zea  Mays 

Andropogon  argenteus 
,,  bombycinus 

„  formosus 

„  Sorghum 

,,  strictus 

„  squarrosus 

Chloropsis  Blanchardiana 
Gymnothrix  latifolia 
Holcus  saccharatus 
Erianthus  strictus 

„         violascens 
Chloris  myriostachys 
Panicum  bulbosum 
„         altissimum 
,,         capillare 
,,         miliaceum 
„         virgatum 
,,         maximum 
„         palmifolium 
„         gongyloides 

Panicum  violaceum 
Penicillaria  spicata 
Sorghum  cernuum 
„        halepense 
„        melanocarpum 
„        nankinense 
„        tataricum 
Tripsacum  monostachyum 

,,          dactyloides 
Milium  nigricans 
„       multiflorum 
„       effusum 
Bromus  brizopyroides 
Briza  gracilis 
„     geniculata 
„     maxima 
„     rufiberbis 
Hordeum  jubatum 
Pennisetum  longistylum 
Piptatherum  multiflorum 
Agrostis  spica-venti 
Setaria  germanica 
Stipa  capillata 
Chascolytrum  erectum 
Leptochloa  gracilis 
Agrostis  Steveni 
Echinochloa  Zenkowski 
Paspalum  elegans 


Subtropical  Gardening. 

List  of  Ferns  that  may  be  grown  with  advantage  away 
from  the  fernery  proper. 

[Even  should  any  of  these  thrive  better  in  shade,  it  is  usually  easy 
to  secure  this  for  them  in  groups  by  wood- walks.] 

Adiantum  pedatum 
Asplenium  Filix-fcemina  and 


Dennstoedtia  punctilobula 
Diplazium  thelypteroides 
Lastrea  Filix-mas  and  vars. 
,,       Goldieana 
„  „       assurgens 

,,       marginalis 
„       noveboracensis 
„       atrata 
,,       erythrosora 
„       opaca 
,,       Standishii 
Lorn  aria     magellanica,    in 

warm  shady  places 
Onoclea  sensibilis 
Osmunda  cinnamomea 
„          Claytoniana 

Osmunda  regalis  cristata 

„          spectabilis 
Polypodium       hexagonop- 


Polypodium  Phegopteris 
Polystichum  acrostichoides 
„  aculeatum 

„  angulare 

„  vestitum     ve- 

Pteris  aquilina 
Scolopendrium  vulgare  and 

Struthiopteris  germanica 

„  pennsylvanica 

Woodwardia  areolata 


„  japonica 

„  orientalis 

,,  radicans 

Cyrtomium  caryotideum 



List  of  hardy  aquatics  and  bog-plants  of  bold  and  distinct 
habit  suitable  for  grouping  on  the  margins  of  lakes,  etc. 

Nuphar  lutea 
„       advena 
„       pumila 
Nymphaea  alba 

„         odorata 
Menyanthes  trifoliata 
Equisetum  Telmateia 
Rumex  Hydrolapathum 
Typha  angustifolia 

„      latifolia 
Carex  pendula 
„      paniculata 
„      Pseudocyperus 
Scirpus  lacustris 
Butomus  umbellatus 

Poa  aquatica 
Arundo  Phragmites 
Cyperus  longus 
Cladium  Mariscus 
Pontederia  cordata 
Acorns  Calamus 
Iris  Pseudacorus 
Alisma  Plantago 
Orontium  aquaticum 
Lysimachia  thyrsiflora 
Lythrum  Salicaria 
Epilobium  hirsutum 
Calla  sethiopica 

„     palustris 
Hippuris  vulgaris 

THE    END. 



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